Best Meeting Between Christian and Randy Orton?

Which Match Is Your Favorite of the Orton/Christian Series?

  • Christian(c) vs. Randy Orton - Smackdown 6/5/2011

  • Christian vs. Randy Orton(c) - Over The Limit 22/5/2011

  • Christian vs. Randy Orton(c) - Capitol Punishment 19/6/2011

  • Christian vs. Randy Orton(c) - Money In The Bank 17/7/2011

  • Christian(c) vs. Randy Orton - SummerSlam 14/8/2011

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The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop

Christian and Randy Orton

As the dust settles and the debris is swept away, it seems that one of the most tense feuds in recent years within the WWE has finally culminated in a brutal and voilent bout at SummerSlam. Christian and Randy Orton feuded from May 6th until August 14th, going at it throughout the Summer months in thrilling encounters on television and Pay-Per-View, revolving around the most prized possession of their respective brand the World Heavyweight Championship.

Angled around Christian's frustrations at losing it the week which he finally gained the coveted belt, the feud featured many spats between the two on Smackdown, at first showing one another respect until Christian crashed the Big Gold belt across the cranium of "The Viper". This set the tone for their feud, but what was the best meeting between the two throughout their Summer program?


Christian vs. Orton I

"Five days" after Christian pulled the World Heavyweight Championship from the hook at Extreme Rules, Teddy Long asked the WWE Universe if they wanted to see him defend his newly won Championship, with a positive response and Randy Orton already seeking his chance the match was made. Christian and Orton met in the main event of the evening, a back-and-forth match which was more than suited for a Pay-Per-View main event saw Christian fight for what took him seventeen years to earn as Orton used every move in his arsenal to defeat "Captain Charisman", but in the end, resistence was futile as Christian's Springboard Plancha attempt was turned into a mid-air RKO as "The Viper" struck and captured the World Heavyweight Championship, leaving not only Christian but "The Peeps" devestated.


Christian vs. Orton II

Two weeks later, Christian gained his rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship, as the humble "Captain Charisma" walked into Over The Limit at the Key Arena with a plan, and that was the regain his World Heavyweight Championshiop belt from Randy Orton. Once again both men brought out the best in one another, in another back-and-forth exchange which brought the WWE Universe to a stand. Nearfall-after-nearfall was the story of this bout, as Christian and Orton battled it out, the most notable moment of the bout coming when Orton hesitated instead of following through on the punt, allowing Christian the oppurtunity to slice Orton with the Spear for the nearest three of the match. But yet again, it was not to be for Christian as Orton got the win with an emphatic RKO. The story could be summed up in the aftermath as Orton extended the hand which at first Christian declined; this hesitation showed the frustrations which would soon reveal themselves.


Christian vs. Orton III

He could hide his frustrations no more. Coming into Capitol Punishment the story was different, Orton had defeated Sheamus with the help of Christian but after the bout Christian crashed the World Heavyweight Championship across the head of Randy Orton, sending a message to "The Apex Predator", Christian abandoned his "Peeps" and set out to regain his belt by himself. This match was a contrasting difference to the others, instead Orton took a more physicial approach, using striking moves as offense as he battered Christian around the ring, Christian fighting back constantly, driving Orton's head into the Steel Steps to gain the upper hand as the constant theme of nearfall-after-nearfall continued. Once again, the same song played in the end as Orton dropped Christian with an RKO for the three; but this time Christian's foot was under the bottom rope. "Captain Charisma" wasn't finished just yet.


Christian vs. Orton IV

Christian had "The Viper" where he wanted him. Christian began to exhibit more cowardly behaviour, setting out to use Orton's main weakness against him. Using a team of lawyers, their bout at Money in The Bank from the All-State Arena, in Chicago would have the stipulation that if Orton were to get disqualified or win through bad officiating, Christian would regain the World Heavyweight Championship. Leading into the event, Christian tested Orton's emotions, driving "The Viper" crazy by bringing their feud to a personal level. Once the match began, Orton unleashed, as once again the two met in a fast paced, physical bout which would show the animosity between the two men. In their primes, the chemistry was there, Orton and Christian hit one another with the best they had, Christian kicking out of the RKO, Orton out of the Killswitch, Orton out of the Spear and Christian out of the Rope Hung DDT. But in the end, the cunning tactics of Christian pervailed, spitting in "The Viper's" mouth, sending him over the edge, as a kick to the groin saw Christian crowned new World Heavyweight Champion. The aftermath was brutal, as Orton drove Christian onto the announce table twice with two RKO's, as their blow off match neared closer.


