best matches of pg era


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now im trying to get my girlfriend to get into wrestling. So far shes a cena fan (despite my protests) and shes and Bourne and Morrison fan b/c she enjoys there finishers. Now im curious as to the best matches to show her to actually get to love wrestling. And I dont want to show her to much of the Additude era b/c thats what she will expect to see each week. I want to know what matches are regarded as the best of the current pg era.

Now Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker at WM25 is a given, But other than that, what are the greatest matches of the pg era?

p.s. i didnt find any threads like this but if im wrong feel free to delete/ merge this post thanks.
There's a lot of matches you could show her.

Of course I would recommend to variate it a bit. Show some gimmick matches. Some normal matches and some tag team matches.

A tag team match to show could be the one from Fatal 4 Way between Hart Dynasty and The Uso's. Mostly because it's a great showing of how the tag team division should be like. We don't want to show her how awful some of the matches can be after all right?

Also I would show her a gimmick match like the Royal Rumble. Mostly because it's one of the premiere gimmick matches of WWE, and it has it's own Pay Per View so it gives her something to look forward to.

Throw in the match from Bragging Rights between Undertaker, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and Batista. Showing a pretty good example of a Fatal Four Way match as well as show casing these 4 talents pretty damn well.

And then ultimately show her some championship matches. If time is there I would show the No Holds Barred Iron Man match from Bragging Rights as well, mostly to introduce her to some brutality as well as a great match. Or any other Championship match that you might feel is good.

Or if you really want to. I would just show her Wrestlemania 26. Now I know some people might not have thought it's the perfect Pay Per View. But it shows the talent pretty well. Shows the current active roster. And it shows some pretty good matches.

Of course you should probably focus mostly on matches that you like as well. So that you can share the experience so that it's not simply you or her who's enjoying it.
Thanks for the input. I think i will show her the fatal 4-way highlights and mitb from WM26. As for a championship match i think batista vs. John Cena last man standing. But do you think i should explain the rivalry first or just show her the match?
Thanks for the input. I think i will show her the fatal 4-way highlights and mitb from WM26. As for a championship match i think batista vs. John Cena last man standing. But do you think i should explain the rivalry first or just show her the match?

It really depends whether she plans on getting involved week in and week out.

If she plans on following it like a fan. You could in theory explain the rivalries to her. I don't think it's truly needed unless you want her to have background knowledge on the business.

If she only wants to start following. Without caring much for the back stories. Then there's no need to explain the rivalries. She'll get an understanding of it with time if she plans on watching alongside you.

The last man standing might be good to show yes. But it might also be a bad one to show her instead of showing a true last man standing. One that actually had the opponent taken out properly.

A match like Edge vs John Cena at Extreme Rules 2009. Speaking of 2009 you should probably show her Jericho vs Rey Mysterio at The Great American Bash 2009. Just because of the great wrestling in that match. And it gives another nature to feuds rather than the simple "I'm gonna beat you. Cause you're champion".
Yes that would be better cuz i was thinking of the I Quit match total brain fart there. Another I was thinking was the loser leaves town cage match when Punk beat Hardy for the title. This would also get her ready to see the steel cage match at mitb. this way she understands the rules.
There is alot of matches to choose from, So i'll just give a nice long list of matches I think you should show to her from the PG era.

1. Undertaker vs Shawn michaels- WM 25 & 26 (Like you said, 25 is a given, but I also think 26 was a very good match as well, with a very emotional ending)

2. John Morrison vs rey mysterio (IC title)-Smackdown (You can find this match on John morrison's Rockstar DVD. This is one of the best TV matches of the past 2 years and I strongly recommend you give it a looksie)

3. John cena vs Triple H vs Shawn michaels- Survivor series 2009 (This was a really awesome match that I feel alot of people have overlooked, Cena win's this match So I'm sure your girlfriend will be happy)

4. Shelton benjamin vs Christian- Ladder match at the TLC ppv(This was the last One on One ladder match that I remember seeing in WWE and I thought it was a very good contest)

5. Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy- Wrestlemania 25 (This was a very fun and Extreme match that has alot of high risk spot's that made this match one of the highlights of wrestlemania 25)

6. Chris jericho vs Rey Mysterio- The Bash 2009 This was an awesome match with alot of innovative offense and Near falls, One of the best matches of the PG era.

