Backstage Heat on Cena?


Getting Noticed By Management
I Just read an article and this is pretty interesting. Apparently John Cena is unhappy with his current gimmick. This means WWE are forcing him to be The Superhero type of charactor when really he doesn't want to portray it.

Part of the Article stated:

“According to an insider WWE source, there is some major backstage heat on John Cena after what took place at Monday Night Raw yesterday.

For those of you that watched the ending segment of Raw yesterday, you should've noticed John Cena's abrupt departure from the ring after his brief speech on the microphone directed towards CM Punk. That's not what was supposed to happen.

John Cena was supposed to remain in the ring until CM Punk had finished his rebuttal. That's why CM Punk appeared puzzled after Cena suddenly left. The entire segment after that became awkward as Punk had to decide on the spot to return his attention towards Jerry Lawler. That confrontation between him and Lawler was supposed to take place about 5 minutes later than it actually did.”

Don't know how true this is but a lot of it makes some sense. Punk did look like he was a bit puzzled about what John Cena was saying, and looked a bit pissed off when Cena left the ring. Seems like Cena tried to bury Punk off script then walk off. This could all be rumours but i thought it was pretty interesting, i thought Cena actually enjoyed playing the Babyface, perhaps he doesn't anymore?

What do you think?

Full Article :
Yeah, given the information and the source, I'm going to call BS on this one. Cena's departure wasn't abrupt, it was exactly what was necessary for that moment. What's Cena supposed to do, tell Punk he doesn't care who Punk names as his contender and that Cena knows he (Cena) is the best, only to stick around and eagerly await who Punk names as his challenger? And the show had already gone over its time limit, and we're to believe the Jerry Lawler confrontation was supposed to happen 5 minutes later?

Sorry, too many things don't add up. Until some other piece of evidence comes out which might support this "report", I'm calling BS. What this likely is is a case of the WWE putting out white noise to the IWC, building interest in the Punk vs. Cena feud.
Another WWE insider risks their job and livelihood so that Bleacher Report can make 47 more dollars reporting breaking news? This is silliness.

Cena should throw such curveballs all of the time. That was his most entertaining and interesting promo that he's done since his and Punk's, "You need this Punk" contract signing from over a year ago.

And the stuff Sly said.
The only thing that is possibly true about this is how the segment may have been meant to last 5 minutes longer... but they were already 15 minutes over at this point, so they probably told Cena to cut it short.

However, I doubt that Cena tried to bury Punk... the point of the entire segment was to make Cena look like the better man, and make Punk look like a guy demanding respect, who didn't deserve it.... thus when he did not have anything to say back to Cena, he turned on Lawler and took his frustrations out on him.

"Heat" on Cena? Yeah right. He didn't have heat on him with the whole divorce thing, or the possibility of him cheating on his wife, so him cutting a segment short by 5 minutes is not going to get him heat... not by a long shot.
If it was from another dirt sheet site I might buy it, but I never heard of The Wrestling Cafe. Just someone else stirring up news that isn't there. Plus it's Bleach Report. I write articles for Bleacher Report under their Fantasy Football section. Hardly expert-driven news. I would take this with a grain of salt.
What do I think?

I think it is all bull shit. Here is why.

1) John Cena doesn't want to portray a super hero. This is obviously horse shit stack as high as the sears tower. John "The ego" has been super hero beating everyone and everything that has even gotten close to the WWE title except CM punk. He gets beat within a inch of his life and like a miracle he rises up and wins with the the shoulder block, five knuckle shuffle and AA. That is classic super hero bull crap.

2)Cena backstage heat The man that can punk out anyone he choose and get away with it, screwing over WWE talent no different than the way Shawn did back int eh day. Yeah these egosentric douche bag they call John Cena can play stupid for the kids, pretty boy for the camera, and grant all the wishes he wants. But he is still a pile of horse crap when the camera's are not rolling....ask his ex wife.

3)Camera work So no body was in on it, no one but johnny boy knew what was going on then explain to me home the cameras were in the perfect place to catch cena walking out. If you have never worked in filming know this. the Cameramen also have a listening device in there ear that comes from a production crew. Their placement is there to help the show even more so on live shows. They need to be in the right spots, if no one knew john was going to leave why was there a camera man capturing he every movement from a frontal view. This means it was planed, re watch any unplanned and event and watch how long it takes a cameraman to get in position.

