Austin/Vince Go One on One - Thought's?

He talked more openly out of character than I expected him to so it was a great interview and was surprised at a lot of things he said, With Cesaro I was shocked he would bury an employee in the way he did especially as I think the guy is the most talented wrestler they have right now, I hope he's wrong about Sting wrestling at Wrestlemania and also pleased about Randy Savage going in the hall of fame at some point as I think hes deserving of it and wasn't sure if the whole Stephanie thing was true.
This interview will help Cesaro. He got endorsed by Steve Austin, the most well-liked wrestler probably in history, on a major platform. WWE could probably piggy back off of this. Have Cesaro coming out motivated to prove Vince and everybody wrong etc.

One thing I disagreed with was when Vince said that Cena has been the last guy to really want that brass ring. I think it's clear that guys like Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk are giving their all for that brass ring. Of course, I don't know what goes on in the locker room, but it's pretty clear that these guys give their all when they're out there and are motivated to be the best in the business.

EDIT: Past-tense for CM Punk.
The only thing I disagree with was the fact that vince said the last person to grab the brass ring was CENA which was techniqually in 2005... How about edge, batista, punk, bryan, you can not tell me that any of those guys have not attempted to grab the brass ring.
I saw the Austin-McMahon podcast earlier on Youtube and now it has been taken out.

Anyone know where I can see it in its entirety for those who don't have the WWE Network?
I'd just like to make two points.

1) Cesaro was over around Wrestlemania. A lot of people have mentioned that. As with most major stars, just let him be himself. I think he has a ton of personality. Of course, they have to let him actually be on the damn show first. His in ring skills are second to none - perhaps a Benoit type role for him. If you listen to the podcast Austin did with Wyatt, they both praised Cesaro extensively. His time will come.

2) As much as I don't like the WHC not being the focus, I get it. I really do. There's two facets to this. The first is that it gives a chance for guys like Rollins, Wyatt, Ambrose, Harper, Rowan etc to step up to weekly main event television without the pressure of a title match. They can get their characters across by having more time on the show. Secondly, I think this is just an old throwback to the carny days of Jess McMahon, and before him the Gold Dust Trio. Champions defended the belt rarely, and when they did it was a VERY big deal. Gotch V Hackenschmidt II wouldn't have been a big deal if they had been confronting each other every week in the lead up. Boxing champs don't defend every month either. It brings a big fight feel to Lesnar's matches. In saying that, Vince can't have it both ways. It's either legitimate or it's sports entertainment. I guess Brock bridges that divide which makes it work. I still have no idea who best to take the title from him. Maybe Cesaro??
So what are my options when it comes to seeing this? I don't have the network, and not for any reason other than I am in Canada, and not with Rogers, so unless there is another way for me to sign up, i have no idea.

Any help is appreciated.

So what are my options when it comes to seeing this? I don't have the network, and not for any reason other than I am in Canada, and not with Rogers, so unless there is another way for me to sign up, i have no idea.

Any help is appreciated.


Being from the UK I had a similar problem regarding the podcast, luckily someone uploaded it in full on YouTube. I'm not sure whether it will have been taken down or not yet but it's worth a quick search.

While I know it was uploaded to YouTube illegally by someone (I know I'm a monster for watching it that way), there wasn't any other way for me to do so.
Back on topic of the podcast itself, overall I enjoyed it. Sure there were quite a few 'corporate' answers from Vince, but honestly I was expecting that. It didn't come across as scripted/staged at any point and Vince seemed pretty honest and genuine at times (he's not that great an actor folks).

I also found it quite surreal seeing McMahon talking not only out of character, but also in wrestling terms. I'd never personally seen an interview before when he'd done this. I didn't really want it to end, Austin also didn't arse kiss his way through the interview and you got the sense from the early going that he wasn't just going to roll over and ask easy questions.

If they can offer more content like this on the Network I'll be more than happy to sign up when it hits the UK in January, or February, or 2020.

... Or whenever.
So what are my options when it comes to seeing this? I don't have the network, and not for any reason other than I am in Canada, and not with Rogers, so unless there is another way for me to sign up, i have no idea.

