Your top 5 biggest pops in a match

The Hart Foundation vs. Austin, Shamrock, Goldust & LOD - Canadian Stampede
I've said it a billion times before and I'll say it again, this match has the best pop I've ever heard. The crowd were ridiculously hot throughout the match, the Hart Foundation's entrances alone were insane, and I've never seen an arena shake like it did during this match when Bret was pounding on Austin. And Austin did such a terrific job at riling up the Canadian crowd that I thought we were gonna see them riot. Lee posted the video, so go check it out if you haven't already seen it.

Austin driving a Zamboni into the arena and attacking Mr. McMahon - Raw is War
There are a lot of Austin-McMahon moments that received huge pops, but this moment from their feud is my top favourite. As soon as Austin hit that clothesline on McMahon from the Zamboni, everybody in the arena just went friggin' nuts, and in the ring it was just crazy as all the cops ran in and tried to pull Austin off of Vince. JR's selling on commentary was epic, "AUSTIN GOT MCMAHON, AUSTIN GOT MCMAHON". That Stone Cold balloon thingy being thrown into the ring from the crowd while Austin was punching Vince on the floor was hilarious too.


Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho - Slamboree
When has Dean Malenko or anything in the Cruiserweight division ever gotten a pop like this before? That's what makes this moment so awesome. This is one of those rare times where WCW had created something really special for the Cruiserweight division, a division that's just only meant to fill up time on television and nothing more, and they made people really care for Dean Malenko here like never before or never again.


And as for my other two, Goldberg vs. Hollywood Hogan on Nitro and a tie between RVD vs. Cena at One Night Stand and Punk vs. Cena at Money in the Bank.
i gotta say my top five picks are, 1 stone cold finally winning the wwf title at wrestlemania 14 the crowd was mega hot for stone cold at the point and they need him to win , 2 Daniel Bryan cashing in the money in the bank at tlc on the big show the crowd went nuts and cole's reaction made the moment made that much more special, 3 hhh returning in 2002 at Msg the crowd was insane , 4 Shane McMahon showing up on WCW nitro the crowd couldn't believe what they were seeing, 5 hogans 5 minute long ovation the night after wrestlemania 18
3. The Rock vs Hogan at Wrestlemania. That crowd gives me chills every time I watch this match on DVD. Their loud as hell in unison throughout the whole match and make it special.

I was lucky enough to be there, it was surreal!

The moments are something extra special on TV, and that is 50% caused by JR and the commentary team. His description of what's going on just pulls you in.

Honorable Mention, The 2011 Money in the Back PPV Main Event Promo Package. "Do I have everyone's attention now?" Still gets me pumped up.


5. Raw the night after No Mercy 1999, and the in-ring handshake with E&C and the Hardy Boyz. I had never seen a standing ovation like that, the buzzing just builds and builds then it pops. I cannot find the video but I always found it funny that Matt and Jeff won Terri Runnels as a manger, but she was not in that ovation segment.

4. HHH's return at MSG in 2002. JR's line about the "Longest sustained roar" is tremendous.

3. This one is not the pop itself, but the crowd literally buzzing awaiting the match. Then Paul Heyman delivers the line of his career. WrestleMania 17, right before the famous Limp Bizkit 'My Way' video.

Paul Heyman: "The Time is now, Its the match both men NEED to win, and neither man can afford to lose."
I defy anyone to watch that video and not get pumped up.

2. After the WrestleMania 14 Main Event. "The Austin Era Has Begun!!! Stone Colds 8 year journey has been culminated with WWF Gold!! (Thank God the WWF/WWE stuff was settled and has allowed that quote to live again.

1. King of the Ring 1998, Mick Foley off the Cell. "Good God almighty, 1they've killed him!" and "As God as my witness he is broken in half" I do not think anyone will disagree with this one.
Rock - Hogan WM 18 (This will top most peoples it should)

Jericho debut - 2000

Rock returns - 2011

HHH return - 2002

Austin helps Foley win title - 1999
1) British Bbulldog vs Bret Hart (Summerslam 1992)
2) KANE VS THE GREAT KHALI!!!!!! (Wrestlemania 23)
3) Mankind vs The Rock (Mankind wins his first world title)
4) Dean Malenko vs Chris Jericho (Halloween Havok 1998)
5) Undertaker vs Triple H (Wrestlemania 28) when Taker kicked out of the Pedigree/SCM combo

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