Bare witness to a "Mercy Killing" (Triple H's Future)


The Doctor Of Veganomics!!!
HHH has just been defeated by Brock Lesnar. What does this mean for each competitor going foward? Will it effect the current landscape of WWE? HHH left in tears and apologizing to the fans. Is this how his career ends or will he be back?

Moderator note: This thread is to discuss HHH's future, not his match with Lesnar.
I wouldn't be totally shocked if Triple H retired. I mean, he has a whole lotta work to do if he's going to take more control over from Vince and its hard to do when you're still wrestling. I guess we'll find out tomorrow night on Raw! Brock Lesnar is also advertised for tomorrow night's Raw so keep that in mind. Can't wait for tomorrow.
I guarantee that Triple H expected to be cheered for his "valiant" effort and did not expect half the crowd to boo him and chant "You Tapped Out!". However, since things didn't exactly go as he might have planned, I think they could use the outcome of the match, or more specifically the way the fans treated Triple H afterwards, as fuel for a potential heel turn. He can do the old "I gave you people my heart and soul and you spat in my face" routine, and could probably get some good heat from it.
I personally believe that ,although I was shocked to see HHH tap out to brock lesnar and the annoucers teasing a retirement, this is not the las time we have seen HHH compete in a ring.
Im not even convinced that this is the last time HHH will be in the same ring with brock lesnar.
1) triple h still has that wrestling contract that extends till 2015 and he has to wrestle 2 or 3 times a year to get his minimum 1 million per year.
2) Everybody is talking about brock rock and brock taker next year but I personally believe that after tonight we might see brock hhh II at wrestlemania 29 when its all said and done....
3) TRIPLE H is not a guy who let things go, I can see this storyline unfolding if they give it the green light. HHH believes he doesnt have it anymore, brock continues his rampage over the roster, and something makes HHH want one more crack at brock lesnar, Hell put his career on the line at wrestlemania, but give HHH one more shot at lesnar.
4) I do realize the marks will not want to see HHH Brock II because the root of all evils will try to put himself over in the end but what is wrestlemania but the place of feel good moments? HHH finally defeating Brock and getting him out of the wwe
5) if he puts his career on the line and loses again the triple h haters will be rid of triple h for good so its win win!
Brock Lesnar can't sell to save his life. Ridiculous finish to the match. I find it amazing how much hype is behind Lesnar yet he knows less moves than SuperCena. The finish to the match was extremely disappointing, the man acted like he didn't just take a pedigree. Just saying.

The whole match was horrible. I wouldn't blame Lesnar because he put on an amazing match with Cena. HHH should retire from the ring if his matches are going to end like "who gives a crap" feeling to what it appeared they were going for.
Although I didn't see Summerslam, I was expecting something similar to this to happen. I was mainly expecting HHH to win but if he lost, to bury Lesnar with a less than stellar performance. He can then use that excuse as the easy out when Lesnar leaves again citing Lesnar's bad performance. Typical WWE politics superceeding match quality. The perfect storm my ass.
I believe Triple H will not wrestle for a long time---possibly for a year or so. For his foreseeable future. He will summon the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29 and the match will be Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar. Streak vs. WWE career match. Triple H will be the special guest referee in the bout.
Triple H is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but with all due respect, the "you tapped out" chant was a long time coming. Think about it, he pushes so hard for this match to happen just as he did for the match with Taker at WrestleMania 27, and he taps his way out of both of them. I understand that he doesn't want his matches to end this way, but being that his matches are so rare nowadays, we the fans want a good finish to these matches that attract so much hype.
Personally I thought that Brock put on a terrific match, and HHH did a decent job of putting him over. Moving forward, I look forward to Lesnar dominating the roster. I feel he deserves a better opponent than The Undertaker at Mania, although that would be a good fit for the Royal Rumble. The winner could take on the winner of the Rock/Punk match at Mania, now that would be worth the money.

ps, HHH will always have a future in the WWE to some degree. I'm one of the ones who doesn't care wether or not he ever wrestles again.
In all honesty, it's possible that Triple H MIGHT, just MIGHT, announce his retirement from in-ring competition. I can understand if some don'tt hink that, I'm not sure that I do really, but it's a possibility.

Triple H has wrestled 2 matches in 2012, one against The Undertaker and one tonight against Brock Lesnar. Triple H lost both of them and lost them in a decisive fashion. We all know that Triple H is gaining more and more influence in WWE. He's done everything there is to do in WWE and he's spent the past few years preparing to take over for Vince when he steps down. There's just not much left for Triple H to do as a wrestler, so I can see it possibly happening.

