Attention: Kurt Angle Doesn Not Equal God

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Okay for the the last week or so a lot of the people here have been acting like Kurt Angle is the only good thing in TNA when truth is he is not. People say he's the best in ring performer, wrong he says he is and people agree with what he says, the best in ring performer in TNA is AJ Styles. I've heard he is the best heel, wrong the best heel in the hole business is Christian Cage. The infamous Angle=ratings claim, false as stated by Eric Bischoff said that even when TNA got guys like Angle and Sting that there ratings didn't go up.
So these are the claims of Angle's "God" likeness in TNA which are all proven false by me and if you try to prove me otherwise I will prove you wrong.

Lets go Jay Lethal and Abyss....but not team Pacman....i can careless about them
Sorry, but nobody has been treating Angle as God. You may not believe me on this as I have recently Angle-ised my account. Half the things you said in your previous post are matters of opinion and I can guarantee you that many more people watch Angle than listen to his bullshit. We're all aware there are other great talents in TNA, but none can best Angle at his particular style of wrestling. Many can equal him, but none can best him. He's an Olympic Gold Medalist for Pete's sake! AJ Styles is very impressive, yes, but so are Low Ki, Homicide, Samoa Joe, Abyss and others. I don't know where you get off saying everyone worships Angle. More people bash him for "stealing the spotlight" than anything else.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
A god? Not to sure anyone ever said that. Its just one of those opinion things. I prefer Angle to pretty much everyone in TNA. You dont. The end. While I apperciate your conviction of fighting for other talent....its still just a preferance.

Does Angle equal ratings? Maybe. Does Cage equal rating? Maybe. Does Sting equal rating? Maybe. Ect.

I can only speak for me and the tiny percentage of ratings I make up....I personally do watch Impact for Angle.
Yes, you are right Kurt Anle Does Not Equal God but He does equal the best "wrestler" right now in TNA or WWE. Give big props to angle because in wrestling there is almost always debates about who the best is right know. Austin or the Rock? Bret or Shawn? But at this point and time in wrestling it has never been more obvious who the best is.

Feel Free to bash his attitude but dont ever question his ability.
Magic i agree with you kurt angle is not god he's good but hes not god thier are better superstars than him, tna is revovling everything around him now hes holdin every title in the buisness what a waste tna never needed him but he was a good edition but they have other talent as well and thier just usin kurt angle for everything nd it pisses me off and i know it pisses other off as well.....
I never have questioned Angle's ability i think he is a great talent, but the things i said are other things people have said in other threads not stuff i made up. Angle keeps getting all this praise everywhere I look here but no other talent is or maybe that's how I'm seeing everything right now and that all TNA is about right now is Angle as it was with Jarrett, its like Angle just replaced Jeff with the spotlight constantly on him and that other people should be getting the time, hopefully that all changes when the 2 hour show comes into play. I have never said Angle isn't good, I personally want to see other people in the spotlight for a change and that is really all.
I never have questioned Angle's ability i think he is a great talent, but the things i said are other things people have said in other threads not stuff i made up. Angle keeps getting all this praise everywhere I look here but no other talent is or maybe that's how I'm seeing everything right now and that all TNA is about right now is Angle as it was with Jarrett, its like Angle just replaced Jeff with the spotlight constantly on him and that other people should be getting the time, hopefully that all changes when the 2 hour show comes into play. I have never said Angle isn't good, I personally want to see other people in the spotlight for a change and that is really all.

I agree, although you could've phrased your original post better. It sounded as if you were attacking Angle, which you sort of are. Don't worry, I'm sure the spotlight will be lessened on Angle soon enough, when he starts dropping the gold and the X Division is put back together, like we've been promised. In a few months time, everything will be back to normal. Angle might still be champ, but I don't think he'll be involved in every damn thing like he is now.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
First & foremost, has anyone ever said "Kurt Angle is God"??

