Ask JeevesGlass


Unregistered User
I can't help myself. I see all these other people getting all this attention and I want some for myself. To quote Aristotle, "Pay attention to me, dammit!"

Just as a heads up, though, I won't answer any questions about what I think of you as an RP'er or what I think of your character. To be honest, there are only a handful of characters I keep up with in WZCW, so there's a good chance your character isn't one of the people on my watch list.

I will answer questions about what I think would be a good direction for your character to go in, just don't ask me about things that your character has done in the past.
Should Drake's character morph into one that just beats women up all the time, in increasingly ridiculous contexts?

I mean, if it worked once...
Should Drake's character morph into one that just beats women up all the time, in increasingly ridiculous contexts?

I mean, if it worked once...

No. I believe the law of diminishing returns comes into effect on that one. It worked once because it was shocking, and the more you do it the less shocking it becomes.
Pick 5 characters who you think should turn face after the LL or KC cycle.

I'm not sure I could pick five, let alone two. Quite frankly, we have a really nice balance right now, and Celeste's heel turn was a long time coming and should keep viewers on their toes.

Rush is the only name I feel comfortable with turning face. The main event is crammed with heels, and Rush could easily be a main event face.

I think K.O. still has too much he can do as a heel to turn face, but he's one of the few heels right now I think could pull of a face gimmick.

Is Isabel Stone a heel? I'd like to see how she works as a face... I guess.

Sorry to disappoint, but I really enjoy the balance of face and heels right now. Rush is the only person I even want to see turn face. There are a few wrestlers I'd be okay seeing turn heel, but the current crop of heels is quite good.
No. I believe the law of diminishing returns comes into effect on that one. It worked once because it was shocking, and the more you do it the less shocking it becomes.

Alas, the truth.

Maybe I'll beat up a small child in the next world title winning RP.

I'm curious what you would do with Drake. He's in your hands, entirely. What direction do you take him in?
Alas, the truth.

Maybe I'll beat up a small child in the next world title winning RP.

I'm curious what you would do with Drake. He's in your hands, entirely. What direction do you take him in?

I like the conspiracy theory gimmick he's running, but when it's revealed that Califa and Burna aren't two separate people, I think Drake should adopt a gimmick where he feels like the world sees him as a fool, and he wants to prove them wrong by punishing them. Obviously the best way to do this would be to win the world title, but I think one of the midcard titles would do the trick too, and he should be completely ruthless in his attempts to prove himself. Continuing beatdowns after the bell, backstage assaults, things of that nature.

Steven Holmes vs. Saboteur how do you book it?

Holmes wants to cleans WZCW of depravity, and decides that nobody is more depraved than Saboteur. He offers Saboteur a spot as his protege in an attempt to prove how Holmes is so elite that he can move the mountain that is bringing class to Saboteur's life. Of course, Saboteur would refuse, probably in a very insulting way, and then Holmes decides that if he can't bring class to Saboteur, he'll destroy him instead.

Favourite match/feud/character outside of yourself and Saxton?

Match: Shit man, I'm turrible at remembering particular matches, but if I remember correctly one of the Barbosa/Ty Burna matches was extremely well done, but I can't remember which show it was.

Feud: If I can pick a storyline instead of a feud, it would probably be Barbosa as King for a Day. I thought the cash in was extraordinarily well done, and it was a well deserved move up for Barbosa.

Character: I'm not just saying this because you asked the question, but I think Holmes is my favorite non-Saboteur/Saxton character. I don't think anybody knows their character better than you know Holmes, and as a result I think Holmes is the most fleshed out character in the entire fed.
How come my mom has a limp when she came back from Uncle Tyrone's house.

More importantly how do I have a uncle Tyrone?
Should Drake's character morph into one that just beats women up all the time, in increasingly ridiculous contexts?

I mean, if it worked once...

No no no, what you're supposed to do is lose a title match and then attack a woman.

Huh, weird how we've both had major angles that hinged on beating up a woman. Great minds (over matter) think alike.
If you or Doc won LL would that be the beginning of the end for SaboSax? How would you write the breakup of SaboSax?

What's your favorite finisher name (not counting your own) in the fed?
I like the conspiracy theory gimmick he's running, but when it's revealed that Califa and Burna aren't two separate people, I think Drake should adopt a gimmick where he feels like the world sees him as a fool, and he wants to prove them wrong by punishing them. Obviously the best way to do this would be to win the world title, but I think one of the midcard titles would do the trick too, and he should be completely ruthless in his attempts to prove himself. Continuing beatdowns after the bell, backstage assaults, things of that nature.

