Report: Beth Phoenix Leaving WWE

Beth Phoenix is one of only two Divas in WWE who can wrestle with real technical skill. In TNA, every female can wrestle, so she won't truly shine in TNA. I'd stay in WWE if I were her. Look at Gail Kim. She could wrestle and stood out in WWE, but not so much in TNA.


No, the fuck she didn't. Gail Kim was one of the top one or two females in TNA being aligned with America's Most Wanted and feuding with Awesome Kong over the Knockout's Title. Gail Kim in WWE was just another hot body and the only two memorable things she did were botching in a match against Mickie James and eliminating herself from a battle royale.
I think that Beth Phoenix has only stayed around this long, because she was waiting for her program with Kharma. Now that Kharma has been let go, WWE don't have any plans for her.

It is a bad sign for the WWE divas' division that, in the last 18 months, the following divas have left WWE:- Michelle McCool, Kelly Kelly, Kharma, The Bella Twins, and now Beth Phoenix.

It seems that the most screen time for women is reserved for non-wrestlers, (Vickie Guerrero as Dolph Ziggler's manager, and AJ Lee as Raw GM).

Maybe Beth should jump to TNA and join the Knockouts. There would probably be a few more feuds "waiting to happen" there.
Beth is good in the ring, but she's so dull. No personality and that goes for Natalya as well. Past divas like Lita, Trish, and Victoria may not have had the in-ring ability Beth does. However, at least they were more interesting. I liken her situation to Mickie James. Mickie had a great gimmick to start off with, but after that she was just there. Well, off to TNA she probably will go.

She can get a lot of heat if given the opportunity but, as Gail Kim's shoot, backstage management does not want to for the diva's to have heat. With Beth's size and with better people to work with she can be a huge asset to the diva's division.

After all who could forget her epic double torture rack on Mileena and Mickey James.

Speaking of Gail it's such a waste seeing these two no longer in the WWF, if true, I saw their match in Superstars and it was a really good match.
She's leaving cos she is with Edge now and his namecheck at the HOF indicated it was pretty serious. Maybe they are planning marriage/kids etc. Maybe she's seen how happy he is now he isn't part of circus and how her role is diminishing.

Let's face it, she got a good run but she was never gonna be Trish or Lita level of popularity and her only shot at that was feuding with Kharma...
Good. WWE doesn't deserve talented female wrestlers anyway. They have horrible 30 second matches. Two moves and the match is over. Maybe if the Divas actually had matches people would care about 'em. I know TNA's Knockouts Division is dwindling since alot of them have left, but it's still a million times more entertaining than the Divas. So let's hope Beth makes the jump to TNA where she might be put to some good use. But of course that'll just get all the idiots crying "WWE reject." :)

Let's also hope Natalya follows her to TNA. I'd much rather see her there than WWE. Let WWE have all their barbie doll untalented females.
YEah bring her to TNA where there are even less women who actually compete. and who would she fued with? people talk about WWE diva's beind sticks, TNA's aren't exactly amazon's either with exception of ODB and Tara.

just a quick question, who in TNA's womens division has seriously competed repeatedly the last few months? answer Tessmacher and Madison Rayne, that's it. Gail Kim only wrestled to drop the title to Tessmacher.

TNA has squandered just as much female talent that WWE has. Mickey James, Winter, that blonde chick that did a santino to win the knockouts title from Karma, the 2 latino chicks, Karma, Angelina Love. All of those were sure fire hits and they ruined them with poor booking and leaving them hanging when they were at there peak.

Meanwhile as crap as WWE's womens division is atleast there was always 4 people who were getting some air time. I wouldn't though say she should stay there cause obviously they don't want women to have any importance on the show other then eye candy and those that do are not wrestlers they are not even entertainers (sigh). Beth needs to do what's right for her, WWE would give her opportunites to travel and get exposure out of the ring, TNA would throw money at her and give her the title but that's it or go somewhere where Women's Wrestling matters

or maybe she just goes home and enjoys her life
It's a cryin' shame. As much as I'd like to see women succeed in actual ring wrestling, I cringe at the choreographed dance routines put in front of us and wonder if the gals could truly work a match if they were allowed to. Certainly, Beth could and it's tough to watch people like Kaitlyn perform while Phoenix sits on the sidelines......or worse, loses cleanly to Kaitlyn.

