Avatar Warz

Figured somebody would get it. I thought about doing a "White Room/Conduit" reference, but figured Senior Partners was the safer bet to not confuse people.
JKO I'd like to stick my e-penis in your e-vagoo. Can this be accomplished?

Only if I switched places with you and you switched places with Becca. No offense, your e-peen is probably top class, but I just want to seize any chance I have with fucking Becca.

Damn skippy.
I loved the Saracen Avatar because I knew no one would ever take it. I'm hoping that's the same case with Hayabusa, but I have my doubts about it.

I might eventually switch to Brees and/or Necro, though. Brees especially if we win the Super Bowl this year. I busted that Sandman 'Hardcore Icon' Ava for a long ass time at some other place, so I'm pretty attached to that one as well, lol.
If I see enough people with the Hitman one I'm using now (thanks BC), I will go back to my old Hart one that I rarely ever saw on the forum.
I think I am fairly safe. The noobs probably don't even know who Michael J. Fox or even what Back to the Future is anyways.
I took Yoda from some other dude who was a noob at the same time I was. Dude simply stopped posting after I started posting with the avatar.

Then Lee made this Batman avatar, and I love him for it. So I lay claim to two avatars, and I have no mod powers. I guess that means I'm breaking JKO's rules, but I'm sure no one minds.
If I seen anyone with a Stan Hansen or my current one, hell will be payed to that unfortunate soul. The Horsemen ones are fair game, as I know only solid posters will use those.
The best part about being an Admin? I can guarantee that whatever Avatar I wish to use, no other poster can use it. How awesome is that?
Oh, I can sense a joke JKO. I was being facetious.

And besides, this thread has now ended because Sly has come in and made a "It's great to be the Admin..." joke. Therefore, this thread is no longer of use.
Damn. I just wanted to claim my Punk avatar. Screw it, as long as it isn't what Sly wants, Punk is mine.
He's fucking dead.

Which TM? 1-3 is solid gold but I cannot stand TMIV. He just sucks the life out of everything he's involved in, I'll never understand how he got that character.

I need to make an even more badass Kobashi one. I had a bunch of other puro avatars but I guess Sly didn't upload 'em, from Jumbo to Kawada to Taue.

All TMs are awesome.

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