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Best smack talker/most charismatic wrestler ever?

Capt. Charisma

Getting Noticed By Management
Who is the best smack talker in the history of WWE? I would have to say the Rock, he always had the crowd in the palm of his hands. Anyway im staking his claim to this honour with this video i found, i have never, (and the rock means never) seen someone own the crowd as much as he did here- this is the night after No way out 2003, where he beat hulk hogan, he was a smackdown superstar at this point enjoy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THx6pWud4ho

My top 5 smack talkers in WWE history,
1. The Rock
2. Christian (Cage)
3. Jericho
4. Stone cold, just for the "what" it was hillarious when he first started doing it
5. Kurt Angle
Vince McMahon. Especially when he's feuding with his own family members. Any McMahon vs. McMahon feud calls for awesome, hilarious promos. "I will never forgive your mother for giving birth to you!"
im gonna go ahead and say that the two best are the rock and chris jericho. The rock definetely being the best of the two. Anythin he does is funny
The top-five is really easy to give, this is in no particular order :

1) The Rock
2) Chris Jericho
3) Stone Cold
4) Vince McMahon
5) Triple H

Edge and Christian are very good as well, and I think in the near future we can put Ken Kennedy in that list too.
Stone Cold Steve Austin. Whenever he speaks, the crowd is nuts.
Shawn Michaels, Rick Flair, Rowdy Piper, Jake the Snake, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash just to name a few. Cant forget about the old timers.
you fucking idoit, shut te fuck up were talking about the greatest smack talkers of all time, and you bring up Cena...batista, and lasley. They are shite, face it. All of them look shit in the ring, but to top it off you say tat Cena is a beter smack talker than the rock, why do you think no-one put that... because your wrong. This was a serious thread but you piece of shit cena fan had to make it into a joke, Cena is not a good smack talker, he says the same shit eery time ill never back down- blah blah blah, im a marine because i stole stone colds part in a wwe movie wah wah wah wah. the guy is a joke he is a babyish carracheter that unless your under should be asamed for liking, why dont you and eery other cena fan just grow up?
you fucking idoit, shut te fuck up were talking about the greatest smack talkers of all time, and you bring up Cena...batista, and lasley. They are shite, face it. All of them look shit in the ring, but to top it off you say tat Cena is a beter smack talker than the rock, why do you think no-one put that... because your wrong. This was a serious thread but you piece of shit cena fan had to make it into a joke, Cena is not a good smack talker, he says the same shit eery time ill never back down- blah blah blah, im a marine because i stole stone colds part in a wwe movie wah wah wah wah. the guy is a joke he is a babyish carracheter that unless your under should be asamed for liking, why dont you and eery other cena fan just grow up?

...uh, let me refresh your memory for a second, you just asked what people's opinions were on the best smacktalker, and if someone wants to say Cena, then someone says Cena. WrestleZone is not a communist nation, and therefore people have the right to their opinion. It's people like you that make me sick, when people are like "oh whats your favourite music genre" and someone replies with rap. Then that person is like "OH RAP SUCKS, YOU LISTEN TO SHITTY MUSIC BLAH BLAH BLAH". It's not them who has to grow up, its you. Why don't you just grow up and accept the fact someone likes the guy, not everyone shares your opinion. If you hate him so much, then quit watching WWE because he's going to be around the WWE for a while. So if you want to ask, why dont you simply put, "No Cena".

Anyways best smacktalkers are:

1 - Vince McMahon
2 - The Rock
3 - Edge
4 - Orton
5 - Mr. Kennedy
The best smack talker EVER, is EASILY, The Rock! And I was at that RAW where he disses the Maple Leafs etc, (the video you linked in ur post)
The best smack talker would easily be THE Rock because of all the promos he has cut on just about everyone. Including the one on Billy Gunn after King of the Ring. Its on youtube and called the Rock mix. But right behind him I would put HBK in the 90's especially the early DX one with him humpin the canadian flag and just for his overall attitude.
Shawn Michaels, Rick Flair, Rowdy Piper, Jake the Snake, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash just to name a few. Cant forget about the old timers.

Definitely agree with you big sexy...You forgot Dusty Rhodes though. If any of you have seen the Dusty Rhodes DVD, those who haven't need to pick this up and watch the promos disc. The war with Flair around 1985 I think it was produced some of the best promos put together that even rival some of the stars of the 90s. I am not disagreeing at all of the talents of Rock, STSA, Jericho.

