Raw AE & Raw PG

Are you suprised ? Vince is huge hypocrite. He only cares about making a dollar. He realizes that his company has to make new stars quick to make up for creative not making any legit stars over last 4/5 years. Now they have a bunch of virtual no names headlining the show and they realize there is no way they can draw, so he has no choice to bring out two of the biggest stars in company history, along with others to get extra sales. WWE f'd up and Vince knows it, and know it came back to bite him in the ass
Um, what?

He want's the most viewer's possible for Wrestlemania.

And besides, the only reason most of star's from the Attitude Era are coming back is because most of the 80's star's are way to old, and alot of people have forgot about them. Imagine Ted Dibiase, or Jake Robert's being the Guest Host for Wrestlemania, or a special guest referee? Nah, won't work.

Vince McMahon want's to get the veiwer's he can get out of Wresltemania. Even if it mean's dragging back a bunch of obnoxious Attitude Era fans, he'll do it for the business.
First of all JBL wasn't as big as he was in the attitude era, so I wouldn't claim that they are drawing on attitude era in his case, also HHH has been around for years, he's just been injured, so it's a different case to Stone Cold and The Rock.

The WWE I think had to let The Rock come back and be The Rock, otherwise what would be the point in coming back, The Rock wouldn't be himself, and the fans wouldn't enjoy it to the extent we have now. But by doing so, he's had to treat Steve Austin with the same respect. While I don't think Austin is anywhere near his attitude era persona it was good to see him raise the middle fingers and drink some beer.

I'm sure a few parents wouldn't mind their children hearing ''ass'' every now and then, so Vince isn't a hypocrite, just giving the fans what they want, although not to the full same extent, if that makes sense.
Are you suprised ? Vince is huge hypocrite. He only cares about making a dollar. He realizes that his company has to make new stars quick to make up for creative not making any legit stars over last 4/5 years. Now they have a bunch of virtual no names headlining the show and they realize there is no way they can draw, so he has no choice to bring out two of the biggest stars in company history, along with others to get extra sales. WWE f'd up and Vince knows it, and know it came back to bite him in the ass

I can't agree more. Without making them stars who can draw, there is no point on putting youngster at WM main event. Even Vince knows that the new stars are not superstars yet regardless what title they hold, or have held in the past... They haven't been put over yet, or we haven't bought it yet.
Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon pushes pg product, but to enhance the ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA he has to hire huge stars from the ATTITUDE ERA to get bigger buys?

I'm sure there will be more attitude era guy's that will make appearances at WRESTLEMANIA also. So far it's been a proven fact that the ROCK alone jumps the ratings 1/2 to 3/4 of a point. now we have STONE COLD, JBL, HHH in the mix to boost the hype of MANIA, and ppv buys of course & major star power.
What I do find interesting is that VINCE has been letting THE ROCK & STONE COLD do all of their ATTITUDE ERA "attitudes" on a pg show... it's absolutely awesome to see THE ROCK & and his "BARNEY'S ANUS" and STONE COLD "DRINKING BEER" for the kiddies. Incredibly good pg tv for the kid's.

Besides better rating's & WRESLEMANIA of course, why is VINCE letting the guy's like the ROCK, and STSA do their non-pg skit's when the company does not endorse it? There have been people that have lost their job's at the WWE because of things they have done either at the show's or on their own time because WWE follows more strict rules becuase of the pg ,and VINCE turn's around and let's these guy's bury PG just to get better ppv buy's. Is VINCE a hypocrit when it comes to benefiting him?

Well Vince is letting Rock & Austin be themselves is because there is no other way!!! Noone wants to see Rock or Austin talking & acting like there on Sesame Street, so they let them run wild a little bit, & yes this does make Vince seem like a hypocrite, but he doesn't give a damn as long as Wrestlemania sales. That's Show Business for you, its all about making money & Vince doesn't have a problem w/bending his own company rules to do so!!
Its still PG, I think you need to research the definition of PG.
And why does he let his stars do entertainment? Check what the E in WWE stands for it. the fact that these stars raise ratings by at least half a point means its a success.
PG isn't an era. I hate when I hear or read this, I'm sorry. It's the rating they have gone with in order to better reach their target audience. It's as simple as that.

However, these stars also sell, so they involve them. They happen to work away from the PG rating, but no one seems to really care due to the fact that it hasn't gotten out of hand.

Vince McMahon is building up stars at this point. So, guys like The Rock and Steve Austin help them along. However, if they had 20 or 30 Austin's or Rock's, they'd still pull those guys in if it was cost-efficient and they thought they could still pull in an extra 100 to 200 thousand buys.

They'd do the same with Hogan if he were available, on good terms with Vince and co. and would still draw. And Hogan was probably most popular during an "era" of wrestling that was at the very least just as PC/PG as it is today. Maybe even more.

There are no real "eras" in wrestling, those are just labels. This isn't about the labels. This is about the star power these names bring to the game. If they were huge then but didn't draw now, WWE would have nothing to do with them. Regardless of the "era."
The PG era was the result of what I think is Two main causes.

1) Securing a stable and guaranteed market during a global recession (Families will buy things for their kids whatever the global situation)

2) The Benoit tragedy. The WWE come under a Lot of negative press over the events in 2007, moving to a PG environment was a responsible looking move that No One can disagree, Has taken away the stigma from that tragedy.

Both of those catalysts have more or less gone now. There is no real reason why Vince Needs to keep the product as strictly PG. He's already proven how easy he can make the product slide between the two ratings.