I've never seen, or heard that statement. And anyone who does make that statement, outside of joking, would clearly be ignorant. Kurt Angle is a character in a story. Thats by far God-like. He has talent, much like a lot of others in the wrestling business.. again, not exactly God-like.

So this thread is a slap in God's face, by the person who created it.. more than anyone who's ever, seemingly, stated Angle is God, or God-like.
So maybe everything shouldn't revolve around Angle but if their is one wrestler where it is actually believable that he is capable of winning all the belts its Angle. Also, keep in mind that it is just one storyline. I am pretty sure angle will drop the x-division belt at No surrender and that a "face" will win the belt from him at Bound For Glory. It is very beleivable that a little over a month from now Angle will have NO belts.

He should be praised, after all is there anybody who is a BETTER "wrestler" than Kurt Angle right now?
Excuse me OneBigWll but do not say i am "slapping God in the face". Its called an expression sorry if i offended you and when i originally wrote this thread i was in a fairly bad mood but do not and i repeat do not say I am slapping God in the face, if i said he is God then that would be a slap in the face by saying he is not is simply stating the facts, my second post on this topic explains my opinion better then my first as the first was written out of anger but what you said makes me angrier then anything involving wrestling does because it is an expression so do not accuse me slapping God in the face by saying a person is not God.
I agree that Tna is giving angle all of he spotlight, he may be the bst in the business but on a 1 hour show a definately don't think anyone deserves all of the gold, or all of the time for that matter, and every match on the freakin ppv! he should lose every belt and then try to earn them back. well he has eared the right to have belts, but he hasnt really won them he was just given them. he should be in a rock, Austin, HHH, type fued but they should put every good heavyweight in the running right now, having crazy matches with them very week. ide watch that.
well i undestand their buisness strategy they think angle will bring in ratings so they are giving him the spotlight right now, i know its just a fase, but im not really pissed about it because angle is a great wrestler, GREAT.. not ''god'', though i dont know where u saw any1 say angle is god or like a god in wrestling

and about who is a better talent that depends on what u prefer watching, the x division guys are very entertaining but they arent really ''wrestlers'' dont get me wrong im not saying guys like jonh cena are either, i know the x division guys have skills and i love watching them, especially aj who is also IMO the best x division in TNA, but in terms of pure wrestling its obvious angle is better

but that doesnt really matter, u cant compare the 2, its like saying what movie is better, a horror or action? its 2 different styles u cant compare them... get it? i like both ''styles'' and give credit where its due to both guys

as for who is better face or heel that u can discuss and i agree cage is the best heel/mic worker in TNA and better then many in WWE

as for joe who is another great talent i find him almost if not equal to kurt...
I never said i saw anyone say he was God, i said it was how i felt some people were acting not what they said and i felt that at the time I had to state my opinion on it that was all as i am aloud my freedom of speech and for the last time the God thing was an expression on how i felt people were acting not what they actually said.
Kurt Angle is a wrestling God, in whatever company he is in, plain and simple. He is razor sharp in the ring, puts on matches of the nights constantly, has had great runs as champion everywhere he has been. He wrestles multiple styles of wrestling, he is the best mat wrestler ever, has a fair share of high flying ability, and can go very hardcore when he wants. Not to mention he routinely wrestles multiple matches a night, has had several 30 minute plus matches on pay per view in a day and age where that doesn't happen. The man has a feel of the business that very few have ever had. He commands the respect of the locker room, and he has the respect of almost every veteran that has come before him. Yes, I will say it, Kurt Angle is a wrestling god. You may not agree with his lifestyle choices, or agree with him risking his personal health for his in ring performance, but we're not programmed like Kurt Angle.

Believe me when I say this, AJ Styles not being on Kurt Angles level in the ring is not sign of disrespect, it's just that Kurt angle is on a compeltely different level of athlete then anyone ever in professional wrestling. Hell, look at Ken Shamrock in the mid 90's and the mighty UFC King he was, Ken Shamrock would have gotten destroyed by Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is simply an amazing athlete that has respect in the business, and has respect as an amateur as well.

