Ascension 58

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
We open without pomp or circumstance as we fade in one of WZCW headquarters many TV studios where we are greeted by a most sinister sight; Steven Holmes. “The Elite” is sat on a stool and beside him sits a table of similar style. Atop it is a closed suitcase. Holmes, as always, is dressed impeccably, his suit highly fashionable and likely highly expensive. Then, he begins:

Holmes: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Allow me first to apologise for suspending your opening montage set to generic rock music, that and of course your overly loud, unnecessarily expensive pyrotechnics display. I’m afraid they have to be put on hold because quite frankly what I have to say is far more important.

The live crowd provides a soundtrack, booing Holmes’s statements.

Holmes: Now let me cut straight to the point. I’ve recently been distracted from my quest to become the Heavyweight Champion of the World and your omnipotent overlord by an upstart by the name of Triple X.

Cheering sweeps across the arena as Holmes shudders and sneers.

Holmes: Now obviously I have far more important things to do than engage a far inferior talent such as Triple X in combat and as such, that’s why I am unveiling this:

Holmes unclips the briefcase. He slowly opens it. Within it are piles and piles of money well ordered and organised into rows.

Holmes: This is $500,000 and it shall go to the man, woman or child who eliminates Triple X from WZCW.

Holmes smirks, dipping his hand into the briefcase to pull out a stack of cash. He lifts it to his nose and inhales, smirking all the while.

Holmes: Let the games begin...

As Holmes laughs, we cut to Ascension’s opening video...



Connor: "Welcome everyone to Ascension and I'm here with Jack Cohen and Jack, we've already got some drama starting up the show as Holmes offers people half a million dollars to take down Triple X."

Cohen: "I'm thinking about taking Holmes up on his offer. I've got a few gambling debts to pay off."

Connor: "Well hopefully this bounty is reversed but right now, let's start off the show with tag team action."

We cross to Selena Anderson in the ring, ready to announce.

Anderson: The opening match of Ascension 58 is scheduled for one fall. Already in the ring, representing the Stark Talent Agency, Connor Reese, Wilhelm Wunderbar and Benjamin Hoss!

Connor: “A group like this should be menacing but Connor Reese maybe just doesn’t have the It Factor like we thought he did.”

Cohen: “I believe in Connor Reese.”

Connor: “Me too, just like I believe in those Japanese adverts you did last year Jack.”

Anderson: And on their way to the ring, the team of Sandy Deserts and Celeste Crimson, Fairy Glitter Armageddon!


Connor: “I’d rather believe in something I can pin my hat on. These two ladies are going to be a great team, I can feel it.”

Cohen: “When I see these two ladies, I feel something that I can hang my hat on.”

Connor: “Jack Cohen! You disgusting old man!”

Cohen: “Hey! Less of the old!”

Connor: ”Anyway, back onto the match while Jack Cohen perves away! This will be a great tester for Al Stark’s band of merry men.”

Celeste and Sandy make their way out to ringside and pose on the turnbuckles. The duo of Wunderbar and Reese rush the ladies before the ref rings the bell and he tries to break up the assault. The ref eventually pulls Wunderbar and Reese back and both men are forced to halt their attack. Wunderbar pushes past the official and he orders Reese and Hoss to pull the ladies to their feet but this revives Sandy and Celeste. Hoss and Reese are rocked by forearms to the face but Wilhelm throws Sandy over the top rope to the outside, leaving Celeste on her own with Hoss towering over her.

Cohen: “You need to show some respect to Mr Stark! His agency may be the greatest collection of talent in WZCW history.”

Connor: “”

Sandy has landed almost totally on her feet. She immediately goes for Alicia who screams. That causes all three men in the ring to turn around. Celeste is dropped by Hoss. Wunderbar and Reese charge out of the ring and Sandy runs away.

Connor: “This is crazy! Sandy Deserts has grabbed Alicia Hoss!”

Cohen: “Assault! Assault!”

Connor: “And Benjamin Hoss looks like a lost lamb!”

