Best Pay Per View Crowds


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The reason I start this thread is because I recently watched Hogan vs Rock at Wrestlemania X8. Loved every second, especially how wild the crowd was. I am more a fan of the old school, so I loved seeing Hogan getting the fan support over the Rock and was wondering what some other especially great crowds were. It is also funny to see Hogan milking the crowd. Hogan loves getting that attention and though he played it the way he should, you know he loved every second of being cheered over the Rock.

Also, what were some other unexpected turns to face like Hogan's at X8? Was anyone like Ric Flair ever cheered in WWF? I would love to see a random show when Debiase had the crowd at his back when he wasn't expecting it.

But yea, sort of a double topic.
One that comes to mind is at Wrestlemania 23...Batista and the Undertaker were, if I remember correctly, both faces at the time. But the crowd screamed "YEAH!" every time Undertaker threw a bunch and "Boo!" When Batista did. It was pretty funny.
My two favorite crowds ever go down easily as the main events at SummerSlam '92 and Money in the Bank '11. British Bulldog winning the WWF title in front of 80,000 home fans at Wembley Stadium was just incredible, even watching that match now the noise is just crazy.

MITB is also a good example of how fans turn wrestlers. CM punk was coming in off his hot promo to his (and my) Home town Chicago where the crowd found little love for John Cena. That was an amazing match where I had no idea who was going to come out with the belt. It was the perfect moment for punk.

I would also like to mention both ECW One Night Stands in the Hammerstein Ballroom. It wasn't the ECW arena but it was an ECW classic venue that was full of nostalgic fans. The first event was a celebration of ECW memories and the second featured a mix of WWE and ECW guys but was still a good show. I loved Cena playing too the crowd perfectly by getting his t-shirt thrown back over and over.
ecw one night stand, rvd vs john cena for the wwe championship, the crowd cheered for the ecw hero rvd and they were relentless towards john cena, definitely one of my favorite crowds to date
My two favorite crowds ever go down easily as the main events at SummerSlam '92 and Money in the Bank '11. British Bulldog winning the WWF title in front of 80,000 home fans at Wembley Stadium was just incredible, even watching that match now the noise is just crazy.

It was actually the Intercontinental title.. but that's not the point.. This was my favourite crowd! Especially for that match, yes, you can say it was Bulldogs home country but still.. Hometowns is where you get the big pops.. I loved the crowd reaction when Davey Boy pins Hart out of the blue, shoulders down and the crowd went crazy, one reason this beats the MitB 11' crowd is that there was because there was about 3 times the crowd at Wembley than there was Chicago..
It was actually the Intercontinental title.. but that's not the point.. This was my favourite crowd! Especially for that match, yes, you can say it was Bulldogs home country but still.. Hometowns is where you get the big pops.. I loved the crowd reaction when Davey Boy pins Hart out of the blue, shoulders down and the crowd went crazy, one reason this beats the MitB 11' crowd is that there was because there was about 3 times the crowd at Wembley than there was Chicago..

You're right, that card also had Macho/Warrior for WWF title but it was in the middle of the card. Crowd was great in that match too but i'm glad it was where it was durring the show because Bulldog winning at the end was way bigger than Warrior winning via count out.
RVD vs John Cena, the fact that John Cena was going up against an ECW original in the ECW Arena with the WWE Championship on the line. Unbelievable the crowd reaction when Cena entered. Not one person in the building was cheering for Cena, and when Cena got speared and RVD won the championship the building was about to explode. Nothing like it in the world.

Also loved the Monday Night Raw crowd after Wrestlemania last year! The hottest non PPV crowed I've seen in quite a long time. That night was the start of the rise of Daniel Bryan!
RVD vs John Cena, the fact that John Cena was going up against an ECW original in the ECW Arena with the WWE Championship on the line. Unbelievable the crowd reaction when Cena entered. Not one person in the building was cheering for Cena, and when Cena got speared and RVD won the championship the building was about to explode. Nothing like it in the world.

Also loved the Monday Night Raw crowd after Wrestlemania last year! The hottest non PPV crowed I've seen in quite a long time. That night was the start of the rise of Daniel Bryan!