Simply put, Kurt Angle is the greatest professional wrestler in terms of pure ability to ever step foot in the ring, ever. Kurt Angle may have been the greatest champion ever if he was born in the old shoot era of professional wrestling. Sure, he maybe losing a step, but I like to see that Kurt was upset about Jay Lethal getting squashed after he put the man over cleanly. This is the sign of a leader, a leader that TNA has needed for a long time.
Um I've never seen him wrestle more then 1 match in a night except for Sunday, and he only has 1 style which i agree he is the best at which is technical/mat wrestling. His only high flying ability is the moonsalt then that's really it. And when I say AJ Styles in my opinion is the best in ring performer right now i mean that in terms of everything he does in the ring. He can wrestle every style, technical(yes i know not as god as Kurt), high flying, and power(watch his match with Abyss at Lockdown 05 and with Joe Turning Point 05). He sells every move extremely well, best I have seen at move selling in awhile.
Now while i don't argue in terms of pure wrestling that Angle is the best there is at it hands down just in my opinion I like watching AJ Styles wreslt more then anyone else right now so maybe I'm biased? And as for him beating Ken Shamrock in a shoot fight i don't know about it Shamrock in has prime was one of the best fighters EVER but that would have been something to watch.
And the hole thing with Lethal made me so mad when he came out and Kurt sticking up for him shows that maybe he's not on such a power trip and i was really happy that he put Lethal over cleanly because that shows that unlike Mr Hogan that he is willing to put over guys to better there careers and is not stuck on his which makes me like him alot more then when i posted this originally.
kurt isnt a high flyer..hes always ahd the same style and thats waht makes him a good wrestler.. thats pure wrestling yeah im glad he helped put lethal over but when lethal came out and tried to clam joe down and joe just tossed him outta the ring...joe and angle were pissed about that cause one minute hes beating angle then one minute hes being made look like a yeha angle wants everyone in TNA to do well so hes not just a control freak like everyone else thinks he is

i agree aj styles is one of the most exciting wrestlers today possiblly my favorite wrestler in TNA and i love his goofy heel gimmick
so basically you guys are saying kurt isn't a good heel? lol i agree with just about everyone of you that kurt angle isn't a god but he IS someone to look up to he is infact 1 of the best, i mean none of the wrestlers can claim they won the olympic medals with a broken neck, as far as the other guys go yes i agree AJ is an awesome wrestler and should imo get a title shot soon...and as far as joe's character goes i could care less i never liked him much, there are other wrestlers i wouldn't mind seeing hold the titles but i seriously doubt angle will lose any right now =P
I'll say kurt angle is the best wrestler in his "Style" which is mat and technical. But I prefer the X-division and in particular Aj of wrestling more so. Doesn't mean "one is better then the other" because it's two different styles.

Angle = God? Who ever decided to make that claim. it's one thing when you're on TV and you're claim in story lines as if you are "A Wrestling God" and you're one big move is a Clothesline....FROM HELL (OOHHH). When people though watch Angle in the ring, Angle doesn't have to do anything, but wrestle. I think the term "God" for "living people" is thrown around way too much... Bret Hart said it best when he was on Byte This in WWE... Kurt Angle..."The Best there is..." for now.

The only reason why I would think that people make the claim that Angle is God of Wresting is the pure fact of a lot of positive outlooks. He's a very nice guy in person. He doesn't have to, but can cut a good promo heel or face, his actual "wrestling" ability has made him achieve so much in actual sports and has achieved sport awards and captured professional wrestling titles in different companies...he is the most decorative wrestler ever thus far in the business.

