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Ascension 75

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

The crowd roars with excitement as the pyro goes off!

Connor: Welcome to Ascension!

Cohen: Meltdown 100 isn’t the only milestone this week, as we celebrate the 75th edition of Ascension!

Connor: Doesn't time just fly?

Cohen: Not when I’m sitting next to you!

Triple X walks out to a volatile reception, but the smirk on his face shows how little he cares.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome; Triple X!

He struts down to the ring and gets inside. He’s handed a microphone.

Triple X: You’re welcome, boys and girls. Thanks to me, there is one less criminal on the streets.

He extends his arms and basks in the boos from the crowd.

Triple X: We all know that Blade had it coming. He wasn’t just a thief, he was a dangerous man. He injured me, putting me out of action for months. He put his hands on my girlfriend, traumatising her. And now justice has been served, Blade is rotting behind bars with the rest of the scumbags in the world.

Vance Bateman walks out onto the stage, microphone in hand.

Bateman: Not so fast, X. You see, after hearing what happened, Mr. Banks offered to personally pay Blade’s bail. Blade is here tonight!

The crowd go crazy, but X is furious.

Triple X: How the hell is that possible? He’s a criminal!

Bateman: Apparently, some people in jail for larceny can be let out on bail while they’re awaiting trial. So I figured I’d come out here and gives you head’s up.

Triple X: You tell Blade to keep the hell away from me, he’s dangerous!

Bateman: That won’t be necessary, X. I’ve put a stipulation on your match with Blade at Unscripted. If one of you makes any physical contact with the other man before the match, then that person will be fired on the spot. Furthermore—

The crowd pops as Blade storms down the ramp and slides into the ring. He gets right in X’s face.

Bateman: As I was saying, there will be one more stipulation added to your match which will be voted on by the fans. All three choices should allow you to… Vent your frustrations come Unscripted.

The tension between X and Blade is palpable as they stand nose to nose.

Bateman: Anyway, I’m sure you two have plenty to talk about, so I’ll leave you to it.

Bateman walks backstage with a smirk. Triple X takes a few steps back from Blade and raises the microphone to his mouth.

Triple X: I don’t know how you do it. How you keep managing to avoid the punishment you deserve. It’s almost impressive, in a sick way. This country’s justice system has failed all of us, so I guess I’m going to have to inflict the punishment on you myself at Unscripted.

Blade grabs the microphone from X’s hand, to a big cheer from the crowd.

Blade: I pity you, Xander… You come out here, and you say it’s about justice being served. But these people see right through you. They’re calling you bitter and petty and jealous. The truth is, these people love me in a way that they never loved you, and that drives you crazy. But you had to make it personal, you tried to destroy my life, and I’m going to hurt you for that.

X laughs at Blade.

Triple X: You should be careful what you say. I can’t hurt you until Unscripted, but that means I just might have to… Get creative.

He drops the mic and leaves the ring, leaving Blade seething.

Connor: I’m not sure what X meant by that last sentence, but it can’t be good.

Cohen: Well , we’ve just received word on the three stipulation choices for the match between Blade and Triple X at Unscripted. Your choices will be Falls Count Anywhere, a Strap match, or a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match!

Connor: We’ve got a great show tonight, as Vega takes on Ace Steel just over a week away from the Hell in a Cell match!

Cohen: Blade is out on bail, so his scheduled match with Darren Bull will go ahead as planned, while Triple X is up against Blade’s best friend, Grizzly Bob

Connor: Plus, there’s plenty of tag team action as Cerberus takes on the Demon Foreigners, and Ilapa teams up with Diabolos to take on Jonathan Hyada and Haven!
We return from commercial with Barrett Straton already in the middle of the ring.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, from Nashville, Tennessee, Barrett Straton!

Straton raises his arms in the air to boos from the crowd.

Eve gets a good pop as she struts out and poses on the stage. She smiles and winks into the camera before heading down to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, making her way down the runway, from Milan, Italy; “The Fabulous” Eve Taylor!

