Best WWE Couple Ever?

Best WWE Couple Ever?

  • Lita and Matt Hardy

  • Lita and Edge

  • Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage

  • Stephanie and Triple H

  • Other

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id have to go with edge and lita they made a great power couple and i enjoyed them as a tv couple quite a bit even though almost every opponet spent their whole promos calling lita a ****e :disappointed: edge was enjoying his first wwe title run during this time and lita was womens champion for a good amount of time while with edge if i rember right plus the fact i always rember lita was facing maria and edge speared maria...i loved that moment
Defiantly Triple H + Stephanie. They both played their heel roles perfectly and both owned the late 90's. They even had an era named after them, which was IMO, the 2nd best era of all time.
Savage treated his wife like shit for years on screen and she just took it. Then they had one of the best heartfelt moments in WWE and WrestleMania history. I said it before, Savage and Miss Elizabeth. I dare you to find a moment from any of the other couples like Savage and Elizabeth had at WM 7.
Sunny & Bret Hart


Actually I want to see more of The Miz & Maryse together. Maryse always looks like she wants to jump his bones when they were doing stuff together before, and she was suppose to pretend she was disgusted with him. Put them together like the couple they are... It could be just the thing The Miz needs to get over as a face in the future.

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