Austin Aries is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

Yup! You fuckin' read that right! Austin Aries, the man who's last year in TNA has seen him rise to the TOP faster than most in recent memory, has just risen to the absolute peak of the company and defeated Bobby Roode—the longest reigning and now ex-TNA World Heavyweight Champion

This was far and away one of the single best moments in company history, and was an absolute mark-out moment for a crowd that was white hot for Aries the entire night.

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This is one of the few times I'm absolutely glad I was wrong. I thought Roode would hold onto that belt until BFG where Storm would take it off him. Aries deserved this win and while it does question where we go from here, it just makes things so much more better when we have no idea what will happen. It was great match and when Aries landed that stiff kick I was already marking out. I have no idea how long he will hold the belt but damn this is to me the greatest TNA moment of the year if not ever. Aries is the CM Punk equivalent of TNA and I'm glad that they took notice of his talents.
This was an awesome moment in TNA history! Bobby Roode chasing Aries before BFG for James Storm to win it all would be great! But Aries oh man he earned this.. hands down one of the top performers in Wrestling today!

I am totally shocked!! This PPV was worth every penny!! Let the Aries reign begin!! So happy for him right now!

More importantly I am proud of TNA this year.. they have taken a lot of positive strides in 2012 and this is just another step in the right direction.



This opens the flood gates of possibilities now..

Aries versus Hardy

Aries versus Daniels

Aries versus AJ <-- really want to see that

Aries versus Joe for the title

Aries versus Bully Ray for the title

Aries versus Bobby Roode (rematch)

Aries versus James Storm

Aries versus Kurt Angle

These are people he can have great matches the possibilities here are fresh. Way to go TNA!
I don't fuckin believe it. Aries got the belt? This is beyond what I expected. I loved Roode as champ but this changes things completely. All I can say is wow. AA is the man. I can't wait to see Impact Thursday. I wonder how this will effect the BFG series.
Didn't think Aries would win. I'm so glad I was wrong. I thought Roode's title reign would come full circle and he would lose to the BFG Series winner. This is great! Can't wait for Impact this week. TNA has really stepped up in 2012, and this is just another step in the right direction. I'm happy for Aries.
I think this feud with Rude is not over by a long shot. I bet Roode gets a rematch very soon. Anyway, what a awesome fucking night for TNA wrestling. Aries and Rude brought the goods. I really was expecting Rude to retain tonight but I had no problem with Aries getting the belt (for now). TNA is on an absolute roll right now. Props to TNA. Keep the ball rolling
Didn't expect it, considering Roode's reign has brought genuine prestige to a belt that before it hadn't much to be fought for, but due to his reign and hopefully with Aries being the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion, this is the start of something special for TNA.

Austin Aries deserves a lot of respect, he was going to retire before joining TNA, he wanted to do Tough Enough before joining TNA, he failed as Austin Starr, had his impressive run on the indies, went back to TNA and ever since has been an irrepressible ball of momentum and energy which has truly brought something unique to the TNA product. He'd a fantastic TNA X-Division title reign and this truly is a big moment for both him and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling as a whole. Great viewing, great stuff.
like everyone else, i am very shocked. this is what wrestling needs right now. unpredictability. Everyone though they had everything figured out that storm would be coming after roode at BFG. While there is still time for Aries and Roode to feud and allow Roode to get the title back, that isn't a given. A lot can happen between now and BFG yet.

Who knows, Roode could get a rematch thursday on impact and recapture the title. But with as hot as Aries is, maybe he will get the chance to run with the ball and actually be THE main event at BFG. Maybe Storm gets to take the belt from Aries at BFG and then Roode has to chase Storm. Regardless of what happens, it is entertaining. AND TNA has found a way to position their own stars at the top with Roode, Storm and Aries.
Austin Aries deserves a lot of respect, he was going to retire before joining TNA,

I remember the interview where he was sitting outside talking about hanging it up. Very glad he stuck with it. He deserves a lot of credit. I think TNA also deserves a lot of credit for allowing him to be himself. He just goes out and performs at a high level every time, he talks and backs up what he says. No gimmicks.

I think recently TNA has done a great job with letting people go out and just be themselves. Wrestlers are most successful when their character is just an exaggerated version of themselves. We've seen that for years with The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, etc. Now we're seeing TNA allow that. Roode, Storm, Aries, Bully Ray, etc are just being allowed to go out and be someone they are comfortable being and that is what people can connect with.
They finally found a legitimate way of getting the gold off Roode's waist. Heard of a lot of supposed experts say that TNA would not have Roode drop the gold at Destination X to push towards BFG and build the BFG series, probably at Roode v Storm rematch... I can't imagine Aries dropping the gold before BFG now with the major push he has gotten by single-handledly getting the x-division over and re-legitimatize the x-division belt. TNA is finally finding ways to become viable again... with actual wrestling.
Great to see a guy, who was very close to retirement finally get his crowning moment. This was one of the greatest moments in tna history. Did you guys here how loud the pop was when he won. Amazing ppv.
Dude! I could watch these two go back and forth over the title for the better part of a year. TNA can use the BFG Series and Destination X to through in a new contender every once in a while but I honestly believe A Double and Roode are the best things going in wrestling, followed closely by AJ Lee. I love what those two are doing with their careers and they have the look, the charisma and the talent to be the guys that TNA uses to go to the next level.
FUCK YES, Austin Aries is FINALLY TNA World Heavyweight Champion, I marked out so hard when he won, such a good win, most of you will call me an idiot but due to the fact he won, Roode should face Storm in at BFG in a Normal Grudge Match & Aries should defend against Jeff Hardy, that would make an epic PPV
Roode vs Storm in some hardcore stipulation non-title match at BFG should be fine, but if Aries has to defend the World Title it should be against someone like Angle.
I'm a very happy fan. I've been following Aries for years and for him to become the TNA World Champion speaks volumes of how much they think of him, considering his size. Aries was the king of RoH and the only man to have two title reigns, but RoH always had smaller wrestlers. Even in RoH when Aries feuded with Kenny Omega, Omega made fun of his height.