4 Cm Punk confused Hey what can you say. Cm punk doesn't want to be scripted and he thinks he has talent. It looks like John Left him standing there with his words twist and the looked stupid that is his fault. The rock would have simply put why do I have to buy into your shit again cena? I have beat you not once not twice not three times...but I have lost count you roody poo candy ass. I am the best int he world til someone beats me and the fact is you have had to many chances and you can't handle it. However the horrible Cm punk could only say....Jerry Lawler.
Reading the majority of the opening post, a part of me became intrigued in the possibility of what it suggested, Cena going against the grain and doing things his own way, then I realized the report came not just from Bleacher Report, a site with barely a shred of credibility, but from Elliot Banks, a correspondent, who probably has not a single "inside source" to his name. There is a reason he's a correspondent and not a featured columnist, if he'd actual sources, they'd highlight him.

EDIT: And his source is Pavitar Sidhu; he started his own site after no other site would take him.
... Cena going against the grain and doing things his own way...

Of course, if there's anyone in WWE who can change the script and ad-lib when he sees the opportunity, it's Cena. I'd wager his instincts are good enough.....and he holds enough power..... that he can do some altering and avoid heat.

Still, in this instance, I think it was all planned.

Abrupt departure? Sure! The situation called for it. Punk's whole thing these past weeks has been letting everyone know he's great, yet not getting enough appreciation and respect to suit him. So, who finally calls him out on this? No one but the one guy who best can: John Cena. He doesn't do it with lengthy, passionate speeches trying to prove Punk wrong, nor does he bother demonstrating how Cena himself would handle it.

Instead, Cena dismisses Punk's words as the rantings of a guy who holds the power but isn't going to let Punk lord that power over him. Say what you want, Punk. Name who you want as #1 contender. I'm leaving. 'Bye!

Cena's departure was abrupt....and that's exactly what it had to be. It was planned. It's just that it was so well executed that many probably thought it wasn't.
It took Cena this long to get tired of this gimmick. Your argument makes sense but I'm like slyfox need a little more evidence.
Cena has done the walking out after a speech before (To the rock)

So yeah, its bleachereport, its for opinions so its most likely not true.
It's from the Bleacher Report, there is absolutely nothing credible about the Bleacher report, nothing at all.

I really don't know how Cena's absence was abrupt, it made perfect sense given the situation and storyline. Lastly, Cena doesn't seem like the type of guy that would go off script in that manner.

I'm gonna go with someone assuming what happened without actually checking in to see what really happened.
A lot of the time during Cena's Promos you see him looking around the crowd to see what reaction he gets. Maybe deep down Cena wants all the crowd on his side. There can't be a better feeling than having 16000 fans in an arena all cheering you. Maybe he is happy with the mixed reaction he gets. We will never know if he sometimes go's off script to try and get more cheers, or if he is complaining to the powers that be that he wants to alter his charactor slightly to get those extra cheers instead of Boo's.

The Article seems to be BS as people are saying, you have to wonder what go's through the head of John Cena at times, wether or not he is happy at being the Superhero of WWE. If Cena's charactor stays the same for the future (which i think it will) then i guess it would confirm that the article is indeed BS. Time will tell.
I don't think that's true, it doesn't make sense that the face of the WWE has backstage heat, everything in that segment was planned, and even if it was supose to go 5 minutes longer, they were over the time limit, who's to say that someone from production didn't tell one of the camera guys to tell Cena and Punk to cut it short.......
Bleacher Report could tell me the sky is blue and I wouldn't believe it. The only time they ever have credible articles is a week after everyone else has already reported on the story.

There is a possibility Cena is upset. As much as a lot of us on this forum dislike him(myself included), he works his ass off for the company and maybe sometimes he gets a little upset when the spotlight isn't on him, I don't know, I can't speak for him. It is much more possible that someone made something up to get some hits, hence the word rumor in the opening statements, or Cena had a legit gripe and went to Trips and talked it out and someone is blowing it way out of proportion.
i clicked on the link from the OP, and that article conveniently doesnt even exist anymore

so they (bleacher) must have pulled it. it reaked of complete BS anyway. i wouldnt put too much into it
i thought Cena actually enjoyed playing the Babyface, perhaps he doesn't anymore?