Any help is appreciated.


There are transcripts of the podcast online if you use Google search, and I do believe it was on Youtube for awhile, before it was taken down. I'm in Canada as well, but in Southern Ontario, so we have Rogers and the network here. Sucks that not everyone can get it.
Jesus Christ...I don't know why everyone is so bent out of shape over Vince's comments about Cesaro. He didn't "bury" him. He offered his opinions on Cesaro and all he said was "At the moment" there's something missing and that he was lacking the IT factor. He needs to work on his verbal skills.

Vince in his podcast said people, including himself, learn every day.

Cesaro is a great talent but needs to work on certain things to get to the next level. It's not fucking rocket science, pull your tampons out and get over it.

Overall I thought it was an excellent podcast. If you listen to the Steve Austin show this one with Vince seems like just another Tuesday show...except that it was VINCE MCMAHON. It was great to hear his take on different subjects and fun to hear stories from the past.

IF people thought it was going to be an hour long shoot on CM Punk then you're an idiot anyway. Steve did a great job on asking all the tough questions that people wanted to hear...and Vince didnt shy away from any of them, including Punk.

Austin proves again that he has the best wrestling podcast going today.

Great show

I'm not really understanding the backlash either. That was anything but a burial. Vince said he is a great talent in the ring, but he lacks outside skills including mic work to really get over with the crowd on a "consistent" basis.

Cesaro can't get by with athleticism alone. He needs to be a comfortable mic talker as well.
Another think that shocked me was the fact that he doesn't think the fans want to see the WWE Champ or Sting on TV all that much. Seriously Vince, we want a champ but don't want to see him defend the title? And the biggest name that never wrestled for you finally signs and we don't want to see him? Good God the man is out of touch.

This was the stupidest, most horse shit part of the interview. At least his idiotic opinion of Cesaro is rooted in honesty--this fuckload about not having an attraction like Brock Lesnar on TV is just flimsy rhetoric. I would have asked, "Okay, so why is Cena on every Raw, PPV, and House Show? Why aren't you limiting his exposure?" That was a pile of verbal manure unleashed by Vince there.
I found it odd that Vince chalks up wrestlers not having ambition as a generational thing. I know people have labeled Vince as being out of touch and I don't want to jump on that bandwagon, but when he said that it's a generational thing, that was probably the most "out of touch" thing he said in the interview, at least I thought so. That's something an old grandpa would say, and there's a reason old grandpas probably shouldn't be in charge of a billion-dollar business whose goal is keeping up with the times and being "hip."
The interview was so filled with BS and its not even funny. I don't think vince knows what to do with his product anymore. TBH.
The stupiest thing he said in the interview was that he doesn't think the fans want to see the wwe champion or sting all that much. Im like wtf. Your champion is supposed to be on your show every night. This isn't the 80s no more. He doesn't have to defend his title every night but make an appearance every night.smh.
I agree with the above poster :lol: why is it cena is on raw and every other show but lesnar can't.
Lesnar run as champion is terrible. He should have never been given the title. He only defended against cena so far.
I was against lesnar ending the streak and him being champion. It served no purpose. Lesnar isnt a draw anymore. No one cares about lesnar.
The wwe product hasn't been good since 2001.
WCW 2000-2001 or wwe 1995 is better than current wwe now.
WWE right now feels like wwe in 1995.
I found it odd that Vince chalks up wrestlers not having ambition as a generational thing. I know people have labeled Vince as being out of touch and I don't want to jump on that bandwagon, but when he said that it's a generational thing, that was probably the most "out of touch" thing he said in the interview, at least I thought so. That's something an old grandpa would say, and there's a reason old grandpas probably shouldn't be in charge of a billion-dollar business whose goal is keeping up with the times and being "hip."

I have to agree. I think his biggest problem is the fact that when Austin was big and they were talking about the Attitude Era, you know comparing it to this one. Vince is not only at almost every RAW, he was in the middle of a feud with Austin at the time. So he was around and involved, much more so than he is now. And I mean actively involved not watching on a TV screen.

