Beastly / I don't get the critics


Championship Contender
I just watched Beastly and I highly recommend it to everybody!!
It tells a story of a "normal" popular high school guy that thinks that "looks" is the most important thing in life.
But one day, a witch cast him a spell, turning him in a ugly bald guy, with a lot of scares in his body, a Frankenstein type of guy, and the only way for him to be normal again is by having a girl saying that she loves him.
His father with the ashame of having a ugly son, lies to him and it is a typical rich father who doesn't give a fuck about his son.
He then lives with his Tutor and his maid, trying to in some way, that the girl that he never cared about, says that loves him.

A cliché movie, but the story is really fascinating, it is a "new" kind of romance and I was really loving the movie.
But then I saw that IMDb rate... 4,9/10, and I was like :wtf:
It is a very good movie, and very entertainer, and I would like to hear opinions from people that saw the movie.

In my book this movie is a solid 6 at least, but then again I hated "Watchmen" and "Sucker Punch" that are both highly rated movies by the critics!

So what is your opinion about the movie?
What do you think about the Hollywood critics?
Give another examples of movies that you liked, and that IMDb really gave it a shitty rate.
So what is your opinion about the movie?

I saw it expecting a lot of Beauty And The Beast references, and I wasn't disappointed. For a guy that works out at the gym on a constant basis, I have a weakspot for old Disney films, so I watched this expecting an Easy Aesque feel, you know 'cuz that was based off of The Scarlet Letter.

It was a decent film, could have been a bit more action than Neil Patrick Harris comedy if you ask me though. He overshadowed quite a bit of the movie.

What do you think about the Hollywood critics?

I can give a shit less what a critic thinks. I'll go see a movie if it appeals to ME. I think that's what's wrong with most moviegoers nowadays; they will go see a movie some stranger recommends, when in truth that person wouldn't know a thing about what you would prefer or what your tastes are.

Give another examples of movies that you liked, and that IMDb really gave it a shitty rate.[/B]

I had to look it up to make sure. The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day recieved a fucking 6.3. I feel this is unacceptable, because for once I thought a sequel was just as good as the original. In fact for a sequel that took roughly a decade to come out, it lived up to expectations. It was a fun vigilante film. I feel a little disappointed that it didn't even get a 7 at least.

Hot Topic, Hastings, and all the other trending stores must be wrong to sell their merchandise then, right? Please. The series is a mainstay, and there's even been talk that there will be a 3rd movie.

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