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Bam Neely: Free Agent?


[This Space for Rent]
After Friday Night Smackdown, Chavo Guerrero basically blamed his loss on Bam Neely, in which Chavo berated Neely until the (now former) bodyguard had enough. Neely dropped Chavo, only to in turn get dropped by R-Truth.

Does this mark the end of Bam Neely and Chavo Guerrero's alliance? Or will they kiss and make-up. (more or less)

If this is the end of their alliance, does Bam Neely have any remote chance on his own to do.. .. anything? I honestly believe Neely is going to be much like a virus, he'll attempt latching onto someone else in need of a tool to stand at ringside and do nothing, because that's what Neely does best.

In my opinion, neither Bam Neely or Chavo Guerrero have what it takes to turn face. Neely can barely manage any type of reaction as it is, I doubt people are suddenly going to care for him now that he's dropped Chavo on his butt.

My guess is nothing will happen, and Neely will go back to Chavo, especially since Truth dropped him after Neely dropped Chavo.. but if Neely does split from Chavo, I think it's a one way path to the unemployment line for the former bodyguard of the Latino Warrior.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Could Neely make it as a single's star? Will he and Chavo come back together? Please explain why you feel what you do, give plenty of discussion and detail.
Bam Neely has absolutely nothing going for him besides his size. He's useless as Chavo's bodyguard, seems completely oblivious to what to look like when a promo is being cut and is an exceedingly bad wrestler. I cannot see him having any sort of success as a singles star, he's barely had any success as a bodyguard!

As soon as WWE cut him away from Chavo, there will be many endavours in Bam Neely's future, if you get me. Just a waste of a paycheck really...
I actually marked out when the argument took place after the match. It was good especially because it was sort of unexpected. I personally hate both of them. Chavo can put on an average match but he certainly isn't main event worthy. Bam Neely sucks. In every way, shape and form. Ezekiel Jackson makes Neely look like shit and absolutely useless. Bam Neely had a good debut on ECW in my opinion. But being a bodyguard doesn't get you very far in the WWE, especially if you hardly interfere in matches. I don't think it will be the end of the alliance as Chavo looks extremely weak without a bodyguard due to his small size and being a heel.

I agree with Will as I don't believe neither man should turn face as I think it will be a total failure. Similar to Umaga's mini face turn last year. If they don't make up and get back together, Bam Neely will most likely be released. He can't wrestle very good and he hardly ever speaks on the mic. He has hardly any purpose but simply standing infront of Chavo 'pretending' to be doing something useful. I see Bam Neely as a waste of space. It seems as if Chavo's push is over as he has somewhat dropped back to being a mid-carder. He doesn't belong in the main event.

So I think it makes sense to put them back together as Chavo needs to look dominant and due to his size, he can't do that on his own. He needs a big bodyguard and Bam Neely is a fairly large man. If not, release Neely and hire a bodyguard that looks more heelish and more intimadating. A bodyguard that can actually wrestle decently would be nice for Chavo. There is no way Bam Neely can make it as a single star. He gets hardly any reaction from the crowd as a heel. Just imagine how dead the crowd would be if he decided to turn face. It just wouldn't work and it certainly wouldn't benefit anyone.

I would personally love to see Bam Neely get released and hire a more intimadating heel bodyguard for Chavo as I think he needs one. But knowing the WWE, they will try to get them back together for a few more months but I can tell you, I would be VERY surprised if Neely isn't released by the end of this year.
If the guy can't even get over as a valet/manager role, how can he be expected to succeed as a singles wrestler. The fact that Chavo hired him after losing the title instead of while he had it was ******ed, and then his first chance to help Chavo win the title back, he did nothing. Surely a heel bodyguard should intefere every chance they get, like Chyna used to, not ram the opponents leg into the ring post once and do nothing else during the whole match. After that, he's still done nothing to actually benefit Chavo. During the Singapore Cane match, Miz came down to help Morrison, Bam did nothing, in fact, was he even there? I honestly can't remember, that's how little impact he had even if he was there.

It's good that Ezekiel Jackson realised that that is NOT how to get over when one debuts as a bodyguard, apparently however Manu didn't learn that lesson, judging by his terrible debut at Unforgiven.

Anyway, the words 'sayonara Bam' come to mind.
I honestly don't think it matters which direction the creative team goes in...whether he retains as a bodyguard or starts going his own way, I just can't see him really making it and getting involved in interesting storylines or getting any strong pushes...I can't imagine him becoming the next bodyguard turned star like diesel or batista. My guess is no matter what happens with him now, he's going to be gone by this time next year.
Bam's only hope is to stay with Chavo and to start actually wrestling as a tag team. If they decide to try to push him on his own, he'll be released very quickly. The guy just doesn't have anything special, you know? Compared to him, Chavo looks amazing, haha.

