Barrett and Sheamus Feud


Dark Match Winner
Whenever I see the two in the same ring at the same time I hope for a feud.
I want to believe it would be a pretty solid program, the WWE doesn't really do much with Wade Barrett and with Sheamus starting to get over with the crowd, it would give you a clear heel and a clear face.
I see this happening eventually, but right now, I think Sheamus is going to began a feud with Christian. Hopefully they can match someone up with Barrett in the meantime and build both of them up a little more. It's gonna be a great feud, but I think it would be better if one of them were the champion.
I think the same thing. A feud between those two guys would be pretty good. I liked Sheamus and I like him even more as a face. I hope they do feud because I like Barret as a heel and hope he never goes face. These two men have that raw, aggressive hard hitting style. I also like that they don't rely on just punches or kicks and actually do some wrestling moves. I want these two to feud and for it to lead to one of them getting the title in the end. Or continue the feud while one is holding the title. I see this feud happening after Sheamus and Christain have their little feud. I deff want to see this feud as I stil have hope in Wade.
I would love to see a Sheamus vs Barret fued. It reminds me of Regal vs Finlay in WCW; the classic England vs Ireland feud.
I don't want to see a carbon copy of this but it could be a lot of fun to watch. Both have been in the main event recently and are the future of the company. Beginning a long feud and becoming mortal enemies could last their whole career.
Plus I like how they both wrestler. They're both brawlers but can wrestle a strong match when they need too.
Sheamus vs Barret? yes please.
I think these 2 are a very big part of the future of wwe... i like the idea of them fueding ... i just dont want one destroying the others credibility to to bad
sorry but i just dont see wade fueding with sheamus anytime soon as for right now it would seem christian and sheamus are gonna have a fued in the very near future hopefully christian doesnt get buried in a fued with sheamus but i think they would have some good matches
they will probably save the feud for WM. i read some house show results that said these two had a match and stole the show from right under orton/christian AND bryan/rhodes, and that it was a ppv-caliber match. this is a dream match for me and probably mcmahon as well. barrett has been lost in the shuffle a little bit so they need to build his credibility back up with some squashes, and christian is about to make sheamus famous. this will be the feud that makes him a true 'top' guy. bank on it. so have patience and let them fight it out in miami.
I think because sheamus is further along, he'll feud with Christian. Then maybe win the world title from Henry, then maybe, if Barrett is over enough, we have that feud.

Otherwise, it'd be a step backwards for Sheamus because he's main event over as a babyface. Barrett sure as hell looks like a main event level talent, but he hasn't had time to get that over yet.
Agree. I very much hope they do this at some point.

At first I said Barrett should stick to feuding with smaller guys, as his admittedly only-sort-of-ok ring work looks better against them. Understandably he seemed to have trouble making his moves look impactive against larger opponents.

But then yesterday on Raw, he looked excellent against Sheamus, so my fears with regards to that have been averted. The Black Hole Slam/spinning side slam looked as good against Sheamus as it's done against small guys.

This should be done, and soon.
I do think that this feud will eventually happen. Currently, as Sheamus is more relevant than Barrett, having this feud now would not be that good an idea.

But in the future a feud between them(preferably for the title) would be great as both of them are talented are similarly built.
I doubt these two will feud soon as I think we will be seeing a Christain and Sheamus feud next because of what we saw last night. But I would like to see the feud happen someday as I'm a big fan of both men. Both men are decent on the mic, both decent in the ring and both get a decent reaction especially Sheamus. Also I don't think it would be the right time now as Sheamus is more relevant than Barrett by a distance right now like a couple of others have said.
The two could work a great program with eachother. I think WWE might be saving that for when Randy Orton needs some time off and one of the two is champion.
Barrett and Sheamus could put on a fantastic feud and I would definitely want to see it. Both guys would benefit from it because Sheamus is getting over as a face and Barrett needs something to do at the moment. It should be a longer feud so that it could elevate both of them. The promos alone would be awesome since both are skilled on the mic, and the matches would likely be pretty good too. By the time it ends they will both be ready to move on to the main event scene. If Orton is still champion at that time then Barrett could go after him, or if it's a heel then it could be Sheamus' time. I think Sheamus is going to feud with Christian for now, so this feud might have to wait. I highly anticipate when it does happen though, the two of them are a potential future world title match for Smackdown, count on it.
Yeah, Christian is hopefully going to further Sheamus' face standing. I guess I'd like to see Barrett possibly feud with Drew Mcintyre, maybe he can claim he is the best wrestler from Europe. Let the feuds between Mcintyre and Barrett run it's course, (maybe throw Regal in there as Barrett's manager due to the whole English Bare Knuckle Boxer connection) and the feud of Christian and Sheamus run its course. Maybe at some ppv down the road have Barrett defeat McIntyre one last time, then interfere in a Sheamus v Christian match causing Sheamus to lose. Once Christian exits the ring, Barrett would go in and give Sheamus the Wasteland and yell that he's next.
Maybe I'm just hopeful to see McIntyre get into a relevant program and get on tv regularly, but any feud with an established face would help Barrett build heat.

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