I don't know if TNA is the answer. Yes, the women are featured as wrestlers, but unless former WWE gals are in the match, I can't believe so many of you think what they're putting in front of us is actually of good quality. I saw a tag match with Mickie James, Tara, Gail Kim and a "homegrown" TNA'er ....Madison Rayne. Man, was she terrible! Still, if a woman wants to wrestle, she has a better chance in TNA.

But at the last, I have to say: If WWE "doesn't have anything" for a true wrestling technician like Beth Phoenix, it's time to call a halt to lady wrestling and let 'em all be valets, general managers, managers and femme fatales.

If McIntyre needs a valet, I've got someone in mind.;)
I'm not so sure this story is legit as I've yet to see it posted anywhere else except for the site the op named. Anyways if it is legit then I can see Beth Phoenix going to Tna where talented women wrestlers actually get in ring time.
One of the issues is that Beth just doesn't engage the fans very well. I'm not 100% convinced it was her fault, as a lot of the heel divas seem to have trouble in that regard. She is a talented in ring worker, but I'm not sure if TNA is the best option for her. Look at the big names in the KOs division. Most of them show a lot of personality, something Beth has yet to do. Maybe given more of a chance she will but as it stands she has yet to show it.

In today's world women's wrestling doesn't draw like it has at times in the past. In WWE they typically push the gals who are over with the crowd, which is what was happening with Kaitlyn, or the ones involved in extra stuff, like with Eve. Beth did/does neither of those and lets not kid ourselves, she isn't up the the standard of beauty most divas are held to, so if she goes it will be a bit of wasted talent, but I won't dwell on it because stuff like this happens in pro wrestling all the time.
If she is done with WWE, I don't blame her. The Diva's division is pathetic. Chyna, Trish, Lita and their era, the women could actually wrestle. They all had unique looks. They all had that something that made us care about them. It's just a bunch of Barbie-doll types that are pretty much interchangeable that have nothing to care about. Laya, Tamina, and Alicia are the only ones that even remotely stand out and that's because of their ethnic backgrounds. Nataya does somewhat because of her physique.

Beth hasn't been used in so long, I always am surprised and excited when she hits the ramp. Then I'm disappointed that she's been jobbed out to the no-talent clones. I'll admit, I'm a mark for the faces in wrestling. But with Beth, I've always been a huge fan. It'll be sad to see her leave. I don't know if she should sign with TNA, but I imagine she will at some point, unless the KO division keeps going downhill as it's been said to have been.

If Trips really wants the Divas division to get better, letting Beth go is a big mistake. She's one of three that can actually wrestle. Natalya is barely getting any screen time and Tamina seems to have been buried.
Again, "wrestler" refers to "wrestling", i.e. the movements used. When you use the term "wrestler" in reference to a professional "wrestler", you are talking about a technician, one who uses the moves to define his craft, whether or not that individual is great at promos or other things on top of it (Lance Storm, Dean Malenko, Bret Hart, Curt Hennig, etc.)

It's a way of breaking down the broad defining term "professional wrestler" into separate categories. He could have said "technician", which also would have worked, but he just chose to use that defining term. He could have even used the term "in-ring worker". Again, "wrestler" was just his word choice.

Don't be a f'n douchebag. Oh, I forgot, that's impossible for you to do.
Beth in ring work is alright, but she is just too bland and dull. Divas of doom got zero reaction from the crowd. Kharma who had a similar storyline about going after "wwe barbies" was actually getting a reaction from the crowd.
Again, "wrestler" refers to "wrestling", i.e. the movements used.
Completely false. "Wrestler" refers to all aspects of what makes a quality professional wrestler. Limiting that discussion to only movements used is a terribly faulty definition. Outright wrong, to be exact.

When you use the term "wrestler" in reference to a professional "wrestler", you are talking about a technician, one who uses the moves to define his craft, whether or not that individual is great at promos or other things on top of it (Lance Storm, Dean Malenko, Bret Hart, Curt Hennig, etc.)
That's asinine. The only people who ever define a "wrestler" like that are the guys who are acting on screen. In a sense, they are WORKING you to believe what they are saying is true.

It's not. It's part of the show. The idea the quality of a wrestler is defined by his wrestling style is preposterous.

It's a way of breaking down the broad defining term "professional wrestler" into separate categories. He could have said "technician", which also would have worked, but he just chose to use that defining term.
He COULD have, but didn't, at which point he became wrong. To use a parallel example in baseball, we have Pitcher A and Batter B. Pitcher A is a terrible pitcher and Batter B is a great batter. You COULD say Pitcher A is a better pitcher than Batter B, but you would NEVER say Pitcher A is a better baseball player than Batter B.

