The True "Best In The World"

I've never understood the Jericho love as he used to bore me and was one of the main reasons I stopped watching Smackdown when I did. But the guy's obviously got something though as he's pretty popular amongst internet fans. As for CM Punk, I've not seen enough of his work to really evaluate him. I watched his feud with Jeff Hardy but haven't seen much before or after that.

But if we're being honest neither guy can really claim to be the "Best in the World". There's this dude called Kurt Angle and he would wipe the floor with both of them. If you're talking "Best in the WWE" then maybe they could stake a claim. Although I can't really answer that as I'm not too familiar with their current roster, but from what I did see a couple of years ago I would tend to say Randy Orton was the "Best in the WWE".
You see my name right? You already know who I'm picking. He's literally been the best for about 10 years now, no question. Epic feuds, epic entrances at times. He has an awesome submission finisher, AND a nice high impact one as well. That's why I pick... Chris Jericho.

Don't get me wrong, I've been a huge punk fan since he first came into WWE. But jericho is in the greatest of all time catigory. Punk is not even close yet. Jericho just knows more. He has more in ring skill. That's not opinion its fact. Read his book, watch his dvd. He wrestled in canada, mexico, germany, japan, and the us. Each of which are the biggest countries in the world for wrestling, each have their own distinctive style. Jericho has masteres all of them, and molded them into one style, his style. The only two people who are in the same category as chris jericho from an in ring standpoint are bret hart, and michaels.

You already know about the mic work.

Its jericho. By far imo.
Did Kurt Angle die or something? He would kill both of them in any match any time! Hes the best easily.

Jericho= Superior career.
CM Punk= On fire/hottest thing in wrestling in the longest time.

If i had to pick between them, then CM punk wins since hes still wrestling. But if jericho came back, then he wins.
But Kurt Angle kills them both overall.
Did Kurt Angle die or something? He would kill both of them in any match any time! Hes the best easily.
But Kurt Angle kills them both overall.

Agreed! I wish Angle would go back to WWE, but I know that will probably never happen. To stay on topic, between the two I would go with Jericho. Don't get me wrong I am a Punk guy through and through, he has been my favorite wrestler since his ROH days, I just feel between the two Jericho is superior. Jericho's matches with Angle and Benoit rank up there as some of the best matches I have ever seen and nobody can cut a promo like him period. Punk is hot right now, he has a huge internet following and he is making older viewers tune in again. Not to knock Cena, but I wish he had somebody better on the mic to work this program with. Cena's promos somehow make me lose interest in anything quick.
Both Jericho and Punk are evenly matched in both of their unique qualities, i cant choose, i think both are the definition of near perfection in this business.
based on the fact punk is still gonna do more in his career (and as of right now for all we knw jericho could be done wrestling) and the fact hes won back 2 back mitb matches im gonna go with cm punk as the true best in the world
so reading some of the peoples picks for the true best in the world, and really Punk and jerico are the best you can come up with are we talking pass present wrestlers, Shawn Michelles has always put on a great match, Chris Benoit love him or hate him wrestled in many promotions put on great matches, stone cold same thing, Rick Flair, for years have entertained many before some of these guys even laced up a pair of boots, how about Triple H, there are so many guys who can be called the best in the world because of the years they have been in the business what they have given to it, John Cena, been in it for a bit does a lot of charity work that you never see.

Hulk Hogan for many will say is the best the list, yeah now people knock him and say he can not wrestle and so on, Bret Hart another one that was the best.

everyone will have a different name for good reason, rey Mysterio been in it for a long time and for a little guy can pull off some amazing matches, Jeff hardy before all his drug problems came up was considered amazing.

Naming the best in the world is not easy when there are so many with many different things they have done
I think out of the two, Jericho would be the overall pic if you were comparing them over the time of their entire careers thus far, however, certainly at this moment in time, it is CM Punk, this guy is on fire and has re-ignited the flame of the WWE that had well and truly gone flat in recent months.

The thing is, Jericho has kind of ran his course in my opinion and ran out of ideas on what to do with his character...and that's not to mention the fact that he is starting to look like he is ready to hang up the gloves soon.

