The Kurt Angle Experiment

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I think the main reason people feel Kurt Angle in TNA has been a wash so far is because Kurt Angle himself said he would turn it around. This isn't people making that up, he said he would make Impact the most watched cable tv show.

I don't remember how long he said it would take, but I don't think they have made any progress in catching up to WWE. In fact, the WWE's talent roster is so deep that losing Angle may have helped push Lashley, Kennedy, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, etc.

I wish Angle was still in the WWE, but it may turn out to be a positive when you consider the effect on younger talent.
What the wrestling world needs is Ralphus. Whether he's watching Jericho's back in WWE or TNA is besides the point. We've been Ralphus-less for far too long. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, AND IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!!
What the wrestling world needs is Ralphus. Whether he's watching Jericho's back in WWE or TNA is besides the point. We've been Ralphus-less for far too long. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, AND IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!!


I will state again, this thread is about the impact of Kurt Angle on TNA, not who should come back. This comment belongs in the Where are they now/comeback thread in the Old School Wrestling forum.
I agree, yet disagree..
TNA is a growing company.. Angle has cetainly made a huge mark. So has Sting, Steinger, Christian ect...
Impact has not went up a great deal but they sure as hell have not went down like they used too. Impact would go from a 1.0 to a .7 next week.
They are very very consitant in ratings and I have only seen them get better..

TNA has already done more shows on the road in the first 4 months of the year, than in 2006 altogether!! -- thats HUGE. Granted they are not filling 15K plus areanas, but selling out 5K here and there is HUGE compared to the 900 in attendence at impact.
What TNA needs is 2 hours! 2 hours a week and that company will take off!!
Even though I like to see others in TNA, they dont need them unless they are going to put a belt on em.
Since TNA is growing... they need to get as many "old" veterns guys to have title runs to make it look like TNA was the same level as WWF and WCW by having the superstars of those organizations in TNA.
Bring in Savage, Bring in Hogan.. give em a belt and have a young guy win it off him
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As far as Angle in TNA goes, what did everyone expect? No one man can turn a Wrestling Promotion from what some would call a National Promotion, to compete with a Global Phenomenon like the WWE. Kurt Angle was never at level of overness that say Hogan, Rock or Austin had during their time, he never got those huge pops like those three did. I think had it not been for the Russo booking in the last six months (or something to that effect) TNA would be a much more watchable product through Kurt Angle being there. They are building a brand, not one Wrestler.

Anyone who thought Kurt Angle could single handedly turn the promotion around is seriously naive.
I dont consider Angle comming in a flop. I think of it much of a success actually. We got to see the Samoa Joe/Angle series which were good especially the 30 minute Iron Man match. We saw him job to Joe and Christian Cage. Some people say Kurt's in ring ability has changed since comming into TNA but I think its been the same since he left WWECW if not better. His match with Scott Steiner was easily one of his best matches in his career imo. There stlyes clicked in the match. I think us the fans got more from TNA then what we would of watched without him. He doesnt consum as much time as some people would think. Like someone earlier in the thread stated Kurt Angle has also been doing some scooping for TNA and trying to get some good talent over. Having Kurt in TNA adds more resources as he is close with a lot of people in the buisness so it would be easier for them to talk people like Jericho into signing a contract.
In a way, Kurt's coming was a failure. They hyped it very much, but it didn't get the payoff. TNA didn't get more ratings or PPV buys. It didn't work the way they wanted. Of course that is great to see him in the ring, but for the expectations that they had for his presence, it's not enough. Of course the blame is mostly of TNA's marketing departement, because it sucks like hell. They couldn't promote anythng right even if their lives depended on it.
The ratings might have increased had Angle debuted with his former, geeky persona instead of this serious guy. He's more serious in TNA than he was during his last stint in the WWE.
This experiment hasn't worked since he's been there!!!! TNA just doesn't have vision or the brain power to push major or new stars and to me it just seems like Angle is a little bit slower to me. He's not getting any better in the ring because he hasn't recovered from his injuries he had in the WWECW and since TNA management only cares about the ratings and not the wrestlers, Angle's going to wind up hurting himself in the ring or even worse!!!:shooter:
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