Beer Money: Henchmen Or Contenders?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I've always been a fan of Beer Money. I think Storm and Roode could do better on their own, but as a tag team, they've had a couple of good feuds as heels and faces. Beer Money was going no where for a long time, and then Eric Bischoff came along. Beer Money did Bischoff's dirty work for a while, and now Roode and Storm have become Ric Flair's lackeys.

Could Roode and Storm be doing something else besides Flair's dirty work? I'm happy the Guns have been given another shot at the tag titles, but Beer Money could also be another force in TNA's tag team division. Roode and Storm aren't bad when it comes to cutting promos, their matches are enjoyable to watch, and their feud with Team 3D was last time Bubba and Devon have been worth watching.

Roode and Storm could remain Flair's lackeys, but wouldn't it be a waste of a good tag team? I'm not saying Roode and Storm should become tag team champions immediately, but they could at least become contenders for the gold again. Or Maybe this is just another way of giving Beer Money something to do. TNA's roster is pretty stacked, and maybe TNA doesn't feel the need to put Storm and Roode in the hunt for the tag team titles?

Which role best suits Beer Money? Henchmen or contenders?
As a Beer Money fan I would obviously rather see them as contenders not henchmen. Because ever since they turned heel again and aligned themselves with Ric Flair they have been nothing but JTTS and I don't like that.

I wish they would have let Beer Money beat Matt Morgan & Hernandez a few months ago to get another tag title run and feud with the MCMGs ending with the Guns finally winning the tag titles. But I guess that wasn't meant to be.

So in closing yes I think Beer Money could definitely do better on their own then just doing Ric Flair's dirty work.
I agree with both of you.

I think that Beer Money should be the face of TNA's tag team division.

And if they keep Beer Money as the lackeys of Ric Flair, they should ultimately reform the Four Horsemen. Beer Money should be like Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson.

That's just my two cents.
TNA, in my opinion, has completely dropped the ball with Beer Money. I can’t believe, in fact, how much TNA has misused Beer Money. I can’t remember a time where any company has had one of (if not the) best tag teams in the entire industry and misused them so poorly. Usually when a company has one of (if not the) best tag teams in the industry they not only showcase that team, but they make them the foundation of the tag team division and build that division around them. Edge & Christian during the Attitude Era were arguably the best tag team in the WWF and not only were they the centerpiece of the tag team division, complemented by other great teams like the Hardyz and the Dudleyz, but they were also tag team champions how many times? They dominated the scene during their day. In ECW the Dudley Boyz were the same, EIGHT time tag team champions and they dominated the division during their day. When you have a team like Beer Money they should be the foundation of the division and they should be the tag team champions consistently, everything else built around them. TNA did it successfully with America’s Most Wanted ages ago, didn’t they? This is another example of just how bad the creative team is doing with TNA right now in my mind. When you have the Band of all teams as the champions, a team who not only aren’t having the best feuds in the division but they also can’t possibly have the best matches or showcase the division in the best way… and then you have ridiculous teams like Ink inc getting more exposure and more of a push then your best tag team.. and your best tag team is instead nothing more then a goon squad whose used sporadically to do run ins or job to other teams.. there is something seriously wrong with what’s going on. This is the prime of Beer Money’s career together, the time when they should be dominating the division and making their name and legacy, and instead time’s passing them right by because they’re being held back. There’s no other term for it. Beer Money is being horribly misused right now, they should be the tag team champions in the top feud in the division. No ifs and or buts about it.
Beer Money is really the reason I watch TNA, I watched TNA back in 2002-04 but never really got into it as much until I attended a house show last year and saw BM, before that show the last time I had watched TNA Storm was still a member of yeah, I would love to see them as the contenders and eventually the tag team champs, but at the same time, I love them as heels and as a part of Flair's team..but I still think they are being used the wrong way. they could be a strong heel team, that takes everybody out, instead they are always losing...
Beer money is probably one of the best tag teams in wrestling today....they are a great for their recent work, im afraid they are working like henchmen, im kinda impressed, they do really good in that role, but by Summer, i would like to see them back in the tag title hunt...
I like Beer Money as Henchmen but I prefer them as Contenders when we have to watch don't take drugs or this will happen (INK INC) or some washed up tag team 15 years past there prime as champs. TNA has good teams which are not getting the belts e.g MCMG or Beer Money so TNA needs to either sort out the tag team division by putting Beer Money as the top team or keep them as Flairs lackeys until Moore dose not carry Jeff Hardy bags and Scott Hall and Waltman get arrested getting those teams out of TNA.:lol:

BEER MONEY :worship:
Ya, Beer Money's been quite stale for awhile now. The fact that they're nothing more than enforcers is not a good sign for them. The tag division seems to be clogged up with such quality teams like Ink Inc and Matt Morgan at the moment that I just don't think there's any room for them. They've already feuded with just about everyone, there seems to be no other choice than to just break up.

I've never been one of those guys that thought they'd do better as singles guys, as they really aren't that great wrestling wise or being interesting wise, but I could see them going that route now. Either that, or find some new tag partners.
I see BM as the Ole & Arn and Kaz becoming Tully as AJ becomes Flair and Flair becomes JJ and we have a modern day 4 Horseman in TNA
I see BM as the Ole & Arn and Kaz becoming Tully as AJ becomes Flair and Flair becomes JJ and we have a modern day 4 Horseman in TNA

IN order for the Four Horsemen to work, you need someone with personality to carry the mantle. And AJ Styles doesn't have that. Matter of fact, Beer Money's the only group WITH personality. So why make them one or the other and just make them BOTH? Arn and Ole Anderson were both henchmen and title holders. You can be both. It gives some credibility to them as a group. But you also want to make sure they don't end up like the APA. That didn't turn out good for them.
I think Beer Money's situation right now is that EB and Hogan thought they could mold them into a "team for hire" team like the APA or Kronik...and it just doesn't fit them. I think their forced heel turn was a mistake, but I guess it's easy to second guess. I would like to see them have another run with the belts as having the Band as champs makes no sense...especially with EY having to carrying most of the ring work.

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