Is Punks "best in the world" gimmick getting lame?

It's a good phrase that really helped him in the last year or so. 434 days as champ suggest he is the best in the world. This, however, could result in a storyline. Maybe after all these losses he could have a small feud with Axel before returning to Brock. If he stopped calling himself the "best in the world" until he beat Brock or won a World Title it could actually lead to him becoming more interesting and giving his chase a slight edge.
Its definitely become passe. Especially after last night, its evident that the name is no longer necessary to attract people to a Punk rivalry. It worked great with Cena and Jericho because those are two other men who have gone by the same nickname at some point in their careers. Punk not being a tweener or a heel anymore, doesnt need to be as boastful as he was back then. I wouldn't get too stuck on the name, seeing as it doesnt accurately describe Punk, no matter how accomplished he is, and it speaks to a different time in Punk's career.
No. It's not really a gimmick, it's just a thing attached to him. He wrestles the best matches. "Best in the world" isn't much different than "show stopper". Don't take it so literally, it's about his performance. Plus that huge title reign he had kinda backs it up.
*** Are you STUPID? lol cm punk is weak, and has lost nearly every match in 2013 " SAY SOMETHING STUPID!"
If you could just in my all stupidness explain to me how is he comed out weak if he is booked in high profile matches to look strong and(except those 2 matches with Rock) all other 3 matches could easyly be candidates for Match of the Year? :)

Just because he lost doesnt mean that he is weak. Cena is the face of WWE and perhaps most strongly booked men in terms of winning/losing(as face of WWE should be) yet he lost nearly every high profile match he had last year. Was he weak last year too just because he lost every now and then? :)
If you actually listen to punk speak in this Lesnar feud, yes he still says he's the best in the world, but he's pushing more that he's this relentless, vengeful man that wants to get Paul and everyone associated with him.

And also I agree with everyone else, the man has put on 3 MOTY candidates this year
Cena on RAW for his WM title shot
Undertaker at WM
And now Lesnar at summeslam

The man can quite easily out across a case of being the best in the world because he puts on the best matches in the world today, never mind his 434 DAYS as WWE champion.

No, he hasn't gotten stale, this is ridiculous as a statement.
If you actually listen to punk speak in this Lesnar feud, yes he still says he's the best in the world, but he's pushing more that he's this relentless, vengeful man that wants to get Paul and everyone associated with him.

And also I agree with everyone else, the man has put on 3 MOTY candidates this year
Cena on RAW for his WM title shot
Undertaker at WM
And now Lesnar at summeslam

The man can quite easily out across a case of being the best in the world because he puts on the best matches in the world today, never mind his 434 DAYS as WWE champion.

No, he hasn't gotten stale, this is ridiculous as a statement.

To say it in the middle of a ring infront of the cameras and a large crowd, after loss after loss after loss is ridicilous in my opinion. He needs to drop it.

To go on to TV shows, radio shows, speak to magazines etc he can say this all day long as he does have a point as you have just pointed out. Phil Brookes has a case for saying he is the best in the world, CM Punk doesn't anymore.
They're catchphrases that wrestlers say. It's in accordance to their gimmicks/characters. CM Punk going out there and saying he is the best in the world is just part of his character. Also, just because he calls himself the best in the world doesn't mean he has to always win. He can be the best in the world by performing at top level and by looking at his matches, that's exactly what he does. It doesn't matter how many top names he's lost to this year. What matters is that he was able to have matches with those top names and deliver quality. Kane can lose every single match and he could still say "I'm the devil's favourite demon" and I would believe it, because he's so good at portraying his character. He looks and plays the part amazingly. The same can be said for Undertaker. The same can be said for Bret Hart. Bret Hart called himself "the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be" and I believed it because his moves were so fluidly executed and he was able to tell such a great story in the ring. It didn't matter if he lost 'cause for the majority of the match, he made you believe he was exactly what he said he was. So no, I don't think Punk's gimmick is getting lame. I still think it fuels his fire and all of his work in recent memory has been his best. He has been able to sustain hype and believability without coming across as corny. In fact, as someone that held the WWE Championship for 434 days, I think it's very difficult to make him look weak now even with a string of losses.
Quite simply put, no. The nickname "best in the world" is what CM Punk is known for and people identify with that because Punk is one of the best currently. Like others have pointed out it is part of the hype package that all superstars have that puts them over with fans.
The problem here is people taking catchphrases to be literal. It's just an expression like when Rock called himself the great one, or the people's champ, or when Jericho calls himself the best in the world at what he does. Everyone's allowed to boast.

Now if Punk became Zach Ryder or something like that down the line than I could see a problem with the whole best in the world thing, but so long as Punk is a main eventer (which he still is) than its justified. Bret Hart didn't stop being The Best there is was and ever will be when he was feuding with guys like Yankem, Hakushi or Lawler.
Context people. Context.

Where does the saying originate from? The first time we heard it from Punk was the famous "shoot" promo on the ramp. When he said "I am the best professional wrestler in the world" he was taking a shot at Cena for being limited. The next line was about him being the best "in that ring, on this microphone, hell I'm even the best on commentary." THAT is what he means when he says "Best in the world". When he claims it, it's more than just wins and losses and it's more than what he does from bell to bell.
What surprised me more than anything was that Punk's signature line was so close to what Chris Jericho had been telling us about himself the past few years ("The best in the world at what I do.")

In the end, though, it didn't make much difference because Punk was delivering the goods in the ring and on the mic, as did Jericho. Of course, it could also be seen as a passing of the torch from the "old best" to the "new best" since Jericho's career had taken a marked turn while Punk was gaining prominence. This was evident when the two met in a series of "Punk is a closet alcoholic" matches that had no clear winner (that will teach them to start a major program with Jericho......when he's leaving, he's leaving).

Meanwhile, Punk can go on calling himself the best in the world. As has been pointed out in this topic, plenty of performers have stuck with tag lines for a long, long time. Fans love to identify with slogans.

Meanwhile, Punk came out on the bottom of his short feud with Brock Lesnar and we haven't heard him disclaim his slogan yet, because he apparently still figures it applies to him.

I won't protest until I see Punk talking about his "24 inch pythons" or "staying true to my little Punksters."..........and if he ever starts describing his straight-edge lifestyle by telling us to "Say our prayers and eat our vegetables" ....I'll find something else to do with my Monday nights.
People take metaphors for characters too literal. Even though a strong case could be made for Punk being "the best in the world" that nickname is mostly for the character. In the world of pro wrestling & entertainment you have to believe in yourself and that is what Punk's catchphrase embodies in my view.

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