CM Punk is currently in his prime and still has plenty time left in wrestling to go on and do much greater things than he has already achieved. In my eyes, he is one of the very few reasons I am still tuning in to WWE, because he is full of great ideas, tonnes of charisma, cuts a great promo, puts on a great match and the list goes on. He is what the WWE has been crying out for now for so long.....a SUPER face!
Ask that question again in about 5 years, and the debate might be a close one. I have issue with Punk using the title "best wrestling in the world", but he's not Chris Jericho. He's been in the spotlight and had success with it once, and there's still time for him to fail, or for the machine to fail him. I like CM Punk. His character is real, refreshing, and exactly what the WWE needs right now. But to even suggest that he is better than Chris Jericho was, or is, is kinda ridiculous. Yes he won Money in the Bank...twice. How did that actually work out for him though? Punk has the potential to be one of the greatest of all time. I think he can pull out a great, classic match with just about anybody on the roster or off the roster. He could probably make a Michael Cole fight entertaining... But he's not Chris Jericho.

I am HUGE mark for Jericho. So yes, you have to look at my opinion through that perspective. But I think realistically, Jericho is just better. He claimed to be "the best in the world at what he did", and you really couldn't argue with him. At least in the WWE, there was none better than Chris Jericho from 2008-2010.

CM Punk got his opportunity last month at Money in the Bank. It was clear Match of the Year quality and the whole angle has put him on the map. This is what Jericho did with Shawn Michaels almost a decade ago. That where Jericho went from being an excellent mid-card star with potential for so much more, to a future Hall of Famer. That is where the magic started happening. CM Punk is just starting to capture a little bit of that magic, and if used correctly he may even be better than Jericho...maybe. One day.

But right now Chris Jericho is the true "best in the world". You want to talk indie work and their rise to the WWE that's fine. Jericho had ECW and WCW, while Punk had Steel, Mid-South, and ROH. Both of them worked their asses off and travelled around multiple countries just trying to get a show so they could eventually make it to the big time. But Jericho was there 5 years before Punk got started, and because of the age and experience difference, you have to give Punk more time to earn the title "best in the world". Jericho has drawn with almost every main eventer the business has had to offer int he past decade. He has put on classics with Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Triple H, Steve Austin, the Rock, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Chris Benoit, and Edge.

Punk has some classics under his belt, but I personally think he has a LONG way to go before anybody looks at him and says he's better than Chris Jericho was.
Neither Punk nor Jericho, talent wise, for me personally. That title still belongs to Bryan Danielson. I'm sorry, but to the guy who says Richards and Aries don't tell in the ring, you're obviously blind. Did you not watch Richards' matches at all this year? They're brilliantly executed from start to finish. Think again, my friend.
CM Punk IS the Best in the World, right now.

Some people are tossing out the name Kurt Angle. I'm not going to downplay his abilities because he's in TNA which isn't the "big leagues"; but if you're not wrestling the best in the world then you can't possibly be the best in the world and Angle is NOT, by any means, wrestling the best in the world. TNA marks can love TNA to death, they can give praise to all their wrestlers, but WWE is THE company.. and their wrestlers are true stars, with names like Cena, Orton, Undertaker, and Mysterio. Angle's great, but he's now out of the bright lights.

Others (like Kevin Kelly) are saying Davey Richards from Ring Honor.. and to them I say, "You're out of your f'cking mind". Richards' is a great technical wrestler and puts on great technical matches, but there's a hell of a lot more to being labeled the BEST IN THE WORLD then simply wrestling great in the ring. Richards isn't even close to being near the best in the other areas. Not to mention he's in the small time Ring of Honor, and that's huge. Sorry to Ring of Honor fans but the WORLD doesn't even know Davey Richards exists. And if the world doesn't know you're even around then you can't possibly be the best in the world's eyes.

Others claim Chris Jericho.. and they have a much greater argument here. If Jericho was still in the WWE and wrestling then I'd even be debating him as the true "Best in the world". But he's not a wrestler right now, he's on the sidelines and not in the mix so he can't credibly, in my eyes, be seen as the best in the world.