Full Article :

If this is true im proud of Cena.. Cena always liked being himself, but his PG gimmick totally ruined him. I think hes sick of all the grown up fans booing him to death, and all the little kids loving him, making him a role model, and mabye he doesnt like to be a role model. because when all these little kids love him and look up to him, making him a HEEL would totally ruin ratings and they would loose alot of little kid fans.

But i am the biggest Cena Hater of all time... so if this article is fake, i will still be the biggest cena Hater of all time.. But lets hope one day cena will either Retire OR become a HEEL.
If I didn't scroll down and see that the article came from Bleacher Report, I probably would've believed this story but not because of what happened in the promo, it was obvious that it was all planned, it's because of this gimmick that half of the world hate his guts and sometimes I think Cena, deep down, could be legitimately pissed off at all the hate he gets and just wants to punch the next guy that boos him. However Cena is such a terrific actor, we'll never truly know if he really does hate it all, probably doesn't care and I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't.
even though i would love this to be true its going to be BS. i would love for Cena's character to change and to see him be a bit less PG. if this happened then you could see John loss all the gimmick crap in the ring and start to wrestle again.
I was intrigued by ths until I heard it was from the Bleacher Report. The Bleacher Report is basically the Weekly World News of dirtsheets and wrestling news sites. For anybody not aware of the Weekly World News, it's basically a tabloid that's an insult to tabloids featuring made up stories like "Woman gives birth to Bigfoot's baby" and all that stuff.

I find it difficult to believe that Cena doesn't want to portray the same type of character that's ultimately made him a multi-millionaire, the public face of WWE and the biggest star in pro wrestling. It just doesn't made the slightest shred of sense.

As has been pointed out, Cena's abrupt departure during his confrontation with CM Punk was a means to an end. Sure, Punk could've come right out and just made Cena his #1 contender. It would've been all well and good but this is a way of stretching things out and using Jerry Lawler to build heat on Punk. It seems obvious that WWE really wants to make Punk a full blown heel instead of a Tweener, so this is a good way of doing it.

Now it's not impossible, maybe Cena did go off the reservation a bit here. However, if Cena can't go off track a little bit and get away with it, then nobody can. It just doesn't fit, however. I call bullshit as well.
The only thing I gather from this is it sounds like someone successfully got a lot of clicks for their website, and served up a bunch of advertisements in the process.

Good for the Bleacher Report. Make your money.
I am not sure how true the article is from the in-ring promo and walking off but the idea of him being face is true. Two months ago in some radio interviews Cena has expressed to WWE Creative that he wanted a different direction of his character. He felt more comfortable of the Rap Gimmick than doing the right thing all of the time because he found that type of character isn't believeable anymore. I don't think their is heat on him but I do believe at the very least he wants his character to be a tweener. By the way their was some pressure on him during his divorce from upper management to wrap up the proceedings as quick as possible just for the sake of PR reasons
I'm sorry, but I don't buy into any of this. If Cena wanted things to change, he is the one wrestler in the company that has the clout to make it happen. He isn't just another "cog" like Vince sees so much of the roster. This is actually why I'm not a fan of John Cena. I have to place some of the blame for the current state of the product on his shoulders, simply because of the position he is in. That, however, is a subject for a different time.
First of all, I want to say that was the best Cena promo in a long time. He totally owned Punk there. Second, it's already been said that he's done the walk off thing before. Really, the way I see it, he said what he had to say and left Punk high and dry. Also having Punk attack Lawler is the perfect way to progress his heel turn. The Universe loves Cena for the most part, but they seem to love The King even more. It's probably leading to a King vs. Punk match on an upcoming Raw where King will put Punk over even more as a heel. Besides if it wasn't supposed to happen that way, I don't think all the WWE twitter accounts would have been putting in their opinion on the Punk/King attack.
The first thing that popped into my mind when I read the title was, "Woah, what'd he do?". The report seemed legit at first... until I further read the other posters' comments claiming that Bleacher Report is an untrustworthy source.

I haven't seen Raw yet; it doesn't air in my country until tonight - and it's only cut short to a measly one hour. If what the report says is legit, I'll give Punk props for adlibbing on the spot and swerving back to Jerry. If not, I'll never believe Bleacher Report News again.

Raw airs tonight in my country at 8:30 pm. Guess I'll have to see and be the judge for it myself.

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