Batista Heel Turn?


SmackDown! is MY Show
Well in the closing moments of the No Way out PPV Batista turned on his own tag team partner the Undertaker and gave him the Batista bomb and allowed Taker to pinned by Cena...So is this what some of us have been hoping a Batista heel turn???

I hope so as Batista as heel be good for him even though i dont like him at all for his work, but seeing everyone boo him even better!!
Yeah I agree seeing ppl boo him is great but I hope that he doesn;t end Taker's streak at Mania. But it's a good thing seeing Batista turn Heel now I just wonder if HBK will turn Heel.
They wont turn HBK heel bcos they want DX merchandise money, the Batisita heel turn if it is a heel turn can only be a good thing. They can really hype the match by making out Batista to be afraid to confront Taker face to face and attacking him from behind.
That was not an act to cause a "Batista heel turn". What that was in fact was Batista paying back the Undertaker. He said he would get payback, and he did. This was done to show that Batista is not intimidated by the Undertaker. Also it was done to add some fire to this match, as it will be the main event at wrestlemania. They now have roughly a month and a bit to turn this into an excellent feud...

As for HBK/Cena, they will probably go down the storyline route where 1 will watch the back of the other until accidental miscues end that relationship...
I don't see why they just don't make Cena a heel because the fans are 50/50 with him anyway. If they turn him heel now, they can do a face turn down the road and maybe more people would like him.
I always thought all 3 brands' champions (Batista, Cena, and Lashley) either had to turn heel or get out of the title picture...because quite honestly there is nothing really appealing about any of them in their current states. Good move for Batista if they choose to turn him heel.
Even if it wasn't meant to turn Batista heel, he'll recieve heel heat from the crowds for turning on The Undertaker. So I highly doubt we'll see a face-charactered Batista now.
This isn't a heel turn. Look at the wwe homepage and what it says about the end of the match.

Proving he’s not intimidated by Undertaker, Batista delivered a spinebuster to the Deadman at No Way Out. The move was payback for Undertaker’s chokeslam on The Animal a few weeks ago. The move also led to John Cena & HBK picking up the win.
Ya it is prolly not a full fledge heel turn but he will have heat leading to his match with Taker at WM23 as Taker is a legend and the fans love and respect him. But what i'm saying of they did it be good but then again its more just payback, but it will land him heat as he have payback to Taker
Lol Undertaker is like the respect machine touch him and your auto hated. note the boos whenever someone hit HBK or Undertaker haha.

Cena wont get half the crowd at wm you'll be lucky if he gets 1/4th however If they keep Batista face there is just no point everyone is going to be rooting for taker in that match.
I think they are trying to turn him heel but the fans may have already decided that, and with good reason. A lot prefer Taker to Batista and I think a lot don't want Batista to ruin his streak and rightly so because he doesn't deserve anything like that. Good to see them do that though, but I doubt Cena will do that as he has too much going for him as a face. I think it wasn't really meant to be a heel turn but the fans are solidly behind Taker here, and so am I. I hope the challengers go over though, because everyone knows they should and wants them to because they deserve the title a lot more than the champs do. Good decision though to make Batista easier to hate though because it could have been a disappointment to the fans if they were both strong faces.
That was not an act to cause a "Batista heel turn". What that was in fact was Batista paying back the Undertaker. He said he would get payback, and he did. This was done to show that Batista is not intimidated by the Undertaker. Also it was done to add some fire to this match, as it will be the main event at wrestlemania. They now have roughly a month and a bit to turn this into an excellent feud...

First of all, batista hit a spinebuster on taker, not a batista bomb. Secondly, I think healyz84 is right. Batista might turn heel, but for the moment being, he just got his payback. I am damn sure about this because if you watch the ending when batista was leaving and taker was looking at him through the ring, you can see batista turn around and say, I GOT MY PAYBACK. Batista is an idiot, the guy was getting a good reaction from the crowd, but now he is gonna get a lot of heat. As with Cena/HBK, I have no idea in hell, what gonna happen with them. There TAG TEAM CHAMPS!! BTW, did you guys see the Diva Invitational, Ashley was looking smokin hot!!
well you dont have long to wait, the smackdown spoilers will be in 2moz so if they do develop this into a heel turn it will happen on smaackdown i would think, as they are only about a month off mania.
Neither Cena nor HBK will go heel. Neither will Taker. And there's no way there will be two face vs. face main events at Mania. Something's got to give, and right now, Batista is prolly selling the least merchandise, so WWE can absorb that hit. He's about to get paranoid about his belt, ala HHH a few years back. (wow, trips hasn't been champ for like 2 yrs)
Cena and Batista will turn heel over the next few weeks. Batista is pretty much hated now after NWO and nobody liked Cena to begin with :D
batista needs to turn heel cuz i'm sick of seeing him being all smiles and crap, this will probly make batista more popular then anything, becuz really the only time i liked him was when he was the enforcer for evolution.

cenas good as a face (better as a heel), but good as a face becuz he always stands up for a challenge, doesnt ever really back down.

lashley.... i juss dont know wut to say, he's defending the ecw title on other brands more than his own LMAO... as for his wrestlemania opponent, should be sandman or dreamer, but that wont really happen
Know what would've been even better at NWO, if Cena and Batista turn heel. Batista Batista Bombs Taker and Cena FUs HBK and the match end in a No Contest. Cena and Batista forms some kind of an alliance until mania.
Thats a pretty good idea Dtroy, but I'd rather keep those two feuds seperate so that it adds more to each individual fued for Wrestlemania. I think that Batista performs much better as a heel, and in all honesty is just awkward as a face.
If Batista Is Now Gonna Be Full Fledged Heel, It Means That Vince, And Taker Both Came To Thier Senses And Realized That Taker At Wm Is Untouchable And Should Never Be Changed. The News In Nov When This First Came Out, Was That Vince And Taker Were In The Decesion Process To Put Batista Over. Im Sure This Would Be Only To A Face Batista Not A Heel Batista. Taker Should Win At Wm, Feud With Big Dave Through The Summer And Pay Back The Job At Summerslam. If You Really Wanna Turn Batista Full Fledged Heel Tomorrow Nite At The Sd Tapings, Have Him Attack Rey During His Home Town Return Speech. That Would Just Blow His Heat Off The Roof.
Batista would be a ok heel. I mean the last time he was he had HHH and Flair talking for him. So if he turned heel i think he needs a manager. Then again he needs someone to talk for him now cuz even psycho sid could carry a interview a lil bit this guy sucks.
"yea but still" what....none of us know whats going on yet because it wasnt made clear
If Batista turned heel maybe its like the Hogan and HBK back in the summer of 2005. When HBK turned heel he only did it for the feud and then instantly went right back to face. They may be doing the same with Batista & Taker.

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