

Always Rated R.
How does everyone feel about autotune in rap? I know everyone here may not like rap, nor even know what Autotune is. Ex: What Lil Wayne uses in "Lollipop" and a majority of his new songs, the thing T-Pain uses in all his songs. I think when used right, with the right lyrics and whatnot, it can be pretty awesome. Other songs it just sounds bad..
I never was a fan of autotune but I do admit I have liked both of Kanye West's new singles "Love Lockdown" & "Heartless" and both use the autotune effect. I just find the computerized affected to be very irratating, T-Pain uses it all the time and I'm not a fan. This rappers really can't sing so they use this technique to make them sound good but it just sounds so processed and computerized that it makes their voices sound fake. It seems to be a big trend in rap/hip hop music with Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Kanye, Chris Brown and others all using it, I just hope the trend doesn't countinue too much longer.
I never was a fan of autotune but I do admit I have liked both of Kanye West's new singles "Love Lockdown" & "Heartless" and both use the autotune effect. I just find the computerized affected to be very irratating, T-Pain uses it all the time and I'm not a fan. This rappers really can't sing so they use this technique to make them sound good but it just sounds so processed and computerized that it makes their voices sound fake. It seems to be a big trend in rap/hip hop music with Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Kanye, Chris Brown and others all using it, I just hope the trend doesn't countinue too much longer.

That's what I mean, if used right.. like Kanye did on his 2 new singles.. it sounds really good. But when Lil Wayne tries to sing.. it makes my ears bleed. T-Pain i'm used to though.
T-Pain sucks a large penis so we will discount him completely the fact that that talentless hack is associated with something that I am growing fond of is disappointing, and I fully feel that Lil Wayne has completely lost his mind and should not be taken seriously using the program because if you listen to his music he sounds like a stoned amateur fumbling through english and uses the program to cover his obvious flaws, its sad listening to him because he could have been very good. Now I am really starting to like Kanye Wests work in autotune and Im pretty sure that his whole album will be in it, i am totally ok with that because he is an artist who wants to explore a bit and has found something he likes and while I dont like the program I think there are uses for it, for example Kanye West
First let me confess that I'm not a fan of modern rap, and am only exposed to it while changing radio stations and channel surfing the music video stuff on demand. That said I listened to the songs mentioned, and to some other selections after a brief web search.
To me it sounds like the newest version of the ol' Peter Frampton talk box effect. So I personally don't find it all that new or interesting. However that being said I think in some of the songs it works really well. But like anything else it is just one tool in a competent musician/producers tool box. Overuse or placement in a song where it seems unnatural will, over time, kill it just like it's killed every other effects laden music style.
I find Autotune comparable to -yet not nearly as far reaching- the mess that is lazy untalented rock bands using ProTools. Time will tell though and it may just be a fad that goes away quicker than it can be noticed.
to me the auto tune is a gimmick if you want a single to be played on the radio rappers use the auto tune. but i cant stand the sound effect it makes ppl sound like robots just because t pain got famous and popular using it everybody is jumpin on the band wagon
I personally hate autotune, but it can be good for some songs. If you need to use it for most songs, then you shouldn't even be singing in the first place. But if you only use it for a couple of songs like Kanye West has for a couple of his new songs nad Chris Brown did with Forever, then it can make the song sound really good, but only if it fits with the song. BUt if you listen to songs with autotune a lot, you'll get used to it and you mihgt not even notice, but to me most songs people use it in are annoying.
808s & Heartbreak is the upcoming fourth studio album by American hip hop artist Kanye West. The album is scheduled to be released on November 24, 2008. West announced on his blog that he has finished the album.

The entire album is sung by West with the aid of Auto-Tune, aside from one verse by Young Jeezy, a duet with Lil Wayne, and additional vocals by Kid Cudi. West has stated that he loves using Auto-Tune and is dismayed that the term has been commonly associated with being "wack". He considers the technology "the funnest thing to use." West compared the situation to when he was a child and thought the color pink was cool until someone told him "it was gay". He went on to state how the views of society can rob people of their confidence and self-esteem

I'm looking forward to his new album, he's one of the few who can make auto-tune work. Lil' Wayne just sounds like garbage.. period, whether he's using it or not. His vocal chords are dead.
I think Kanye West uses it fine, although I find "Love Lockdown" to get irritating after a while. The other songs I have heard from the album are top notch. T-Pain just sucks in general, he's awful. Lil' Wayne has his moments, but he is seriously the most overrated rapper that has come a long in recent years. It's all in how you use it, Lil' Wayne sounds like a baby screaming when he uses it, while it enhances Kanye West's voice most of the time. Also, Kanye West has the advantage of having beats that go along perfectly with the song, and that always helps. Kanye West: Yes, Lil' Wayne: Sometimes, T-Pain: Just retire.

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