Best cash in ever?

Was Seth Rollins involved in the best MITB cash in ever?



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When Edge first cashed in MITB against Cena the other year it was a good moment because none of us knew how it would transpire when it happened and probably it was against Cena. Anyway there have been some decent to good cash ins and some that were not so, bordering on overkill sometimes.
But what we saw at Wrestlemania I thought was awesome. Never have we seen a cash in attempt at the big stage let alone a successful go at it. We may have seen some kind of cash in that night but not the way it played out. WWE certainly did think out of the box with this one. Reigns didn't win. Lesnar didn't lose. What you guys say??
I thought it was a fantastic ending to an otherwise extremely poor Wrestlemania. Tough to say if it was my favorite cash in - that first one by Edge was pretty damn sweet - but it ranks way up there. I loved it. And I do believe that propaganda they're spouting that Seth Rollins is the future of the WWE. Fantastic wrestler, oozing charisma, good talker - he's the real deal.
I'm not really sure, I'd have to think about it as I haven't really yet. It has a few things going for it that certainly makes it stand out.

The most obvious is that this is the first MITB cash in to be done at WrestleMania. The fact that WrestleMania XXXI was a strong show helps make the cash in all the more memorable.

Another thing that stands out is that Rollins didn't wait until the match was over, he cashed in during a standard singles match, thereby turning it into a triple threat match. I'd often thought about someone doing this, but we'd never seen it. From a storyline perspective, turning it into a triple threat match is a stroke of genius on Rollins' part because there are no disqualifications under triple threat formats. As a result, if necessary, J&J Security could've run interference just as Kane & Big Show could have. I'm glad they didn't go that route as it would've cheapened things a bit with this being the first time it was cashed in at WrestleMania and in the middle of a traditional singles match.

Rollins cashing in at WrestleMania pretty much cements his place as one of the top guys in WWE in the coming decade. I get the idea that WWE was saving a WrestleMania cash in for someone special and Rollins is someone that has all the tools. If nothing else, it may well go down as the most memorable MITB cash in.
I'm saying OH HELL YEAH!! for now because we aren't even 48 hours removed from WrestleMania 31. I sometimes think things like this need a retrospective look to see whether "the best" was indeed "the best." Having said that, Rollins cashing-in mid-match was really genius. I've waited for the day Mr. Money in the Bank actually cashed in during a match, rather than after it, so that makes this one unique. And of course, it was the first cash-in at WrestleMania, so this was big on all scopes. I think this will likely be my second favourite cash-in, because the only one I can think of that tops this one is the very first cash-in when Edge defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship. The first is usually the best.
There are only cash in that can be the best in my opinion. Edge on Cena, it set the standard for the unpredictable nature of the mitb cash in. The other being RVD, the only way to cash in as a face and remain a face, again unexpected but great pay off to the speculation.
Hell yeah this was the greatest cash in of MITB yet! It was so unexpected since the buildup for the main event was strictly one on one with just Lesnar and Reigns. I'll admit it, I had a feeling Seth was gonna cash in at WM even before the event started. The way he cashed in was unexpected which made it more memorable because instead of cashing in at the end of the match like what usually happens, he cashes in right in the middle of it which is considered a pretty ballsy move. However, despite him cashing in I saw it happening differently. Here was my idea: Lesnar wins the match and retains. However Reigns gives him such a beating that Lesnar is barely able to get up from it. Lesnar is there with Heyman in the ring, and then Rollins comes out MITB briefcase and all. Heyman tries to "stop" Rollins from cashing in by taking the briefcase, but when Lesnar's back is turned Heyman clocks Lesnar in the back of the head with the briefcase then proceeds to cash in for Rollins. Rollins curbstomps Lesnar multiple times, gets the pin, then wins the WWE title. With this Heyman essentially turns on Lesnar, and aligns himself with Rollins thus making a face turn for Lesnar and it solidifies Rollins as the top heel in the WWE for good.
As much as I liked Rollins' cash-in, I don't think anything will ever top Dolph Ziggler's cash-in. Not since Stone Cold won the title at WrestleMania 14 has there been a crowd reaction like that. By all rights it should have made Dolph Ziggler THE top star in WWE, but Vince's blind hatred of him prevented that from happening.
As much as I liked Rollins' cash-in, I don't think anything will ever top Dolph Ziggler's cash-in. Not since Stone Cold won the title at WrestleMania 14 has there been a crowd reaction like that. By all rights it should have made Dolph Ziggler THE top star in WWE, but Vince's blind hatred of him prevented that from happening.