The referee rings the bell! Hoss looks on dumbfounded in the confusion as Wunderbar goes mental on the outside. We see Celeste backed off into the corner where Alicia and Wunderbar are on the floor and Reese is on the apron. Alicia desperately yells “Charge” to her brother and he lunges forward but Celeste moves out of the way! The impact has little effect on the giant and Reese tags himself in.

Connor: “Celeste has outmanoeuvred Benjamin Hoss and Connor Reese comes in!”

With Wunderbar and Alicia screaming orders on the outside, Reese hooks Celeste’s arms behind her. Hoss does he is told and backs off before lunging forward. Celeste forces an arm free and pulls Reese out of the way. Hoss charges into the ropes and ends up hanging himself in between the top and middle cords! Alicia and Wunderbar race to help the big man. Celeste reaches Sandy in their corner and Deserts comes in!

Cohen: “Help him! Help Connor!”

Connor: “Oh boy, this is not going to end well.”

He receives the Mists of Rheum to the face that dazes him. Celeste gets in position to hit a German Suplex just as Sandy hits the Springboard Seated Senton! The team move works brilliantly and they follow it up quickly with The Crimson Nightmare. Even before the girls can torque their respective submission moves, the self-proclaimed Future of Professional Wrestling cannot tap quickly enough. Hoss is still tangled in the ropes and Wunderbar yells infuriated as he sees his protégé fall in the centre of the ring.

Cohen: “That’s damn impressive teamwork by this new combination.”

Your winners, the team of Sandy Deserts and Celeste Crimson, Fairy Glitter Armageddon

Connor: “Alex Stark is not going to be happy.”

Cohen: “That’s Mr Stark to you.”

Connor: “Well Mr Stark has just seen his boys fall apart against a less experienced unit. So much for Connor’s aspiration of being a Tag Team Champion.”


We see the Grand Mystique backstage. The man is almost surrounded by darkness but what light there is, it picks out the rich shades of blue and silver in his mask.

GM: “Tonight, Universal Evil puts a stake through the heart of the legend that is Titus. He will go down alongside David Cougar as a another famous victim of the Hand of Prophecy. But while I should go on to claim my rightful shot at the WZCW World Champion; that is not my destiny at this time.”

“No, we will finish what we have started. The soul of Strikeforce has been ripped apart and it’s now time to destroy their heart. There is no fun in doing this quickly. No, we will delay the inevitable and torture it slowly, giving the rest of WZCW a preview of what can be their future.”

“Mikey Stormrage is going to fail in his bastardised quest for revenge and my brothers are going to seize the opportunity that they created at Unscripted.”
Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 152lbs, Isabel Stone!

The diminutive Stone marches her way down to the ring, but not without a few glances back over her shoulder before she reaches the ring.

Connor: Isabel Stone is a something of a pocket rocket. She is usually the smallest in the fight but that does not seem to bother her.

Cohen: She is not afraid to use whatever means to win and I like that; although she does seem somewhat distracted.

Connor: Maybe she is worried about another appearance by Sandy Deserts?

Cohen: Even from the professional graveyard, Kurtsey is still managing to steal some of Isabel's spotlight.

Anderson: And her opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 225lbs, The Second City Daredevil, Ricky Runn!

The daredevil appears on stage without his face paint and seems ill at ease with his upcoming match as he walks down the aisle, doling out a couple of half-hearted high fives before then walking up the ring steps and entering the squared circle.

As the referee rings the bell, the competitors come face to face but Ricky still seems ill at ease. Isabel waves Ricky forward but this does nothing to elicit a physical response. Even a push to the chest of the Daredevil does little to get him to initiate contact.

Connor: Ricky is clearly uncomfortable in having to potentially trade blows with a woman.

Cohen: He is going to have to get over that quickly or else he will be on the losing end.

That discomfort is then sorely tested by a massive Stone slap to Ricky's face. However, instead of get angry, Ricky rolls with the slap and ends up with this back to Isabel. Not one to let such an opportunity pass, Stone immediately takes Ricky down with a schoolboy roll up.


Ricky quickly gets his shoulder up.