Christian vs. Orton V: The Final Battle

"The Viper" had Christian cornered. Christian had yet to pin his arch nemisis in a singles bout with the prize on the line. Now, Orton had two months of pent up anger within him, he had a setting which saw no barriers or rules as the stipulation set was No Holds Barred! Orton entered and looked focused, Christian's face portrayed the same but what was behind it? From the outset Christian and Orton hit one another with their big moves, Orton attempting the multiple Clotheslines plus the Scoop Slam to no evail, Christian with the Diving Shoulder Block, and it was with the introduction of the weaponry that saw this rivalry come to color as Randy Orton began his onslaught over "Captain Charisma". A Superplex onto the wooden table, Irish Whip into the Steel Steps, RKO threw the Announcers table, multiple Steel Chair shots, threw a second Table, Scoop Slam threw a third Table, lashes with the Kendo Stick, Rope Hung DDT onto the Thrash Can and the big time culmination coming with a now trademark mid-air RKO onto the Steel Step as "The Viper" hooked the leg, gained the one-two-three, regained his World Heavyweight Championship and gained a victory over his arch rival.

Randy Orton and Christian have came together to place on-show what is argubely the finest feud based around wins/losses of the past decade. Featuring four singles matches and a single gimmick match, both men have something to be proud of as they walk away from this program, Orton into Mark Henry, Christian's has yet to be decided but no matter what this feud will live long in the memory of the WWE Universe.

But which meeting will last the longest, in your mind?

It's hard for me to pick because I enjoyed all these matches. More than one of them is a legit contender for match of the year in my eyes.

For me, I think I'm going with Orton vs. Christian I and for several reasons. This match was, in my opinion, the best televised match of 2011 thus far and everything just clicked. This was the first match I can recall seeing these two go at it and the match had everything: great storytelling, lots of believable near falls, a competitive nature and an outcome that had everybody talking.

Christian had just won the WHC at Extreme Rules and he's long been an internet favorite. Unlike most internet favorites, Christian is someone that not only lives up to the hype but exceeds it. Having him drop the WHC so suddenly to someone who most believe doesn't even need another World Championship reign just caused a massive uproar among the IWC. It irked me a little bit because such short title runs have always been a pet peeve with me. However, I had a feeling that this was going to be something much bigger and would be worth seeing all the way through. I think I was right personally because this match led to an incredible feud that's lasted the entire summer and has resulted in some terrific matches.

On top of it all, and this is the best part for me, Christian has finally been elevated to that next level. Christian is someone that I've felt deserved to be and should be in the main event for years in the WWE. Like a lot of other fans, I'd sort of written Christian's time off. After all, he was in his upper 30s and hadn't been in the main event scene in WWE. I figured if it was gonna happen, it already would have. So this is the match that ultimately led the way for Christian to be where he deserves. Aside from that, Orton has arguably put in the best work of his career during this feud. I couldn't really make any arguments against any of these matches. You can't really go wrong no matter which you might choose.
Excellent thread, Dragon Saga. I was looking to make one of these myself.

As Jack-hammer says, there isn't really much to choose between either of the five matches here. In particular I feel that the first two matches and the last match at SummerSlam are more or less on the same level. The one at Capitol Punishment was just slightly slower paced while the one at MITB was just a bit short. Though, in terms of importance, these two matches might have been the most important ones in the feud.

My pick would be the match they had at SummerSlam. I liked how the two of them incorporated stuff from their previous matches. The match was a surprisingly even one till Christian tried to emulate the spit of doom that had led to his title victory at MITB and that is where Orton totally lost it. Orton's offense looked even better in a hardcore environment .

Before that, as I have mentioned the match had been almost even. Christian hit the spear and the killswitch but was not able to put Orton away. Orton hit an RKO on the announce table and even broke it this time round but again Christian kicked out. I think the finish too was poetic. After all, if you remember it had all started between Orton and Christian with the same sequence with Christian attempting a second rope jumping sunset flip and Orton turning it into an RKO. It ended the same way, though there was a steel step structure in between Christian's head and the ring mat this time round.

