Austin vs.Hogan or Cena vs. The Rock


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It was only a couple of years ago during Bret Hart's HOF induction that we heard chants of Austin/Hogan.

Nowadays we are getting more open comments about The Rock from John Cena in different media interviews then we've had from before.

Hogan - 55 yrs. old, was the one to pitch the Austin/Hogan match up, seems to always politic in how the finish of a huge match should go, lots of $ brings back "The Real American" in the WWE.

Austin - 44 yrs. old, still works for WWE in non wrestling conditions, retired as a regular in ring performer due to injuries. The top selling wrestler of all time (beating Hogan for that spot). Can he do one more full match?

Rock - 36 yrs. old, has moved on from wresting into acting, still "loves the business" but has dropped "The Rock" and has rolled with Dwayne Johnson for over 1 1/2 years. Still young. Even though he's "retired", he can still go for his age. Is it possible?

Cena - 31 yrs old, The current face of WWE. popularity gained as a main eventer gained in 2005 when coming over to RAW. Has been the head spokesperson for WWE as of late. A promoting machine. Has been open in any interview discussing Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson about how he left the business etc. etc..

Will any of these matches ever happen? Will the build-up between all of these men's personal relationships with one another get in the way with what the fans want to see?

I think if Cena keeps speaking openly about The Rock the way he does, it could stir up something between the two on some sort of level.
Neither of these are going to happen.

With Austin vs Hogan, Stone Cold can't wrestle due to medical reasons. Hogan most probably would do the match, but Austin physically can't. He won't wrestle again.

With Cena vs The Rock, Dwayne won't come back. End of. He's stated it on numerous occasions, so move on with it. Plus, this whole "fued" has been taken way out of context. It's not nearly as big as everyone is making out.
Hogan/Austin - Will probably never happen because of Austin's injuries. Hogan can probably still go, but I doubt Austin is.

Cena/Rock - Has a better chance of happening because both are younger and are physically able to wrestle. It all comes down to whether The Rock is up for it. If he ever decides to step back in the ring, even for one match, I'm positive that this will be the match he comes back for. Their "fued" may be a bit exaggerated, but the WWE would just blow it up anyway to set up the match.
neither of them matches will ever happen unless vince offers the rock big bucks like he did with Floyd mayweather. austin/hogan could never happen either austin can barely do a stunner as a special referee and hogan isn't fit enough to do a match either, if anyone has seen hogan knows best, after every match or training session he does he is hurting all over, and last time i saw hogan he was on crutches, but i reckon one small possibility of a match like that could be hogan/cena, we always hear that cena is the modern day hogan well i reckon hogan would want to prove there is only one true hogan.
There is a slight chance Austin/Hogan could happen. But it's hard to see it happening because of the injuries both of them have. Watch the Wrestlemania 19 match between Austin and The Rock, and you can see how much pain Stone Cold was in. It's true that if you've ever seen Hogan knows best, you can see he has a hard time just moving around after a match. There is no way in hell Cena/Rock ever happens. The Rock has said over and over again he is done with pro wrestling, and has no desire to make a comeback. I would really want to see Cena/Rock because I think the two could build up one hell of a feud.
These are two matches that probably won`t happen.
Rock/Cena would be very interesting because of the recent Cena comments. Besides they would be in shape to put a good match.

Austin/Hogan is what I would really love him...mainly just see Austin wrestle again but we know it won`t be happening. If it is not happening at WM will never happen.
Since Austin can't wrestle I would like to substitute in Randy Orton to fight Hogan. Maybe Hogan loses making Orton the true legend KIller. Longshot that Hogan would lose but I think it would be still cool.
It'll never happen sadly, but wow both those matches sound amazing...such a shame we'll never see Austin/Hogan or Cena/Rock...
I personally wouldn't WANT to see Austin/Hogan personally. Cena/Rock would be off the chain, but as has been said before, it's never going to happen. Rocky would have to be banned from Hollywood before he ever considered getting back in the ring.

But can you imagine seeing the People's Elbow and Five Knuckle Shuffle in the same match? Fighting fire with fire, or in this case, fighting a gay move with an equally gay move.
i think the austin/hogan might happen if the price is right for both men but it would be in another 2 years because if austin's movie careera does'nt get anywhere then i think he will consider it

i think the rock and cena match will happen but not yet a while not untill the rock has got more movies under his belt and made a box office hit then he will come back for one final match and thats it never again will he come back
Since Austin can't wrestle I would like to substitute in Randy Orton to fight Hogan. Maybe Hogan loses making Orton the true legend KIller. Longshot that Hogan would lose but I think it would be still cool.

don't know if you watched it but summerslam 2006 that match already happened. hogan/jericho could be on the cards sometime, i mean what legend is bigger than hogan
I think The Rock put his foot in his mouth saying he will never come back to wrestling. Many people before him have said that. In 5-10 years when his movie career dies down he will be coming back to Vince for some paydays just like Hogan does. I think Hogan coming back and putting over the Rock was a pinnical moment, and The Rock sooner or later needs to give come back to the business and pass the torch to John Cena so to speek to give back what he got from the Rock/Hogan match.

