Autotune- Why?

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Many artists such as T-Pain, Kanye West, and Snoop Dogg have used autotune in many of their songs. My friends say they always enjoy it when they used autotune but I always asked why? On the whole, I cannot stand autotune but I give T-Pain somewhat of a pass for using it. When he is on a song with some other artists, I love him but when he is on a song by himself, I hate him. I remember last year listening to "Arab Money" with Ron Brown and I wanted to beat the shit out of him because it was terrible. Kanye West's album 808's and Heartbreak had some good songs but the use of autotune took away from my enjoyment of the album a little bit. I just feel like T-Pain is the best with autotune and almost every other artist that uses it doesn't sound as good.

So why do artists insist on using autotune? Does it make the quality of the music better or is it just a hinderance?
They use it because it is something different and I think it hides there actual ability as an artist. It's a cover up for the shit artists. Makes em sound better than they really are. In my opinion its a fad. Its popular but most things popular come to an end. Personally I can't stand it. I did like Kanyes CD but I have always liked him as an artist. So like I said autotune in my opinion is nothing more than a cover up for there inability to actually "flow". The music could be shit but autotune can make it sound halfway decent...
I guess it all depends on who you are trying to affect with the music. Autotune is a tool that people have been using for the last year or so with tremendous success. 808's and Heartbreaks was pretty good and there was a few songs on the album that I really like, regardless of whether the Autotuner was used on it or not. Personally, I don't really mind artists using it because a lot of the time, it helps make a better track. For example, "Paranoid" on 808's would have been a lot worse had it not been for the Autotuner. As it is though, it is a very good track.

However, a lot of songs could do without it and I guess it is your own personal preference as to whether you like it or not. I like it most of the time but I don't know why so many people are using it now. It could be down to laziness or it could be that they are jumping on the bandwagon of the times and are looking to capitalize on what has become somewhat of a trend in the music industry.
I think we had a thread on Auto Tune a few months back, but hell, we're here, let's talk about it again because I love taking a huge dump all over Auto Tune.

The reason why auto tune is used is basically what Becker said, it covers up the artist's deficiencies as a rapper or a singer. I've heard stories from people who have seen T-Pain live, and since he can't use Auto Tune live, he sounds like absolute shit. I can't stand Auto Tune, I hate it with a passion, and to me it's hurting hip hop like no other. It's turning hip hop, basically into Techno. You ever listen to a Techno song that has that robotic voice over the beat "singing" the same chorus over and over again? That's what auto tune does to hip hop for me. Suddenly it's a slowed down Techno beat with an artist's robot voice over it, and the people that use Auto Tune are the ones that sing the chorus over and over again, so let's just call it Techno and get it over with.

According to Wikipedia:

Auto-Tune is a proprietary audio processor created by Antares Audio Technologies. Auto-Tune uses a phase vocoder to correct pitch in vocal and instrumental performances. It is used to disguise off-key inaccuracies and mistakes, and has allowed singers to perform perfectly tuned vocal tracks without the need of singing in tune. While its main purpose is to slightly bend sung pitches to the nearest true semitone (to the exact pitch of the nearest tone in traditional equal temperament), Auto-Tune can be used as an effect to distort the human voice when pitch is raised or lowered significantly.

So based on that, it's basically used to smooth over any issues with pitch and vocals in general. If used in minimal amounts, I don't see that as a major problem for the production aspect of an album. If it's minimal you wouldn't be able to tell Auto Tune was used. The biggest problem is the distorting effect it can provide, and that's what artists like Wayne, Kanye, and T-Pain are using. They are so off pitch and out of tune that using Auto Tune distorts their voices so much to the point of getting that robotic sound.

From that artist's point of view, would you rather sound horrendously out of tune and incorrect pitch, or sound like a robot? Some people like the sound of Auto Tune and the different sound effects it creates. It's gotten to the point it's almost gimmicky, just as gimmicky as speaking out against Auto Tune. Some artists truly have an Anti Auto Tune feel, while you have someone like Jay-Z releasing D.O.A. and then proceeds to have Kanye West on the same album. This is extends out not only from hip hop, but the pop genre as well.

