
Angelica Haze

member since november 2002
this sleep patern is killing me!! i used to go to sleep at around 11pm and wake up at 8ish am, lately i'm awake till 3am and sleeping till nearly 10am and the cycle is sooo hard to break :(
Try sleeping until 2-3p.m. & staying up until about 5-6a.m... then having a child. Come talk to me when you can't break staying up all night, yet having to FORCE yourself to wake up with a baby. lol
i did that with my youngest nephew. my sister in law and brother were getting a divorce at the time, she was stressed so the baby of course picked up on it and was fussy with her/wouldn't eat and all that so i took over for the first two weeks, then started a job on the third week where i had to be up at 4:30am to get ready for work (lived 45 minutes away from town and needed the same to get ready) to be at work by 6am the first two weeks were killer
i did that with my youngest nephew. my sister in law and brother were getting a divorce at the time, she was stressed so the baby of course picked up on it and was fussy with her/wouldn't eat and all that

Hold up.. I knew Children react to the surroundings & emotional level of things around them.. but a child can have eating disorders, because of the "fighting" between their Parents?

Edit: Like, even a child, thats say.. almost 2 yrs. old?
yea it can definately affect some of them, my nephew is hyper sensitive to emotions though so that is why i think it got to him so much
I go bed at 9 and wake up at 4.

Really what do you have to do after 9? Nothing. But you wake up early and you have a whole day to do absolutley nothing.
i'd prefer to wake up early, get the house clean and laundry done then spend a good few hours gaming then watch some dvr i've got a csi obsession right now, then cook dinner then its hubbys turn to play games
yea it can definately affect some of them, my nephew is hyper sensitive to emotions though so that is why i think it got to him so much

Great, so now I get the pleasure of questioning destroying my marriage.. as well as hurting my Daughter.

Ya know, its one thing to not be able to fix something that can't be fixed, but never, EVER in my life have I, or will I want to be the cause of my Daughter hurting. (she currently isn't gaining a lot of weight - & the doctor's don't know why, but one of the reasons is because she doesn't like sitting in her chair, & she's cranky a lot - which, could be a direct result of the arguments between my Wife & I)

i'm a housewife currently so technically i am unemployed myself

Yeah, I'm the oddball.. my Wife works, because I had a fallen arch at the end of Sept. of last year, & I couldn't officially go back to work until about the end of Feb, beginning of March this year.. & noone wants to hire me for "limited hours" because we can't afford a babysitter..

So I spend my days at home with my Daughter.. sometimes its rough, but by far, its a lot better than a 9-5 job.

I go bed at 9 and wake up at 4.

Really what do you have to do after 9? Nothing. But you wake up early and you have a whole day to do absolutley nothing.

The nighttime has & will seemingly always be better for me, due to the quietness it comes with. I can do what I want, without being hassled & nagged. During the day, everything seems so stressful & hectic.. during the night, everyone sleeps.. & I can do anything I want.
Yeah I get up at 4. Do the dusting. Come on here until its time to wake up the kid, take her school. Then I can come home and have the whole day to watch DVDs.
Meh, I did night turn for over a year, and i am not used of sleeping during the night, so i usually go too bed at like 2 a.m and wake up at six on a school night which is only Monday and Thursdays and the other days of the week I usually wake up at 9.
I go leave for work at 8:30AM. I usually go to bed during the week at 1AM. Tonight, and on the weekends, I will stay up until about 4AM and sleep until 11AM. I do this voluntarily, as I'm a night person.

I've gotten used to this, so I can do it fine. I've got pity for people with kids who have to get up 10 times during the night. Hence, my large supply of condoms. :D

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