Bengals Sign LJ...Really?!


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
As a casual Chiefs fan, I was happy they cut LJ. He was a locker room cancer, and was dragging the team down on the field. I figured he'd stay a free agent for the rest of the season, and then sign with the Raiders next year (they love cancers). But then, to my surprise, the Bengals sign him.


The Bengals are having a dream season, and there's absolutely no outside distractions. Why sign someone that will only stir up controversy, especially when the the guy you have is having a career season?

This can only end badly...I don't think it will stop the Bengals from winning the division, but it could cause some issues through the playoffs, and maybe into next season...
Meh, at the moment it doesn't really seem like a terrible move. Of course, the ink is barely dry on the contract so we can only speculate what may happen. LJ may have been outspoken in KC, but let's put things in perspective- the Chiefs are awful. Playing for a team that has been awful for as long as they have could make anyone go crazy. Things may be looking up for LJ now that he has signed with the Bengals, who are having a great season thus far. The Bengals have a much better team, including an offensive line that's playing well. Benson has done a fantastic job behind them, so it stand to reason that LJ will get the same chance to shine. If he can keep his attitude in check, I think he will be a solid stand in until Benson returns.
Meh, at the moment it doesn't really seem like a terrible move. Of course, the ink is barely dry on the contract so we can only speculate what may happen. LJ may have been outspoken in KC, but let's put things in perspective- the Chiefs are awful. Playing for a team that has been awful for as long as they have could make anyone go crazy. Things may be looking up for LJ now that he has signed with the Bengals, who are having a great season thus far. The Bengals have a much better team, including an offensive line that's playing well. Benson has done a fantastic job behind them, so it stand to reason that LJ will get the same chance to shine. If he can keep his attitude in check, I think he will be a solid stand in until Benson returns.

"The Chiefs are shit" is a bad excuse.

Remember when he was drafted? Vermeil was saying he needed a diaper? He's always been a crybaby, and was upset then because he wasn't the guy getting the carries.

He's only happy when he's getting the ball, not when the team is winning. In Cincy, at best, he'll be an option back, getting maybe 5 or 6 touches a game, and that won't be enough. If he averages 4 yards per play, he'll complain and say he'd get more if they gave him the ball. It's not going to change...

I'd really like to hear what Dewey or Shocky have to say...
"The Chiefs are shit" is a bad excuse.

Remember when he was drafted? Vermeil was saying he needed a diaper? He's always been a crybaby, and was upset then because he wasn't the guy getting the carries.

He's only happy when he's getting the ball, not when the team is winning. In Cincy, at best, he'll be an option back, getting maybe 5 or 6 touches a game, and that won't be enough. If he averages 4 yards per play, he'll complain and say he'd get more if they gave him the ball. It's not going to change...

I'd really like to hear what Dewey or Shocky have to say...

Well "the___are shit" excuse worked for Randy Moss. He ended up in New England and has become a team player instead of a cry baby. There's always a chance that could be the case with LJ. I still think he'll be ok as a fill in for Benson. As you hinted at, the true test will come once Benson is fully healthy and returns to his role as #1 back.

Of course, I just picked him up in 2 of my fantasy league with the hopes that he can keep his shit together in Cincy- so I may be a little over optimistic. I do wait in anticipation to see what Shocky or Dewey has to say about this.
Well "the___are shit" excuse worked for Randy Moss. He ended up in New England and has become a team player instead of a cry baby.

Moss wasn't as bad in Minnesota as LJ was in Kansas City, and really got bad once he was in Oakland. Think about that. Oakland...Who isn't a crybaby when they play there?

As far as Benson returning, I'm sure he'll be fine, and if he isn't he'll still play through it so he doesn't lose his job to LJ. If LJ has to start, then the Bengals are in real trouble for the playoffs. He hasn't been effective for a few years, and that's probably because of the overload they gave him because he "wanted the damn ball".
I think LJ made a bad move.

Marvin Lewis came out before he signed the contract and said he'd still be inactive for the most part, and would be the backup behind both Cedric Benson and Bernard Scott. Definitely a curious decision on LJ's part, especially when he needs to prove himself for a new contract in what could be the last one he gets due to his age.

I think the Patriots definitely would have started him right away, especially when Maroney is basically worthless at this point, and they're rotating the running backs. If LJ came here and proved something, he could have gotten a nice deal for next year, especially with how Belichick can turn malcontents (Moss, Dillon) into model citizens and productive players.
Personally I like the move, but my knee jerk reaction was towards the negative side.Here are the facts. LJ is signed for the league minimum prorated for the rest of the year. You are getting a career 6000 yard rusher for nothing, and he's in as the 4th string running back. How this isn't anything but a great move is beyond me. That locker room is working too well, and the egos are in check, including #85. No one is going to have a bigger ego then Ocho. If LJ acts up, he's gone, for next to nothing. If it works out, then the Bengals have Cedric Benson, Larry Johnson, and two young guys at the tail back position. Personally I love the move. Low risk, high reward.
There is nothing wrong with this move at all. LJ knows he is the back up and he just wanted to be on a team that has a chance to win. He signed for the minimum contract and he will be gone after this year. Now the Bengals have much needed depth at the running back position. This is a two back league and the Bengals have now covered their asses in case Benson suffers a major injury.
Just because someone has had personal issues and negative reactions throughout his career doesn't mean they can't turn things around.

