Best manager ever in the WWE?


Dark Match Jobber
Over the course of the WWE we have seen many managers. From Bobby Heenan to Sherri Martel to Armando Estrada to Natalya. I want to know who you think the greatest manager to step foot in the WWE is.

My favorite has to be Daivari. I think he and Muhammad Hassan had the perfect heel gimmicks. He reminded me a lot of Mr. Fuji with the whole aspect of cheating for Hassan to win. And without fail everytime Daivari opened his mouth the crowd would boo louder then they do for any heel today.
Over the course of the WWE we have seen many managers. From Bobby Heenan to Sherri Martel to Armando Estrada to Natalya. I want to know who you think the greatest manager to step foot in the WWE is.

My favorite has to be Daivari. I think he and Muhammad Hassan had the perfect heel gimmicks. He reminded me a lot of Mr. Fuji with the whole aspect of cheating for Hassan to win. And without fail everytime Daivari opened his mouth the crowd would boo louder then they do for any heel today.

Funny you mention Fuji because he is IMO the greatest manager of all time. You always knew that when his guy was wrestling he was going to do anything to make sure he was going to win. He never had to say much his persona just took over. Just a great heel manager. I miss those days.
I will go with Bobby Heenan with Jimmy Hart as a close second. Bobby was so good as a heel manager. He could generate heat louder than any other, with his condescending demeanor toward the fans, his cowardess in any situation where he was in danger. Awesome. Jimmy Hart is more of an nostalgic thing, as he managed some of my all time favorites. The bullhorn is an everlasting memory in wrestling history.
The answer is Jimmy Hart the guy is timeless.

When you think about that history of WWE, and take into consideration how over ALL his guys were it's amazing.
Hmmm, this is a great question. I love Heenan, Fuji, and Hart, but I'm going to have to go with "Classie" Freddie Blassie. This guy just had a way of making you believe that his guys were so head over heels the best ever, but he also had a way of belittling a person and making it seem that he could take them. His classic "Pencil Necked Geeks" line is one of legends, and I think that he found a way to perfect what is now a lost art.
idk who exactly my favorite maniger has been over the years in defently between pual haymen just because he made the brock lesnar character in my mind and maybe lita from the hardy boyz era just cuz it seemed to work for them but the worst in my mind would defently hav to be rico from chuck and billy haha it was just horible in my mind no questions asked

plz join the mr mcman kiss my :ass: club haha
My absolute favorite manager of all time was a favorite in this thread, the "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart. And Bobby Heenan was a very close second for me. Bobby is, however, my favorite Color Commentator of all time, as he is for a lot of fans.

Now, people probably have to wonder why I pick Hart over Heenan as a manager. I just found Jimmy Hart to be a lot more obnoxious than Heenan. Hart was always running around the ring distracting his opponents with the megaphone, and physically interjecting himself in the matches. He was always distracting the officials. And he always rallied up the crowd and got them into the matches by going around the ring and antagonizing them.

His colorful wardrobe was another huge plus. The guy was a true walking advertisement for his wrestlers, with having his suits airbrushed for each of his wrestlers, and changing his outfits throughout each of the shows. Then, every couple months, he would get all new suits for each of his talents.

He was just a very colorful personality who I enjoyed watching perform, each and every time he appeared at ringside. He also absolutely loved the business. Also, being that each of the managers before his time did not actually stay at ringside for the matches once the bell rang, I believe after listening to his interview on the Greatest Managers DVD, that he actually was very instrumental in the change with managers actually staying at ringside for each of the matches. At least that was the impression I got from his interview on that DVD. And if so, we have him to thank for pushing this idea with Vince, if it was indeed true, as this produced so many fond memories back then.

It's just a shame that Vince is stuck in this mentality of his in that "only what happens in the ring should matter, and there should be no outside distractions that take away from the action, at all." Managers were once a part of the show. And people could watch the managers, and be entertained by their actions, while still watching the action in the ring.

Managers added a whole boatload of variations to match finishes that can't be offered today, since Vince has done away with them. They could interfere and cost the opponents the match. They could have interference that could backfire, and cost their own wrestlers the match. They could get caught by their opponent and get the crap kicked out of them. All of that helped make wrestling so much more interesting than today, when all you have is two wrestlers facing each other all the time.
You know, watching the Randy Savage DVD this week, I have to say kayfabe wise... Miss Elizabeth > All.

I mean, think about this. Once Randy Savage makes her his manager, he goes on to win the Intercontinental Title and hold on to it for a year. Once he loses it, it doesn't take long for him to rebound, because proximately a year later... he wins the WWF Championship, and then goes on to hold that for a year. And why did he lose the title? Well, because he lost Elizabeth! Has a manager ever had that kind of impact on a wrestler's performance? The answer is no.

Now, obviously... Liz couldn't cut a promo like Bobby Heenan or Jimmy Hart could (though I always preferred Slick as a manager over both of those guys, personally), but there's no denying that her "kayfabe" record just slaughters anything any manager has ever been able to accomplish in professional wrestling, and to me... that makes her the greatest of all time.
Ill go with kayfabe wise as well and pick Captain Lou Albano. He managed Koloff over Bruno for the wwwf title, and some greats like Patterson Valentine and Muraco to the IC title. Thats not even what hes well known for. He is probably the best manager of tag team wrestling ever. The following is from wikipedia:

Furthermore, Albano carved a prolific legacy that remains unmatched by guiding over a dozen teams to the WWWF World Tag Team Championships. Under his tutelage, Mr. Fuji and Mr. Saito, The Valiant Brothers, Wild Samoans, The Moondogs, and The British Bulldogs were a few of many that solidified Albano as wrestling's premiere tag team manager. By the end of his career, Albano managed over 50 different wrestlers that won two dozen championships.

I think thats enough reason to say hes the best
Best manager for success in the WWF/E would have to be Lou Albano, he did manage 17 tag-teams to titles (or some number like that). But best manager for pure entertainment value would definatly have to be Bobby Heenan.
I think the best Manager of WWE has to be the Jimmy "Mouth of the south" Hart. He was loud he was funny he was great. Him and his Mic were awsome. I loved watching him come down and blast that thing and talk insanity and I loved hating him for that...He was soooo annoying and thats what made it good.

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