babysitting Help.

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I'm babysitting a friend of mine 1 year old daughter, and I trying to figure out how do you entertain a 1 year old?
i can't understand her & she is crying fo no reason, She's been changed, feed, changed & she won't go to sleep, I'm in hell right now.
give her a pacifier. and if she keeps trippin and nothing is wrong with her, then just let her flip out. she will tire out eventually
Dude there is probably nothing wrong, I know my sister always cried when left with a babysitter when she was a baby, she may just not be used to you yet (when my parents went out I had to sit with my sister all night until she fell asleep, cause she wasn't used to anybody else), or if she's not at her home, it could just be the unfamiliar surroundings, I know my cousins kid won't sleep anywhere but in his own crip, at his house
For the love of God, whatever you do..

DO NOT!!!! pull your dick out. Just because its a female, doesn't mean she wants to see it. When NorCal said "pacifier" its also not what most of the females you likely know see as the same meaning.

Just.. shit, who the hell put you in charge of a 1 yr. old? Those are some warped fucked up Parents. :lmao: :p
For the love of God, whatever you do..

DO NOT!!!! pull your dick out. Just because its a female, doesn't mean she wants to see it. When NorCal said "pacifier" its also not what most of the females you likely know see as the same meaning.

Just.. shit, who the hell put you in charge of a 1 yr. old? Those are some warped fucked up Parents. :lmao: :p

That's sick what you said. Why would I pull out my penis for a one year old, that is sick as hell and shouldn't even be a thought in someone's mind.

And the reason the girl left the child with me is because the child father is no where to be found and when he is found I will kick the shit out of him for not being a man. The girl had to work and I provide for the little girl financally anyway and it was good for her to stay with her godfather. She was cool after a while, but is was the fact that she is not use to my place as the only time she sees me as her mom's house.

The good thing I learned from last night is that I don't want any children of my own. I would rather meet a girl with kids already and just be the stepfather. Having your own kids is overrated.
And the reason the girl left the child with me is because the child father is no where to be found and when he is found I will kick the shit out of him for not being a man. The girl had to work and I provide for the little girl financally anyway and it was good for her to stay with her godfather. She was cool after a while, but is was the fact that she is not use to my place as the only time she sees me as her mom's house.

When I think of you, I think of Qwagmire (spelling) from Family Guy. I can only think of seeing his house as yours, when a small child somehow roaming around it.

The good thing I learned from last night is that I don't want any children of my own. I would rather meet a girl with kids already and just be the stepfather. Having your own kids is overrated.

I've been in both positions. Having a child of your own is a greater feeling because A.) You know its yours and you love the feeling of knowing that. & B.) You'll NEVER grow up to hear the reply "You aren't my real Father/Mother, so don't tell me what to do." Thats the worst reply for Step Parents to ever hear..

Why.. because the real Parent, 7/10 times, gave the child up.. but what are you gonna do, reply to the pissed off kid with something like.. "You're right, I'm not your real Father/Mother, because I'm raising you and didn't walk out on your ass." (of course its in your mind to wanna say it, but most logical people would think against it - been there)
my niece is just above a year old and I manage to entertain her...just play with something....I sometimes have to watch a 2 and a half year old niece as well and the 1 year old at the same time.....thats hard! so just play with a cool buddy..
If you can't entertain a 1 year old, you can't do anything.

It's true ^... Try giving the baby some beer get it all messed up. Probably make it louder and obnoxcious but at least youll get a kick out of it. Til its blood alcohol level tips off the scale.
Babies just do that. Entertaining may not work. One time, my mother left me with my then 18 month old sister, who was sleeping. She woke up and started crying and crying and crying... Nothing worked. Holding her, talking nice, making faces, nothing. Finally, when she got used to mommy not being there, she stopped and we played with a ball on the floor.

Just gotta deal with it. Babies tend to be evil at times, and I sincerely believe they KNOW they're breaking your balls. :) I also believe they know, unless your are an evil, twisted psyco, that they can get away with it. WTF can you do, unless of course you are sick, to stop them from crying.

Sometimes, when these mothers say they went insane and hurt the kid, I understand. I do no EXCUSE, I do not FORGIVE hurting a child, and anyone, including a mom, who does it, should get a permanent oraface stretching from Bubba in jail. But, I can understand, SIMPLY understand, how someone COULD conceivably snap under the right circumstances, such as 2 hour straight crying for no reason.

This is why I keep my penis covered.
If it starts crying blow in its ear and make sure your blowing sounds as loud as its crying or screaming in there ear. It calms them.
If it starts crying blow in its ear and make sure your blowing sounds as loud as its crying or screaming in there ear. It calms them.

:wtf: Either thats the dumbest thing I've heard, or its so crazy it could be true. Either way I doubt I'd attempt it, as a child's ears and hearing are very sensative. You have to be careful with what you're doing/saying, and the volume in which you speak.

If you're asking him to blow as loudly as the child is crying, you're asking him to drown the child out in sound. That would be a BAD idea, as it could likely rupture the child's ear drum.. so yeah, I wouldn't advise this.
No I'm serous. I heard an expert on dr. phil taliking about it. Now when I say "as loud as the babies screaming" I don't literally mean that loud I mean as loud as there screaming sounds to them. Meaning noises sound louder to you the closer they are to your ear. Surely If the baby can handle the loud noise of it's own screaming it can handle a noise equally as loud created when you blow gently into there ear a close range.

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