For all we know we could be about to enter the "no one knows what certificate we're watching" era.
To be fair, Vince is a business man, the Rock is an entertainer. It's just good business so he just does what's smart... Most of the time... Sometimes... Its not TNA ok! he will never far that low. :banghead::banghead::wtf::banghead:
I agree that the greener wrestlers are needing that rub, but on the other hand don't you think Vince saw that he was no where near what he thought the ticket sales should be before deciding to bring in the Rock for WM. Up until the Rock showed up I had 0% interest in WM and now its has peaked to about 15% just because of the possible Cena/Rock confrontation at Mania. This has nothing to do with the actual wrestlers involved but the way they have been built up through out the year(s), because the majority of them are good workers they just don't really interest me at all.

I think it would have been more logical to have Sheamus vs Cena for the title with Sheamus obtaining the title after KOR as he is the King to show his dominance and since the majority of the faces win a WM it would allow Cena to win to right the WWE.

Miz and DBD could have had a good match or Miz vs Morrison.

Orton vs Punk is fine.

but I think the majority of the people looking at WM didn't like what they saw along with Vince himself and said we will not get people for this we need as much help as possible and bring in some help. It's just my opinion.
Best end to Wrestlemania would be a symbolic ending to the PG Era. Have The Rock Rockbottom John Cena, the man who single handedly has ruined the WWE product for fan 15+. The product now is a joke, everyone knows it. Story lines are weak and redundant. You can't build rivalries with this PG nonsense. Have Austin give Cena the Stunner while we're at it.
Stone Cold was the biggest draw in wrestling. The Rock is a celebrity, and a great entertainer. The draw and make money for the company. Smart move by Vince, no matter what "era" it is.
Azane is correct. All you have to do is go read the guidelines for what makes a show TV-PG and you will see that nothing the Rock, Cena or Austin have said has violated that. Everything that has occurred recently is still PG, per the guidelines. Why does everyone confuse PG with G? Because that is what is happening. People are assuming that the WWE is being hypocritical because they have said ass and bitch. IT'S STILL PG, morons.
Azane is correct. All you have to do is go read the guidelines for what makes a show TV-PG and you will see that nothing the Rock, Cena or Austin have said has violated that. Everything that has occurred recently is still PG, per the guidelines. Why does everyone confuse PG with G? Because that is what is happening. People are assuming that the WWE is being hypocritical because they have said ass and bitch. IT'S STILL PG, morons.

Wow, a moron calls other people morons. How funny. To say Cena has done nothing is correct. He's not funny or edgy or anything. So he doesn't count for anything. He sucks. You go to a kids movie that is "PG" and tell me if you hear the word ass or bitch? You don't. If you have, tell us. I think we all would like to know. Vince knows his product is doing bad, so he calls in Austin and The Rock. Austin didn't say anything, just came out and raised hell and left. The Rock is just being The Rock and giving damn goods promos. This is a product that has comericals on Disney. Come on. He wants to be safe? Well, his product is suffer cause of that.
The P in PG means parental Guidance because there are some situations that aren't suitable for young children. 1 "swear" word in a 2 hour broadcast fits pg perfect. Drinking beer in 1 scene of a 2 hour broadcast, also fits PG. If the Sponsors, or network, don't feel that the product is representing their products, they'll pull their advertising.
I did notice they cut out showing the middle fingers during Austin's tour around the four corners. All you saw was him holding his arms up.
Bitch is one of the 7 no no "swear" words. Look it up. So you have no argument there. And sponors are not going to pull anything. You know what station there on, right? They show a comerical of a lawyer in her bra and panties. As for beer, Austin didn't do anything there, but flipping the bird is. Again, thats not PG. It all depends on how right wing you are. The normal people no this is ok. The Cena Disney kids don't.
Wow, a moron calls other people morons. How funny. To say Cena has done nothing is correct. He's not funny or edgy or anything. So he doesn't count for anything. He sucks. You go to a kids movie that is "PG" and tell me if you hear the word ass or bitch? You don't. If you have, tell us. I think we all would like to know. Vince knows his product is doing bad, so he calls in Austin and The Rock. Austin didn't say anything, just came out and raised hell and left. The Rock is just being The Rock and giving damn goods promos. This is a product that has comericals on Disney. Come on. He wants to be safe? Well, his product is suffer cause of that.

Go rent Sixteen Candles, dumbass. It's PG. It also has full female nudity. And thank you for demonstrating my point...You think G and PG are the same thing, and they aren't.

tvguidelines.org said:
This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program may contain one or more of the following: some suggestive dialogue (D), infrequent coarse language (L), some sexual situations (S), or moderate violence (V).

I challenge you to find anything that contradicts RAW's PG rating. There is not constant swearing...infrequent describes the banter between Cena and Rock, as well as Austin. Are there some sexual situations? Not like the old days, no HLA here. Moderate violence? Yes...but not the intense violence required for TV-14. Few foreign objects are used anymore, nobody blades. The Attitude era wasn't TV-14 because of ass and bitch, it was TV-14 because of the sex and extreme violence.
Go rent Sixteen Candles, dumbass. It's PG. It also has full female nudity. And thank you for demonstrating my point...You think G and PG are the same thing, and they aren't.

I agree with you. Alote of movies in the 80's that were PG had nudity. Do you see any nudity on PG movies now dumbass. Find one. The times are different and The Rock begin edgy on Cena is not what this era of fans are use to. Thast what I was talking about. If your from the 80's, all the PG movies had something. Now, they don't or its very blurred on the rear. Todays ratings are way different then then.

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