Still I appreciate Angle as much as the next person. He's not God, Just a guy who actually knows how to do his job and that is "Wrestle".
Look, you put a big fish in a small pond, full of guppies, then yeah he will seem like the biggest baddest fish out there, because thats what tna is. TNA could be something, but damn, they look like they are using the old WCW worldwide stage as a set. Kurt is one funny mofo, as tna has shown. Christian is also funny and can go, the X guys are great but being put into the -wcw cruiserweight class- meaning death after any match with no story lines.

Did anyone see the intro of Rikishi this week? The lighting was so weird that people didn't know who he was, and Mike Tenay had to 'remind' people that he is 'the man formerly known as Rikishi.' He wasn't much in wwe, so maybe he will last a few months down south.
Excuse me OneBigWll but do not say i am "slapping God in the face". Its called an expression sorry if i offended you and when i originally wrote this thread i was in a fairly bad mood but do not and i repeat do not say I am slapping God in the face, if i said he is God then that would be a slap in the face by saying he is not is simply stating the facts, my second post on this topic explains my opinion better then my first as the first was written out of anger but what you said makes me angrier then anything involving wrestling does because it is an expression so do not accuse me slapping God in the face by saying a person is not God.

I've never lost my temper with anyone on these boards, & I'm not about to with you. Everyone is slated to their own opinions, & I respect that. But don't for one second bow up to me, for whatever reason because you can't deal with my opinion.. after you sparked off & gave yours.

The fact is, in my opinion.. I'm not 100% with any selective religion.. but if you wanna start on that subject, we can start. I AM religious, regardless of what I believe. I believe in God, I believe in Heaven & Hell. But I choose to be open minded & accept that all things are possible, & that any version of what people proclaim could be true. Because guess what, I wasn't in the past, so I don't know what truly happened except for whats been written in the books of man.

When I said I felt like this thread was a slap in God's face, its because I find it offensive for you to come here without actual proof of anyone claiming Angle was God (except your assumptions of how he's protrayed on t.v.) then bad mouth me, after you stated a few posts earlier that everyone has a right to their own opinion.

No, I don't think you're disrespectful toward religion & by your reply to me.. I respect that you have religion of your own.. but don't ever, as you said to me, ever.. bow up to me again, just because I did what you stated you could.. which was state my opinion.

I never said i saw anyone say he was God, i said it was how i felt some people were acting not what they said and i felt that at the time I had to state my opinion on it that was all as i am aloud my freedom of speech and for the last time the God thing was an expression on how i felt people were acting not what they actually said.

You started with anger about how you couldn't stand Angle being proclaimed "God-Like," then you turn around & state you've never actually seen anyone claim he was God.. so therefore, it seems to me.. these thoughts are only in your mind. Not anyone elses.

I'm not looking to be banned & I'm not trying to anger anyone, including you.. but I'm also not about to let anyone, including you, try & assume that I'm being disrespectful regarding religion, or someone's religion. I'm stating my opinion, if you can't deal with that.. then maybe you should've thought twice about joining a forum.
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actually since Angle has been in TNA the ratings have gone up. He gave the company instant credibility. Im not sure if Kurt is the best ever, but you would certainly have to rank him up there.

AJ Styles is really only above average in the ring. He can do a few sweet moves, but he is the epitomy of the new school wrestling attitude which is "High spot after high spot after high spot with absolutely no meaning to it", though he has gotten a lot better. Actually scrap that, AJ Styles is pretty good, but he is nowhere close to being the best in TNA, TNA has some great wrestlers. Keep in mind i think AJ is only in his early to mid twenties, so he very well could end up being one of the best in-ring performers, and he's funny as hell.

I hate to do the old "back in my day" crap, but back in my day if a wrestler was good he could make an arm bar fucking exciting.
I'm not bowing up to anyone as i stated earlier, when i first made this topic I was angry and needed to vent about something, so I chose this, I just felt that when you said I slapped got in face I took that personally because it is not something I would do and being accused of something like that is one thing that can set me off which is why i again flipped out, I don't mind your opinion, personally I might not agree and you will not agree with me, its how it goes as long as something like religion is not brought into it as I just used an expression which was really my only beef with you if you don't agree with my opinion on how I feel TNA is being run fine by me, so why don't we put this to rest as it will get both of no where?

