Best in the World or Jack of trades

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
Chris Jericho always says "I am the best in the world at what I do!" is he right or is he a Jack of all trades? He is a "rockstar" (lead singer for Fozzy) and a wrestler. Is he good enough to be both or do you think he is dividing his talent. If he is divided which one should he drop?
I think Jericho is more than good enough to do both. He is arguably one of the top 10 current wrestlers. While i don't listen to rock music he seems as if he is also good at making music so he should do that to. If he had to drop one obviously it should be Fozzy as i know his band doesn't sell to well and he really is a great wrestler.
Well if I was asked ten years ago maybe I would have said he rather was suited better for wrestling but age was catching up with him. I remembered reading an excerpt somewhere at the website of Wrestlezone in which he was quoted from an interview that had probably been posted somewhere via "". He was saying that he really was starting to feel the age and I know that in most humans the body starts to wear down at a severely faster rate after forty solar years. Given that he reached that peak of aging for the category I think too many years might not be left for him. He has been noticeably slower throughout the last year anyway but I still enjoyed watching him up until "WWE Judgment Day 2009". I felt he participated in the second most impressive match at Wrestlemania last year too. Anyway I did not listen to rock but maybe he could still pursue a career of music if he chose to retire soon.
He is by far one of the greatest wrestlers ever, and he doesn't seem to be slowing down at all to me. I don't care much for the music he does, but he's a great front man. He seems to be able to juggle both careers very well. So he should continue to do both as long as he can.
The only time Jericho doesn't entertain me while he is on the mic is Fozzy! Just don't dig it.

In ring the guy has it all, especially having good matches with everyone from a jobber to the biggest main eventer. His mic skills are amazing, he controls the crowd yo.

Fozzy is trash, stick to wreslting Y2J
Fact is, if Cena, Batista, Kane etc can do movies at the same time as fully time wrestling, then there's no reason Jericho can't do fozzy, i mean it's probably good for him t do it as anyone who's sung rock music before at the level that he does will know, it's like a full body workout to sing that stuff. That in addition to it being constant mic time and thus good practice for that too, it's ammost like a different training schedule rather than another job, so there's no reason he should stop either.
Have heard of Fozzy thru the internet but never really checked the band out. I'm sure they good, but he is ONE of the best in this buisness IMO.
His character is PURE fucking genious, fits him so well. And he is a top notch wrestler. He is agile, fast, strong, has a solid moveset and can get the crowd on him quick.
But jack of all trades? I don't see the guy selling propane or fixing cars or shit like that. He is an ENTERTAINER, entertaining is what HE DOES. A lot of wrestlers are featured in movies or commercials, always wanting that "spotlight" and jericho is no different.
This thread could have easily been made using plenty of other superstars names.
so its like your saying that because John Cena put out an album and a movie that he is a jack of all trades to? Or Batista? How bout Ted DiBiase?
We really debating whether Jericho can be a wrestler, be the front man of a band and do all his TV appearances? Isn't the fact he's doing all those things at once proof that he can? Current world champion. Appeared on 3 of the 4 WWE shows this week. Prominent in every show. New album out. Plethora of TV shows under his belt.

I will say that I believe Chris Jericho is the best wrestler in the world today because he is the most complete. If you combine every aspect of a wrestler into a single package, I think Jericho is the most successful. Punk is the only guy touching his mic work these days, but Jericho has more presence and is better in the ring. He's one of the companies most trusted employees as he gets creative control for his storylines, requests who to work with, was on Raw every single week interacting with the guest hosts, has committed to work on NXT, is the biggest guy in recent times to appear on Superstars, it just goes on and on and on. He's the total package.
I don't think Jericho's performances have really dipped since he started taking Fozzy more seriously, and the band is obviously fine because they were formed knowing that Jericho is a professional wrestler and that he's not always going to be around. It's very unlikely that Fozzy will ever get to the size where he has to make a real choice between the two, so I think it's probably a good thing that he's doing both, as it will probably stop him getting so burnt out with wrestling, which was why he had to leave before.

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