In any case this is a really big deal for TNA, more so than WWE, because TNA has Hogan and had invested big time into the Hardy's, RVD's, Angle's and Sting's before finally moving the belt over to Storm and Roode last year. They have moved in an even more different direction with Austin Aries who even makes AJ Styles look tall.

Does that mean with all the exposure Christopher Daniels is getting, he too might be able to hold up the gold at some stage? The WWE gave what I've always thought of as Thank You title reigns to guys like Rey Mysterio and Chris Beniot. Maybe TNA can give one to Daniels? This all for another topic.

Congratulations Austin Aries, you no doubt deserve this and even since your return 3-way match, you have been the most entertaining guy in TNA and you have been rewarded.

I personally am thinking a big time feud between him and Roode for a few months with Roode bolstering his title reign numbers by taking back the title from Aries in time for BFG. But as some one has already pointed out. Aries vs. Angle... holy shit! Here we go!!!
I was a huge fan of Roode's title reign, and I thought Aries would just have a great showing here and lose. I am really excited that Aries won the title, and I can't wait to watch Impact and see where it goes. Roode really established the belt, and I hope Aries can run with it now. This could mean really good things for TNA. I know I am very excited.
Unbelievable. I feel like everyone else does. I didn't see that coming but I.m glad it did. AA had the talents to beat Roode, but I really didn't think the Upper Brass would see it that way. I just hope they keep on booking this way. No more two steps forward and ten steps back for TNA. If so, they're well on there way to competing with WWE for anything. Wrestlers, ratings, story lines, anything. Best of luck TNA and AA.
The thing about Roode's reign is that he has seemed to have cheated to win just about all of his defences. I really thought though that Roode needed this victory more than Aries did. And therfore although Aries would have a great showing he would just fall short, on this encounter any way. And then the feud may continue, and possibly Aries would take the belt as TNA loves a good shock surpirse like with Storm's win last year. So I thought they were capable of giving Aries the belt, I just didn't think they would pull the trigger so soon.

In saying that though, I hope Aries doesn't drop the belt straight back to Roode this Thursday and allows Aries to run with the ball. I have this feeling and it's a positive one that TNA weren't planning on this (Aries was a heel not too long ago) but from the reaction that Aries gets that they decided to go with what the fans want, which was firstly a face turn and then a title run which could very well pay off for TNA.

This throws everything out now and although TNA has been really good the last 2 months, it looks like it's about to get even better.
Believe it or not, I actually predicted that Austin Aries would win the title the day they announced the Bound For Glory participants. Becuase that night, Sting was taken out by Aces and 8s, and Roode retains the title against Mr. Anderson. Who's left? Austin Aries. And with no other main-event caliber competitors able to compete, who else would Roode feud with?

Now to be honest, I COMPETELY marked out when he won the title! But the one question that remains is: When should Austin Aries lose the title? To me, Austin Aries will be a great champion for 2 months, with a title defence ending in contervesial fashion at Hardcore Justice, and Roode getting another rematch where he wins it at No Surrender. Aries isn't able to get his rematch at Bound For Glory. So, Hogan sets up a World Heavyweight Championship triple threat match between Aries, Storm, and Roode!

That's just one mans opinion.
This is pretty cool.. dont let me SN fool you, i just had to come up with something quick.. but i do enjoy watching TNA.. and this is going to be a fued between AA and Roode for awhile I believe.. and i like it..

I am assuming somewhere along the way, AA turned face.. cause he was for sure a heel when he came in..
Wow, just wow.

Coming from a big Bobby Roode fan I honestly didn't see this coming but at the same time I couldn't be happier about the title change and for Austin Aries. He has had one of the best years than anyone in TNA has ever had and most certainly deserved this title win. I didn't order it because I was sure Roode was gonna win again now I'm kicking myself for not doing so. I don't think it will be overly long as they will most likely be setting up Roode vs. Storm for the title at BFG but nonetheless this is a big moment for TNA and Austin Aries.

I hope after Aries' title reign is over he becomes a main event mainstay in TNA as he deserves it and has a very bright career ahead of him with a little luck.
I know i'm gonna sound like everybody else but I didn't think Aries would win the belt. I like everybody else thought Roode would hold it until BFG and lose it to Storm. Im always happy when my favorite wrestler wins the world championship. I can't wait to watch Impact Thursday.
As I was watching the main event, I was just waiting for the cheap shot ending that would shut down Austin Aries' World Title effort. When I saw Aries hit the brain-buster and heard 1-2-3, I damn near dropped my drink when I shouted, "Oh, Shit!!!!".

I am a huge Bobby Roode and Austin Aries fan. In fact they are my two favorite wrestlers in the world. I was happy and shocked to see A-Double get the win. I am stoked to see how this changes the landscape for TNA going foward to the BFG series and PPV. I just hope he doesn't drop the belt on Thursday back to Roode. I want to see it draw out for at least 2-3 months.
I can honestly say that I called it...

But yeah, I am happy for Aries. He's legitimized the TNA X-Division title and he can become a great face of the company if TNA lets him. Aries vs. Roode could become a great program that could continue for a year... of course they could have it inconsistent. Like Aries could feud against people while Roode went through the BFG Series (again) and tried to regain his title back.
I read how excited people are that Austin Aries is world champion. Would you say this is the best move TNA has done in the last month? year? history? How long do you think he will hold the title and do you think TNA is on a high right now?

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