I think Triple H will appear on Raw tomorrow night. I dunno about Lesnar but it's possible. I think WWE would be foolish not to do a follow up for this match tomorrow night as Triple H's reaction after losing is a great hook for Raw tomorrow night.
I'd say Triple H goes through a depression angle, where he walks away for a while. Then in January/Febuary, Undertaker wants a match with Lesnar but Heyman won't allow it unless it's called for from the board , then Triple H returns, signs the match as a Streak vs Career.

Triple H isn't done wrestling, wrestling is who he is. but he's done with direct contact with Lesnar IMO
It's a long shot, but here's a possibility. I know Brock's contract involves limited TV appearances, but let's say he is consistently on Raw, dominating the entire roster. Triple H (nursing a "broken arm") is now managing a superstar in order for them to take out Brock Lesnar.
This isn't the retirement of Triple H. Anyone who honestly thinks Triple H would retire in such a fashion has some serious mental issues. The man will get the biggest send off in the history of professional wrestling retirements. He's in great shape and can still work. I do think this is just the beginning to something a lot bigger, Brock Lesnar was just a minor part in it.
Honestly I dont think that HHH is done, yet.
He is one of the greatest and the most popular superstars of all time and to give him an ending like that would be to little for the WWE
at the end of the day, the WWE is a company and they will take advantage of his retirement in any way possible. perhaps they will bill it as "The Game's last Match" or as a career threatening match, similar to Undertaker vs HBK and mania 26
I guess we're gonna have to wait till raw to find out
I see a lot of people think HHH might still wrestle after this match. But have we ever seen Hunter look this broken, vulnerable, and emotional after a match? He seems to have lost the killer instinct that made him the "cerebral assassin". The way Summerslam ended was not the way I am used to seeing HHH. Anyone have any thoughts on who's gonna feud with Brock before Wrestlemania gets here?

The match itself was great. It was a dog fight as I expected! They weren't trading Greco Roman knuckle locks, they were trading knuckle sandwiches!
LOL @ the ending..Their is no doubt Triple H was expecting a standing ovation, instead he heard some boos and a "u tapped out" chant.

He will go away for a while, but will be back for Wrestlemania.

On Raw tommorow...I hope he doesnt say that he is done wrestling and then Brock comes out and injures him more. And we get a rematch at Wrestlemania between the two. I have no interest in seeing Lesnar/HHH part 2.
With AJ and Booker being the GMs, HHH is not really required to be on tv unless he is in a feud. With Brock breaking the Haitch, I don't think we'll see him on tv for awhile. He will be mentioned by the commetators as Brock's dark cloud will start to cover the WWE.

But now both HBK and Trips are down... will they both just step away from Lesnar?? With Brock's limited appearances will it be the Undertaker who steps up to the plate after their "End of Era" match and the group hug at WM... will it be Taker that calls out Brock.

Heyman and Brock have already defeated HHH, even though they continued to refuse to fight him. I don't think he'll want to fight him again, after he already beat him... but then again, if Trips attacks Heyman maybe Brock will agree to another match? The WWE doesn't think too much of it's current crop, that's why taker has faced HBK and TRips four years running... no one else seems to be worthy... until Lesnar's return perhaps...
Honestly I dont think that HHH is done, yet.
He is one of the greatest and the most popular superstars of all time and to give him an ending like that would be to little for the WWE
at the end of the day, the WWE is a company and they will take advantage of his retirement in any way possible. perhaps they will bill it as "The Game's last Match" or as a career threatening match, similar to Undertaker vs HBK and mania 26
I guess we're gonna have to wait till raw to find out


I remember when Taker was carried out on a stretcher at WM27 and a huge proportion of the idiots on here said he was done with wrestling and retired. Really?

When Taker and Triple H retire, they will get the big fanfare just like Flair and Michaels did. It will be a huge deal. Triple H may retire 'kayfabe' but is it the last time we will see him in the ring? Not a chance.
Bear witness. What you said implies something quite different.

No, this isn't the end for HHH. Maybe they'll run a "I don't want to wrestle" gimmick, like with Shawn Michaels flipping burgers or some crap. But HHH can still bring a house in. I'd be concerned if people were silent for him after his match, but he was getting quite a bit of heat, which is fine. Hated or loved, what really matters is, "are people paying attention to you?"

He's at the phase of his career where he doesn't need to be on every PPV. He's been there, has the t-shirt, managed his finances well, and has no need to be prostituting himself in Flairesque fashion to pay his bills. He can still pack a house. If you really want to know why he doesn't need to wrestle every week anymore, look at the way Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, etc. walk around. They've all got a severe, permanent limp. Fuck that action. Land on your back enough times, it'll happen no matter who you are.
I dunno how much of that for Hart isn't the stroke, but yeah.