I'm siding with RVDgurl & Shocky with things they've said, and adding a bit extra on why.

First; RVDgurl tagged the "the ___ are shit" phrase and it stands to reason. Why would anyone want to play for a worthless team? KC had a ton of upside coming into the season. They had quality WRs, a young and growing Defense, and best yet they were signing a QB who was the fill-in for Tom Brady and basically did what few others have.. made people feel easy that Brady was out.

Bottom line, with all that.. unfortunately, the Chiefs are still every bit what they've always been for the previous few years.. .. whether you wanna hear it or not.. .. shit. So tell me why Larry Johnson, who doesn't have many more miles in the tank, would want to continue drowning for a team that isn't trying to get him more involved - when he's proven that at times he can be great, when surrounded by a supporting cast??

Second; Shocky hit the nail on the head. Low risk, High reward. The Bengals didn't pick up any contract. They didn't offer a fortune. They didn't even guarantee Johnson anything. (to my knowledge) But the one thing they are GIVING HIM, that the Chiefs weren't.. was the opportunity to re-write his career and personal life. They're giving him a chance, an opportunity, to join a team that as it stands.. is 2nd best (through standings) in the AFC right now. (yes, 2nd best) They're giving him the ability to finally join a roster, a team, that can give him a supporting cast.

And if he fills in for Benson, (who re-wrote his personal life and career by joining the Bengals) and does a great job, then who's to say come next season we don't see the Bengals doing what almost every other team has done.. and add a RB by committee duo.

So, my personal take on the situation is that this isn't a stupid move.. its a great move. The Bengals aren't going to "go down" if Johnson brings his personal bullshit to Cincy with him. They're going to cut their losses and chalk it up as no harm, no foul - but at least it was worth the shot. Johnson isn't going to come in and separate the locker room, or take over the team. Hes going to come in, sit down, shut up, be a back-up, and prove himself. (all over again)
I think it's a terrible move, personally. Good teams signing players like this during the middle of the season makes absolutely no sense to me.

Sure, he's a good player and all, but the Bengals are rolling right now, why risk fucking up that momentum and chemistry by signing a guy who has been nothing but a complete ******* the past couple of years?

Seriously, look at San Francisco, they were playing their best football in years, and as soon as they sign Michael Crabtree to a contract after all that happened with him, suddenly they go on a huge losing streak, and all team morale is lost. After witnessing something like that happen, why do the Bengals want to risk that with their team? They're playing fine as it is, they don't need Larry Johnson. This was a very stupid move, in my opinion.
Sure, he's a good player and all, but the Bengals are rolling right now, why risk fucking up that momentum and chemistry by signing a guy who has been nothing but a complete ******* the past couple of years?

You risk it because behind Benson they have jack shit at running back. It's a two back league and they need the depth at running back. Winning cures everything. Johnson has been an ass the last couple years when the Chiefs were horrible. When they were winning games he was a model citizen. Randy Moss, Corey Dillion, Braylon Edwards all of these guys have shown being on a new team helps.

Seriously, look at San Francisco, they were playing their best football in years, and as soon as they sign Michael Crabtree to a contract after all that happened with him, suddenly they go on a huge losing streak, and all team morale is lost. After witnessing something like that happen, why do the Bengals want to risk that with their team? They're playing fine as it is, they don't need Larry Johnson. This was a very stupid move, in my opinion.

Crabtree has helped the offense. He isn't the problem and there has been nothing but positive things said about his attitude since the 49ers signed him. San Fran got off to a great start because they played teams like Seattle, St Louis, and Arizona. St Louis and Seattle are horrible, and Arizona really struggled at the beginning of the season.
This is a low risk high reward kind of move. He isn't a 25 carry rusher anymore but he can help in short yardage situations. Benson is a little banged up so he will see some carries until he is fully healthy. They have a decent size lead on the Steelers so Benson doesn't have to rush back into things, plus there remaining schedule isn't tough at all. He will get his carries but he wont be a feature back. If he is too big of a distraction, they will cut him. It's that simple. The Bungles are hoping for something and you can't fault them for trying. They also stole a possible weapon from a team in the AFC. Can't fault them for making that move.
Jmt, by the sounds of what you said.. you make it sound like if the Bengals were to suddenly lose it'd be due to signing Larry Johnson, instead of anything else. You know, like losing Cedric Benson to injury for a game or more.. or just being out-played. (Afterall, the Bengals have been the "Cardiac Cats" this year in most games being won from a come-from-behind 4th Quarter effort.)

All in all, I think people just want to write Larry Johnson off because he hasn't played worth a shit lately, he's getting old(er), and he has personal drama. The exact same thing can literally be said for other big named players who've since seemingly found new life in their careers.

Why not just let this play out for the next 2-3 weeks and see what happens from there, before we go pointing a gun to LJ's head and pulling the trigger on his career with the Bengals.
What if Benson goes out for a significant period of time? Don't you think that LJ is going to run HARD, as he's got a chip on his shoulder and a point to prove? Every team in the league is going to have some big egos. But come on. The guy is the single season record-holder for carries. He's got a big upside to him.

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