Last years Mania was a great example of a crowd making a star. Had that match went longer than 18 seconds Sheamus would have gotten booed out of the building. They were so hot for DB and it carried over to the Raw the next night. Lesner's return that night was a great example of a crowd making a moment. My favorites are the ones that were mentioned. Rock/Hogan. Cena/RVD was huge too. They absolutely hated Cena, but that was pretty much to be expected. The Chicago crowd really helped turn Punk at MITB to. He was a heel going in and came out a face. I know it was the hometown crowd, but it carried to other arenas to as time went on.
Have to go with One Night Stand 2006 as well. RVD vs Cena was just beautiful. The toilet paper throwing, Cena's shirt getting thrown back into the ring about 5 times, loved all of it. The crowd chants during the Angle vs Orton match were funny too. The crowd alone made this PPV worth the money

Also worth mentioning, but it isn't a PPV... the crowd from ECW's relaunch, during the Batista vs Big Show match. It was in 2006 as well and it was held in Hammerstein Ballroom. I actually liked Batista but that "Change the Channel" chant was just too funny and one of my favorites ever
In Your House: Canadian Stampede. The crowd were ridiculously hot throughout the Hart Foundation vs. Austin/Shamrock/Goldust/LOD main event from beginning to end, they went nuts for each member of the Hart Foundation that made their way out in the entrances and during the match they went so berserk when Bret was beating on Austin that the building actually shook. And Austin did such a terrific job at riling up the Canadian crowd that I legitimately thought we would've seen a riot on our hands. The crowd at this PPV are my personal favourite crowd of all time.

And any ECW crowd from the original promotion or the One Night Stand's. They make ECW PPV's more enjoyable to watch, sometimes I enjoy ECW PPV's just solely for the crowd, they're so lively and come up with some of the best chants ever. I crack up whenever somebody botches a move and they chant "YOU FUCKED UP" at that wrestler or whenever there is a bad match going on they chant "CHANGE THE CHANNEL" at the viewers like they did when Batista was facing Big Show on an episode of ECW from the Hammerstein Ballroom. They also really appreciate a good match and do a good job at hyping up just about anybody and making them more exciting to watch, but they could also slaughter anybody too as we all saw with John Cena at ONS 2006.
Holy shit I am watching the RVD vs John Cena right now. This is crazy. "If Cena wins we Riot" sign was classic. Can't believe how much they hate Cena. I mean I would be booing right there with him. I've never liked how he looks/wrestles in the ring. Anyone know details about this match? Supposedly Cena said it went completely off script.

It is also interesting when Cena is getting Boo'd that you can really tell how stale all of his pre match celebrations are. Doing the air punches before the match while they announce his name...

Hahah how about Cena continuously trying to throw his shirt into the crowd. Classic.

Wow, later in the match the crowd is giving Cena so much crap that he jumps off the top turnbuckle to hit RVD outside the ring. Cena wants the crowd to turn that badly that he actually tried to change his arsenal. When he got up and still saw middle fingers, I think he realized this crowd ain't changing.

I am going to watch the Canadian Stampede next
In Your House: Canadian Stampede. The crowd were ridiculously hot throughout the Hart Foundation vs. Austin/Shamrock/Goldust/LOD main event from beginning to end, they went nuts for each member of the Hart Foundation that made their way out in the entrances and during the match they went so berserk when Bret was beating on Austin that the building actually shook. And Austin did such a terrific job at riling up the Canadian crowd that I legitimately thought we would've seen a riot on our hands. The crowd at this PPV are my personal favourite crowd of all time.

Totally agreed. This crowd was hot, smart, and above all else, UNIQUE. They knew their home town faves were working as the heels, and they didn't give a damn. This was about pride, and they brought it full force that night. It was successes like Canadian Stampede that signaled to the WWE that the monthly PPV deal could really end up working for them long term.
Another hot crowd was the night Jericho beat hhh for the title but the decision was reversed because hebner screwed trips on the 3 count. That was the peak of y2j's popularity.

Pretty much any crowd through the attitude era was intense lol
That was my pick. The entire arena just shook. Absolutely incredible. Another was mentioned: Rock v. Hogan. I will say that the Canadian crowd has always loved Hogan. I still think the WWF jumped the gun in turning him face as Toronto is not indicative of the WWF/E audience.

I loved the crowd for Bash 96 a great PPV overall but that ending still rules.

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