And he never received a reaction even half as good ever again. That wasn't a genuine crowd reaction and you know it.

I'll say that this Rollins' cash in was the best. The first one was great but only because it was something we hadn't seen before. If you don't factor that part into it, there's no difference between that one and the many that followed. Seth's was the first to happen at Mania as well as the first to happen during a match. Great execution.
And he never received a reaction even half as good ever again. That wasn't a genuine crowd reaction and you know it.

And as usual you're 100% wrong thanks to your selective hearing. Dolph Ziggler continued to get incredible reactions from every crowd. The only person who rivaled his popularity was Daniel Bryan, and once Bryan was out hurt, Ziggler was beyond a shadow of a doubt the #1 babyface in the company. Since Survivor Series his pops have gotten steadily smaller because of how horribly he's booked, but he's still one of the top babyfaces in the company.
I don't know if it was the best, it's hard to beat the original because nobody saw it coming nor did they think it could happen like that, it wasn't even teased as a possibility. So no. Edge is still the best.
It was one of the best, and the fact that it happened at Mania made it even more special. Not only will Rollins be a great champion, the fact that he cashed in probably saved the main event. It had been rumoured to happen, so I can't say I was completely shocked when Rollins' music hit.

There are two others that stand out in my mind. Edge cashing in on Cena. I will never forget the music hitting and Edge walking down the ramp looking like a madman. It was fantastic.

The other is poor Damien Sandow trying to cash in on Cena and losing. He's never fully recovered from that, and I still have no idea why the WWE does what they do at times.
The other is poor Damien Sandow trying to cash in on Cena and losing. He's never fully recovered from that, and I still have no idea why the WWE does what they do at times.

Sandow was NOWHERE near ready to be World Champion. WWE had booked themselves into a corner by having him win it, and there was no way out except for him to cash in and lose. Plus, someone had to be the first to cash in and lose. They couldn't have MITB remain with a 100% success rate, it just wasn't logical.
Sandow was NOWHERE near ready to be World Champion. WWE had booked themselves into a corner by having him win it, and there was no way out except for him to cash in and lose. Plus, someone had to be the first to cash in and lose. They couldn't have MITB remain with a 100% success rate, it just wasn't logical.

I just wish it hadn't been Sandow. It should've been The Miz or even Swagger who was the first. You're talking about people who weren't ready to be World Champion, Sandow may not have been but neither were Miz or Swagger. That being said, HELL YEAH it was the best cash-in ever, as it was actually different than all the others. However, they're now running out of fresh scenarios regarding the MITB cash-ins. The only one I can see left is someone cashing in while the title is vacant but I don't see that happening. If this is the case, is it just better to get rid of the MITB concept?
When Edge first cashed in MITB against Cena the other year it was a good moment because none of us knew how it would transpire when it happened and probably it was against Cena. Anyway there have been some decent to good cash ins and some that were not so, bordering on overkill sometimes.
But what we saw at Wrestlemania I thought was awesome. Never have we seen a cash in attempt at the big stage let alone a successful go at it. We may have seen some kind of cash in that night but not the way it played out. WWE certainly did think out of the box with this one. Reigns didn't win. Lesnar didn't lose. What you guys say??

I think Rollins' was the best. Just the timing of it. We were in the midst of uncertainty with Brock resigning, does that mean he retains the title, do they pull the trigger on Reigns. I don't think anybody could have expected that which makes it so great.