Top five of all time:
Stone Cold
ha well actualy, it pisses me off because 99% of normal fans actualy give a reason why they think a particular wrestler is a good smack talker. But when it comes to a hyped up cena fan its all 'heyyy rapper, John Cena' ill say what i want about Cena fans, and your been a hypocrit for saying that i cant say that. I just thought the majority of people would have a long enough memory to remember past the last 3 years, and the tyrinical reign of Cena been forced down every guys thorats. And who are you to to tell me to stop watching WWE? your such a hypocrit your unbelieveible, now Cena fans stop hi-jacking the thread and lets just talk about whos the best smack talker, if you want to say Cena fine just give reasons, and dont just exclusivly talk about Cena.
I would believe that some are The Rock, Stone Cold, Ric Flair, Triple H, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, Dusty Rhodes and Shawn Michaels. All those guys probably have more charisma than anybody else. Of course, you can't forget guys like Edge or Christian, but those are some of my favorites.
Stone Cold Steve Austin. Whenever he speaks, the crowd is nuts.

The same could be said about Vince McMahon, except they go nuts in a different fashion, lol.

You know, it's funny how apparently everyone around here allegedly dislikes Vince a lot for what he's done with WWE lately, but you guys can't seriously tell me you're not glued to your sets when he's talking, or you're not excited when he comes out for the first time in a little while (after a hiatus or something).

He's so funny and so entertaining in the ring still, and the dude is over 60!
best smack talker ever might be a tie between y2j and the rock. most charismatic? without a doubt. the legend- MACHO MAN RADNY SAVAGE!

lol Thank you, somebody had to say it, the Macho Man baby! Ric Flair is definately a favorite as well, he had a heart attack cutting a promo on nitro once lol. (Shoot or not I don't know, still extremely entertaining)

Without a doubt the current smacktalker is Christian Cage ( I almost lose bowel control when he says "I'll buy ya a hotdog like a couple of Bro-Hams") and best of all time goes to the Rock.

As far as Vince goes, DEFINATELY an awesome personality and great to watch, there's no denying it, but the way he is burying wrestling right now is brutal.

Honorable mention goes to Mick Foley, I thought his promos over the years as both Cactus and Mankind and later as himself when he feuded with Flair were spectacular.
There have been alot of pretty good charasmatic smack talkers in the WWE over the years. The Rock, Chris Jericho, HBK, Edge & Christian (they were the best when they were together), Mr. Kennedy, Randy Savage, Ric Flair. I don't know that I could pick who was the best because they all have unique styles.
dont forget about bret hart, he was great with his anti-american heel run at the end of his WWF career.
I don't know, I never really liked his mic skills (Bret). His interviews/promos always just seemed kinda sloppy and baddly put together if you ask me.
I must say one of my favourite smack talkers has to be Shawn Michaels.

The man can talk smack with the best of them. I am a huge fan of his promos, I personally think they are awesome, especially some of his promos where he shoots on someone. (prime example being the post-Wrestlemania 23 RAW:

This match wasn't about screwjobs . . . and definately wasn't about a handshake to show good sportsmanship BROTHER....

I know I'm a notorious HBK mark, but I seriously do consider him one of the best smack talkers there is.

And of course, no one can talk about Smack Talkers without mentioning the Great One himself . . The Rock!!
1. The Rock-the absolute best
2. Ric Flair-stylin and profilin
3. The American Dream Dusty Rhodes-"i've wined and dined with kings and queens, and slept on alleys and ate off pork and beans"
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin- "What?"
5. Shawn Michaels- as a heel he talked maddd shit
6. Mr. Perfect- his shit-talk was perfect too
7. Hulk Hogan- "Well ya know, Mean Gene"
8. Chris Jericho-he always entertained the crowd
9. Kurt Angle-promos could be funny, serious, intense. It's damn true!
10. JBL-very underrated shit-talk

^^Macho Man? A lot of times we couldn't even understand him.
Here's my top ten, this is only MY Opinion of MY personal favorite's....

1. The Rock: Will probably go down as the best ever on the mic, he had it all, he was funny, entertaining, witty, quick, could do more serious style promo's, like I said he truly was The Great One well at least on the mic.

2. Stone Cold: I think people don't give him the credit he deserves mic talent wise, IMO SCSA was just as good on the mic as Rock, they both are truly great at catching the attention of the fans, which puts Ol' Steve 2nd on my list.