7. WWE Raw and Smackdown Elimination chambers- No way out 2009 (The 2010 elimination chambers were good matches but nothing compared to how good these 2 chamber matches were)

8. Evan bourne vs Chris jericho- Fatal four way PPV (One of the best matches I've seen in a while and in my opinion this is the match that truly began the well deserved push for evan bourne)

9. DX vs Legacy- Hell in a cell ppv (This was the most exciting match of the night, and it really showed how you can truly utilize the Cell itself)

10. Undertaker vs Edge- Hell in a cell match- Summerslam 2008 (The PG era had officially started at this point but that didn't stop these two men from putting a very brutal and Extreme hell in a cell match)
LOL, Ferbian has already came out and said everything I was going to say. But you could also show her a few rivalries, many which go with the matches mentioned, like you could show her a recap of the Shawn Michaels Vs Chris Jericho rivalry and then show her the ladder match.

You should definately show her one of the matches between Punk and Mysterio from this year and maybe the Y2J Vs Mysterio from Extreme Rules 2009, that was pretty good also. By the way I would'nt show her anything Pre- 2008 because everything before that still isnt as watered down as it has been since 08.

Also show her the MiTB and some Hell In A Cell matches, thats how I got my older sister to like wrestling, by showing its brutal side.
Heartachetonight926 listed some great matches and I would recommend all of them. Especially the Survivor Series match with HBK, HHH and Cena, and also Morrison vs. Mysterio from Smackdown.

Now, I know you said you're not really looking for anything from the Attitude era, but the one match I show people when I am trying to make someone understand what it is I love about wrestling, my go to match, is Rock vs. Triple H from Backlash 2000. One of the greatest matches I have ever seen, and to me, no match does a better job of displaying the athleticism, excitement, and overall entertainment that makes me love wrestling.
i think above said it best shell out a few coins for the best matches of 09-10 dvd..thall sum it up..and i would def show her flair vs hbk mania 24...and any hbk match from mania...those are her the rumbles...i think thatll get the point cross hope this helps
punk v mysterio(any of the matchs between these two really), same goes for jericho mysterio.
Royal Rumble is a match you should definatly show this is a great gimmick match and they are easy to watch.- I know ferbian said this but i whole heartedly agree.
Iron man match some might disagree with this but hbk v bret hart is a great iron man match in my opinion(i know it was years ago but it was pretty pg from what i remember).
Tag matchs with wwe cant think of great ones at the moment but i would suggest if you want her to see a great tag match go mcmg v generation me on tna(this was a great match) , or some old school hardys dudleys e&c matchs.
Jericho v michaels wm19(i might be mistaken on that but whatever mania it was it was a great match)
Last man standing go back to fully loaded jericho v hhh one of my favourite last man standing matchs(and i know you wanted to stay away from attitude era but i feel this is how lms matchs should kind of be like)
Some Kurt angle wouldnt hurt either he is great :)
I would watch DX vs Legacy in Hell in the Cell or DX vs Big Show and Chris Jericho in TLC. If you want to go further back even though its not PG era, I would watch Edge vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania or any Undertaker vs Batista match. If you want to go even further back any HBK vs. Triple H match. Each match they wrestled were classics.
Get her into Chris Jericho. Almost every match he's in is pretty good, and he's damn entertaining. AND, he's not Cena so you'll be happier. If you can figure out how, I would suggest showing her as much of the HBK/Jericho feud from 2008 as you can. And if nothing else show her their final match because it'll recap the entire feud.

I would also suggest NOT showing her too many fantastic matches, because she might get upset at the weekly product. There's one or two good matches every week, and a lot of gimmicks, and whatnot. I'm not complaining, but you don't want her to expect six 5-star matches every single week. Get her into the feuds, and not the matches, and then PPVs should be a lot more entertaining to watch.

I would sit her down and show her Wrestlemania 24. That's one of my favorites and it's got a lot of great entertainment and wrestling.

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