And Iguy, Aj Styles is 29 years old so he's not to young anymore., well depending on you're age 29 might be young as to me it seems old cause I'm a lot younger then that(I don't feel comfortable disclosing my age online so I will not do so).
I think TNA is actually being run quite well. If you think about it there has really only been one wrestling company ever that didn't get crapped on by all the big wrestling fans, and that was the original ECW.
WWE gets crapped on
AWA was terrible and got crapped on
Stampede Wrestling was great, but then was crap, and subsequently got crapped on
ROH is liked by some and crapped on by others, personally i don't like it but i see how others do
WCW is almost universally crapped on
TNA is liked by some and crapped on by others

personally i think TNA is decent, not amazingly great, but the best thing going currently.
I think TNA is actually being run quite well. If you think about it there has really only been one wrestling company ever that didn't get crapped on by all the big wrestling fans, and that was the original ECW.

Well, technically E.C.W. was crapped on.. going off your theory of "crapped on." Because W.C.W. raided its roster time in & time out, offering bigger pay checks & better exposure. Paul Heyman mentioned that Mr. McMahon helped support E.C.W. behind the scenes, I don't know if thats true or storyline, but if thats the case.. then E.C.W. was basically, originally, a second branch of W.W.E. without anyone knowing it except McMahon & Heyman.

(Edit)- If you're refering to "crapped on" by the fans of Pro Wrestling, then yes E.C.W. definately got that too. Growing up into Pro Wrestling, I was brought up with W.W.F. & then W.C.W., E.C.W. was always the "renegade" branch that had misfits & "talentless" wrestlers, who had to resort to violence to put matches over. Little did I know, after watching my very first E.C.W. p.p.v. (Anarcy Rulz '99) did I actually think E.C.W. was full of great, unbelieveable talent.

I was blinded & sadly mislead into thinking the show was nothing but losers who couldn't wrestle & that it was basically nothing but "fist fights" with chairs & tables involved. I'm more than glad I was opened up to the extreme company before it went under.. sadly, I only got a little over a year worth of extreme fun. (even then, it was watered down to agree with T.N.N.)

WWE gets crapped on
AWA was terrible and got crapped on
Stampede Wrestling was great, but then was crap, and subsequently got crapped on
ROH is liked by some and crapped on by others, personally i don't like it but i see how others do
WCW is almost universally crapped on
TNA is liked by some and crapped on by others

personally i think TNA is decent, not amazingly great, but the best thing going currently.

I'm not really 100% sure where you're going with this "crapped on" thing. By crapped on, do you mean a company that has a run but ultimately doesn't make it? W.C.W. had "unlimited pockets" & could've been great, had they given full control to Eric Bischoff.

Yeah, a lot may disagree, but based on the "Monday Night Wars" Bischoff claimed to never have full control, & the people who did.. didn't know crap about wrestling. Thus far, the only mistake Bischoff ever made was the Steve Austin ordeal.. which you can't blame the man.. at the time, Austin was black plain trunks, black plain boots, next to no gimmick..

And regarding T.N.A., they've truly been the first show to oppose W.W.E. I think there was a Florida show, or something that challenged them with like 3 major shows or something. (I have a DVD of something with Jimmy Hart & Brian Knobbs being the main guys producing, it seems) But T.N.A. has really come into their own.. the only downside is, they have almost no money to challenge W.W.E. & as a result, a lot of their talent is leaning toward jumping ship. In fact, the only thing keeping a lot other than respect for the show that made them.. is their thoughts & theories that W.W.E. would kill their characters, or misuse & abuse them like the did Kazarian.
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