Best theme music Part 1- UNDERTAKER

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Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
Well I'm very much into music.. Cant really live without it.. Have to have my ipod or walkman with me 24*7 apart from when I have sex or sleep.. That being said I am much into rock as well and naturally the WWE Superstars music also fits my bill.. SOMETIMES..

Themes define the superstar.. They make you take notice.. You hear a note, or a word or a phrase and you know that your favorite or hated ENTERTAINER is coming out.. So I thought that I shall start a series where a we can list the major themes that a guy used and choose which suited him best.. And I shall start off with the legendary, UNDERTAKER..

Now people will claim that "Bells and Thunder" will win this hands down.. And yes, when I was a kid, it sort of used to creep me a bit.. Now I'll say its just a way boring, but I shall also acknowledge that it looks creepy for today's kids as well.. And many people argue that Rollin' and American Badass were good themes too..


1) American Badass
2) Bells And Thunder
3) Big Evil
4) Corporate Ministry
5) Funeral March
6) Rollin'
7) Ministry of Darkness
8) The Darkest Side
9) Grim Reaper
10) You Gonna Pay
Personally The Darkest Side is my favourite Undertaker theme but that might be because I started watching WWE 4 years ago and it's practically the only theme I've watched him come out to on a weekly basis. But I do really like the theme he used for his Wrestlemania entrance this year though (Ain't No Grave - Johnny Cash) and I'm surprised you didn't include that in your list. Other than that my 2nd favourite would have to be his Ministry Of Darkness theme from the late 90s. Gives me goosebumps when I watch old WWF Raw Is War episodes with him coming out to it.
Personally The Darkest Side is my favourite Undertaker theme but that might be because I started watching WWE 4 years ago and it's practically the only theme I've watched him come out to on a weekly basis. But I do really like the theme he used for his Wrestlemania entrance this year though (Ain't No Grave - Johnny Cash) and I'm surprised you didn't include that in your list. Other than that my 2nd favourite would have to be his Ministry Of Darkness theme from the late 90s. Gives me goosebumps when I watch old WWF Raw Is War episodes with him coming out to it.

Not that much into Johnny Cash.. Like the lyrics more than the vocals, but not exactly my taste.. That being said my personal favorite is also the Darkest Side.. :)
For me its Your Gonna Pay back in 2003, it just suited his unique gimmick back then, plus I used to always get exited when Taker' used to get pissed at someone like Cena back when he was a punk rapper, he would come out and the theme just gets you in the mood to see Taker' whoop some serious ass.
First off let me just say that i love the topic, and hopefully the series will continue! Now to business. For me, Ministry of Darkness takes the cake ALL day! First, it's one toll of the bell, then you here the Undertaker chanting something VERY creepy, then a dark rock and roll chord comes in with bells and Taker still chanting!!! Then, at WM 15, they took it to an even darker level by having him say, "accept the lord of darkness as your savior" and "allow the purity of evil to guide you". As a Christian, it's kind of offensive, but it further let's me know that the Undertaker is nobody to mess with!!! Plus, this theme featured Taker in his prime. Pure bad ass (pun intended)!
His very first theme was called "Funeral March". And it's still the best to this day. It's genuinely creepy.

The worst is DEFINITELY "You're gonna pay". Terrible. Just terrible. Having the Undertaker come out to some bland top 40 rock band like Theory of A Deadman was a terrible decision. Although as horrible and generic as that gravely voiced band was, theyre still better than Limp Bizkit. (shutter at the thought)

The Johnny Cash video they put together during the feud with Shawn Micheals was top notch. Gret fit. The man in black. It just works. Cash is the best. But the best Taker theme is still his first, "Funeral March"
For me, Ministry of Darkness, no contest. One gong, Undertaker speaking like Lucifer, and the dark, possibly C tuning guitar coming in. Brilliant. Not only is it the coolest theme he ever had, but you'd think in reality, it would fill his opponents with such dread and fear. I also liked Big Evil. It just put you in the mind of a badass. It had a "he's gonna fuck you up" to it.
Of the five I have heard, Darkest Side wins followed by Ministry of Darkness in a close second. What made the Ministry theme for me was when he hung the Big Boss Man. To hear the the song playing with the Undertaker chanting as the steel cage starting to go up taking Boss Man with it was just perfect. But, Darkest Side wins due to it being just an instrumental song and fit his slow walk to the ring.

