Ban Crocker

God have mercy it's turned into a math thread. SOS do Crocker a favour, don't help him anymore like this.

Actually I feel bad for him now.
SoS has had a full brain meltdown and then recovered a little. My personal opinion is that he forgot to take his meds
Not really. We're only likely to ban him if he breaks one of the automatically bannable rules. Other than that, he'll be around as long as he wants to be. We don't ban people for being stupid.

This is totally random, but considering I saw you post in this thread, I'd figure I'd ask. What happened to that chick who actually was a guy? Or the other way around?
I just read through this entire thread. Basically SoS tried to gain Crocker sympathy? Then it turned to math problems and "don't breed"...? What...?

Anyways, Crocker, if you want to get out of jail, keep your Cena hate to a minimum and discuss other things. I'm not telling you to like Cena (actually the opposite), but just stop talking about Cena as much.
Nah don't ban Crocker. Prison with no possibility of parole is fair enough. Throw BSE in with him please...he needs his best friend...well second best friend, I don't think Cena is available.
You're an obnoxious little cunt.

I don't think you should be put in the Prison, but you're an obnoxious little cunt.
I just read through this entire thread. Basically SoS tried to gain Crocker sympathy? Then it turned to math problems and "don't breed"...? What...?

Anyways, Crocker, if you want to get out of jail, keep your Cena hate to a minimum and discuss other things. I'm not telling you to like Cena (actually the opposite), but just stop talking about Cena as much.

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Honestly, there's not many normal people on wrestling forums. You're all freaks one way or another, whether it's being perverted, obsessive, an asshole. Ban half of this forum.

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