Eve slides into the ring and gets up to the middle turnbuckle, posing again for the fans.

Cohen: Starton had some... Harsh words for Eve this past week.

Connor: He’s a misogynist jerk, and I hope he gets his ass whooped.

Cohen: Tell us how you really feel, C.C.

She hops off the middle rope and turns towards Straton, who is smirking creepily. Referee Katie Shepard calls for the bell and the match is under way.

Straton walks forward and gives Eve a shove, to boos from the audience. Fury overtakes Eve, and she hits a double leg takedown, before unleashing a series of forearms to the face. The referee counts to five, and Eve has to get up. Straton is dazed and has to use the ropes to get to his feet. He turns around and Eve clotheslines him out of the ring.

She follows him out of the ring, picks him up and Irish Whips him hard into the crowd barricade.

Cohen: It’s not like Eve to be this vicious…

Connor: She’s trying to shut Straton up for good!

Straton is on his hands and knees, trying to crawl away. Eve grabs him by the hair and sends him head first into the ringpost. Straton is barely conscious on the floor. Eve stomps mercilessly on his head and the crowd is eating it up. The referee reaches 8 in her count, and Eve rolls into the ring to break it.

As she rolls back out, Straton manages to get up and knees her in the gut. With Eve doubled over, he pushes her in the ringsteps. Eve crashes into them and collapses to the ground, clutching her shoulder. Straton picks her up by the hair and rolls her into the ring. He rolls in after her and wait for her to get up. She pulls herself up in the corner, and Straton goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Eve elbows her way out of it, goes behind Straton and hits a Russian Leg Sweep! She goes for a pin,



Kick out! Eve grabs Straton by the arm and pulls him over to the corner. She climbs up to the top rope and walks across it before leaping off and smashing Straton’s arm with her elbow. She goes for another pin,



Kick out by Straton! Eve grabs his arm for the Armbar, but he jabs his thumb into her eye. Eve screams out in pain and puts her hand over her eye as Straton rolls away to recover. Straton gets up and begins stalking her again. Eve gets up, her right eye still closed tight. Straton turns her around and throws her across the ring with a Belly to Belly. He pushes himself up to the second rope and leaps off, hitting an elbow to Eve’s forehead. He goes for his first pin,



Eve kicks out. Eve is still blind in one eye as she crawls towards the ropes. As she pulls herself up, Straton goes for the Olympic Slam, but Eve counters it with an Armdrag that she transitions into the Fujiwara Armbar! Straton tries to get to the ropes, but they’re in the centre of the ring! He quickly gives up, and taps out!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Eve Taylor!

Though her eye is still sore, she raises her arms in victory.

Connor: A victory for women everywhere that’ll hopefully teach Straton a lesson!


Returning backstage we find The Catalyst, Ramparte, staring intently past the camera while he idly fingers his cane. His expression is that of quizzical exasperation, as if he just can't understand the frustrating dilemma in front of him. The camera pans around to the focal point of The Catalyst, revealing a Green Lantern hoodied former MMA fighter, Jonathan Hyada. The fighter seems to be having a fairly indifferent conversation with Chuck Myles who parts ways with the fighter just as Ramparte steps up to confront him.

Ramparte: You.

Hyada: Me. What is this about?

Ramparte: You've been quite the thorn lately. I believe we need to finally remove you before things go any further.

Hyada stood nearly nose to nose with The Catalyst and stared him down.

Hyada: "We?"

Flex: Haha, of course "we" my lonely friend. Do you not understand the concept of a team?

Flex Mussel appeared behind Hyada, sandwiching him between the two allies.

Jonathan glanced over his shoulder to acknowledge Mussel before turning back towards Ramparte who used the momentary distraction to level a cane swing into Jon's left side, the bad side, ribs and the fight was on. Hyada stumbled back into Flex who secured the fighter into a Full Nelson so that Ramparte could land a series of punches and cane attacks to the face and body. Mussel then tossed Hyada towards a high stack of equipment boxes, sending them crashing as he fell to the floor.