AJ Lee is a better professional wrestler than Beth Phoenix. In this example, she is Batter B.

He could have even used the term "in-ring worker". Again, "wrestler" was just his word choice.
Again, it was the wrong choice, and that's not even taking into consideration the fact that "in-ring worker" is also not limited to offensive moves. Being a good in-ring worker requires several different skills, not just offensive moves.

Don't be a f'n douchebag. Oh, I forgot, that's impossible for you to do.
Don't be a fucking dumbass. Oh, I forgot....well, you can figure out the rest. Then again, you're a fucking dumbass, so I probably should finish it for you...that's impossible for you to do.

I think Beth could have been a top Diva for a longer time if she would have had other Divas to work with that were stronger in the ring. Injuries were another big set back for her. I would have loved to see her in the ring with Kharma. I just don't think there was enough interested within the company in the Divas division for her to succeed. I guess AJ has gotten herself over, but it wasn't really because of what she has done in the ring. Ultimately I don't think Beth will really be missed as there isn't a whole lot going on with the division lately. If she went to TNA I could easily see her being champ there, but I guess we will have to wait and see.
As much as I'm disappointed on what happened in the diva's division, I really feel bad on Beth Phoenix leaving WWE. It is a fact that she singlehandedly carried the division for years and there is no one that came close for being a worthy challenger. Too bad she emerged in an era with a weak roster of divas. If she only wrestled during the Trish Stratus/Lita era, she could have done more.

now welcome to a pure barbie doll era starring Kelly Kelly and AJ Lee.
As much as I'm disappointed on what happened in the diva's division, I really feel bad on Beth Phoenix leaving WWE. It is a fact that she singlehandedly carried the division for years and there is no one that came close for being a worthy challenger. Too bad she emerged in an era with a weak roster of divas. If she only wrestled during the Trish Stratus/Lita era, she could have done more.

now welcome to a pure barbie doll era starring Kelly Kelly and AJ Lee.

Great, I would love more AJ and less Beth and Natalya.

Let's face it guys, what has Beth Phoenix ever done to be considered an interesting diva? Glamarella? And that had more to do with Santino then her. She is boring. Another Shelton Benjamin. A dime a dozen.
Great, I would love more AJ and less Beth and Natalya.

Let's face it guys, what has Beth Phoenix ever done to be considered an interesting diva? Glamarella? And that had more to do with Santino then her. She is boring. Another Shelton Benjamin. A dime a dozen.

AJ Lee is just an over-acting chick with a crazy gimmick. Her gimmick is so-PG, meaning for kids. And I don't understand why they put her in a GM position wherein that role should be taken seriously. Beth Phoenix is the best diva's wrestler there for years. She dominated and carried the division singlehandedly. I can't imagine what had happened to the already sinking diva's division if she is not even included in that roster. And I can't even understand why you prefer AJ Lee over Beth Phoenix.
AJ Lee is just an over-acting chick with a crazy gimmick.

Crowd sure popped for her a hell of a lot more than they ever have for Beth Phoenix.

Her gimmick is so-PG, meaning for kids.

Still more over than Phoenix has ever been.

And I don't understand why they put her in a GM position wherein that role should be taken seriously.

Would Beth Phoenix be taken seriously?

Beth Phoenix is the best diva's wrestler there for years. She dominated and carried the division singlehandedly.

Has she done anything really memorable since she came to the WWE? Hell, she was most over when she was with Santino. That should tell you a lot. Also, I remember Layla and Michelle McCool in that same division getting heat. I don't think Beth knows what that's like.

I can't imagine what had happened to the already sinking diva's division if she is not even included in that roster. And I can't even understand why you prefer AJ Lee over Beth Phoenix.

They did fine with Layla, Kelly Kelly, and McCool when Beth wasn't much of a factor. Me personally, I prefer divas who are over. Beth doesn't fall into that category.
Great, I would love more AJ and less Beth and Natalya.

Let's face it guys, what has Beth Phoenix ever done to be considered an interesting diva? Glamarella? And that had more to do with Santino then her. She is boring. Another Shelton Benjamin. A dime a dozen.

Maybe if the WWE made her the dominant Diva she is capable of being we wouldn't have this question but once she starts jobbing to Kelly Kelly and having stupid promos "oh were girls and were scared" during The Triple H walkout last year. You begin to wonder how come creative isn't being consistent with developing Beth's character.

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