AWESOME_MIZ officially thread of stuff

i smell conspiracy.

Know what doesn't hurt? Getting off work and enjoying dinner at 12:30 am! Ok, well, actually, it kinda sucks. Still, I finally get my weekend! Even if it's only one day!
Yeah! Wild! Like, I'ma do mah fuckin' laundry! YEAH! And go grocery shopping! Fuckin' whoa! I'ma madman. I might even clean the house and take my puppy for a walk! WATCH OUT FOR ME, WORLD!
I'm really interested in this whole lucid dream thing.

To learn how to control your dreams (realize you are dreaming) there are a shit load of teqnuices (sorry if i spelled that wrong) like for example recording your dreams in a dream journal, repeating to yourself before sleep something you will remember during dreams, reality checks .....etc. the video below explains the pros of lucid dreaming.

zrise, Bearded One, I just had one. @ about 10.55 am, GMT. Woke up at 5.30 this morning for some ******ed reason, went back to bed about at about 10 and this is what I dreamed ...

Ok, so for whatever stupid reason I was desparate to log into Facebook, so I opened up my laptop and did. A guy I know quite well but not that well, it was his birthday. So I went to write on his wall to wish him happy birthday ... then somehow I was in his house (never been there in real life). Actually got there, from Facebook. Yeah.

So him and his dad, or I guess how I perceive his dad, were putting up some decoration-giant-birthday-card thing his gf had made him. I thought "Guess I'll leave 'em to it" and walked up the stairs. At the top I saw doorway. In the room beyond was a mega-sized velvet double bed. All velvet. Blue, green and purple, all really deep shades. For some reason I didn't go in there. I turned to check out the other upstairs rooms, and saw a bridge.

A bridge, in a house. At the end of the bridge was another door, but again open, dark, I couldn't see in there. Then this was the kicker: I was caused to question the reality of what I was seeing. What the fuck is a bridge doing in a house? And how did I get here? This should be about 50 miles away from my house.

That's when it hit me, OH SHIT I'M DREAMING. Even though I hadn't been lucid at first, at this point I became so. I tried to keep calm, because I remembered that I looked up - most people's first lucids are really short, so they get overexcited and unintentionally wake themselves up - so stay calm. Okay, hands. Check hands. They looked normal - a little blurry perhaps. I wasn't sure how many fingers I had - it seemed to keep changing - but I figured that it was probably the right number anyway and not to worry. Lifted them up, and I thought "Wow, just lifted up my hands consciously while asleep. Holy crap, this is gonna be awesome."

Then it faded and I felt myself drop back into my physical body, even though in the context of the dream I already was. It's like two forms of myself merged. Then I kind of drifted into wakefulness, and suddenly had the most awesome high ever. I'm still experiencing this as I type. I feel fucking immense. Even though the dream was a) short, and b) trivial, holy actual fuck, that was absolutely amazing. It's like my soul is having some weird orgasmic hysteria.
zrise, Bearded One, I just had one. @ about 10.55 am, GMT. Woke up at 5.30 this morning for some ******ed reason, went back to bed about at about 10 and this is what I dreamed ...

Ok, so for whatever stupid reason I was desparate to log into Facebook, so I opened up my laptop and did. A guy I know quite well but not that well, it was his birthday. So I went to write on his wall to wish him happy birthday ... then somehow I was in his house (never been there in real life). Actually got there, from Facebook. Yeah.

So him and his dad, or I guess how I perceive his dad, were putting up some decoration-giant-birthday-card thing his gf had made him. I thought "Guess I'll leave 'em to it" and walked up the stairs. At the top I saw doorway. In the room beyond was a mega-sized velvet double bed. All velvet. Blue, green and purple, all really deep shades. For some reason I didn't go in there. I turned to check out the other upstairs rooms, and saw a bridge.

A bridge, in a house. At the end of the bridge was another door, but again open, dark, I couldn't see in there. Then this was the kicker: I was caused to question the reality of what I was seeing. What the fuck is a bridge doing in a house? And how did I get here? This should be about 50 miles away from my house.

That's when it hit me, OH SHIT I'M DREAMING. Even though I hadn't been lucid at first, at this point I became so. I tried to keep calm, because I remembered that I looked up - most people's first lucids are really short, so they get overexcited and unintentionally wake themselves up - so stay calm. Okay, hands. Check hands. They looked normal - a little blurry perhaps. I wasn't sure how many fingers I had - it seemed to keep changing - but I figured that it was probably the right number anyway and not to worry. Lifted them up, and I thought "Wow, just lifted up my hands consciously while asleep. Holy crap, this is gonna be awesome."

Then it faded and I felt myself drop back into my physical body, even though in the context of the dream I already was. It's like two forms of myself merged. Then I kind of drifted into wakefulness, and suddenly had the most awesome high ever. I'm still experiencing this as I type. I feel fucking immense. Even though the dream was a) short, and b) trivial, holy actual fuck, that was absolutely amazing. It's like my soul is having some weird orgasmic hysteria.

:) WOW your are very fast! Waking up before something actually happens always happens to beggingers.

About 8 months ago I was dreaming that I woke up in my bed like a normal day but I was as slow as hell and everything was all numb and hurting. Then since my room looked exactly the same I went into the kitchen and thought "this isnt the kitchen it has white tiles!" the I thought "false awakening! I am dreaming" I pinched nyself (believe it or not that is where the term came from) and felt nothing but sadly I was already in a car driving somewhere.

IN the dream I tell my dad (who is driving) "this is a dream" to which he replies 'NOOOO" in a sarcastic tone. I try to make the car stop with my mind and make women appear but I was so excited that the dream ended right there. The high that you felt was similar to what I felt when I recoded it into my iphone notes section (had to start a new journal since i dropped my iphone in the toilet this past march:blush:).

As youy progress you will in time be able to fly, or create worlds or whatever you want to do. The first time it always seems to end quickly and you have little control due to your brain not getting full awareness.

By the way did you watch that discovery channel video yesterday? just wondering? But anyway this is great start for you ollie!

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