Austin VS Mankind


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Just wondering how great that match would have been at Wrestlemania 15. I know we had Austin v Rock and the big money was there. But. Rock v Mankind had a super great rivalry back then. And I just been watching ppvs from that era recently. Anyone of them deserved to main event Wrestlemania that year 1999. Foley was at his peak then.
Any thoughts?
Austin had many matches throughout his run in 1998 with Mick Foley. He even wrestled for the title with him (as Dude Love) on PPV.
I think both Mick Foley and The Undertaker were under utilized at WrestleMania 15.

I would have actually had Mankind vs Vince McMahon, since Vince had consistently screwed with Mick Foley for about a year now at this point, including the Survivor Series 98 "screwjob" and getting the title off of him on RAW leading into WM15. This would have been a fun match for the fans to finally see Vince get what was coming to him, and keep Mankind in a top match.

And I'd have The Undertaker vs "Big Show" Paul Wight, since Taker was screwing with Vince and the Corporation at this point, Vince could have his newly debuted giant go up against the evil dead man as protection. Makes more sense than The Bossman.

However, I would not have Mankind vs Austin at WM15. The Rock was the right guy and needed to be in the main event. Maybe I'd have this match after Mania, perhaps at Over The Edge 99. A one on one face vs face match would have been interesting. Austin would have gone over though.
Austin vs. Foley vs. The Rock probably would have worked better than Austin vs. Rock at WM15 for the following reasons 1.) The Rock was in no way a credible threat to Austin, Austin vs. The Rock at 1999 was like Cena vs. The Miz at WM27. No I am not kidding. 2. ) It wasn't a good match, it was a 16 min match with run ins and ref bumps. It was ok but if you take out WWE revisionist history since they included it as part of the 3 match epic they had, it would just be a pretty entertaining but forgettable match.

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