Unbeknownst to the fighting trio, a caped crusader had been observing the scene from high atop a perch on his own set of equipment boxes. Haven leaped from the "building scape" with no regard for his own safety, crashing into Flex with a clothesline from above.

Jon rose to his feet and squared off with Ramparte, Mussel regaining his own feet after the clothesline and lunging at Haven. All four men trading punches and dodging attacks until Ramparte took a full swing with his cane at Hyada. The MMA fighter caught the cane between his arm and ribs and stared hard at Ramparte just as officials ran in to break up the riot with Myles barking orders.

Myles: Break it up! All of you, cool off and get the hell out of here!

Flex had tossed aside a couple of officials with his enormous strength and returned to trading punches with Haven who was being pulled back by another ref. Officials pulled apart Hyada and Ramparte, but Jon still had a firm grasp on The Catalyst's cane. The two never broke eye contact as they were hauled further apart. Officials and security finally pulled Flex and Haven away from one another as well with Myles screaming for Cerberus to get moving.

Hyada and Haven stood side by side while Cerberus backed off, but Jon never stopped staring at Ramparte as he snapped the cane in two, imagining it to be The Catalyst's own arm.

Haven: Jon, are you hurt?

Hyada didn't even acknowledge Haven's question as he continued to stare at the departing Ramparte.

Haven: Jon?

Hyada: Let's go. We have a match.
Anderson: The following contest is schedu-


Connor: I.... What?....

From the entrance ramp, out happily skips Diabolos, wearing bear onesie footie pajamas. He skips out to a initially boos... And then a completely silent crowd, baffled by what they are witnessing. He carries a picnic basket in hand, and skips out towards the ring, tossing little pieces of food to a stupefied audience.

Cohen:... What.... What is he doing?

Connor: Oh good, I'm not the only one seeing this. I was worried someone had been messing with my brownies again.

Selena Anderson watches in complete awe, as Diabolos skips around the ring. He stops, to set down a checkered picnic blanket at ringside. He begins to skip around, and notices a small boy in the audience wearing a Grizzly Bob hat, complete with furry bear ears. The crowd boos, as Diabolos points to the young WZCW fan. He makes his way over towards the audience member... Before he is ambushed by Grizzly Bob, who jumps from the audience to attack Diabolos! Security officers try to pluck Bob away from Diabolos, but Bob has already mounted a fallen Diabolos, and is raining down thunderous punches on Diabolos. Bob picks up Diabolos, and runs him into the steel turnbuckle post, before he screams to the crowd, which roars out in approval. Bob then runs Diabolos head into the steel steps, at least half a dozen times, and throws him into the barricade! He gives Diabolos an avalanche, and sends him crumbling to a heap! He goes to look to the audience... And indicates that is time to pull off the mask of Diabolos. He starts to grab at Diabolos mask, and slowly tugs, with Diabolos unable to fight off.


Banks: Bob, stop, stop! Stop, this very moment!

A ruffled Mr. Banks rushes out to the entrance way, to stop Grizzly Bob's onslaught. Bob stops, and looks around to the entrance way.

Banks: Don't you dare move another muscle, and take your hands off of Diabolos!

Bob lets go of Diabolos mask, as the crowd boos.

Banks: Bob, this asylum will not be run by the inmates any longer. Two weeks ago, Mikey Stormrage maliciously assaulted a countless number of WZCW stars, hijacking our show in the process. I let him off with a suspension and a warning, in the hopes his behavior would not be repeated. And of all people, you, Bob? You're the one to do this? I'm afraid I can not tolerate these actions; I need to make an example out of you.

Bob places his hands on his hips, as he awaits whatever bad news Banks is sure to dole out.

Banks: If you'd like Diabolos, you can have him, at Unscripted. And I'll do you one better, Bob, I'll make it no holds barred match!

The crowd loudly cheers this, as Bob pumps his fist. Diabolos stills lays unconscious, on the ground,

Banks: Be careful what you ask for though, Bob. Because if you lose this match... You will be fired, immediately! You lose this match, and you will never set foot in a WZCW ring!