3. Eddie Guerrero: Say what you want IMO Eddie was excellent on the mic and one of the best talkers ever, Eddie could stir a crowd with the best of them and deserves to be mentioned alot more than he has.

4. Kurt Angle: Bar none one of the best talkers ever to grace an mic, it's really scary how quick Kurt became so super talented at everything in wrestling, when they say "Natrual" Kurt's picture should be there, much like the guys i've named so far Kurt can sway a crowd and is just plain one of the best.

5. Chris Jericho: IMO he also didn't get the respect he deserved as good as he was on the mic, Jericho had that "X" factor that is a must if you want to be a great talker.

6. Gregory/Sugar Shane/Hurricane Helms: Again say what you want but Helms is one of the best talkers EVER in wrestling, he has a natual charisma that rarely gets the chance it truly deserves to shine do to WWE's bad decision making and total disreguard of smaller talent, I know must of you will disagree but IMO everytime Helms touches an mic it's gold.

7. Shawn Michaels: Back when he was a heel Michaels was byfar the most entertaining character of his era IMO, and even now at certain points I can see and hear those glimmers of former greatness, don't get me wrong HBK is still great on the mic but nowhere near the level he was at in the past.

8. Triple H: HHH knows how to get it done on an mic but the reason he's dropped so far down on my list is because some of his promo's are repeated and predictable, but evertime he delivers an entertaining and somewhat fresh take on the same promo which is a skill in it's self.

9. John Cena: You can say whatever you want about Cena but the true fact is; he is a very entertaining guy, love him or hate him, he is one of the best talkers in WWE history.

10. Vince McMahon: I don't think you can have a list without him, he is one of his best creations, Vince is highly entertaining whenever he chooses to speak on an mic, but the reason he's dropped sofar down my list is because some of the times he take's shit way over the top which i'm not an fan of.
My top

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin: I thought this guy was amazing. No one could work the crowd like he could. His interviews were often short and sweet, but to the point and got the job done.

2. The Rock: Probably more energetic then SCSA, but steve is slightly better. Some of the stuff that this guy came up with is insane. The Jabroni Beating Pie Eating line is great.

3. Chris Jericho: "Welcome to Monday Night Jericho" Jericho stood out like a daisy in a pile of shit in WCW. He was insanely good on the mic and out shined everyone. Jericho could work a crowd like few others could.

4. Rowdy Roddy Piper: Piper's Pit, need i say more. This guy could piss anyone off whenever and however. His ring skills lacked, but his mic skills pissed people off enough to counter act that.

5. Shane Douglas: Cut the fucking music. This man was insane on the mic in ECW. He got the crowd into a riot mode in just one sentance. A True shame he never worked out well in WWE.

6. Mr. McMahon: Come on, the guy is absolutly great. He's stupid as crap, but the character is just wonderful.

7. Mick Foley: His ECW Cactus Jack stuff is insanely good. He comes off as perhaps the smartest person behind a microphone.

8. Arn Anderson: No matter how outlandish Terry or Ric were cutting Horseman interviews, Anderson brought the seriousness to it. You could be laughing your ass off with Flair having a heart attack, but then Arn would speak and you would listen.

9. Triple H: Just a pure asshole. His face stuff is considerably weaker then his heel work though. As a heel, you hated this man and wanted to see him get his ass whooped.

10. Ric Flair: he had heart attacks cutting promos, need i say more.

Honorable mention
Hogan: Just to simple though
HBK: He was an ass, but I always thought his heel promos rambled on a little bit too long.
Mine would have to go:

1) The rock
2) Jericho
3) Austin
4) Flair in the past, now it's just lots of repeated 'woo's' and literally nothing else
5) vince
6) Mick Foley
7) Edge and christian together
8) Angle
9) Dusty Rhodes
10) Khali

ahah. no, my number 10 would have to be cena with his rap gimmick. Now he's just clichéd and boring.

Oh and captain charisma guy, in what way was he being hypocritical before? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I personally don't like hulk hogan who wasn't exactly the best wrestler either but I don't screw at people for mentioning him. When he first came to wwe, cena was entertaining and despite limited in ring skills, he's still great on the mic.
Shawn Michaels all da way. he iz startin 2 show dat he iz goin back 2 his ruthless trash-talkin wayz n personally i cant wait 2 see if he's gonna turn heel and just beat da hell outta Cena. he's da reason i tune into 2 RAW everyweek. HBK all da way!!

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