I like Ziggler's cash in a lot. Everybody knew he would cash in just the matter of when the powers-that-be would let him.
Seth Rollins had the best Money In The Bank cash-in of all time. There is absolutely no contest. Edge's first one was awesome, yes, but as others have stated if it had not been the first one then there is not much separating it from the other opportunistic attacks on weakened champions we have come to expect with almost every cash-in. Seth's is better for multiple reasons. He cash'ed in during a match that was already going on. Not before when the champion has a chance to mentally prepare, and not afterwards where he sneaks in a quick win over a champion who (kayfabe) has no chance. Granted, Roman and Lesnar had already destroyed each other but the fact that this cash-in was used to turn a singles match in progress into a triple threat was worth mentioning. Secondly.... HE DID IT AT WRESTLEMANIA. Seth Rollins took the standard Edge set and took it to a whole other level. This cash-in set the new standard. I highly doubt any will ever top it and it will never be forgotten.
And as usual you're 100% wrong thanks to your selective hearing. Dolph Ziggler continued to get incredible reactions from every crowd.

This was the very next week on Raw.


Did you hear that pop? No you didn't because there was none. This was one week after winning the world title. Nobody cared.

I'm going to go ahead and ignore the rest of your post since we've already established that you're a liar. No need to beat a dead horse.

Plus, someone had to be the first to cash in and lose. They couldn't have MITB remain with a 100% success rate, it just wasn't logical.

I just wish it hadn't been Sandow. It should've been The Miz or even Swagger who was the first.

Psst. Guys. Sandow wasn't the first guy to fail at a cash in.

I just wish it hadn't been Sandow. It should've been The Miz or even Swagger who was the first. You're talking about people who weren't ready to be World Champion, Sandow may not have been but neither were Miz or Swagger. That being said, HELL YEAH it was the best cash-in ever, as it was actually different than all the others. However, they're now running out of fresh scenarios regarding the MITB cash-ins. The only one I can see left is someone cashing in while the title is vacant but I don't see that happening. If this is the case, is it just better to get rid of the MITB concept?

I disagree, The Miz was ready and I think him losing his cash-in would have destroyed his career. I'm a big Miz fan and I still think he has what it takes to be a top draw.

Swagger's weakness was and still is his lack of mic skills. Luckily he has a manager to compensate for that. They were right to give Swagger a shot, but wrong to take it away from him so soon.

Damien Sandow was the right choice to be the failed cash-in. It was way too early for him, and it's better to have him lose than cash in, become champion, and completely flop.
I disagree, The Miz was ready and I think him losing his cash-in would have destroyed his career. I'm a big Miz fan and I still think he has what it takes to be a top draw.

The Miz is a great heel, but he is not main event material, and he never was. Sandow was set back, and it's taken a lot for him to get back up the ladder to were he is now. So I'm sorry i can't agree with you. The Miz losing his cash in wouldn't have destroyed his career, it would have put him in the same position Sandow is now.
In reference to Sandow failing being awful for his career, they should have just had Cody Rhodes win the briefcase. They could still have the Rhodes/Sandow feud, Rhodes could have failed due to the Authority/Rhodes mini-feud that had been established and if he would have won, he would have deserved it more than Sandow at that point.

Regardless, Seth cashing in was perfect. I haven't marked out that much in a long time, not even going to lie. I went to work and still couldn't get over it the next day. The long slow burn of him with the briefcase, cashing in basically on his old Shield brother, Lesnar finally losing the belt, not too mention me being right about it made it all the sweeter.

1. Seth Rollins
2. Rob Van Dam
3. Edge(#1)
4. CM Punk (#2)
5. Randy Orton
6. Dolph Ziggler
7. Alberto Del Rio
8. The Miz
9. CM Punk (#1)
10. Kane
11. Edge(#2)
12. Jack Swagger
13. Daniel Bryan
14. Sandow
15. John Cena

RVD's was amazing because I had been a moderate fan of his for years and by that point I was disliking Cena. Not too mention it was a fun match, sad his reigns ended so quick but the cash in was nice.

The first Edge cash in was great just because it was the first.

Punk's second cash in was great, led to a nice Punk/Hardy feud and helped establish Punk as more than a 15 second splash.

Orton's set into effect an entire 7 month storyline, not super amazing but it led to a heel Orton which we needed.