The crowd loudly boos this, as Bob looks on, and nods. He looks down at Diabolos, still a heap on the floor.

Banks: And may this serve as a lesson to anyone willing to try and hijack my shows. Now, get the rest of the contestants for the next contest out, immediately!

Banks' music plays him out, as Bob stares a hole into him. Illapa can be seen walking down the entrance way, her music playing in the background. Anderson can be heard saying.


Anderson: And his... Partner?.... now residing in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 225 pounds, The Goddess, Ilapa!

Connor: Jack, can you believe the bombshell just dropped there? Bob's job is on the line at Unscripted?

Cohen: He's lucky he didn't wind up in prison, like his thug buddy, Blade. Maybe when he's fired, he'll turn to a life of crime.

Connor: We'll be back with this tag team match... If we can even have the tag team match, I don't know what we're going to do about this!

Illapa enters the ring, as the crowd boos, and Terrence Howe tries to corral her. On the floor, the camera pans to an unconscious Diabolos, as we go to commercial.


When the camera cuts back, Hyada and Haven are entering the ring together, and climb the top ropes.

Anderson: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 416 pounds, Jonathan Hyada and Haven!

The two flip off of the ropes and perform somersaults, landing in the middle of the ring, and getting face to face. They shake hands, as Hyada performs a jumping spinning kick, and Haven ducks, delivering a leg sweep where Hyada has jumped. Hyada lands, and Haven stands back up, where Ilapa is alredy charging towards them. She connects with a clothesline to both men, and sends them down to the canvas, as James Aubrey calls for the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Connor: And ladies and gentlemen, Ilapa has decided she's going to start this match before it's even begun!

Cohen: Can it, you nit! Ilapa is kind of working at a disadvantage here!

Connor: Well, you have to imagine Hyada is working at a disadvantage, already attacked before his match tonight, but you don't see him starting before the bell!

Ilapa grabs Hyada by the head, who meets her with punches in the solar plexus. Hyada fights Ilapa away, and hits a vicious hook kick, right to the side of Ilapa's face. Haven makes his way to his corner, as Hyada begins to throw punch combinations at Ilapa. He then hits an uppercut, that sends Ilapa reeling.

Connor: Hyada looks to be using his martial arts more in this match.

Cohen: I wonder how much that dingus Haven has been in his ear.

Ilapa has been backed into a corner, and Hyada hits corner punches, some to the stomach, and some to the face. Diabolos is finally struggling to get to his knees, but to little avail. Hyada climbs the ropes, and screams out to the crowd. He starts punching, as the crowd starts to count.









But it stops at eight, as Ilapa carries Hyada to the center of the ring, and lands with an inverted atomic drop. Ilapa then manages to cradle up Hyada, and rolls him around the mat, circling the ring before cradling Hyada for a cover.



No, kick out at two!

Ilapa pounds the mat in frustration, and locks in a seated abdominal stretch. Hyada screams out in pain, as Ilapa attacks Hyada's already injured ribs. Haven claps for Hyada, as the crowd begins to rally support for Hyada. But as they're stuck in the middle of the ring, Hyada will need to reverse the hold. He begins to tuck himself into a ball, and rolls towards his corner, which results in a pinfall!



No, just a two count!

Hyada, however, is broken away from the stretch, and lunges toward his partner, to make a tag. Haven is in the ring, which causes the crowd to cheer, as Haven climbs the ropes. He hits a spinning wheel kick from the top rope, and Ilapa crashes down to the ring. Ilapa lays on the ground, as Haven bounces off of the ropes, and hits a flipping senton splash. Hyada goes for a cover,



Just barely two!

Ilapa kicks away Haven, and connects with an explosion suplex, as Terrance Howe cheers on from the floor. But as she cheers on, he notices someone creeping up to the apron, right next to him. Diabolos had finally made his way up to the apron, and is ready to fight.

Cohen: At last, backup for Diabolos!

