Best finishers of the 00's.

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
So i had this whole long ass thread all typed up and ready to go, I press submit and sure as shit, im banned for 8 fucking days (or whatever it was) so here we go again, this will be just the same as the 90's one, please give at least a few finishers and a small description of why you like them. Keep it in America and in the "big two", im not posting this sumbitch in the indy/foreign section am I? So without further ado, here is my list. (in no order)

1. Tazzmission- Simple Judo choke, turned into one of the most feared submissions in the buisness.

2. Angle Slam- I dunno what to say but, this move is awesome. Anyone know for sure if Angle is the innovator.

3. Superkick- One of my favorite moves of all time, the superkick is probably done best by the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, but is done well by Shelton Benjamin and (for a time) Johnny Nitro.

4. Death Valley Bomb- Known by many as the Death Valley Driver (which is wrong) this is a move that would really get a crowd going.

5. Pedigree- Triple H is one of the best in WWE history, when he hit this move (except for special occasions) ya done son.

6. Ankle Lock- I like Angles but the man who I thought did the move best was Shamrock, it totally fit his charecter and the look of intensity on his face was always great.

7. Crippler Crossface- Like i said before a 1/2 second of beauty, one of the handful of submissions that is truly fun to watch.

8. Ghetto Stomp- Done by a guy named Low-Ki/Senshi, when this man was in TNA, he was a fucking beast, (we'll have to see about this Kaval guy) this move usually spelled the end of the match, but if it didnt, it's tree of woe cousin would be sure to do the trick.

9. Scissors Kick- Booker T is the shit, and this move embodies his style and fits him perfectley.

10. F-5- Brock Lesnar would get the crowd fucking pumped with this move.

Honorable mentions to the Rock Bottom, Stone Cold Stunner (not in cause it was in the last one), 5 Star Frog Splash, Lasso from El Paso, Frog splash, Texas Cloverleaf, Cradle Piledriver, 450 splash, cattle mutilation, rko, and any others i forgot,

Note: This is an opinion thread, not a "what finisher put down the most top guys and looks the best" just gimme your own opinion.
If you're looking for "The Best Finishers", I don't know if you can really have the Ghetto Stomp and the Scissors Kick on the list.. I mean, they're kinda impressive to watch the first and maybe the second time, but only the ghetto stomp looks like it is at all realistic, and then only when it's done to someone of a similar build and weight.

To classify "The Best", you'd have to take into account the following:
1) The "MTFO Factor" - when you see it being set up (pedigree) or hit from nowhere (RKO), the crowd goes nutso.
2) Realism - Does it really look like it can actually knock someone loopy long enough to get a pin or make them tap out (Superkick, Crossface), or does it look really friggin lame, like it wouldnt hurt a fly? (619, Botchship Pain, Split-Legged Moonsault)
3) Has it been used to make decisive victories over other even-level or higher contenders? (RKO, Stunner), or is it just their "signature" move that they do constantly (Ankle Lock)

To be able to check off all those requirements to meet "The Best", I think my list of the top 5 of 2000-2009 would be something like this:

5) Cattle Mutilation. I'm adding this because I'm a huge Dragon mark, but it's also a great finisher. It's a technically tough submission, it's legitly painful, and Dragon does it perfectly. Also, as an aside, for Cena vs Danielson from 2003

4) Backstabber. Yes, I know I'm gonna get alot of angry replies to adding this on here, but Carlito made it look even more painful than we all know getting kneed in the back can be. He executed it beautifully, and it always looked good. My only problem is that the E never used Carlito as well as they should have, so we didn't ever get to see the Backstabber used to it's full potential. I'll add the Codebreaker on here, since it's basically the same move, but I really prefer Jericho as a submission guy.

3) Batista Bomb. The BB just looked devastating. Batista took what Kevin Nash left behind and made it his own and improved on it. The Jackknife Powerbomb was THE BEST finisher of the mid 90s, imo, it just LOOKED impressive, you could feel it through the TV. Batista took that and put his own little twists on it, and it still held onto that WOW! factor through the years. It didnt hurt at all that Dave Batista is a 'huge friggin guy', nor that it was a move that he couldnt just throw out of nowhere like the RKO - the ripping the shirt off, the set-up, all kept it limited to matches or important out-of-match showdowns like contract signings or ambushes. I can't remember the last time that it was done well that the crowd didn't go absolutely berserk. My only complaint with this is his "Two Thumbs Down" thing. Was dumb after the first time Triple H Did it after Orton's first World Title win. Didn't need to be continued for 10 years.

2) Sweet Chin Music. HBK might not have invented the Superkick, but God damn, did he own it. When he pulled it out of nowhere (see kicking HHH or even better, the Superkick on Janetty), it was like a gun went off in his leg. So fast, sometimes it was tough to even see him do it. When he tuned up the band, the crowd got so behind it, it was hard to not cheer, although he did the Foot Stomp too much and by the end, it really took some of the excitement away from the move.. you KNEW the other guy was gonna avoid it at that point. It's also a devastating move - if you've ever gotten bonked on the head by something falling, or hit your head while standing up.. you KNOW how much it hurts.. now imagine a foot hitting you in the face, chin, or cheek.. it's VERY believable, and the only reason it's not #1 is for the reason listed above.