Like everyone else...I'd be surprised as hell if they broke them up and didn't release Bam within a few months afterwards. But I don't think they'll break the team up, as they have nothing for Chavo to do afterwards most likely, and it seems like they're fond of Chavo enough to want to give him some sort of program (albeit a lot of the times, a weak one).

Bam's got two choices: stay with Chavo and be paid to do nothing, essentially, or get released and try out becoming the next masked monster gimmick BS character in TNA lol.
Honestly I don't think anyone would miss the guy. Sure he's muscle, but even at that he hasn't done very much. If you're trying to go for the muscled bodyguard gimmick, Tomko does the job so much better. All Neely has really done has been attack Kane once or twice. Beyond that, the guy's a very poor character.

If he's to avoid the future endevours, he only has a few options.
1) Do something spectacular
2) Prove you can work on the mic
3) Actually work well as muscle

Otherwise, there are plenty of big guys who would love to get a similar role and I reckon they could do the job well.
Wait Bam Neely is still around?!?, I haven't caught a full episode of SD! in months, what the hell are they doing with this guy, just released the waste of space already, hell they could release Chavo and I doubt anyone would really care, in fact I'm pretty sure the biggest reason the guy still has a job is because of Eddies death, but back to Neely, has this guy ever even had a match?, does he really do anything?, half the time when I see him playing "bodyguard" for Chavo I forget he's even there until they put his stupid looking mug on the screen and remind you, just release the worthless sack of shit already, he's going nowhere so there is really no need to keep him around
interesting move by the WWE, but I just some how see Bam staying with Chavo. I think we will have the make-up this coming week, but there will be some tension between the two, and we will slowly see the emergence of Bam as face and a powerhouse. Now that what i think could happen, can it sure, but will it I dunno. A break-up of these at this point in time is silly and doesnt help both at all, unless the WWE plans to push Bam as some muscleup badass on ECW and if that is the case then I guess good for Neely, but he does bore me. In the end I see no good coming out of this for Bam and Chavo well he anit going where thanks to his last name.
All I can see is Bam Neely either doing what Deacon Batista did to Reverend D-Von or disappearing from any further on-screen appearances until his inevitable release. There's just no way of using this guy effectively as a wrestler, unless he gets a gimmick changeover. When he first came into the WWE, I seriously thought it was Roadkill with a revamped gimmick. Neely could maybe team up with Armando Estrada and build something around their businessman/bodyguard image. But then, there'd be no one to attack, since 97% of the ECW roster are heels. They could always go beat up on Jimmy Wang Yang and maybe Super Crazy over on Smackdown. Yawn. It would still be boring and useless. Yeah, I guess Bam Neely is screwed.
The Chavo/Neely bickering/shoving incident on Smackdown came off as pretty lackluster and rushed if it was the actual split. I’m inclined to believe it was merely a prelude. Just like Edge and La Familia were on and off again for several weeks, I think we’ll a similar pattern here. At least that’s how they should play it, that is if they hope to create any interest in a possible feud between these two. Right now Bam isn’t even on the crowd’s radar, so there’s no way he’ll get over as a face without some build up and heel vs. heel feuds typically don’t work out so well.

As strange as it may sound and despite the fact he’s been a failure thus far, I think Bam’s potential as a bodyguard hasn’t been realized yet. They could just have someone else pick up his services. If they want to keep him heel, I think Kenny Dykstra or The Miz and John Morrison would be good options. Dykstra legitimately needs protecting after what befell him Friday night. Miz/Morrison have a hit TV show now, they’re big stars, and they need to keep the fans from getting too close and their asses handed to them every Dirt Sheet segment. If they want to try Neely as a face, Ricky Ortiz might work. Right after his debut he nicknamed himself the Latin Warrior, which Chavo has started using that lately. Neely could side with who he feels is the true Latin Warrior and help keep Ortiz’s undefeated streak going, thus sticking it to his former employer.

I just don’t see Bam making it as a singles wrestler anytime soon. In five months, he’s had only a handful of matches and for good reason. His offense is bland (punch, big boot, chinlock), he’s slow, his timing and positioning are always off. He’s also packed on quite a few pounds since his debut. And he has no charisma or mic skills to speak of. Neely needs a one-way ticket back to developmental or fat camp or both IMHO.
i dont see him going anywhere...he didnt get enough star power to make it as a credible singles star, and unless hes going back to chavo (idk if he will i have no opinoin on if he should or not) it is indeed, his one way street to unemployment..i think this, because up until 3 weeks ago, i wasnt 100% sure who he was......=\ and even when i saw his pictures with chavo, i thought he was JBL's cabnet from when he was champion...lol so i havnt seen much of the guy, i know he has no charisma...and im not sure on his in-ring skills...so, im going to say, its goodbye for this guy, if he dont pick someone up soon...=\

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