Ziggler's was amazing, such a pop that night.

Del Rio's was nice and it helped lead to the Punk year plus reign.

I liked the Miz's because I was only watching Raw for the Miz by that point, plus he cashed in on a boring face Orton. It also led to him ending Cena's undefeated streak at Mania!

Punk's original cash in was nice but here's where it gets largely forgettable.

Kane gets the next spot because his cash in was the same night, large plot twist.

Edge's second cash in again, forgettable. As was Swagger's and Bryan's. I really can't even remember who they cashed in on. How long their reigns were or anything.

Then I have Sandow and Cena because they both failed, Cena certainly didn't need it and it was otherworldly forgettable.
I think the WOW factor alone makes it worth talking about as the best of all time. I mean it seemed right to cash it in at WM31 given the amount of time he held on to the briefcase, but no one knew for sure how it exactly was going to go down. For him to come in toward the end of the match when both guys are beat up instead of waiting till the end was a great tactic and made for one of the biggest pops of the night. I'm not even the biggest Seth Rollins fan and I marked out when I saw him run down the ramp. It was done in a refreshing way and more importantly, it was successful.
I think I have to rank Rollins 2nd to Edge cashing in on Cena. Simply because by rule (and someone correcting me if Im wrong) the current MITB winner has one year to cash in, and considering there were only two PPVs left before the next MITB ppv. That being said, with Lesnar's LIMITED SCHEDULE and how hes only defended the belt three times in 7 months You kind of felt like Rollins would come down and cash in after the match on the winner, which takes away from it in a small fashion. But the fact that he did it during the match made it that much better..
This was the very next week on Raw.


Did you hear that pop? No you didn't because there was none. This was one week after winning the world title. Nobody cared.

I'm going to go ahead and ignore the rest of your post since we've already established that you're a liar. No need to beat a dead horse.

Psst. Guys. Sandow wasn't the first guy to fail at a cash in.


John Cena won his cash-in. It was by DQ, so he didn't win the title, but he still won. Damien Sandow was the first one to cash in and lose his title match. But of course you didn't know that, since you've proven repeatedly that you're a moron who knows NOTHING about wrestling.
It was a truly fantastic cash in, done at the grandest stage and in the main event no less made it absolutely jaw dropping. I remember a while back Sally asked what would happen if Rollins tried to cash in in the middle of a match, and I didn't have a clue. Somehow the idea of it just becoming a triple threat didn't cross my mind at all, which added even more to the cash in since on top of everything else he was the first guy to ever screw over 2 people at the same time with the MITB case.

Kayfabe wise it also took a ton of guts on Rollin's part since he was cashing in on two of toughest guys on the roster, both were down sure but not nearly as out as previous cash in victims. The fact that he originally wanted to pin Brock despite knowing how seemingly invincible he is(again kayfabe) was even more impressive. It wasn't a perfect opportunity like so many previous cash ins, hell on paper it doesn't even seem like a good idea but maybe that's what made it so great. He made a major achievement
out of stealing the top prize, and walked out of WM as the WWEHC. And really doesn't get any better than that.

As for the whole Sandow thing my only major issue with that is if he really wasn't ready then they could've easily have given it to someone that was. Del Rio had a very lackluster title reign that was begging to be put out of it's misery, Sandow was a directlionless jobber with the briefcase, if they absolutely had to have Sandow win the briefcase then they could've had someone win it off him like Edge did for Kennedy and done something with him. Certainly would've been better than watching a MITB winner go rock bottom and take over a year to become relevant again.
Edge was the best....until then no one even thought about cashing in literally in the middle of a card after the champ wrestled someone else, adding to the fact that Edge lost his IC Title match earlier that night vs Flair (similar to Orton beating Rollins) making him look even weaker and he cashed in just seconds after Cena had beaten Angle, Masters, & HBK in a bloody, violent, No DQ Cage Match that lasted 45 minutes. It was surreal, and it totally played into Edge's character not only as a cowardly heel but as "The Ultimate Opportunist" of the best scripts WWE ever wrote.

Rollins was very good for sure, but at best it was comparable to Edge....the original classic cash in

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