1) Crippler Crossface/RKO Tied for first, one for Submission, one for Impact. Both moves can/did/will come out of nowhere, and it's very very rare that anyone kicks out or breaks before tapping. The crowd loved the Crossface, and Benoit's facial expressions just made it all the better. It's a legitimate painful maneuver, and wasn't something just slapped on any old jobber, it was used to win matches. The RKO still makes the crowd mark, it definitely has that "ow, my damn neck hurts so much I cant manage to kick out in 3 seconds" factor, the only thing I dont like about it is the fact that Orton is using it more and more outside of matches, like the Stunner was. You don't have to RKO every single person on Earth, just beat em down a bit, save the RKO for the important times. Still, even with that small complaint, these two moves are still my personal #1's for the last 10 years.
Except for the F-5 and perhaps the Ghetto Stomp, every move you mentioned were done before the year 2000. Scissor Kick was in WCW, Tazzmission was ECW, etc.

As for the moves that were new in the span of 2000 to 2005, I would say:

The Last Ride: A lifting powerbomb. When a simple powerbomb just would not do. Undertaker brought this attraction to the public eye.

The 619: Perhaps the most graceful move to come along (until my next pick), Rey introduced this spectacle that has been recieving a pop from the crowd ever since he first did it back in 2002-2003.

The RKO: Before Orton decided to alter the Cutter more by simply doing a jumping one-handed move, The RKO grabbed the opponent and sent Orton into a run, and then a drop. Looked much more dangerous then any Cutter of its time, and was the origin of a move that was still to come...

Just a few that were legitimately new to the millenium. :)
F5 without a shadow of a doubt.

Innovative, devastating look, and represented what lesnar was all about. Power and destruction.

Seeing Lesnar F5ing Big Show, Mark Henry, Rikishi, A-Train, and basically the entire WWF/E roster was priceless.
This is a pretty big list but to trim it all down my top three are the Canadian destroyer, musclebuster and the f5, all of these finishers get the crowd on there feet especially the musclebuster cause when Joe gets them up there it look likes there aunt shit the guy can do about it.
The move everyone hated to love... you cant deny how excited you was to see this move..... The Peoples ELBOW! YES i said it!!!

But Serious....

Im going with the Five Star Frog Splash

RVD makes this frog splash look so beautiful in mid air, Im talking diving from one side of the ring to another, something even turning to adjust his body, just excellence! I love it!

When you wanna say Devastation nothing other than the last RIDE!

The f-5 was awesome aswell!

The GTS!
Believe it or not, my favorite has to be Trouble in Paradise. Even though it is a very new move from a very new wrestler, if you have ever been hit with a spinning heel kick to the side of your head, you would know why I put that, it hurts like a mofo.
He wasn't there long..but one of the most painful looking finishers was

The Rings of Saturn (Perry Saturn). The backwards extension of both arms looked brutal on television.

I also gotta give props to Victoria's

Widow's Peak...has the slow setup that builds interest..then BAM..quick drop reminiscent of a Stunner.
So many to choose from!

I would have to say:

RKO- This cutter looks spectacular, can be hit out of nowhere and just flat out looks awesome. I love the top rope version that Orton has done in the past, and when he catches a jumping opponent in the RKO

Angle Slam- I have never seen anyone else use this move as their finisher, it looks totally unique, and quite devastating when done properly

Edgecution- the DDT version, similar to Gangrel's Impaler. I do love a good jumping DDT!

BME- Best Moonsault Ever. The name says it all! Christopher Daniels is great

Spiral Tap- One of the most spectacular aerial moves of all time, AJ is the master!

The Last Ride- a phenomenal move, the strength it takes to get a guy up onto your shoulders, and then lift him up with straight arms is amazing. When Taker debuted this, he debuted probably the best powerbomb of the last 10 years

Kanes Diving Powerbomb- It was great when the Brothers of Destruction used to both hit powerbombs on their tag team opponents after the match back in the early 2000s, and Kane came up with a devastating diving powerbomb, it was great to see

Gringo Killer Similar to the Vertebreaker made famous by Gregory Helms, I love how fast Homicide can hit this, and it looks so dangerous when the guy lands on his neck. Brilliant move
the deadliest looking finisher i ever seen throughout the 2000-2010 was "sugar" shane helms' vertibreaker. absolutely devastating. u knew it was over. how he never crippled anyone ill never know. brock's F5 gets a close 2nd from me. move was damn ferocious.
I'm shocked no one else has mentioned it yet. Where's the Worm people?! Haha jk. After doing some research, and much consideration, I think the greatest move of the 2000's has to be either The Border Toss by Hernandez, the Cradle Piledriver by Jerry Lynn(Probably used before the 2000's. Not Sure), or the RKO.
My all time favourite finisher is Brock Lesnar's F-5.

For some reason, it just connected with me and I always thought that the match was over when he hit is. His size, coupled with his power really made that finisher one of the best around and I loved to see it. I don't recall anyone ever kicking out of the F-5 either, although that may just be because I have a very poor memory for things like that. The other thing was that it made him look absolutely instopabble when he put people on his shoulders. It was like Cena is today, although it was slightly better. I mean, imagining lifting the weight of The Big Show just gives me a further appreciation of what both of those guys have done. Lesnar did it first though and it was incredible to see.

My second favourite though, is definitely the Codebreaker.

For me, it is just so versatile. It can be used from anywhere, in any position and in the blink of an eye. That is what a flash finish should be like and I am always very excited to see it. I think that Jericho's Walls are not really cutting the mustard any more and the Codebreaker really gives him something else out with that.
The correct answer is Victoria's "Widow's Peak." Check it on YouTube, there is a nice montage of her performing this finisher on various victims. She did it perfectly too, props to her skills as I generally hate Divas matches. It is simply the most devastating looking finisher in recent history. It looks like it would kill you. And it was innovative! Nothing else compares. Honorable mention goes to the Hurricane's "Shining Wizard."

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