Best Debut in WWE History


WZ's Resident GameStop Advisor
I'm sorry if this thread has been done before.

Anyways, I want to know who you think had the best debut in the WWE history. I'm not talking about a return, but a debut. Some that come to mind are:

Kane- Interrupted the first HIAC match between Taker and HBK, ripped off the door and chokeslammed the undertaker

Y2J- Had the count down

Tazz- Show up at Royal Rumble 2000 and handed Kurt Angle his first "loss"

But my personal favorite is Brock Lesnar's debut. He destroyed everybody in the ring. Just watch.
Sorry to go for an obvious one but my vote goes to Undertaker at Survivor Series 1990.

Even then he just had such an aura and prescence, I was veryyoung at the time and remember literally having chills watching him. The music, the black, the skin, the gloves....

Other than that, the names mentioned above were great debuts, and perhaps the 'Radiculz' on Raw in 2000. At the time seeing 4 of WCW's top guys turn up at once was mind boggling.
Chris Jericho

He had the countdown clock, which made the anticipation higher and higher as the time ran out. When the name JERICHO came up on the titantron, the crowd went CRAZY!! I remember getting goosebumps when this happened, it was brilliant!

He interrupted The Rock, the WWF's biggest star at the time, and both of them cut awesome promos, as always. It was the perfect debut for the Y2J he had a funny beard :)

Other debuts that really stood out for me were Lesnars, just because of the size of the guy, and the desruction he caused as soon as he appeared, and Goldbergs

tazz vs Jerry Lawler....
Guess who shows up? RAVEN!!!!!

Raven effecting Lawler to hand tazz the win was SOOO great...
Kane- Interrupted the first HIAC match between Taker and HBK, ripped off the door and chokeslammed the undertaker

Kane tombstoned Taker on his debut, he didn't chokeslam him. Will never forget that.

It was the second greatest debut in my estimation since we knew for a while from Paul Bearer that Kane was going to come into the WWF.

My vote also goes to Taker's debut for the greatest ever. Pull up the video now, you'll see how the fans were really kind of spooked when they saw him. Nobody had ever heard of such a character, it was way beyond what was expected, the commentators sold it well, Taker himself showed the greatest character-presentation ever with his looks and style.
I've always been a big fan of the Chris Jericho Y2J debut. It was handled amazing, as well as it popped Jericho's debut off in a big manner by letting him interrupt The Rock. They had a good promo together, which only makes it much more awesome.

Of course if we're counting re-debuts as well. Then Chris Jericho's return was the best, a great promo cut on Randy Orton that just had all the elements of surprise (While it wasn't really that surprising, because the promo video's made it a little more obvious). As well as it had quite a shock value alongside it. Some elements which we should definitely be seeing more of. Sadly it's a shame to do it properly because it'd need a medium / big name to make a debut for it to have a proper effect.
Chris Jericho for sure. I can't think of another wrestler who had more countdown packages or made as big of an impact by interrupting a huge star like The Rock. It all happened at the right time with the Y2J gimmick and everyone was hyped for it. The WWE really put a lot of faith into Chris for him to interrupt The Rock, and luckily Jericho held his own. Debuts like that jus don't happen anymore and that's what makes it's so special and easily the best of all-time in my opinion. Also his return debut intterupting Orton was great too, not as good as the original or the best it was somewhat of a copy cat of his original debut but the promo he cut and the energy and charisma he put in made it magic. So this one is all Jericho
The Undertakers debut was like no other...Kids were crying in the audience!!!!

Kanes was pretty good as well, what with all the build-up as helped the feud...

Chris Jericho's was good and i'm glad he interupted The Rock because it was just hilarious what these 2 have done since...

I have to give mention to Tazz debut at Rumble, it was his home town but the fans were just going CRAZY!! well thats MSG for ya!!

Goldbergs debut was a good one aswell...

But I'm going with The Undertaker!! hell even the American Bad ass was epic!
Chris Jericho has one of the best debuts with the countdown clock, and at The Rock's expense no less. Kane's debut was awesome as well, tearing the cell door off before Tombstoning his own brother. Then there's 'Taker's debut at Survivor Series, I mean I was only 5 months old at that point and didn't get into wrestling until I was 12 but I've seen it online and on the 'Taker DVD but still, awesome stuff.