Ain't No Grave is the worst one, IMHO. The lyrics fit Undertaker, but the song itself didn't. If WM 27 was the last we seen of the Undertaker, what a horrible theme to go out on. If he does come back for WM28, I hope they go back to The Darkest Side and give Undertaker a better send off.

1) The Darkest Side
2) Ministry of Darkness
3) You Gonna Pay
4) Rollin'
5) Ain't No Grave
Parts of American Bad Ass really worked well with him but if you listen to the words it fit someone like The Godfather better cause "Pimpin Ain't Easy"!! With that said, Bells and Thunder is classic and the best suited for Taker.
I think as the 'Deadman' character it has to be The Darkest Side with the druids at the beginning...i know it might seem a bit goofy these days but it still gives me chills everytime i watch his Wrestlemania 23 entrance.
As the Biker Taker it is American Badass with the creepy girls saying, 'Are you scared?? He's here!!' Fit the Badass character perfectly.
My favorite by far is the one from the late 90s, his Ministry theme, I loved the version with him speaking in tongues at the beginning.. it was good stuff :)
Ministry of Darkness.
Of all of his roles, when he headed the Ministry as their dark lord, it's what I think of when I think Taker.

The theme fit his entrance so well, starting out slow, until he entered then being intense, and I'd venture to say, his music sold him as a supernatural phenom, the way it turned ghostly right when he the ring, it just fit everything from movement to personality of him perfectly.
My favorite was back in 2003 when he used You Gonna Pay. It suited the character he played and I loved when it played and he rode his motorcylce down to the ring. His theme songs always suite whichever gimmick he is playing perfectly, but that was my fav.
I liked the Judgement Day 2000 return theme with: "As I lay me down to sleep, I pray my soul is mine to keep..." Got us into his new gimmick; but we knew he was still a sadistic mofo!
Ministry of Darkness was pure genius too! it optimised what he had become. A dark leader. King of evil.
He'll always be remembered for bells and thunder though.
Ministry of Darkness. I liked his satan's worshiper gimmick, especially the way the Undertaker would "sacrifice his victims" on his symbol.
My favorite is without a doubt "Rollin'" seeing as I was a HUGE Limp Bizkit fan back when I was 12 and their songs still give me great memories. It also fits Taker pretty well, specially when riding with a motorbike to the ring.
His original music is and will always be the best. That's how he will be remembered. The gong, the mist, the darkness....long live the Undertaker.
The corporate ministry theme by far.

I downloaded this tune just to hear it even while driving and such. My second favorite is the one he's used for the past couple years, the one with the gong, then thunder, and then the Funeral March into western stand-off music. It's a great entrance. My third favorite is his newest Johnny Cash one. I'm a metal music dude, but, the music is perfect for the whole "Last Outlaw" gimmick he's doing. I hope you the O.P. is gonna do a Kane one next.
I liked The ministry Taker music. Its just creepy as shit and fits his character well IMO. In a closish second is the one Taker has used for the past 4-5 years(Dont know the name, it starts with the gong) because it is instantly recognisable and 'sends goosebumps down your spine'
My personal favorite is The Ministry theme song. But in terms of fitting his character the best, I'd go with The Darkest Side. The Darkest Side is cold and has that creepy feel to it. But The Ministry Theme has that "I'm about to kick your ass" feel to it.
Personally my favourite was You're gonna pay, all you would is the footsteps then "DEADMAN WALKING" the music suited Taker So well during his Big Evil Gimmick, which I still believe to be a brilliant Gimmick
I liked the grim reaper music he came out to before he changed it to johnny cash. It was so powerful sounding and the lights and smoke and fire made it even better. They still have it but the new song does not fit it as well. I like that the song describes him well but i just do not like his new theme song at all, i liked the old one much better.
I absolutely loved "rollin" i think it was a mix of hate, anger, and punishment which pretty much sums up Undertaker.
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