I think what we're looking at here, are artists that have become too reliable on the technology that is available today. The need to perfect music in every way has become possible. The technology that producers have available to them, can make anyone sound like a million dollars on a track, and this is a pause for concern. Where or how do we draw the line between what the technology was able to recreate, and what talent the artist him/herself utilized in the making of the track? How can we tell? This problem creates a dilution of actual talented artists, because those that may not be as talented, suddenly can use technology as an advantage and suddenly sound better than the artists that are more talented.

I read "The Wu Manual" by the RZA, and he has a section in the book discussing how he handled production in his studio and about the technology at his disposal. What strikes me the most in this section was his discussion of the technology he used. RZA stated that you must master the technology or you will become a slave to it. So let's apply this to Auto Tune. If an artist is so heavily dependent on Auto Tune, he/she will never develop the actual ability to use proper tune and pitch in his vocals. So he/she will be a slave to Auto Tune for as long as they continue to make music in the same style. However, if an artist can develop better tune and pitch in their vocals, then Auto Tune could be used to be a small boost to the vocal track, rather than relying on it to completely create the vocals on the track. That is the difference between mastering the technology, and becoming a slave to it.

So in short, I see Auto Tune as a tool to bring less talented artists up to the same level as the more talented ones. It's a tool that has caused dilution and has allowed horrible singers seem to be better singers. It has also caused a lot of hip hop artists to sound like they're creating slowed down Techno tracks with robotic voices. A lot of artists are dependent on the Auto Tune then we may know about, and it's basically become a crutch for those artists. The rawness and legit sound is being lost to those using Auto Tune, and I hope that people get away from it and make music that is true to them, not through a computer program.
People shit on Auto-Tune because it's overused. Kanye West's 808s and Heartbreak was an excellent album, better than I expected. Lil Wayne's mixtapes and 2009 songs have been amazing, and 3 out of his 4 leaked Rebirth songs have been solid (Hot Revolver, Prom Queen, and On Fire. Da Da Da is shit. lol), and much better than I expected. T-Pain has built his career off of autotune, so he gets a pass. Now, when these guys use it, it is fine, because it sounds solid, and it brings a different new taste to the Hip-Hop game.

However, it sounds shit when guys like Snoop Dogg, Soulja Boy, Playaz Circle, and others use it to simply capitalize off of the success Kanye and Wayne had with the method. 3 years ago, if anyone got caught with skinny jeans, v-neck tees, and a vest on, they would have gotten their ass beat. But nowadays, it's the trend because of guys like Wayne and Kanye. The same with hip-hop. 3 years ago, nobody except T-Pain was using auto tune. But now, everyone is using it because of Kanye and Wayne. So the problem of autotune isn't the method itself, but the oversaturation of it in hip hop. It gives the music a unique feel, but it loses that effect when everyone in the game uses it.
I love listening to T-Pain use auto-tune, but I don't like how it's being overused nowadays. T-Pain using it is good, as he somewhat helped revolutize it, now way too many people use it. Part of the reason I hate Kanye West's newest album, "808's and Heartbreaks", is his overuse of auto-tune.

However, I think the majority of people who do use auto-tune, it's for the simple reason that they want to add a special "element" to their singles or they don't want to reveal their real voices. I must admit that auto-tune does make you sound cool, but it's unneccessary for everyone to use it.
I think autotune is good when you're going for a certain effect. Example, if you are doing a Daft Punk-esque song (Yes, I'm aware they use a vocoder) or something like that. Autotune is good for capturing a certain sound.

It shouldn't be used to cover up vocal imperfections. It just sounds so computery and fake. If that's what you're aiming for, great. If you want to do a real song, get it out of there and learn to sing.
It's quite clear they "autotune" to cover up their lack of skills. Britney Spears' new song 3 is done entirely in autotune, and there's no denying that she's needed all the help she can get lately. For her, it happens to work though. It "fixes" her voice, and makes her songs more enjoyable.

For others, it's just annoying, and distracts me from what they're saying, and just bout everything else in the song. I don't see why anyone who needs/wants to autotune would be given a record deal anyway. What happened to the days of truly talented voices getting all the money? Let's go back to something like this:


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