As far as Stone Cold/ Hogan, who knows only time will tell.
Rock vs Cena would be more entertaining and would be the best match of the two. Hogan vs Austin would be a rotten match but it would have a very good crowd reaction.

But it is unlikely that either would happen. Rock won't come back and Austin won't wrestle Hogan.

Austin says he has one more match left in him (although he did say this a year ago) so it would be more likely that Austin would wrestle Cena in what would be a good match with a very Austin heavy crowd.
Since Austin can't wrestle I would like to substitute in Randy Orton to fight Hogan. Maybe Hogan loses making Orton the true legend KIller. Longshot that Hogan would lose but I think it would be still cool.

Orton already faced Hogan and lost.

That was his biggest chance, when he was a lot younger, to really push himself. Hogan couldn't give another superstar a win over him, and subsequently, Orton just looked weak. It killed his legend killer gimmick, which wasn't that bad really. But if they did it again, Orton NEEDS to win.
if austin hogan does happen which i hope it doesn't then it might challenge Warrior/Hogan (Fall Brawl i think not completely sure) and Lesnar Goldberg (WM) for worst match of all time... Seriously neither guy can take a bump and it would be like taunting to finish... Here's how it would play out....
JR: Austin gives the middle finger to Hogan. How disrespectful.
King: What are you talking about i loved it.
JR: And they're about to lock up and no Austin just gave the double bird to hogan...
King: Hogan is pissed...
Jr: And they're about to lock up again and no this time hogan will flex his muscles and taunt austin...
(Complete Darkness a la Undertaker)
JR: What just happened King?
King: We didn't pay the electric Bill?
(Darkness ends and Undertaker is standing in the ring)
JR: OMG it's the Undertaker.
King: Now heres the true king of Wrestlemania..

lol that was my stupid way of describing the match but seriously, they're the two best of all time and to do a substandard match would really blemish the legacy the both of them have set so i don't see it happening...

Cena/Rock would draw but it won't happen.....
Due to the fact that Hogan/Austin are both so old, even if the match was made, it wouldn't live up to the hype. Hogan's recent matches just look pitiful. Maybe if they were both in their prime, it would be a decent match. But due to their age/injuries, that makes Cena/Rock the ultimate match. Cena is already over well with the crowd and he is in shape. The Rock could easily go into training just to get back into shape or work off some of that ring rust he's built up. Not to mention, they could both offer up some very interesting promos to help build the hype. But, given The Rock's success in Hollywood, I don't see it happening.
I gotta vote for Austin/Hogan, despite how bad the match may be, seeing the crowd go back and forth would be great. Rock/Cena would be great too but I don't see The Rock coming back and I wonder if the crowd would actually be behind Cena because he sold out. These matches would have to be in one of the main wrestling cities though like NY where the good crowds are at. The one match that I would love to see more than any but I know will never happen due to many reasons is HBK vs Bret Hart one more time. That would be something.
Both of them are highly unlikely but atleast with John Cena vs The Rock it looks a little more possible than Austin/Hogan. I highly doubt Austin would want to lose at WrestleMania 25 just after being inducted into the HOF and I really don't see Hogan wanting to lay down for Austin either.

With Cena and The Rock they both have age on their side. The Rock would be able to put on a match if he was to choose to come back which I think he will for one more match one day but not any time soon as said before he'll come back in a few years for a pay day when he loses steam in Hollywood and even if it was in say 5 years, I'm sure they'd still be able to put on a good match. I think the crowd would be very split down the middle with the older fans chanting for The Rock while the younger fans would chant for John Cena. It would be a great atmosphere. They both have similar signature moves with The People's Elbow and 4 Knuckle Shuffle. Although it's highly unlikely in the near future, I wouldn't dismiss it for sometime in the next few years.
About those comments by Cena, I have a strange feeling that he was in character while doing them,( like Santino and Pipper on Jimmy Kimmel), so if he is, then we may have our Rock Vs, Cena match

As for Austin Vs. Stone Cold, it wouldnt live up to tha hype it is given. Both men are past there prime by a long shot, and with both their injuries, it just wouldnt be such a great match to me.
Like many others Cena Rock seems to be a match that could happen, but like I put in my Ultimate Wrestlemania thread post I'd like to see these 4 in a fatal fourway elimination match. Why? Austin Hogan by themselves can't put on a good match anymore. So with cena and rock in there that could hide the weakness of Austin and Hogan. We would still get to see Austin and Hogan, but not get disapointed by the quality of their action. Plus it leaves many questions as to who would actually be eliminated where and who would actually win? Seeing all 4 are/were huge stars.
It seems likely in a way that the Rock could do one more match with the WWE. They do seem to be building this for a reason and also, with all the major names already in the hall of fame, it could well be Rocks turn next year. Hall of fame night, he'd come back, have a match, almost definitely with Cena, lose, and finish his wrestling career properly.
Rock vs. Cena is a lock for Mania next year...c'mon people, Vince is a genius for a reason. Think he's sending Cena out to attack the Rock to get even? Think Cena is jealous? Fuck no. Vince is the smartest man in wrestling...he knows money when he smells it. Nice, old school, slow burn up to WM26, which will do 1.2 mil buys if it's headlined by Cena vs. Rock. Hell, maybe even more.

Hogan/Austin was money in '99, not '09. Now it's a liability.

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