Best_Sports_Entertainer, you, sir, are a twat.


Sally Section
Red Rep from Best_Sports_Entertainer said:
Quit thinking WWE is the end all, be all.
Dear Sir,

I do not, in fact, think that the WWE is the end all, be all. There are many other excellent wrestling promotions within the professional wrestling sphere, such as Ring of Honor, New Japan, TNA if you have access to a time machine that disobeys the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. However, the WWE is the most successful company within the industry of professional wrestling, by quite a wide margin. There are lessons to be learned in the way they have continually grown as a company in the past twenty years.

The difference between you and I is that you are a passionate fan. You are far more invested in the WWE product than I am. When Seth Rollins does the cool heel thing to beat John Cena, that excites you. I am not immune to the occasional mark-out moment myself; I nearly creamed myself the first time Kevin Owens teased the package piledriver in the WWE. However, this works conversely. Your passion in the WWE has led you to view the villains as legitimate bad guys, because you are jealous of the success they have had, and feel honors such as titles and other titles should go to the good guys, or the good guys that say catchy bad guy things.

This is the mechanism that professional wrestling has used for generations to keep fans invested in the product. Make them hate. Make them angry. Send in the Hero to save the day.

I have been a fan of professional wrestling for much, much longer than you have been. I saw the con long, long ago, but chose to remain a fan because occasionally, someone pulls off the con pretty well. Having figured it out, I can admire an artist when they are about their craft. Actors like Nikki Bella and The Big Show aren't the cool heels, but people react to them every time. They hate. They get angry. The honors and titles that they are getting should be going to someone else. The Hero, perhaps.

To conclude, you, sir, can get sodomized by a pair of razor-studded *****s.

With utmost sincerity,

...It's just red rep from a guy who doesn't even have a full rep bar. I'll give you my 3 points to make up for it though.

EDIT: Never mind, need to spread rep.
Weren't we all there for this fuckboy's take on the Confederate flag, that pushed the boundaries on hot takeitude?

How is this news that he's kind of a moron?
This isn't exactly a revelation. We all knew he was stupid as shit before Crocker took center stage with his persistence.
...It's just red rep from a guy who doesn't even have a full rep bar. I'll give you my 3 points to make up for it though.

EDIT: Never mind, need to spread rep.
Oh, it's not about the rep. He's just a twat.
Torgo started it, but B_S_E showed himself to be a whole other set of stupid in that thread.

Might have also done it in the gay marriage thread too
Actually, both. He used the same form of idiocy in both- "You're wrong, and I don't have to explain it, because I'm a Southerner/Christian, and being a Southerner/Christian means that I don't have to change my mind about anything, so let's agree to disagree. You're wrong, though."
I'm linking him in here. Should be fun.

I'm a 16-year old wrestling fan and Christian that lives in the South.

I realize a lot of people on this site disagree with my opinion. It's just my opinion. I'm not changing my opinion. I'm also not going to force someone to agree with my opinion. If you agree that's great, but if you don't that's fine.

I'll try to speak more logically (in a pro wrestling sense) and keep my religious beliefs to myself (there's really no point).
I'm harsh on BSE but in all fairness he constructs his posts a lot better than others I've seen especially his age, and he does contribute to non spam which is otherwise a relatively dead section most of the time.

None the less I still can't stand him, disagree with just about everything he believes in, and if I had a birthday coming up my wish when I blew out my candles would be for him to get aids and die.

But quite honestly he isn't that bad. I think I'll try not to be as harsh to him.
To be fair you repeatedly answered KB Answers Wrestling Questions after he told you not to, and you have this desire to defend a guy that two weeks ago was talking to his own alts.

I don't think you're a twat. Honestly I don't think you deserve Prison like some have wanted and I think you contribute a fair share in LDs and in the Non Spam section. But the truth is you have shown you can be a little dimwitted.
BSE is lucky he knows how to construct a sentence and didn't fail basic grammar, otherwise the 50-50 split on opinions of him here would be vastly different.
You're an obnoxious little cunt.

I don't think you should be put in the Prison, but you're an obnoxious little cunt.
Because you are a hypocrite and a liar.
I'm a 16-year old wrestling fan and Christian that lives in the South.

I realize a lot of people on this site disagree with my opinion. It's just my opinion. I'm not changing my opinion. I'm also not going to force someone to agree with my opinion. If you agree that's great, but if you don't that's fine.

I'll try to speak more logically (in a pro wrestling sense) and keep my religious beliefs to myself (there's really no point).
This is a valid set of beliefs, for people that can truly live by that code and choose not to inflict their beliefs on others, in exchange for not having other people's beliefs inflicted on them. However, it is also frequently used as an escape mechanism by people who wish to criticize others, while being immune to criticism themselves.
I already explained this; you didn't understand. I can explain it a thousand more times; you still won't understand.

Until you stop thinking WWE is perfect and everything they do is best, you won't understand.

I'm done here.
And this is why you are an obnoxious little cunt. You want the freedom to tell other people that they are wrong, without the responsibilities of having to defend your ideas. You feel that it is enough for you to make a statement, and then it is 'explained', and people have to agree with you because you are 'right'. And if they don't? "Well, that's just my opinion, and I'm not going to listen to you because I won't change it, but you're wrong." In this light, it is amusing that you would try to lecture me about X-Pac heat, because you were still shitting in diapers when the expression was coined.

Which is why you are an obnoxious little cunt. You are dishonest in your arguments. You hold other people to a different standard than you hold yourself.

No one here can force anyone to change their opinion. I cannot put a gun to your head and make you say something you don't presently believe in. But people have this very natural thing that they've been doing since we were drawing wooly mammoths on cave walls, in that we meet, discuss, and try to convince other people of the merits of our ideas. Some people handle this well; they might provide their idea in the context of other ideas from history, or they might provide a demonstration of how their idea works. They defend their ideas against criticism which is directed towards it, and if they're being honest, admit when that criticism is valid.

You, being an obnoxious little cunt, do none of this. You state your idea; tell other people that you have no intention of listening to theirs; then state that their idea is wrong, and you will not discuss why. The thought of "why would anyone want to engage with someone who acts like such an obnoxious little cunt?" does not enter your head.

So when you say "that's just my opinion, and I'm not going to change it", what you mean is that you are expecting people here to listen to you, without reciprocating by listening to other people.

In short, sir, you are both a twat and an obnoxious little cunt.
You were hoping that Cena was seriously injured when he got dropped on his head a couple weeks ago. That's not very Christian of you.

I did sincerely apologize and I don't actually want anyone hurt. Someone's online posts are not a good way to accurately judge what kind of person they are.

In real life, I'm considered real nice and a great person. Online, it's just a pro wrestling forum. Don't take it too seriously.
If anything, online posts are even more accurate at judging how you truly feel. The things you say behind the anonymity of a computer and the things you say in front of people you know and see everyday in real life are a big difference. The things you say here show your true self.
I did sincerely apologize and I don't actually want anyone hurt. Someone's online posts are not a good way to accurately judge what kind of person they are.

In real life, I'm considered real nice and a great person. Online, it's just a pro wrestling forum. Don't take it too seriously.

It may be a wrestling forum but you don't wanna come off being a cunt. ;)

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