Best jobber in history?


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Who will be the best/most famous jobber in history? I think Zack Ryder might go down in history as one of the best. But right now I'd have to give the tittle to Barry Horowitz... Santino has a spot in this discussion also.. Lets rate the best of the worst...
Best in what sense?
When I think of a jobber the first one that comes to mind is Brooklyn Brawler. He did the job for many years and definitely has to rank up there with the best known jobbers in in the history of the company.
I really don't want to limit what a jobber is.. Wrestling ability and or total ability to get over. Some people don't like to label this area.. What make a jobber?? There are many different aspects to consider. Just put down why your picking whoever..

BTW I totally agree with the Brawler...
For me it's a tie between Barry Horowitz and Brad Armstrong. Nobody could make a guy look like a beast in the ring yet still put on fantastic matches better than those two.
Well a Jobber's job is to make the other person look amazing and in some cases to get the other person heat/crowd support. So really it seems best to look for someone who gets destroyed but in doing so elevates their opponents that much higher. I think Santino has a strong case for the best jobber ever. Santino was the runner up to Del Rio in a very memorable Royal Rumble moment, Santino was the last eliminated in an Elimination Chamber which Daniel Bryan won, and Santino's London Tea Party promo with Sheamus and Koslov really helped the crowd get into all three of them for a while. Santino was getting some amazing pops at the time for a jobber, although recently he lost steam and I believe he is injured he has done a great job at putting over heels over the years. He did pretty well as a heel putting over faces as well.

It is quite possible I am forgetting about some jobbers as most aren't really memorable in the first place. I do think Santino has done a great job at making other people look good though. He seems like someone that is willing to put his own ego aside to help others succeed and he is happy entertaining people along the way.
I have to throw out Al Snow, the leader of the Job Squad. Al would put on great matches and make the opponent looking good. Brad Armstrong is a good pick , though I really hated to look at him like a jobber. Going old school I will have to throw out Pat Rose from my days watching Georgia Championship Wrestling. He was a go to guy for jobbing to the likes of Harley Race, Rick Flair and many other great legends. I don't think I ever actually saw him win a match though his Bio shows 9 title runs spread across various promotions. Modern day I like Ziggler. I know he is being pushed and people give him crap for over selling but I find his way of taking bumps impressive and he has put over some guys in an impressive manner. He has done his fair share of jobbing over the years to get to where he is .
Barry Horowitz is the classic jobber. And Brad Armstrong is to WCW what Horowitz was to WWF. Santino has had too much success to be considered a jobber imo. Zack Ryder is probably this generations best jobber don't know about all time though.
I thought about Mick Foley. It might not be fully correct to call him a jobber, but he spent so much of his time in WWF/E not trying to win the most titles or be number 1, but making the other guy look good. And he still stayed in the main event the whole time and even won the championship. He risked his body in matches so many times to help guys like Undertaker, The Rock, Kane, Triple H, Randy Orton, and Edge. He risked his life and he wanted something for people to remember about EACH and EVERY one of those matches(and he sure did) without actually winning it.
Doink, RIP.

Come on; who else is more deserving of complete slaughter than a clown? I can't remember in the history of clowndom a more deserving being than Doink to get demolished by another wrestler. Unless you count Dink, and no, you don't.

By all accounts, when he started out he wasn't a jobber anymore than Santino was. But now he is known for being an incredible one.
I gotta go with Koko B. Ware.

Now he wasn't your typical jobber as you wouldn't see him take the pin for a Brooklyn Brawler or a Barry Horwitz but at most PPVs he would be the opening act. The Birdman gimmick coupled with his great music made him an instant face to take on whatever heel was being pushed at the time. I'm certain there is, but I can't call to mind one meaningful victory he has ever had, yet he's all Hall of Famer.

Good wrestler. Nothing too flashy (outside his attire) wrestling wise but solid and mostly mistake free, perfect elements to do the jobber's duty of putting over his opponent.

A jobber that was consistently on PPVs? That makes Koko the best.
There are so many good examples. I guess you got to define jobber as it relates to this thread. 123 kid jobbed a lot before he finally got a win. He went on to a decent career.
I know its not the most popular choice and is arguably not the best but he deserves mention. Tommy Dreamer was a guy who legitimately never wanted to win titles and was just happy to be there. plus he seemed to be fine jobbing to anyone to help the end product. His great feud with raven is a testament to that.
Wow this is a rough topic for someone who used to watch superstars every saturday morning.

I can say without a doubt Iron Mike Sharpe was probably the best jobber
of his time

This guy had it all :
A) Loud and annoying (not unlike Bully Ray)
B) the name (Just sounds like someone who should be kicking your ass)
c)His epic first 2 minute of the match offense ( Time to go a clubberin')
d)THE LOADED ARMPAD and the wrist bands.