Isabel smiles and again waves his forward again. However, this time, Ricky accepts the challenge and initiates a lock up. Unsurprisingly, the subsequent collar and elbow tie up sees Isabel quickly overpowered back into the corner. However, when the referee steps in to enforce the break, the wily Ms Stone jabs a finger in Runn's eye.

Connor: I see what you mean about doing whatever it takes to win...

Cohen: She planned that all along. I love it!

As Runn reels backwards, a quick flying headbutt to the gut puts the Daredevil down. Perhaps looking for a Kidney Check or even a quick Crash Course, Isabel rushes into one of the corners and ascends the turnbuckle.

However, she is not quick enough as Runn cuts her off, using the ropes for a step up enziguri, leaving Isabel straddling the top turnbuckle.

Connor: Ricky lost his inhibitions in a hurry!

Not wasting any time, Ricky then springboards off the second rope and wraps his legs around Isabel's head in an attempt for a modified RickyRana.

However, whether because of Isabel trying to counter or a failure in Runn's technique, the attempted RickyRana does not rotate far enough and rather than landing on her back, Isabel is spiked head first into the canvas from the second rope.

On impact, a sickening crack echoes around the arena, eliciting a massive groan from the audience but what is even louder is the shocked silence as it is immediately clear that Isabel is not moving.

Connor: Oh my god...

Cohen: Get help out here now!

The referee quickly moves in and almost immediately throws up crossed arms and tells Ricky to leave the ring. Within a few agonising seconds, several EMTs rush from the back and quickly get to work stabilising Isabel's neck with a brace and a back board.

Ricky stands outside the ring, watching the EMTs and medics work on the stricken Stone, a look of shock on his face and his hands clasped behind his head.

From Ricky's increasingly pale face, instead of turning back to the ring, the camera moves about seemingly aimlessly but not pointing towards the ring before moving to the commentary table. With Cat too shocked to speak, Jack Cohen takes over.

Cohen: Ladies and gentleman, this is a contact sport and people get hurt, sometimes accidentally, sometimes seriously. This is one of those times and for the sake of decency we here at WZCW are not going to subject you, the viewing public, to what is going on in the ring and will now instead cut to these messages.

As the camera fades out for the impromptu commercials, Cat stands up from her seat, takes off her head set and moves towards Ricky, putting an arm around his shoulders.


Triple X is backstage, chilling out in front of a monitor. He is typcially relaxed, an atittude that Leon and Becky are confused by considering the price on his head.

Leon: How can one man be that relaxed?

Serra: A lack of fear?

Leon: He doesn't fear Holmes? That's a bit....reckless isnt it?

Becky: A guy like X takes reckless as a compliment.

We see Johnny Klamor and Stacey Madison approach their broadcast colleagues.

Serra: Hey guys. Whatcha doing?

Klamor: We're about to become $250,000 dollars richer. Down the middle Stacey baby!

Madison: Yeah right. Just do it.

They sneak up behind X who is engrossed into what is going on the monitor. Johnny has a chair behind his back and Stacey has some rope. Leon takes a big step forward and kicks the chair out of Klamor's hand. Becky lets out a loud laugh and Leon gets a fierce scowl from Stacey while Klamor gives him a stiff clip around the side of the head. X perks up at the sound of the chair hitting the floor.

X: Hey guys.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!


Titus comes out from the gorilla position to a heavy pop from the crowd. We can tell that he is caught in a half-somber mood tonight. He casually starts his trek down the entrance ramp and connects with a few hands from the audience.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring at a weight of 225lbs from Keystone City Kansas, this is....Titus!

Connor: Titus has set a standard this year that I am sure no one will be able to break in 2013.

Cohen: Oh yeah? What standard is that?

Connor: No one will ever be able to come as close to winning the World Title as Titus did at Unscripted. Now he has to live with the “what ifs” for the rest of the year, if not the rest of his career.

Cohen: The old dog already has two world title reigns under his belt. Besides, it appears that he has went from facing Showtime, the world champion, to challenging the next best opponent, Chris K.O.

Connor: Don’t you think that is a bit of a stretch?

Titus has now made it to the ring. We see him pointing to the crowd on a turnbuckle whenever a new music chimes in.