I've been in that camp that just doesn't want to see HHH ever again. At least not HHH wrestling. The Glory HHHog has always been great at stealing in on other people's spotlight and hot angles (Punk's last year for example, when him and Nashers killed someone who was a level of white hot not seen in YEARS). I hope all the "boring" chants during his match really showed him that we don't really need him anymore. Had he finished at WM, it would have been perfect. Instead, he made the call to ruin another Summerslam. I'm fine with the occasional appearance at big events for a nice promo or moment with someone, and then leaving. That's all. That's more than fine. Hell, when he comes out during commercial breaks and pedigrees some jamook, that's fine too! A nice little thing that doesn't take away from the show.

As much as I dislike Cornette, he's right about one thing... HHH was never a draw, he just attached himself to people who were.
After reading HBK's tweet, I think Hunter's retirement angle will end up with a rematch with Brock or a match with HBK...

Brock will injure another wrestler and goes on a path of destruction. Triple H will be the guy that comes out of retirement and takes Brock out.

Or HBK gets fed up with Triple H quitting and ending his career on a bad note, so he challenges him to a match at Wrestlemania.

I could see either scenario happening. I highly doubt Triple H put Lesnar over just for the hell of it. Their is some way that he will benefit from it.
That crowd was mental, during Sheamus vs Del Rio they cheered for Del Rio til he walked out then they booed him lol

They cheered for the Big Show til Punk won

They cheered for Triple H til Brock beat him.

Make up your friggin minds people.
Triple H made that match, Brock was just there to look tough, he did next to nothing same as his match with Cena. Can't really believe HHH was ever gonna win anyway, it would make no sense

as to whether he's done, um last time i checked he's only wrestled 2 times in over a year i'd say that pretty much cemented the fact that he was already done as a permanent part of the landscape. He can't win can he, he stays out of the way and people moan, he wrestles and not only loses but he tapped out and people still bitch and complain.

He doesn't need to retire any more then The Undertaker needed to retire the last 5 yrs. Just stay out of it til the time is right and a big payoff can result.

I'd say he's gonna give Brock his dues one way or another, knowing him it will be a respect thing and then down the line Taker will come back to revenge everything and who will be in his corner or reffing the match if it's at Mania? I bet it's Triple H.
I highly doubt that's the way we see Triple H going out of the business. Keep in mind that the guy can book himself a send off at Wrestlemania in the same fashion of HBK and Flair, putting over someone like CM Punk in the meantime, and you see why it would be stupid of him to walk off into the sunset right now.

For Brock I think he goes on to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania. That said he hasn't gotten the heat back on him with this victory that he needed. The booking of that loss to Cena looks more and more like they threw buckets of cash down the toilet to keep John smiling.
To understate the obvious, Paul Levesque has a unique position in WWE. He's the son-in-law of the owner, married to the boss's daughter, he's a stockholder, he's got major say in storylines.

For these reasons, in his role as Triple H, he has no current standing as a performer to protect. Personally, I'm a little disappointed he's not a full-time wrestler anymore; he certainly seems healthy and in-shape enough to be. But he's the 800-pound gorilla who can sit anywhere he damn well pleases. When an opponent or plot-line shows up that calls for a hero with true star power, he steps into the ring.

This is the path he's chosen. He'll perform a couple of times a year as a wrestler, doing some promos leading up to the event, giving his usual maximum effort during the PPV......then marching back to the front office to his managerial job. Except for the front office part, Triple H's function these days isn't much different than Brock Lesnar's. Trips is like a gun for hire, except he doesn't have to be brought in; he's already there.

Paul Levesque isn't Brock, Rock or Mr. Socko; he's staying. Length of contract doesn't matter, nor do continuing storylines. When WWE needs a true superstar to work a special program, Triple H will step up to the plate. Whether he announces his retirement or not after his loss to Brock, he'll still wind up doing what he's been doing the past couple of years. As much as he may insist he'll never get in the ring again.....he will. Somewhere along the way, some ultra-bad guy will perform a dastardly deed and an outraged Paul Levesque will duck into a phone booth, change into his fighting gear and emerge as.....Triple H! {cue heroic theme song}

And you think John Cena is depicted as Superman?
Although I didn't see Summerslam, I was expecting something similar to this to happen. I was mainly expecting HHH to win but if he lost, to bury Lesnar with a less than stellar performance. He can then use that excuse as the easy out when Lesnar leaves again citing Lesnar's bad performance. Typical WWE politics superceeding match quality. The perfect storm my ass.

I have no idea what your trying to say. :wtf:

So, Triple H puts Lesnar over... clean. Yet you feel Triple H buried him because you suspect the match wasn't very good? The match you didn't see? And Triple H at this stage of his career wants to go out and put out a bad performance just to stick it to Lesnar? And that this is all WWE politics?

Really, that makes sense to you?

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