Ilapa picks up Haven with a flapjack lift, hotshotting Haven into the ropes. Ilapa bounces off of the ropes herself, but is slapped on the back by Diabolos!

Cohen: That moron, what is he doing?!

Ilapa stares at her opponent, who stumbles into the ring. Ilapa decides to backhand Diabolos, which sends Diabolos back to the ground. Enraged, Ilapa decides to leave the ring, leaving Diabolos all alone! Howe chases down her client, as Diabolos bumbles to his feet. He slips on his footie pajamas, and Haven catches Diabolos' head! He hits Iron Justice, and locks up Diabolos for the cover!




Hyada and Haven celebrate together in the ring, as Diabolos lays in the ring.

Anderson: The winners of this match, Haven and Jonathan Hyada!

Connor: And 2014 may be the year of Havenada!

Cohen: Year of Havenada?! How about the year of Diabolos messing up his tag team partners!

Haven raises the hand of his partner, as they climb the ropes, to the approval of the audience.


We go backstage where Saboteur is seen pacing back and forth with Backstage Bob.

Bob: Are you sure this will work?

Saboteur: Of course I'm sure. After seeing that creepy Olympic mascot I know what I have to do.

Cohen: This can't be good. They are coming out here now.

After a few moments Saboteur and Bob wheel a cage to ringside, followed by a large portion of the roster who are curious as to what is going on.

Ladies and gentlemen, I, Saboteur, will prove humanity still rules over robots, and I rule over all my opponents in the Hell in a Cell, by wrestling a bear!

Bob pulls the curtain to reveal a bear inside the cage. Much of the crowd and roster gasp, Ricky Runn upon seeing the bear immediately runs as quickly as possible. As Saboteur opens the cage he slaps the bear a few times. He begins to gain a little confidence.

You're just nothing but a dumb bear. I'm coming with crazy fists, coming in with crazy fists.

Saboteur turns his back on the bear and begins to taunt to his fellow wrestlers. Suddenly the bear shoves Saboteur aside and runs out of the cage and through the roster. The bear barrels over Ace Stevens, taking him down. As Saboteur starts to get to his feet, Vega steps in and pulls his gold plated Desert Eagle, aiming at the bear. The bear rises to his feet and smacks the gun away before knocking Vega to the ground with a paw. As the bear runs backstage, Saboteur scrambles to grab a mic.

Everybody panic! Oh my God, there's a bear loose in the coliseum! There will be no refunds! Your refund will be escaping this deathtrap with your life! If you have a small child, use it as a shield! They love the tender meat! Cover your sodas! Bears love sugar! Everybody panic! It's just like the Titanic but it's full of bears!

Cohen: Ladies and gentlemen we need to go to commercial!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 410 pounds, Flex Mussél and Ramparte, Cerberus!

Both Ramparte and Mussél appear on stage. Mussél sporting a grin and carrying a duffle bag while Ramparte a sour look of unpleasantness. As the team saunters down the ramp Mussél hands out fruits and vegetables from his bag to members of the audience and hands some to Ramparte to do the same but while he’s not looking Ramparte just carelessly chucks them into the audience and enters the ring.

Connor: Well, great, a battle of who's the bigger creeps.

Cohen: Really, after what we just saw with Diabolos, Barrett Stratton, that awful Lady Gaga song, and a goddamn bear this creeps you out most?

Connor:... Fair enough.

Mussél chugs one of his protein shake before joining his partner in the ring to prepare for the match.


The lights dim in the arena as red and yellow lights flicker all around the stage. Aleksandr makes his way to the top of the ramp and drops to his knees, an evil grin spreading across his face. He is followed by LeQuint Brown a who pats him on the shoulder as Cuba returns to his feet, Kiriyama slinks out of the backstage area on his hands and knees.

Connor: Yep, perfectly normal, these guys.