We don't see Vince much only every once in awhile so maybe that's why he feels this way. It's probably foreign to time to enter the locker room now, none of the old faces except for Orton, Kane are there anymore. So of course it has a different feel and vibe to it. So he is out of touch in a way. Maybe if he spent more time with the wrestlers he could see what's going on, instead of getting the feedback from HHH and Stephanie.
I listened to the entire interview and honestly....I thought it was a bit too safe. The trips down memory lane kind of bored me. When Vince talked about CM Punk, it felt more like damage control than anything. The only real interesting part was when he challenged the locker room and bluntly criticized Cesaro.
I listened to the entire interview and honestly....I thought it was a bit too safe. The trips down memory lane kind of bored me. When Vince talked about CM Punk, it felt more like damage control than anything. The only real interesting part was when he challenged the locker room and bluntly criticized Cesaro.

I think he had to be safe. Don't forget there is a part two of Punk's interview, where he answers the questions that have been sent in. I'm sure some of them will reference what McMahon said, so McMahon doesn't want to give him ammo.

Does anyone know by the way, when part two will be available?
I actually agreed with him on most things outside of Brock being the right guy to end the streak. I think Bray Wyatt was the guy they should of picked to end the streak.

* Cesaro has no charisma. This is something I without question agree with Vince on. I've been trying to tell these marks on cageside seats this for years but they never believe me they never DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I get it I get Cesaro is a ring work god but that doesn't mean he'll become a star in the WWE. Right now he's certainly not on path to become a star. You know you're in deep shit when you get booked in pointless tag teams with charismatic vaccums like Jack Swagger and currently Tyson Kidd. Cesaro just doesn't have that star presence he isn't a good talker he lacks personality. I personally don't ever see him being a main event star so I agree with Vince on this.

* Lack of ambition from the roster I agree. A lot of the roster doesn't seem to make any improvements watching them week by week. He thinks Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Reigns, and Bray Wyatt are the future stars. I agree with that as well. Except for the fact that Roman Reigns can't wrestle for shit nor talk for shit. He still has a huge star presence about him and I know WWE is higher on him than any other current full time roster except little johnny boy of course. Rollins is the best ring worker in the world, Bray is the best mic worker in world, Dean Ambrose is the wildcard of the group a good talker as well as good worker trying to find his niche still if you ask me but has a lot of talent.
The shocker was the way he buried Cesaro. Austin asked outright about him, and Vince said Cesaro had limited verbal skills and no charisma. I think he blamed it on the fact that he was Swiss. What the hell. I wonder how Cesaro felt sitting there listening to his boss talk about him like that. Seems he won't be pushed anytime soon.

I don't think that he out and out buried him, he just said that he did not know what to do with him at the moment, which does not mean buried. Lots of guys get repackaged. Look at Ryback and Bray Wyatt, for example. He also did mention that Cesaro was phenomenal in the ring. And he has also been endorsed by the one and only Hulk Hogan. That must mean that Cesaro does feature in Vince's plans.

I just think that Cesaro works better as a face. The Giant Swing gets a huge pop and people do get that he is very good in the ring. It's quite easy to cheer for him, really.

Another think that shocked me was the fact that he doesn't think the fans want to see the WWE Champ or Sting on TV all that much. Seriously Vince, we want a champ but don't want to see him defend the title? And the biggest name that never wrestled for you finally signs and we don't want to see him? Good God the man is out of touch.

He said nothing of that sort about Sting. He said that Sting was a character that did not need to be much on television. Which is true, because he appeared very sporadically during his hottest run in WCW, which was in 1997. The Sting character is all about mystery and him appearing whenever he feels like rather than regularly, will heighten the mystery. He'll appear at critical junctures in the build to Mania but not every week.

About Brock, I'd say him not defending his belt at every PPV actually helps his character a bit. It's nothing new, actually. Hogan did not defend the belt for months in WCW during 1997. People know that Brock is more a fan of the money than the business and him not appearing adds a bit to his heel character. I'm not saying all this was planned but the situation isn't too bad.

As for the interview, I liked it. Austin asked a few tough questions but he could have probed further. I would have liked if Austin had asked about the medical issues, which is what has created the biggest uproar in Punk's interview. Other than that, it was good.

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