Best Movie With Subtitles


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Just a note, before I begin my post. I haven't seen many movies that are entirely subtitled, so my choices are definitely biased, There may be better choices, but I think my two would hold up well. And, I'm leaving out Godfather, because it goes without mention as a great movie, but I wouldn't consider it "subtitled".

My first choice, is Let The Right One In. Yes, I know I've praised this movie to no end, but I still think it's one of the best subtitled movies. It's got a great story, and great acting, and makes me wish there were more vampire movies like it.

My second choice, is The Protector. I've seen a lot of people give Tony Jaa flack for not being "legit", but he's a decent actor, and pulls off the fighting scenes very well. The story to this movie is great, and gets overlooked by a lot of people, because they don't understand the importance to the society where the movie is set. I'd recommend this to anyone.
I always enjoyed the film Hero, with Jet Li. It is in Chinese, and is subtitle to English, which always garnered negativity towards it. I have always loved the movie and enjoyed it even with the subtitles. The cinematography in the film is top notch, and you can just feel the changes in attitudes by the shift in colour.
I'd say Brotherhood of the Wolf personally. It's a film set in 18th century France about a man named Fronsac who's sent to this area in France to investigate the tales of a giant Wolf that is killing people on a regular basis. He travels with his Indian companion Mani and they uncover so much messed up shit to do with the Church and the people of the area and kick some serious ass as they do it.

Other mentions would have to be, The Downfall all about Hitler's last hours before killing himself and losing the war, which is one of the most depressing films i think i've ever sat through (but still enjoyed) and the anime classic Ninja Scroll which i think is just great. Lots of funky ass mutants who end up trying to kill Jubei, a ninja that simply wants to find a quiet space to nap in basically. What more do you need?
Shit, I have too many to list. But I will definitely say that, Ichi the Killer, Battle Royale and Suicide Circle are one of my favorite flicks of all time with subtitles. I'm heavily into Japanese flicks, so I naturally run to these as my faves.
I used to be a lazy little shit and wouldn't even consider watching a subtitled movie, but lately I've seen quite a few, I saw The Orphanage and thought it was real good, I always love a good ghost story, but my favorite ever is probably City of God, it's just an amazing movie, both the story and the cinematography.
So, my favorite foreign movie is Run, Lola, Run, but I can't for the life of me remember if it's subtitled. But seeing as it's entirely in German, and I can't remember a damn thing from that class in high school, I have to watch it with the Subs turned on. It's basically about a girl, Lola, who has to get a ton of Marks (before the Euro), to her boyfriend within, I believe 20 minutes. The thing is, she keeps getting foiled, or prevented in one way or another. Oh, I forgot to mention, she keeps getting other chances to start the day over, almost like Groundhogs Day. Anyway, she eventually gets the money to the destination, and everything works out. Touching, I know.
NightShiftLoser said:
My first choice, is Let The Right One In. Yes, I know I've praised this movie to no end, but I still think it's one of the best subtitled movies. It's got a great story, and great acting, and makes me wish there were more vampire movies like it.

I'll go with the OP on this one. Let The Right One In is insanely good. And considering my disdain for the recent vampire movies in North America, I'm not surprised I had to go to wherever the hell it was Let The Right One In was directed. Scotland maybe? Don't remember. I read the book, it's just as good if not better. The acting and scenery and writing was great. Considering all I could understand were the subtitles, that's saying something.

One word of warning, the first batch of DVDs for "Let The Right One In" had a horribly dumbed down version of the subtitles. Wait a few months, and get the one with redone subtitles. You'll thank me later.

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