Cohen: We get it, CC, but that's part of the mind games of this team. They work so well as a unit, well enough to dethrone the tag champs.

lood red lighting replaces the previous lighting canvassing Kiriyama's features making him look slightly maniacal. Kiriyama scournfully follows Cuba and Brown to the ring on his hands and knees, as he reaches the ringside area with cat like reflexes he jumps to his feet and rolls in the ring taking a crouching position in the corner alert to the slightest movement and sound on the tips of his toes. Referee Morse brings the teams together, and calls for the bell

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Cuba starts the match off for the Foreigners, with flex taking the reins for Cerberus. They circle around one another, and tie up. Flex easily gets the advantage, and pushes Cuba into his corner. He flexes his biceps, as the crowd ooh's. Cuba seems puzzled in the corner, and conferences with Atushi in his corner. Flex charges at them, but the referee holds him back.

Connor: It seems that Cuba is going to use his intellect to stall Flex's power game.

Cohen: Flex is a man with muscle and brains... I don't know how well that will go.

Cuba gets a chance to separate himself from Flex, and runs across the ring, hitting the ropes. He hits a running knee strike on Flex, as Flex holds his stomach in pain. Cuba clubs a blow into the back of Flex, and looks around, sizing up his next attack. Cuba lifts up Flex, and executes a picture perfect belly to belly suplex. He goes for the cover.



No, just a two count!

Cuba starts to get frustrated. He analyzes his surroundings, and decides for an aerial attack. He climbs the ropes, and comes to the top turnbuckle. He aims a missle dropkick at Flex, but Flex grabs his legs before he can connect. Cuba begs off, as Flex looks to the crowd, and begins the spin to win! He starts to spin around

Cuba tags in his partner Atushi, who jumps over the ropes, sizing up Flex. Atushi runs around for a bit, which gets Flex off of balance. As he hits the ropes, Atushi ducks, and springboards off of the ropes. He hits a back elbow, which floors Flex, and immediately climbs on top, applying an armbar on Flex. Atushi locks it in, as Flex struggles towards the ropes.

Cohen: Atushi seems to think the way to keep Flex down is by speed and grounding his opponent.

Atushi grips a hold on the arm, but Flex decides to lock his hands together, holding them high in the air. Atushi kicks to break Flex's grip, but the pressure is off of Flex's arm, as he stacks up Atushi.



No, just two!

Atushi kicks out, but Flex actually manages to keep his arms locked, wrapped around Kiriyama's left leg. This allows for Flex to lift Atushi high in the air, for a powerbomb position! But before dropping him, Flex decides to curl Atushi, once, twice, and three times, before dropping Kiriyama on his head. Flex makes the tag to his tag team partner, as Ramparte enters the ring. He starts to drop knees on Kiriyama's stomach. Then, he stands over Kiriyama, and slaps him, right in the face. The crowd oohs, as Ramparte taunts his downed opponent. but Atushi recovers, and kicks Ramparte in the stomach. Atushi gets up, and in a rage, pushes Ramparte into the corner, and starts slapping Ramparte in the face, in a rage. Flex Mussel rushes over to the corner, to try and break up the brawling between his partner and Atushi. Cuba actually enters the ring, to attack Flex, and anarchy brings out in the ring. As the referee attempts to maintain order in the ring, Flex and Cuba start brawling in the ring. Cuba goes for a delayed vertical suplex... But Flex reverses it, and holds Cuba high in the air. On the other side of the ring, Ramparte actually has Atushi in a suplex, and Flex looks over to his partner. He holds out his hand, and demonstrates how to do a squat, while holding someone up. Ramparte doesn't attempt... But is reversed, as Atushi slips behind Ramparte's back, and hits a spinning wheel kick to the back of Ramparte's head. Cuba, as well, slips out of Flex's grasp, and lands on his feet. He grabs Flex's head, and sets him up for a reverse DDT, but Flex actually flips Ramparte over his head, and hits a devastating powerslam. This leaves Kiriyama and Flex, together in the ring. Once again, Atushi attempts to use his speed in the ring. He bounces off of the ropes, attempting to hit a springboard elbow... But Ramparte has recovered, in enough time to trip Atushi from the ropes! Atushi falls on the back of his head, as Ramparte prepares him for The Catalyst. Flex grabs the legs, making it impossible to escape, as Ramparte sends Atushi crashing to the ground, and floats over for the cover.




