Best moves (that are also easy to take)


Championship Contender
I'm guessing this is a bonafide Spam Zone thread but I think it is an interesting one.

What moves that you see performed by Superstars in the WWE (or TNA if it really applies) do you think look very good but are, in reality, pretty easy to perform and 'take' by the opponent?

I think the one the pops into my head first is the RKO. It looks pretty spectacular but in reality the guy taking it just has to land forward using their forearms to protect themselves, which has got to be one of the most basic ways to fall safely. The illusion, of course, is that Orton is causing the opponent to slam their head on his shoulder to knock them out.

Another one that comes to mind is the People's Elbow. Love it. Indeed, the most electrifying move in Sports Entertainment but in reality it's a whole lot of showmanship and then a little elbow shot to the chest.

Also, got to mention the Zig Zag. Again, a cool move, looks pretty impactful but really, it's just pulling the guy down from his shoulders having him land on his back from a standing position. Basically... the very first type of back fall a wrestlers learns in wrestling school... yet, apparently it's a 'knockout' type of move!

Anyway, I hope you can all have fun with this thread, I am in no way trying to belittle Pro Wrestling, but I just like to have some fun converstation about what I'm sure many wrestling fans have done - discussing moves.

Share your thoughts.
A couple I can think of are Hulk Hogans leg drop and the Canadian Destroyer.

Hogan's Leg Drop is synonymous with quite possibly the greatest wrestler of them all, Hogan's finishing sequence is probably the most recognizable ending in wrestling history.

The Canadian Destroyer is easy to take because the one take the fall has all the control, the guy giving the move just has to hold on for the ride. Since the one taking the bump does all the work I can't see it being anything but easy to take not to mention the move looks damn impressive when pulled off successfully.
I'm going to say the tombstone piledriver. Looks like a hard impact, but the one taking the bump has his head safely tucked between the persons thighs and only takes a small back bump
The Cobra - It's ridiculous how over this move actually is.
Chokeslam - who never did it to an innocent child just for the sake of it? It was okay for them, so it's easy.
Banzai Drop - You don't even have to move.
Kelly Kelly's ass in you' face - You would love to be in the receiving end of that one!
Hell no I wouldn't want a rash on my face.
Five knuckle shuffle because it always misses.


Yea, me neither --'
What about most submissions? You just have to put on a show of hurting like hell... Sharpshooter (lie there and sell like a champ) Ankle Lock (lie there and sell like a champ) Walls of Jericho (lie there and sell like a champ)... Anybody see a pattern?

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