Ban Crocker

Savior of Silence

Occasional Pre-Show
Crocker is the single, dumbest person on this forum. He adds nothing relevant to any conversation that he participates in and obviously has an unhealthy obsession with the professional wrestling business and those in it.

Based on this unhealthy obsession, I think it would be wrong of us, as a community, to continue to enable him. One of these days, Crocker is going to do something crazy (like kidnap and repeatedly rape John Cena), and I don't want to be known as the person who realized how crazy this ****** is but stood idly by and did nothing.

So, I'm starting this petition. It is in our best interest, Cena's best interest and Crocker's best interest, that he not be allowed to continue to post.

Please sign your name below and maybe give a brief statement as to why you either agree or disagree.
I don't think Crocker could do something crazy. He probably has more than 46 friends on social media.
Outside of him being unwillingly, entertainingly stupid....what does he bring?

He isn't in the regular sections. If you don't like what he has to say in The Prison, it's not that difficult to stay away from The Prison section.

Dude has multiple alts, rides Cena more than Nikki Bella, and is almost eclipsing LBK for Prisoner shenanigans. You sort of answered your own question here. He's an entertaining guy, I'd give him that.

He hasn't done anything to be banned but the alts, and Sly gave him the opportunity to come clean on them to keep him here. He did. So now he rots away in Prison talking about things no wrestling fan should really put much thought into.

He ain't hurtin nobody.
He provides me with so much entertainment and makes me feel superiorly intelligent
Only in the prison is he relevent so lets leave him in his element
I bet he hates John Cena
Because he sent his divorce papers by subpoena
So now he dresses up as a diva
and day by day gets weirder and weirder
alt after alt
the worlds problems are Cenas fault
hes a politician and doesn't put people over
fuck off we don't want to listen
so they locked you up in prison
and that is just how it goes son

word life :2up:
Are you trying to make people forget that you are shit and we're just in here by picking on the same person everyone else is piling up on? It isn't working.
Are you trying to make people forget that you are shit and we're just in here by picking on the same person everyone else is piling up on? It isn't working.

I don't think people think I'm shit. And I've been picking on Crocker for months because I think he's an annoying douchebag. Any other silly things you'd like to say? Or are you done now?
Crocker is the single, dumbest person on this forum. He adds nothing relevant to any conversation that he participates in and obviously has an unhealthy obsession with the professional wrestling business and those in it.

Based on this unhealthy obsession, I think it would be wrong of us, as a community, to continue to enable him. One of these days, Crocker is going to do something crazy (like kidnap and repeatedly rape John Cena), and I don't want to be known as the person who realized how crazy this ****** is but stood idly by and did nothing.

So, I'm starting this petition. It is in our best interest, Cena's best interest and Crocker's best interest, that he not be allowed to continue to post.

Please sign your name below and maybe give a brief statement as to why you either agree or disagree.

You've given many reasons for him to be in here, but he's not doing anything wrong now. So I agree with the others who say, no.

Besides you were in prison once yourself. I remember the LD discussion thread that got you put here. Just because you have been rehabilitated to a certain extent, doesn't mean other's can't be.

And before you ask, yes, I'm finished now. Unless you want to start up with me. That might be a mistake on your part.
Have to say I disagree.

Whilst he does come off as being some sort of mental patient, he is generally entertaining. As long as he can control his Cena obsession to an extent, I see no reason for him to be banned at all.

Ntm, he is in the Prison anyways, and he stirs up some discussion that can be entertaining at times when the forum is slow.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize a user you can put on Ignore and is already limited to one completely ignorable section was bothering you. Let me get out of my busy schedule to accommodate your petty request, Mr. former Prison member.
I don't think people think I'm shit. And I've been picking on Crocker for months because I think he's an annoying douchebag. Any other silly things you'd like to say? Or are you done now?

I gave you an easy out with Shitty punctuation, but instead You make another post that is at the very best on par with Crocker. You will never find somebody as silly as yourself.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize a user you can put on Ignore and is already limited to one completely ignorable section was bothering you. Let me get out of my busy schedule to accommodate your petty request, Mr. former Prison member.

******s gonna... ******?

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