Be completely aware I will steal this and pretend it was my idea.
Just as a heads up, though, I won't answer any questions about what I think of you as an RP'er or what I think of your character. To be honest, there are only a handful of characters I keep up with in WZCW, so there's a good chance your character isn't one of the people on my watch list.

What do you think of me as a RP'er or what do you think of my character.

Just kidding; please don't answer those.

Who are the handful of characters that you keep up with in WZCW?

I'm not sure I could pick five, let alone two. Quite frankly, we have a really nice balance right now, and Celeste's heel turn was a long time coming and should keep viewers on their toes.

Rush is the only name I feel comfortable with turning face. The main event is crammed with heels, and Rush could easily be a main event face.

I think K.O. still has too much he can do as a heel to turn face, but he's one of the few heels right now I think could pull of a face gimmick.

Is Isabel Stone a heel? I'd like to see how she works as a face... I guess.

Sorry to disappoint, but I really enjoy the balance of face and heels right now. Rush is the only person I even want to see turn face. There are a few wrestlers I'd be okay seeing turn heel, but the current crop of heels is quite good.

Is it because you want to see old man Rush just being all old man like? Yelling at kids to get off of his yard, writting letters to the editor, buying Gold Bond and denture cream? Grabing waitress' bums because as he'd put it: "I've lived my life damn it and I'll do what I want."

Same question I posed to Kermit: How physically fit is your ideal RPer?

Before you answer this, I just want to put out the fact that I can do like fifteen pushups now. Not all at once of course, but over the coarse of a day or two


Where there any other ideas that were floating around your big beautiful brain before landing on Sabby Pants?

If Sab was to be unmasked, which Canadian would he most resemble?
How come my mom has a limp when she came back from Uncle Tyrone's house.

More importantly how do I have a uncle Tyrone?

You don't, he's just one of your mother's many clients. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

What do you want see happen in an Krypto and Alhazred feud and what you would do with Krypto after KC.

Alhazred finally gets a date, but while he's on the date Krypto somehow stumbles across Alhazred and his lady friend, and the girl goes for Krypto for some unexplained reason. Then they fight over her.

If you or Doc won LL would that be the beginning of the end for SaboSax? How would you write the breakup of SaboSax?

Hard to say. I think if I won the Lethal Lottery I would be extremely tempted into building a slow heel turn for Saboteur culminating with his title match at Kingdom Come, and if that's the case I can't imagine he and Saxton sticking together much longer after that. That said, Doc and I are on the same page in that we really don't want to break up the team just quite yet as we're excited about the new amount of tag teams in the division and we're excited at the possibilities of feuds that don't involve the title.

Not that we'll turn down a title match either...

What's your favorite finisher name (not counting your own) in the fed?

Never really thought about this, but after some quick research I'd have to say Stormrage's Game Over. Fairly simple, captures an aspect of his character, and it's something I could imagine an announcer having a lot of fun calling.

What do you think of Celeste's current direction, and where do you want to see her go in the future?

I approve, and I should expect her to stay the course. A midcard title could be in the future for the woman that doesn't feel pain should she remain heel.

Same question I posed to Kermit: How physically fit is your ideal RPer?

What are you looking for here? The ideal level of physical fitness for an RP'er, or the fitness level of my current favorite RP'er? If it's the former, I'd say able to walk up at least three stories of stairs without huffing and puffing. If it's the latter, then however physically fit I am.

I really like my own stuff.

What do you think of me as a RP'er or what do you think of my character.

Just kidding; please don't answer those.

Who are the handful of characters that you keep up with in WZCW?

I forgot to say I'm not going to answer that question either, in the interest of not hurting anybody's feelings.

Is it because you want to see old man Rush just being all old man like? Yelling at kids to get off of his yard, writting letters to the editor, buying Gold Bond and denture cream? Grabing waitress' bums because as he'd put it: "I've lived my life damn it and I'll do what I want."

That sounds hilarious, and I would be all for it if that's the direction you chose to go with him.

Where there any other ideas that were floating around your big beautiful brain before landing on Sabby Pants?

Not at the time, no. To be honest, I have almost no recollection of how or why I came up with Saboteur, but I did, and here we are almost three years later (Is that right? It doesn't seem right...). Since then I've come up with about a dozen different ideas for characters, with only two of them coming into fruition.

If Sab was to be unmasked, which Canadian would he most resemble?

What you don't realize is Saboteur doesn't really wear a mask. That's actually his face.

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