Cena had a strong debut, just coming straight down to the ring and getting in the face of Angle before challenging him to a match after cutting a strong promo against Kurt. Not a Cena fan (Not a Cena hater either to be honest) but it was a strong debut. I kinda liked Ted DiBiase Jr's build up as well, not the best but was still a good one with a new star bursting onto the scene. MNM had a great debut as well back when SD had one incredible tag team division which only threw more fuel to the fire to the imploding team of Eddie and Rey.

Carlito had a great SD debut as well, winning the U.S. Title from Cena mere days after Cena won it after a hot feud with Booker. Then there's CM Punk's ECW Debut, came off really strong and went on a 6 month undefeated streak and cut some great viginettes to put over his Straightedge lifestyle in a positive way so he come off as a face. Also this hardly counts but the 'debut' of the John Morrison character was a great way for the artist formerly known as Johnny Nitro to reinvent himself.
As everyones said, Y2J had the best debut.. I think alot of us loved his work and his segments at WCW but knew he never was getting the push.. That added to the excitement of him leaving for me, because I was hoping WWE would do something huge with him and they didnt dissapoint. Him and the Rock were gold together.. Still laugh at the Rock saying, Just cause you beat some guy called Huventude, you think you can interrupt the Rock.. lol However, the thread got me thinking about WHo the best recent debut was... and for me.. It was the Redebut of Christian.. there was a lot of speculation built up and WWE did a great job having him just "show up" on ECW out of no where cutting another gold promo on Swagger... I hope the WWE gives him a run soon to show what he can do... He was the whole reason to watch ECW towards the end...
For me, it either has to be Y2J, or Tazz. Just the pops these two got when they entered the arena was amazing. Epecially Tazz's. The first heartbeat in his theme just sent chills along with the cheers he got. Everyone knew who he was, and knew just how amazing Tazz really is.

And then Jericho. The countdown just set everyone up. Then they just went NUTS when they realized it was Jericho. I personally love that one.

Just to add one more if it isn't in here already, I also enjoyed the Scott Steiner debut at Survivor Series 2002. "Holla if you hear me!" All of MSG knew Steiner was finally In WWE. Yes, It wasn't a sign of much to come, because he wasn't pushed, but that in my opinion was one of the best debuts, and also laughably, one of the best moments of Steiner's career.
ahh you know im going for a dark horse here..ill say carlitos debut was awsome he debuted against john cena and beat him for the us title on Smackdown his first night when he was unknown and had a excellent fued with ill say calrito..but a close second would be Knaes or Y2J's only reason thiers is behind Carlito is because Carlito won a belt...this is just my opionion i still think taker and jericho are the bigger stars
It was the Redebut of Christian.. there was a lot of speculation built up and WWE did a great job having him just "show up" on ECW out of no where cutting another gold promo on Swagger... I hope the WWE gives him a run soon to show what he can do... He was the whole reason to watch ECW towards the end...

Christians debut was not that good due to Todd Fuckin Grisham the lack of enthusiasm on the commentary teams part was disgracefull we needed that debut on raw with a King reaction or a JR reaction like all he said was oh its christian almost like he didnt bother his ass.
Excuse the rant lol.
Kane at Badd Blood in the hitc match was epic really great build up and made his character seem super.
Jericho for sure to diss the Rock like that really great promo from both segments like that is what we are missing in both promotions these days.
Goldbergs was epic nuff said.
what about the debut of the big show throwing stone cold through the cage, or even kahlis debut destroying the undertaker.
I think one of the best has to be when Vince McMahon first announced that the brands would have General Managers, and who should show up, but none other than the man who ran WCW, Eric Bischoff. Just seeing Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon not only just on the same show, but smiling, shaking hands, and even hugging. Prior to that night, I don't think anyone would have ever thought Bischoff and McMahon would ever work together, and it was kept pretty well secret up until he showed up on Raw. I think they did kind of mess it up by doing the thing with Booker T earlier that night, but still, I think that was one of the biggest debuts in WWE, and he wasn't even an actual wrestler.
for me it would have to be kanes. he had such and aura to him, and sent a strong message by tombstoning the undertaker.

an it will always be my favorite as kanes debut was the first thing i ever saw in wrestling. i just turned it to that channel when i was younger right when kane debuted. his debute literally made me a fan. ill always have a place in my heart for kane for that one.
How could no one have mentioned Giant Gonzales??? (Sorry - been reading the Worst Gimmicks Thread)

Have to go with Y2J. When his name popped on the TitanTron, the crowd's reaction was off the charts. But when the countdown came on and interrupted the Rock, I jumped; the last thing I thought VM would do would be to put Jericho in the ring with a headliner right off the bat. But he did, thank God. Still one of my favorite Raw moments.
Definitely Y2J, when the count down came up on the Titanron, I MTFO, I was jumping all over the room squealing like a school girl (not really, but, you know) I also liked DiBiase Jnr's, the way it was built up, and not a surprise debut, and how he said he would be a champion in his first WWE match, that was really good to watch.
oh there is too many to name..

