Barrett vs Ziggler


Friendly Neighborhood
I think it may be an unspoken understanding that this feud is coming.

As we all know, Bad News Barrett was forced to forfeit the Intercontinental Championship after falling to injury earlier this year. While there have been a handful of short lived title runs since by Miz and Luke Harper, the predominant reigning champion has remained Dolph Ziggler. All the meanwhile, both Barrett and the announcers have referenced on occasion that Barrett will be due an IC title match on his return.

The week of Barrett's injury, he retained the title against Dolph Ziggler in what was a pretty damn good match on Raw. I'm actually a little surprised the match isn't in many 'best of 2014' lists. This feud feels both natural and inevitable, and with the chemistry between the two, we can count on a good payoff. That being said, I feel this is a delicate feud. Ziggler has tremendous momentum as champion that shouldn't fizzle just yet, while Barrett should be looking strong as a champion.

Another observation I have in regards to the IC title, is we've seen several contests repeated over and over. Dolph and Miz bounced the title back in forth in a few matches. Dolph also defended several times against Cesaro, before hotshotting it between himself and Harper. A string of repeat contests can be a good thing if it's deliberate, which is what I think Ziggler vs Barrett should be.

My suggestion; a Best of Seven Series.

It's not an overdone concept, and in the past has been reserved for wrestlers who can keep the audience involved for seven straight match ups (which at the very least, Dolph has proved he can do in the last few months). Making it a series for the Intercontintental Championship allows Dolph and Barrett to exchange relevant wins while only facing off in one championship contest.

Do you think we'll get a full program out of Dolph Ziggler versus Bad News Barrett? Any hopes for this program? WrestleMania show-stealer, perhaps?
I dunno, to the best of my knowledge WWE has only had a "Best-of" series three times and two of those were when a Championship was in dispute. I don't see them breaking that tradition. That being said, I'd much rather it be Best of 5 with the final match culminating at WrestleMania if it were to happen. If this past week is any indication, they're not doing this feud yet, if at all because it seems they want Barrett as a face. I mean, I guess it could change. Either way, if this does happen I'm just going to kick back and enjoy the match.
To be perfectly honest, I'm thinking that maybe WWE should keep Wade Barrett as far away from the Intercontinental Championship as they can. The IC title has been a proverbial kiss of death when it comes to Barrett's career. His first 3 runs with the title, while producing some genuinely good matches, did nothing for his career due in no small part to Vince making lousy final decisions on how to use him. During the build to WrestleMania 29, Wade Barrett as IC champion was pretty much buried, along with Cesaro as US champ, as they were constantly fed to guys higher up in matches or were constantly losing non-title matches. Barrett seemed to FINALLY be getting that strong run with the title that we many were hoping for earlier this year, things were going well, he was winning matches, fans were digging the "Bad News" stuff and then, all of a sudden, he suffers a separated shoulder severe enough to require surgery and put him on the shelf for the next 5 or 6 months.

While Barrett & Ziggler could have a strong mid-card feud, I'm worried that Barrett's career might not be able to survive another run as Intercontinental Champion.
I dunno, to the best of my knowledge WWE has only had a "Best-of" series three times and two of those were when a Championship was in dispute. I don't see them breaking that tradition. That being said, I'd much rather it be Best of 5 with the final match culminating at WrestleMania if it were to happen. If this past week is any indication, they're not doing this feud yet, if at all because it seems they want Barrett as a face. I mean, I guess it could change. Either way, if this does happen I'm just going to kick back and enjoy the match.

Best of seven, of five, I'm sold. I'm still not sold on Bad News as a baby face though. I don't believe squashing Cesaro indicates either side of the face/heel coin in WWE's mind. I think they anticipated a crowd happy to see him back and booked accordingly. I suppose we'll see in the next few weeks.

To be perfectly honest, I'm thinking that maybe WWE should keep Wade Barrett as far away from the Intercontinental Championship as they can. The IC title has been a proverbial kiss of death when it comes to Barrett's career. His first 3 runs with the title, while producing some genuinely good matches, did nothing for his career due in no small part to Vince making lousy final decisions on how to use him. During the build to WrestleMania 29, Wade Barrett as IC champion was pretty much buried, along with Cesaro as US champ, as they were constantly fed to guys higher up in matches or were constantly losing non-title matches. Barrett seemed to FINALLY be getting that strong run with the title that we many were hoping for earlier this year, things were going well, he was winning matches, fans were digging the "Bad News" stuff and then, all of a sudden, he suffers a separated shoulder severe enough to require surgery and put him on the shelf for the next 5 or 6 months.

Don't you feel this sounds a little superstitious? I get what you're saying, but the first few reigns as champion were at a time when the mid card was generally booked poorly. Those reigns look pretty bad and may in fact be damaging, but I don't think his last reign ending by freak injury can be pigeonholed into the same category.
I agree that this feud feels 100% inevitable, and I'm really looking forward to it. Barrett never lost the title and I believe he'll win it back at WM31. Finally, the IC Title could feel important if these 2 very over stars are feuding over it.

As for a best of 7, I'd be all for it because these 2 could definitely make it interesting and bring something new to the table each time. But I just doubt they'll do any kind of series since Dolph just had a 2 out of 3 falls match with Cesaro at a recent ppv (I think it was NOC or HIAC).

I'm kind of surprised Barrett didn't return with his own title belt and claim to be the real IC Champ right off the bat on Monday, leading up to a ladder match (a la Shawn Michaels/Razor Ramon - WMX). But there is still 3 months until Mania and maybe they figure it's too soon to build up to that.

This is going to be a great Mania moment.
I don't think Bad News Barrett is really being presented as a face, more of a tweener. At live events he's been teaming with The Miz & Damien Mizdow, so he's heel on the live circuit. Turning Barrett completely face would ruin the Bad News gimmick, so I don't think they're going to make him 100% face.

