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Барбоса;4398859 said:
Favourite incarnation of Barbosa? Manic, Smoker, Depressive, Catatonic, Giant or "Broken"?
Manic. It adds a pang of humour to an otherwise crazy and potentially serious but I always like your early RPs around the poker table.
Favourite Barbosa storyline?
Probably the SHIT feud. Any involvement with Ty was great but you really suffered by not getting a continuous run at him and a blow off to that feud.
Thoughts on me and X?
You're awesome and I hope you continue to get the success with X.
Where would you like to see X go from here?
I think you absolutely could be a permanent fixture at the main event level but a Eurasian title win would be a sure nice distraction I reckon and you wouldnt be short of challengers either.
Favorite moment in your time as Austin Reynolds?
Winning at KC, then being hotshotted to the mainevent and nearly beating Ty, twice.
What's surprised you the most during your time in the fed?
How close I got to beating Ty :) and how quickly things turned sour on us.
And what's been the biggest letdown?
The first two cycles as fed head. I dont think we did much wrong but the criticism we got was huge and it went back to Ty's run as well when we didnt get any criticism at all. I guess we ushered in a more honest era but it was difficult for us.
What are your thoughts on me as an RP'er and my new tag team with Brent Blaze?
Don't get disheartened. It's easy to be glum about results. You're both new and you dont have an experienced head to bounce ideas off so it's important to ask and learn from advice. In the tag division it may be tough to get some wins.
Do you have plans to get GM unmasked possibly in the near future or at all?
No plans at all. I've done it with GM in another fed and it put me right off.
Is there an Elite Room version of WZCW for those who want to RP in a fed without Thrash?
Now there's an idea.
Why don't you answer my calls any more?
Because you kicked me out of bed :D
Usual question of what you think of me, Alhazred and my RPs.
I really want you to go back to the mad professor. I think you had a lot of possibilities there with SHIT and Krypto. But you seem to have thrusted yourself a groove after quite a while of being just beyond random. Good luck with that. I hope it gets you somewhere because like Pancake, you've floated around since the FP ended.
What would you rate me from 1 to 10 as a RPer and as a Creative Member?

P.S. I miss you.
What would you rate me from 1 to 10 as a RPer and as a Creative Member?
An RPer, 8
Creative, 9

You're an excellent writer who dealt with a lot of shit for the character but you took it all in your stride admirably.

As a creative member, I'm glad to have worked with you. Your output was tremendous and put me to shame. Above all, I'm glad you still have the time to commit to it.
P.S. I miss you.

Miss ya more.

Yeah, I remember a time when I once told you that I would probably have to leave before the LL cycle because things would get heavy school-wise. I did hit a bit of turbulence this past round due to a variety of reasons, but hopefully it will be smooth sailing for the remainder of my school days. One more month!
You stepping down from creative is what ushered in my arrival. It does suck that we never got to serve together, partly because I could have continued to make fun of you for being old behind the scenes, and because you have been a big influence on me here. That wasn't really a question.
You stepping down from creative is what ushered in my arrival. It does suck that we never got to serve together, partly because I could have continued to make fun of you for being old behind the scenes, and because you have been a big influence on me here. That wasn't really a question.

Man. You failed harder at asking a question then you did in my WZCW simulated fed. Actually, you failed pretty hard in my simulated fed. Speaking of which, we should start it up again and have brand extensions! :D :D :D? ? ??? ?
You stepping down from creative is what ushered in my arrival. It does suck that we never got to serve together, partly because I could have continued to make fun of you for being old behind the scenes, and because you have been a big influence on me here. That wasn't really a question.

Guess the next World Champ excluding current number 1 Contender.

What do you think of this influx of "tell an overall story" brand of RP? Good, or does it dilute the process? Because some plain promo RP's can be badass.

Thoughts on S.H.I.T? If you would be so good.
Guess the next World Champ excluding current number 1 Contender.

What do you think of this influx of "tell an overall story" brand of RP? Good, or does it dilute the process? Because some plain promo RP's can be badass.

Thoughts on S.H.I.T? If you would be so good.

Lethal Lottery picks?
Yeah, I remember a time when I once told you that I would probably have to leave before the LL cycle because things would get heavy school-wise. I did hit a bit of turbulence this past round due to a variety of reasons, but hopefully it will be smooth sailing for the remainder of my school days. One more month!
That's brilliant to hear.
You stepping down from creative is what ushered in my arrival. It does suck that we never got to serve together, partly because I could have continued to make fun of you for being old behind the scenes, and because you have been a big influence on me here. That wasn't really a question.
No it wasn't and I'm disappointed in you.
Man. You failed harder at asking a question then you did in my WZCW simulated fed. Actually, you failed pretty hard in my simulated fed. Speaking of which, we should start it up again and have brand extensions! :D :D :D? ? ??? ?
Do it.
Guess the next World Champ excluding current number 1 Contender.
I know you struck this through but I say Holmes but he loses to whoever wins the LL.
What do you think of this influx of "tell an overall story" brand of RP? Good, or does it dilute the process? Because some plain promo RP's can be badass.
Absolutely promo RPs can be badass when written well but they can be terrible. I don't mind story based RPs at all and I like how the fed is moving in that direction, it's even dragging me there slowly. I am of the group who thinks a mention of the match is essential but how you get to that point, is absolutely not an issue.
Thoughts on S.H.I.T? If you would be so good.
The biggest compliment I can give is that I never thought you would be so, so good.
Thoughts on myself as an RPer, Holmes as a character and as a creative member etc..?
RPer: Top notch, I hope you get over that hurdle when it comes to winning the big match. However I do think you would benefit from stepping away from the main event if it doesnt go your way.
Lethal Lottery picks?
In no order:
A mystery entrant
You should get a shot and I think you will. Expecting it to be immediate is wrong and it won't be 1 v 1.

But generally the tag division is the only one where beating the champs, can almost guarantee it.
I'm thinking that it'll be The Bearded Gentlemen vs. The Empire vs. Barbosa and S.H.I.T at Lethal Lottery.
It makes no sense at all to add SabSax. Coming off a loss to the champions at the PPV and a loss to Barbosa/S.H.I.T is hardly a position for a title shot. Give them a match with TBG next round and use the result of that match to decide if they get it.
I agree but I think J and Doc have planned to be in this match. They've said as much since losing at AoN.
Anything you wish we had done differently when Reynolds and Ty feuded over the title?

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