"No no nooooo!" contest for me.

nuff said
I have to go with George South. If you don't know who George is, he worked mostly with the NWA/WCW back in the day and has been called the greatest enhancement/job guy by Ric Flair. He would always do a great job putting over the top guys when they were in the ring together. He is still going today in fact. Check him out if you haven't.
I have to go with Iron Mike Sharpe. Like was already mentioned he had a lot of tools to be a stand out jobber. He actually looked like he would be a match for his opponents even though he never won. I remember all of the jobbers from the days of watching Superstars on Saturday morning, but aside from Horwitz and Brooklyn Brawler, Iron Mike Sharpe is the only other one that jumps into my head when I think jobber.
I really dig the "Iron" Mike Sharpe and George South references. You guys obviously know your stuff.

Still, in my opinion there's only one clear cut answer and that's Johnny Rodz.

Johnny Rodz is the only jobber to make the WWE Hall of Fame (in the 3rd ever class, no less), an honor Sharpe, South, Horowitz and Ryder will likely never receive.

He's got a great wrestling school and is well respected by many of the top names in the history of the business.

And if you don't know, now you know...
Seems like a poor attempt to create discussion. Just like asking:

"Who is the best wrestler in history?"

It is definitely much easier to ask who is your favorite jobber of all time.

Mine was Mario Mancini. He was short, fat, porn star mustache, out of shape, had no real offense in his repetoire. - Him against a debuting King Kong Bundy.
Horowitz and Armstrong cannot bne considered the greatest jobbers, they ended have having pushes. A jobber for life is somebody like Mario Mancini, Rusty Brooks, Mr X, Barry O, George Wells.....guys who NEVER won matches and put guys over without getting offense in whatsoever. Steve Lombardi is the classic, but he has a few pushes as Brooklyn Brawler, MVP, Abe Schwarz. Jose Luis Rivera was a classic jobber, then went under a mask as one of the Conquistadors. People saying Santino are idiotsa, he is a two time IC Champion, not a jobber in any sense of the word.
This is an odd question. What makes a jobber the best jobber?

The first name that jumps into my head is Virgil, because he was the jobber week in, week out when I was a kid. Brooklyn Brawler also comes to mind. Once a jobber, always a jobber. Jobbers they were, as jobbers they will be remembered. Does that make them great jobbers?

Scotty Too Hotty was a jobber in the WWE for something like almost 20 years (with the occasional Tag Team title run in between). For a while he was even over with the crowd doing the worm (I'll never understand why). Does this longevity make him the greatest jobber of all time?

Then there are the so-called jobber-to-the-stars jobbers. These guys usually beat the other jobbers, but put over anyone who is going into more important matches soon. Hardcore Holly for example. Some of those guys eventually even broke out of that frame and became names to be reckoned with. Christian. Kane. Mark Henry. No one would (or should) call them jobbers(-to-the-stars) anymore. Is that something that makes you a candidate for best jobber in history?

Matt and Jeff Hardy started out as jobbers in the WWE. As did one Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Maybe Bret should call himself the best jobber there ever will be.

Valid arguments can be made for any one of these guys, depending on what one considers consitutes the best when it comes to jobbing.
the jobber to be the greatest would need to have been a career jobber, not somebody who eventually got pushed. Scotty Too Hotty, Hardy Boys and Virgil clearly dont count. Virgil was never a jobber, he was a valet until 1990, then he was pushed solid for 18 months. He put guys over on his way out, but sop did Von Erich, Santana, Duggan, Hercules etc etc, hardly jobbers either
I can't really pick one but I'd say everyone who worked with Sid during his debut year in NWA/WCW deserves praise. Because of the work they did he looked like a monster and a sure fire headline act...when he moved away from them, he kinda was a bust.

And I'd say the best example of a jobber doing his job correctly is the legend of Bret Hart. He worked a try-out match against "Mega Man" Mark MaGee and Hart did such a great job MaGee was hired on the spot by Vince and envisioned to be a future star with the great showing he put on... they paired him with others on the road afterwards and, yeah, he was a bust but, for that one night, Bret was a jobber who made him look like a million dollars, the true mark of a great jobber
Even though Sharpe once part of a tag team with Hogan in Japan, and always won on Maple Leaf TV (A Canadian show produced by the WWF I the 80's), I still have him on the top of the list even though he wasn't a true "jobber" in the sense of the term.

1.Iron Mike Sharpe
2. Steve "Brooklyn Brawler" Lombardi
3. Barry Horrowitz
4. Reno Riggins
5. Heath Slater
I may get dogged for this, because I have before. But I am going with Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Sure he won a Royal Rumble, but I honestly can't think of one single fued he came out of on top? I think Jim Duggan was about as high profile glorified jobber as you can get.
I personally am going to go with Zack Ryder. I think that he did a very good job of making other wrestlers look good, and he got huge crowd support, which really helped the heels who beat him get a reaction. I know he won the US title, but I think that was just a reward for being good to the company, and lets be honest, that title pretty much is a joke nowadays...

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