Backlash: Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero

This fued is around soley for the reason to use it on Smackdown, it goes along with Taker/Edge well, so as long as the Taker/Edge rivalry lasts, this fued will too. Not to mention with lack of talent on ECW, they have to spread out fueds or Kane will have nobody to face in three months.
on a side note, when chavo held the belt, it wasn't called the ECW "world" championship. when kane won it, recognizes it as a world title again. See their current poll.
Chavo don't stand a chance against Kane because he is a 7 foot monster, and he Beat Chavo and Wrestlemaina in 8 seconds now he thinks that he is gonna beat him face to face if i was chavo at Backlash i would just lay down so i can live the next day because he seems so good about he can beat kane now kane knows and i know that Chavo is gonna cheat to get back the ECW world Championship. Now I would be suprise if Chavo beats Kane straight up but that would never happen. So everyone that is reading this trust me Chavo will walk in a loser and he will walk out a loser without the ECW Championship
I Gaurantee You Chavo Guerrero Is Walking Out ECW Champion.

Look for his new buddy to get involved , along with the Edge Heads and maybe even Edge himself.......

Kane will then win it back at ECW ON SCI - FI in a super exciting match ahaha !
Well I have always bee very supportive of Kane, and I believe they are trying to bring more credibility to the title now that Kane has it and he is brining it to more PPV's. I know Kane has a lot off support with fans and people over the Internet, and I really do hope they drop thos storyline with Kane and Chavo. I read that originally Kane was supposed to work a program with Big Daddy V but as he is out I beleuve due to weight issues, he I guess had to work it with Chavo. Chavo is crap, and if they keep the feud around Chavo with Kane then the title will not be able to gain any if much credibility. Kane has been as you say "busting his ass" for years and now he actually gets a decent singles title they are going to bury him with the title if they keep a feud around Chavo. Kane should get more exposure with the title if they want credibility and more matches, mabye bring backt eh Brothers of Desrtuction more, and they can get the tag team titles.... or even have CM Punk and Kane get them, although UI think Jessy and Festus should get them first. It would put more gold around Kane Making him the ECW Champ and Tag Team Champ... there could eventually be a split with Kane and CM Punk and a feud over the title. So I hope Vince, Creative and WWE in general and do the right thing.
The Kane vs. Chavo match I believe will be a 15 min match with Bam Neely getting involved and possibly referee getting knocked out and have some illegal moves involving a table but Kane will walk away as champion and maybe CM Punk cashing in (very likely)
I just hope this match is as fast as the one at Wrestlemania. Chavo is too boring, and obviously not ECW championship material. I wouldn't mind seeing Kofi Kingston take a run at the title some time soon, even though he is still new but I see great potential in the guy. On a side note I think its crap that its not an extreme rules match, come on this is suppose to be the ECW title.
man, come on, it's not like WWE creative doesn't know that Chavo is not a huge draw. Why do you think Chavo lost the belt so quickly at wrestlemania? This Backlash match is probably just a filler. Chavo, as a former champ, needs a rematch, right? This match, IMO, is just a filler. Kane will win, then start another feud with someone else. I can see the Kane-Chavo feud ending at BAcklash
I think we might see some kind of angle from Kane at Backlash. He said theres been alot of great ECW champions over the years, but we aint seen nothing yet. So he's probably going to follow up on what he said, maybe not at Backlash but in the near future. If the Kane - Chavo feud continues after Backlash, then I can see an inferno match between the two at Judgment Day.

I'd much rather prefer it ended at Backlash and Kane goes on to feud with better talent and bigger draws. It would be great if RVD returned this year and feuded with Kane, the two of them have put on some good matches in the past with a really strong storyline involved.
heres what it is rey and chavo only got any kind of big championship push cause of eddie i mean lets look at the facts chave has been suspended multiple times for steroids and drugs and was only a cruiserweight champion rey was only being pushed in the cruiserweight just like chave and somehow miracusly come in at number 2 to win the royal rumble how is that possible. also its a shock to me how rey never got busted for roids i mean look at how he was in 2000-2005 he was small as hell then all the sudden he is much much bigger. in my opinion kane will win by dq when he is beating chavo so bad his bodyguard come in and beats kane down. i still thin k its bullshit that either mysterio or chave ever got a major title
Probably going to be early in the card, it wont get a long slot.
I think Kane wins via DQ after Bam Neely interferes in someway, possibly setting up a Neely/Kane feud. At least he's a bit more like Kanes size. Try as I might, I just cannot enjoy a Chavo match!
Kane's going to take this one in a landslide. If Chavo ever beats Kane, one-on-one, I'll be mad. Not because Kane is any good, it's just Chavo can't beat anyone double his size. That's a load of crap. Besides, how could Chavo go from a 6 second WrestleMania beatdown to a win at Backlash? He's not good. Kane wins, fairly quickly too.
i agree. chavo should have no chance given wm squash. after backlash who gets a run at kane and the strap will be the key to turning ecw around. if they can come up with a good program maybe they can finally generate some interest in ecw. i think putting someone like jeff hardy on ecw would be good. he's already on the bad side of vince so it could be punishment plus get new viewers. i'm not a big kane or hardy fan but it would help. but probably it will be kane vs. big daddy v and no one will care
i think chavos body guard is going to interfere and knock out the ref then hit kane with a chair then another ref is going to come to the ring and kane is going to be out cold and chavo is going to pin him then cm punk will come down to the ring and cash in the money in the bank and give chavo and his body guard the gts and cm punk walk out of backlash ecw champ.that is what i think will happen...:smashfreakB::007::crucified::eek2:
I love the concept of Chavo having a bodyguard, but I can't stand to watch Chavo matches. They bore the hell out of me. Unfortunately, the only way to get Bam Neely over is to keep him with Chavo and build him up, so I see the Kane and Chavo feud continuing indefinitly.
Kane will beat chavo's ass and the bodyguard and edge's goons will interfere and Kane will clean house and eventually become rookie-kane type caliber again. If he can kick out of three tombstones, come on, he's got this. It would be bullshit if punk cashed in on kane and screwed him. Punks had the title already, Kane's been there longer, and it would be rigged as hell for punk. He's good, but he's overrated. In my opinion, he hasn't done shit to prove himself yet. The only way punk would get it, is to cheat by coming in after the match, especially if kane's groggy afterwards, and getting the cheap and easy pin. That's an edge move that pisses me off more than anything. Why don't punk face kane at his prime? Punk would never win unless the script-writing was jacked in automatic favor for punk.
well, there have been some weak build for this one.The build has been for interference to give chavo the belt back, but doing that would be fairly pointless. If they do this correctly, Kane should dominate everyone who tries to interfere, and chavo, and be cemented after that. A DQ victory has no logic, because a heel winning over a face in a title match due to DQ never happens for a reason. I think Kane overcomes all, and continues as ECW champ.
They really need to just have Kane dominate the hell out of Chavo and this Bam Neely guy, put the feud to rest, and demote Chavo to showing up only every few weeks or so, lol.

Why not give the new ECW champion a running start? It would really suck if they had a long match between these two and made it look like Chavo almost got the title back. What type of a monster would Kane be if he can't even handle Chavo, you know? That'd be like having the Undertaker lose to Trevor Murdoch lol.

Hopefully, this match is like 30 seconds long, with Kane moving on to a much better feud afterwards.
i predict that this will probally be either the sleeper hit of the entire ppv or a total dud if they don't give this time cause i know these guys can give a great match together then again i may be wrong since i have a really bad feeling that the bodygaurd guy(i can't remember his name that well) will come in and basicliy screw up everything as for the winner of the match my pick is Kame

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