So yes, I would choose the match at SummerSlam because I feel that there was more to the story this time round and it was incorporated well into the match. In ring action wise, it probably matched Cena/ Punk but obviously the heat for Cena/ Punk was much more.
A tough one actually, as stated before, you can't go wrong picking one match. I was thrilled to see a long feud that evolved within the characters, their encounters and the storyline itself. That being said I would say that probably their weaker encounter was at Capitol Punishment. I'm not sure why, maybe because Christian had just turned heel and it was weird to see him in that position after having two matches with Orton with a face ring psychology. So there's one less.

Their first match was really good, as Jack-Hammer said, probably the best TV match this year, however due to the lack of build up I couldn't say that it was the best, because at least for me, you need to take in count the build up. Obviously since Teddy Long announced Orton as the new conteder, I was biting my nails, however imagine that if it was on PPV.

Then we got their match at OTL. I think this is the one. Everything was right, the build up was perfect. We (IWC) were angry that Christian lost the title and we weren't sure if he was going to win the title back. Alot of back and forth action, personally I was at the edge of my seat screaming "1! 2! NOOOO" at every pinfall. The ending was great. Before Punk vs Cena I was sure this was going to be match of the year.

Their match at Money in the Bank. I think it was great but if it wasn't for the ending that NO ONE saw it coming, it wasn't probably as good as the others.

Then we had Christian vs Randy Orton V at Summerslam in a no holds barred match. Until this point we have seen a great rasslin' between the two. This time it was different it wasn't a match, it was a brawl and we wasn't sure how Christian was going to act. However it had an amazing storytelling by both man. Like Myriad said it was poetic the endig of the match, a déjà vu except for Christian landing on the steel steps. Plus the beating, god the humanity...

Well I think it is a tie between the match at Over the Limit and Summerslam. It was a great feud with amazing matches and a PERFECT ending.
My choice would be their latest encounter at Summerslam. They put on a wrestling clinic yet still managed to keep up with the hardcore style match you expect to see in an Extreme Rules match.

Now I'll admit I'm not a fan of Orton's character.. But he definitely makes up for it by performing at a 5 star level every week. The match was great from start to finish. And I liked the Edge/Christian encounter just before the match where Edge called him a "whiney little bitch" and I think coming from Edge that really added to Christian's selfish heel character.

My favorite highlights of the match was of course when Orton DDT'd Christian through a garbage can, the badass table break, and Christian punishing Orton with a cane.

Though the best part of the match was the finish. Orton wasn't who I was rooting for to win the match but the ending was just really well done the RKO on the steel steps had a huge impact and the fans went crazy for it.

Orton and Christian know how to tell a story. And if the world still lives 10 years from now people are going to remember this epic rivalry.

I look forward to seeing where Christian goes from here. I hope Christian "whines" again to make the next world title match a triple threat between him, Orton, and Mark Henry. Christian still has his rematch clause.. He can use it and that would make the world title match with Orton and Henry a triple threat.

I would really like to see Henry get in on the world title picture and have a three way feud with Christian and Orton. Why? It's finally something new instead of another one on one match between Orton and Christian. Now don't get my wrong I think they both have really good chemistry but the Orton/Christian matches can't go on forever. I would also like to see Henry get in on the feud because it would be really entertaining to see how Christian and Orton would bare with him because of his badass character.

Back to the subject the Orton/Christian Summerslam match was a very solid yet sick wrestling match. And I enjoyed it from start to finish. Plus Edge coming and hyping up the crowd in the last minute was a good move. Hands down Orton and Christian's best encounter.. Yet.
I was assuming most people would have had this thread in the back of their minds alright.

My choice is their SummerSlam meeting, possibly the most violent match of the PG Era. Both Orton and Christian let the proverbial fire out of their lungs in this match, Orton beat Christian down with punches and weapons, the fact that he sent Christian through so many tables and Christian kept getting back up to me, sells how tough Christian was made to look and in association how much he cared for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Orton's anger to me sold this whole feud up in the end. I actually like the persona he has, his character can snap at any given moment and release a hatred amongest his opponent, as he shows not only in the SummerSlam match but in the aftermath to Money In The Bank, when he RKO'd Christian twice atop the announce table. It got through how pissed the guy is, and these days its hard to find a feud based around a pent up hatred in the WWE and that's what I love about it.