Ramparte rolls off, as Flex picks up his partner.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Cerberus!

Cohen: That's sure to set a pecking order in the tag division.

Connor: With that win, the tag division just keeps rolling, and the teams just continue to wage war with one another


We return to Ascension with Darren Bull in the ring and ready for his match.

Connor: Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Ascension. Here's Darren Bull and..... Oh my God, he grabbed the mic.

I was screwed last week. But this week will be different. It will be the beginning.... Of the genesis of the start of..... Hey! Introduce me!

Anderson: No.

Darren: I-


Darren is cut off by Blade's theme. The lights flicker and the crowd pops. The man himself marches down to the ring without taking his eyes off it with all the focus in the world. He gets in the ring and as soon as he does, is met by a slap from Darren.

: What in the world is that moron thinking?!

* Ding Ding Ding *

The bell rings and both men circle the ring. Blade doesn't even take his jacket off. Darren approaches, but as soon as he does, Blade kicks him low and HALO!! He hooks the leg!




Anderson: Here is your winner, Blade!!

Connor: That was a hell of a match. Probably Darren's best yet.

Cohen: Agreed. Those first two seconds were kind of slow. But the match kicked it into high gear in the last three seconds.

Connor: In all seriousness, Blade cannot be in a good mood knowing Triple X is around.



Banks: Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming your current WZCW champions!

Barbosa, sans a title belt makes his way on stage, followed my EurAsian Champion Mikey Stormrage, Elite X Champion Fallout, and tag team champions Amber Warren and El Califa Dragon.

Tomorrow night these fine men and women will all be in action for our very special one hundredth episode of Meltdown! Not only will Barbosa defend his title against Ricky Runn in a Swag City Street fight, Fallout will defend his his Elite X Title against Theron Daggershield in a ladder match, and our EurAsian champion will reunite with James Howard to reunite one of the greatest teams in history, Strikeforce, to take on our current tag team champions Los Magnificos Dragones!

The crowd begins to cheer as Stormrage eyes his opponents from across the stage as they wave to the crowd. Barbosa and Fallout are clearly uncomfortable being paraded in front of the audience, but Banks seems to not notice.

Only in WZCW will you see so many stars on live, free TV! As well as our current stars, we will be bringing back a few stars from the past, including Phoenix, Ty Burna, and Big Dave! So from all of the WZCW family, thank you for allowing us into your home week in and week out and we hope to bring you a hundred more Meltdowns!
Anderson:Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for one fall, and is our main-event!

Anderson:Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 pounds, Triple X!

X makes his way down to the ring with purpose, paying no attention to the booing of the crowd while he looks over his shoulder a few times before making his way into the ring.

Connor:This is history in the making, Jack. How many people can say they've seen the Main-event for Ascension 75?

Cohen:Normally I'd make a crack about this, Cat. But Ascension 75 is no joke. Speaking of that, Triple X is no joke, and he's ready to turn Grizzly Bob into a punchline!

Grizzly Bob, however has a completely different mindset for the match, smiling brightly and waving towards the fans as he makes his way to the ring.

Conner:You can always depend on Grizzly Bob to be in a good mood.

Cohen:But good moods don't win you championships, Conner. Just ask Barbosa.

With both Bob and Triple X in the ring, the ref signals for the bell, starting the match. X spends no time messing around and goes for the Super-Kick but Bob dodges the kick with a surprised look on his face. Clearly surprised at X trying to end the match so soon. Bob then wagged his finger at X, taunting him. Only prompting X to attack with another X-Rated kick, again Bob dodges the kick and instead counters with a body avalanche, bouncing X right off the mat. X pops back up but before he could act Bob headbutts X, causing him to stumble into the ropes. Bob then launches X off the ropes off the ropes and on X's return he gets hit with a leg lariat. Bob goes for the pin. 1....2... kickout!