Goldust was creepy as shit, but always been a fan of his. very underated, and under used.
Kane.. epic. just plain epic.
Mankind was another one that made a big impact on his first night.
Y2J is defenetly one of the best as well, i remember that day. always will.
RVD in WWE. was HUGELY over with the crowd.
Bishoff, that was the shocker of the decade.

so many more, cant even think right now.. but for me, the one that sticks out above all others, and only because it scared the living SHIT out of me, was The Undertaker. even for months after his first match, there was STILL kids in the crowd crying when he came out, because he spooked the hell out of the poor little bastards. it was original, and very real looking to someone who didnt know any better. to this day he still stands out as one of the best characters in wrestling history.
Undertaker, Kane, Jericho and Tazz stand out to me. They were the genuine goosebump moments in the WWF where you knew something special would happen. They all made you think that you were watching a star too.
I'd have to say a few stand out to me...

Kane...because the amazement in which he debuted, just tearing that cage door off and having the small guy HBK get the victory over Undertaker. No one would've expected HBK to win over 'Taker at that time.

Y2J...of course the big hype behind the millenium clock, we all knew it had to be something and someone BIG. This guy was going to be a force to be reckoned with in anyway possible.

Of course, the hug heard round the world, Eric Bischoff. No one could've expected that in a million years if you watched The Monday Night Wars DVD, that would've been the LAST thing anyone expected.

I'd say the first debut of Christian, interfering in Edge's match against Owen Hart at the PPV. That was creepy, then his first match, he just comes in an wins the light heavyweight belt against Taka Michinoku.
For me, it either has to be Y2J, or Tazz. Just the pops these two got when they entered the arena was amazing. Epecially Tazz's. The first heartbeat in his theme just sent chills along with the cheers he got. Everyone knew who he was, and knew just how amazing Tazz really is.

And then Jericho. The countdown just set everyone up. Then they just went NUTS when they realized it was Jericho. I personally love that one.

Just to add one more if it isn't in here already, I also enjoyed the Scott Steiner debut at Survivor Series 2002. "Holla if you hear me!" All of MSG knew Steiner was finally In WWE. Yes, It wasn't a sign of much to come, because he wasn't pushed, but that in my opinion was one of the best debuts, and also laughably, one of the best moments of Steiner's career.

Man I forogt Steiners debut, when the doors opened and he just swaggered down the entrance way, arms outstretched with the siren playing over the speakers- AWESOME.

"GIMME A FUKIN MIC!" haha Classic Scotty. All these things added up to a brilliant debut, can't believe I forgot it
I'm going with Goldberg's debut in 2003. I remember just watching the t.v. with my brother and just hating the Rock with a passion at that point b/c my brother was just gloating how he beat SCSA at Wrestlemania and now Stone Cold was gone. I just couldn't believe that it was Goldberg when it happened and when he speared the Rock and nearly broke all his ribs; all I heard was silence in the room except for the t.v. I think it was out of sheer satisfaction of him shuttin my brother up that I give him the best debut.
I'm suprized that this hasn't been said yet but what about Nexus? I mean really, who the fuck saw that one coming??? It was wierd when Barrett walked out but not really after I remembered that he won NXT. But when the other rookies came out and surrounded the ring I couldn't believe it, and when they destroyed The SES and surrounded Cena I marked the fuck out! Destroying the arena, the announcers, the crew and Cena left me in awe. This story has only grew since then(except for BD getting released) and is IMO the best WWE debut ever and since they debuted as a group it counts.
Chris Y2J Jericho: The countdown just interupting the Rock. And not just that but the entire countdown to this whole thing known as Y2J was like whats this then that faithful Rock promo the counter ends and enter Y2J and to think they interputed the Rock of all people to give Jericho heat.

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