The best in the world is NOW. Its a current star who not only is phenomenal inside the ring, but who has a huge fan base, gets a huge reaction from the audience, and who is changing the very landscape of things currently. That's CM Punk. No one else is effecting the wrestling world in any way; but Punk has made an impact on wrestling right now, on its direction, and even on the mainstream viewing it. Punk could be helping to usher in a new Era in the WWE, and that's exactly why he's the best in the world and no one else can touch him right now.
The best in the world is NOW. Its a current star who not only is phenomenal inside the ring, but who has a huge fan base, gets a huge reaction from the audience, and who is changing the very landscape of things currently. That's CM Punk. No one else is effecting the wrestling world in any way; but Punk has made an impact on wrestling right now, on its direction, and even on the mainstream viewing it. Punk could be helping to usher in a new Era in the WWE, and that's exactly why he's the best in the world and no one else can touch him right now.

I 100% agree with this.

History will look back as john cenas overall career sucking/decent/average at best. He started out red hot on smackdown. Carried that heat onto raw...then quickly fizzled out. The guy hasnt entertained me in years. He will be viewed as being the second downtime in wwe history(first being shawn/bret era)....except he did WORSE than shawn/bret. God what a painful borefest it has been the last 5 years.

I promise you 10 years from now everyone will think this.

Let me give you an example. Just because the nintendo wii(cena) sells the most doesnt make it the best console(superstar). It sucks compared to the PS3/360(name great wrestler) which sold less but are miles more entertaining.

Makes sense right? History will show cena's era as the most boring out of them all. FACT. Lets hope punk creates a new one and cena retires from injuries!:worship:
History will look back as john cenas overall career sucking/decent/average at best. He started out red hot on smackdown. Carried that heat onto raw...then quickly fizzled out.

Yeah, because becoming the face of the number one wrestling organization in the world, being involved in some of the greatest fueds and matches ever, with accolades such as winning The Royal Rumble, winning eleven world championships, and headlining multiple WrestleManias is the clear definition of being fizzled out.

The guy hasnt entertained me in years. He will be viewed as being the second downtime in wwe history(first being shawn/bret era)....except he did WORSE than shawn/bret. God what a painful borefest it has been the last 5 years.

Only by idiots that can't appreciate what a great wrestler and character he is. If anything he's leading what I would call WWE's best time period since The Attitude Era.

I promise you 10 years from now everyone will think this.

Yeah because you can obviously speak for every single fan that's watched during this time.

Let me give you an example. Just because the nintendo wii(cena) sells the most doesnt make it the best console(superstar). It sucks compared to the PS3/360(name great wrestler) which sold less but are miles more entertaining.

The only fact is that if that wrestler was more entertaining, they would've stayed over with crowds long enough for WWE to give them a significant push. People pay to see Cena, because he's the top draw on Raw and in the entire company. If anyone else got the reactions he did, maybe they would be the top guy...oh wait, they don't.

Makes sense right? History will show cena's era as the most boring out of them all. FACT.

Again, only in the eyes of idiots and Attitude Era marks that can't appreciate what a good WRESTLING oriented product is without blood or weapons.

Lets hope punk creates a new one and cena retires from injuries!:worship:

Now you're just being a fucking idiot. You're seriously saying that you want Punk(the most overrated guy on the internet since Charlie Sheen) to bring in a new era(which we don't need) and that the WWE's top guy that loves this business more than anyone else, draws more than anyone else, and is willing to do anything for the company should get injured and have to retire? You're seriously the biggest idiot on here if you actually want that to happen.
2 words...Austin Aries. Not only the best wrestler in the world but also....The Greatest Man That Ever Lived!!!

Some people will eat me alive for picking him but rememeber its all subjective and to me Austin is the best in the world because i enjoy watching him more than any other wrestler.
Right now I'm going to say Chris Jericho but in a few years if CM Punk keeps up what he's currently doing I think CM Punk will be considered the best in the world. Jericho consistently proved to us that he was the best in the world while he was in the WWE. Whereas Punk's time as a face he didn't show that he was the best in the world. It's only recently that he's shown how good he is while being in WWE, but Jericho had been showing how good he was for years. So right now Jericho is the best in the world.

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