It wasn't a thing of "good guy vs. bad guy." That isn't what made the feud, it was something that revolved solely around the World Heavyweight Championship belt. Christian's obsession with it. Orton's obsession with it. It makes the belt look so much more desirable and that's what any feud over it should attempt and accomplish. That's what they should do with all Championships.

Anyway, as J-Hammer said, you can't go wrong with any of these but I just wanted to see what match may have more noteriety in peoples minds is all. For me its SummerSlam. Violent match, full of action, you didn't know who was going to win, it stole the show from a match perspective and the ending was a big blow-off because both men walk from it with something to hold their heads up high with.

By far my favorite WWE feud in years. Great matches, great angle in all and I personally hope we see them go at it again some day soon.
I'm picking Summerslam but this was not an easy choice. Orton/Christian have done great things in the ring. Their feud has been one of the best feuds of the year (just behind Punk/Cena). So seeing them having such a fantastic match that was worked so well was perfect to me. However every match they had was great.

Christian/Orton I: Best TV match of the year. Back and forth, fresh, lots of near falls, crowd was into it and a good of variety of style. This is what a standard one on one match should be. I'd probably have voted for this one but to me it was painfully obvious that Orton would win. It seemed so wrong to watch Christian lose the belt after winning it that Sunday. Since i was like 80% sure Orton was going to win it kind of ruined some of the mach to me. The surprise was gone.

Christian/Orton II: Great match, probably rank it third.

Christian/Orton III: Very good match but since it had been done before with nothing that new it wasn't as great. An Orton/Christian match is never a bad thing, but they had better.

Christian/Orton IV: Still very good but it felt short to me. Also kind of like their first match the ending to be seemed a given. My gut feeling was saying Christian would get the title back via DQ quite so strongly. Calling the ending to a match kind of ruins part of it.

Christian/Orton V: Like I said earlier my pick. One of the best No Holds Barred matches in years. It seemed like either guy could win. Lot's of weapons and the two made full use of the gimmick match's options. Orton throw Christian around like a rag doll and came out looking stronger than ever. However it felt like at any given moment Christian could turn it all around. Lot's of great spots and a sick finish. The match wasn't all about the face conquering the heel. It was a guy who snapped and wanted his title back. They had the physical and emotions of the match down to a science. Such a well done match that I wouldn't mind it being the finale despite these guys going us gold for every match.
Without a doubt I will go with Randy Orton vs Christian I. That match blew my mind not only because Randy won the title from Christian after 5 days of having it, but that was one of the best matches I have ever watched. It was fast paced, back and forth and had a killer ending. None of their matches since have been bad, as a matter of fact they have all been exellent, but none can touch their first meeting after Christian won the title. My second favorite was their no holds barred match at Summerslam, it was intense, you thought either guy could lose at any second and they each took a beating, exellent match.
The Summerslam match was the best. I enjoyed every single one of these matches, they stole the show each time. Feud of the year! Each time I kept wondering how they would live up to their match from the previous show, but they honestly kept putting on great matches! The Summerslam match was their finest match because with it being the fifth people thought it was just going to end the feud without possibly being as good as the rest, but it completely blew expectations away and ended the feud on an epic level. It's a shame that we have to sit through Orton VS Henry now instead of another awesome show stealing match with Orton & Christian, but they did just about everything they possibly could have in the feud and all good things have to come to an end.
Their match at Summerslam was my favourite, as Dragon Saga said; it was the most violent match during the PG Era. That's not why it was my favourite though, this match was decisive and the winner of the match in my mind would end up carrying the Title for a while with a decent reign. I don't see Orton losing the Title in the foreseeable future, so this match had a bigger pay-off.

Orton's anger at Christian was fantastic and the way Christian did things during this feud was that of a classic heel. The Summerslam match was so good, that it outdid Punk/Cena on the same night, I loved it.
I thought all the matches were excellent. IMO their best match was at OTL. Close 2nd was the match at SS. I thought they stole the show at Summerslam. Which was really tough to do. Considering how hot the Cena/Punk angle was and it was Orton & Christian 4th straight ppv match.

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