Cohen:If Grizzly Bob's not careful, Triple X can end this in a heartbeat!

Conner:Right now X has to worry about getting in control of this match before he thinks about winning.

With X still on the ground, Bob stands back up and runs towards the ropes to launch a seated senton. Instead X rolls away causing Bob to hit nothing but the mat on his butt! With Grizzly Bob sitting, gripping his back in pain, X quickly ascends the ropes to attempt a whisper in the wind that connects right on the money! X then goes for the pin. 1....2... kickout by Bob! Triple X stands up and shouts at the ref "You want more!?" X then stood in front of Grizzly Bob, stomping down on the ground, attempting to shake Grizzly Bob to get back up. Once Bob got to his knees, Triple X goes for a roundhouse kick, but Bob not only ducks under but gets a schoolboy pin! 1.....2... kickout by Triple X!

Conner:Triple X is clearly not used to wrestling big men with more pip in their step like Grizzly Bob.

Cohen:Well in Triple X's defense, he's too busy being better than everyone to wrestle small time guys like Bob.

X and Bob pop up to their feet both running towards each other for a lock up, a battle that Bob quickly wins with his strength. Grizzly Bob then attempts to lift X into a bear hug, but Triple X pushes Bob away and hops onto the ropes to land a reality buster on Grizzly Bob! Triple X then saunters over to the top rope and stands at the top rope. X listened to the booing of the crowd and laughs. Standing at the top rope he does Blade's signature taunt before landing his finisher, the Firefly on Bob. He goes for the pin. 1....2....3!

Anderson:Your winner by pinfall, Triple X!

Conner:As much as I disapprove of his... disrespect for Blade, X seems primed for Unscripted

Cohen:In the world of wrestling you need a edge, and I think Blade's is finally going dull!


Cohen: Speak of the devil.

Blade walks onto the ramp and begins to slowly and sarcastically clap for his foe. Triple X urges Blade to come face him. Surprisingly Blade makes his way to the foot of the ramp, but goes no further. X still urges Blade into the ring to fight him, but Blade keeps his cool. Triple X rolls out of the ring and heads to the timekeeper's area and retrieves a chair and slides back into the ring. As X raises the chair above his head over the fallen Grizzly Bob, Blade slides into the ring, X begging him to fight him. Blade keeps his cool, so X brings the chair down hard across the back of Grizzly Bob. Blade gets in the face of X, who sticks his chin out giving Blade a free shot, but Blade keeps his cool. Triple X lifts the chair back above his head and again brings it down across the back of Bob. Blade can do nothing but watch in horror as his friend is subjected to this torture.

Cohen: What a brilliant move my X, attacking the defenseless friend of Blade to provoke him.

Finally Triple X has had enough and places the arm of Grizzly Bob inside the chair and leaps into the air, his full weight coming down. A sickening crack is heard as Grizzly Bob yells out in pain, his arm a twisted mess. X continues to jump up and down on the chair until Blade is again in his face. X bends over and hands the chair to Blade and puts his hands behind his back.

Connor: What a monster! Triple X is giving Blade a free shot, knowing Blade can't retaliate.

With his foe's hands behind his back, Blade swings the chair and brings it crashing down on the floor. He takes out his frustration, bashing the chair onto the ground as Triple X simply smiles and rolls out of the ring, waving as he passes the medical crew who are rushing to the ring to attend to Grizzly Bob and his broken arm. The copyright info flashes on screen as Blade tosses the twisted, mangled chair aside as he tends to his fallen friend.

Yaz-Segments, end of XXX/Grizz
Blade-Opening, Taylor/Stratton
Pancock-XXX/Grizzly Bob
Killjoy Blade/Bull

Shout out to DarksideEric for the Hyada/Haven segment.

Switching things up on y'll, dropping Ascension on you first. Bet y'all didn't see that coming. 75 big issues of Ascension. Thanks to everyone who has made this possible, especially to me. I rock. Seriously I'm hella awesome.

Meltdown 100 tomorrow!
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