As for a potential feud with Ziggler, while I think they would put on a great match, I'd have it be at the Royal Rumble or the next PPV, have Barrett win the title, and defend it against Cesaro at WrestleMania. Ziggler needs to be in a top match. He's simply too over for these midcard feuds now, he needs to be in one of the main event matches at WrestleMania, if not headlining.
My suggestion; a Best of Seven Series.

It's an interesting suggestion, although, given the limited attention span of a lot of folks at the arena (and possibly those watching at home) it might actually be better to let them fight it out seven times without announcing that a planned series is taking place. I just don't think most folks are going to be attracted to a series that long; 2-of-3 might be a better alternative.

As it is, Ziggler is a human pinball, bouncing all over the ring; an MO some people enjoy, while others don't. Barrett is more of a workman; he has a pleasing style, but it's more for true wrestling fans than casual observers who've gone to the arena for a night out with the kids. BNB is more famous for his mouth than his ring routine.....which he doesn't even have to wrestle to give us. In fact, that's probably safer for his brittle body.

The thing is, if WWE management sees Dolph as soon competing for a world title, any feud with Barrett will have to be brief, as I see BNB as strictly a midcard performer. Of course, that's how I also see Dolph, notwithstanding management's occasional attempts to try him out at main event level.

But the OPs idea of a series between Dolph and Wade is good....just don't tax the fan's patience by making the series too long....or at least announcing it as such.
It's an interesting suggestion, although, given the limited attention span of a lot of folks at the arena (and possibly those watching at home) it might actually be better to let them fight it out seven times without announcing that a planned series is taking place. I just don't think most folks are going to be attracted to a series that long; 2-of-3 might be a better alternative.

As it is, Ziggler is a human pinball, bouncing all over the ring; an MO some people enjoy, while others don't. Barrett is more of a workman; he has a pleasing style, but it's more for true wrestling fans than casual observers who've gone to the arena for a night out with the kids. BNB is more famous for his mouth than his ring routine.....which he doesn't even have to wrestle to give us. In fact, that's probably safer for his brittle body.

The thing is, if WWE management sees Dolph as soon competing for a world title, any feud with Barrett will have to be brief, as I see BNB as strictly a midcard performer. Of course, that's how I also see Dolph, notwithstanding management's occasional attempts to try him out at main event level.

But the OPs idea of a series between Dolph and Wade is good....just don't tax the fan's patience by making the series too long....or at least announcing it as such.

I really feel guys like Ziggler, Barrett, Cesaro, Harper and Ryback are all fixed Upper-Midcarders going forward. They have been built up rather well(yes, even Cesaro gets in the spotlight every now and then) since SummerSlam, but have not been allowed that opportunity to make that final step towards being firm Main Eventers as yet, which means that they will be fighting for the MidCard titles with the occasional foray into the World title scene, maybe in Multi-Man matches more likely in such cases,lMO.
I do think Rusev can be added to the above list also, as long as he can shed the nationalistic schtick that will surely become a hinderance after he loses for the first time(hopefully not against Ryback but against someone higher up or very over with the crowd).

Not for nothing did Vince make his brass ring comments and also named some guys as being those who are reaching for it...i.e. Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose and Bray Wyatt...who are the 4 that the WWE seem to be firmly placing in line to become the Main Guys of the show alongwith a certain Daniel Bryan. Of course, Cena and Orton will remain for some more years as well. That can only bode well for the company,lMO.
Is Barrett going face though? In the house shows he spent a week saying he wasn't going to wrestle tonight because [insert city name] was a second rate city.

Also, he is a heel that gets great pop, so I think he needs to return to that. Strong gimmick, better than average in-ring performer, excellent on the mic.

Hopefully the IC title is a stepping stone for him rather than a destination, I think he's great.
I think it may be an unspoken understanding that this feud is coming.

As we all know, Bad News Barrett was forced to forfeit the Intercontinental Championship after falling to injury earlier this year. While there have been a handful of short lived title runs since by Miz and Luke Harper, the predominant reigning champion has remained Dolph Ziggler. All the meanwhile, both Barrett and the announcers have referenced on occasion that Barrett will be due an IC title match on his return.

The week of Barrett's injury, he retained the title against Dolph Ziggler in what was a pretty damn good match on Raw. I'm actually a little surprised the match isn't in many 'best of 2014' lists. This feud feels both natural and inevitable, and with the chemistry between the two, we can count on a good payoff. That being said, I feel this is a delicate feud. Ziggler has tremendous momentum as champion that shouldn't fizzle just yet, while Barrett should be looking strong as a champion.

Another observation I have in regards to the IC title, is we've seen several contests repeated over and over. Dolph and Miz bounced the title back in forth in a few matches. Dolph also defended several times against Cesaro, before hotshotting it between himself and Harper. A string of repeat contests can be a good thing if it's deliberate, which is what I think Ziggler vs Barrett should be.

My suggestion; a Best of Seven Series.

It's not an overdone concept, and in the past has been reserved for wrestlers who can keep the audience involved for seven straight match ups (which at the very least, Dolph has proved he can do in the last few months). Making it a series for the Intercontintental Championship allows Dolph and Barrett to exchange relevant wins while only facing off in one championship contest.

Do you think we'll get a full program out of Dolph Ziggler versus Bad News Barrett? Any hopes for this program? WrestleMania show-stealer, perhaps?

That would be interesting. I haven't seen a best of 7 series since I started watching the WWE full-time again in late 2011.

Although Barrett and Dolph would be an interesting feud. Me personally I'd prefer to see more people competing for the IC Championship in addition to the #1 contender. I think that's what hurt the division the most.

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