The lights are cut. A buzz of boos can be heard throughout the arena. Suddenly, spotlights begin flashing on the turnbuckles in the ring in multi-colors. We see that Titus is still on his. He slowly gets down. As soon as he steps down onto the mat, the music stops. The lights flicker off, but then back on again. Grand Mystique is standing on the same turnbuckle that Titus was just on!

The crowd boos him heavily. Titus looks up the tower of the man as Grand Mystique looks down and into his soul.

Anderson: And his opponent, from the deepest, darkest corner of the Universe, weighing 364 pounds, The Grand Mystique!

A roar is heard as Mystique jumps off of the turnbuckle with his hands clenched in the air. Titus holds up his forearms to block, but Mystique clubs him down and the force sends Titus crashing to the ground.

The referee signals the bell and the match is underway. Mystique quickly follows up his clubbing with some stomps. Titus tries to roll away, but Mystique is stomping him as he goes. Finally, Titus picks up enough momentum to roll away and stir back up to his feet. The crowd is buzzing over the initial interaction.

Connor: No time wasted here! This is a battle of two cosmic entities in the WZCW. Both of these men have little to prove.

Cohen: This is a battle where we will probably just see everything hang out CC.

Titus lunges after Mystique, but Mystique attempts to grapple onto him. Titus sidesteps it and is able to grab the arm of Mystique in the process. He now has a standing armbar locked on Mystique. Titus proceeds to kick the side of Mystique and releases the arm in the process. Mystique staggers away, but Titus quickly comes up behind him. He sends a stiff kick to the tailbone of Mystique, which causes him to lean back. Titus tucks the head underneath his arm and hits a reverse DDT! He goes for the cover, 1...PUSH OFF! Mystique launches Titus a few feet away from him. Luckily, Titus catches himself and returns to his feet. Mystique uses some nearby ropes to pull himself up to do the same.

Cohen: Mystique is truly a marvel on this company. Everything about him just screams magnificent.

Mystique adjusts the gloves on his hands as he steps towards Titus. Titus doesn’t back down and meets him in the center. Mystique pulls back and sends a stiff punch to the face of Titus! Titus eats it, but returns with a punch of his own! Mystique absorbs the blow and returns with another punch as well. Titus comes back for more! Back and forth, they trade blows. Finally, Mystique sends a right hand that causes Titus to stagger backwards and into defense position. Mystique steps up and grabs the arm of him and irish-whips him hard into the turnbuckle on the other side of the ring. Titus goes flying into the turnbuckle and slams chest-first into it. The crowd gives an “ooo!” The impact causes Titus to flinch in pain and slowly back out of the turnbuckle, however he is quickly sandwiched in-between the turnbuckle and the massive entity known as The Grand Mystique! Mystique flies in back first and crushes Titus against the turnbuckle. Titus just crumbles onto the ground. Mystique grabs Titus by the arm and drags him away from the ropes. He goes for the cover, 1......2.Kick Out!

Connor: Titus may have a bruised sternum after that attack from Mystique!

Mystique shakes out the cobwebs and returns to his feet. He grabs a handful of hair as he picks Titus up with him. He hoist him up on his side and drops him down hard on his knee for a side backbreaker! Titus grunts in pain as he reaches back for his back in pain. Mystique just looks down at him and then out to the crowd. They boo him mercilessly. Mystique then proceeds to pick Titus up. He is surprised to find the veteran sending an European uppercut into his chest. Mystique flails back as Titus steps up to his feet. Mystique comes back to counter, but he eats another uppercut. Mystique staggers backwards this time, and Titus follows up by sidestepping Mystique and running to the ropes that are close behind him. He leaps up to the second one and then spins in the air as he returns to the dazed Mystique! He palms the back of his head and sends him crashing face-first into the mat! The crowd pops!

Connor: Springboard bulldog by Titus! This could be it.

Titus goes for the cover, 1........2.Kick Out!

Cohen: Not yet CC!

Titus rolls off of Mystique and towards his feet! He climbs up to his knees but he has something with him! The ankle; the ankle of Mystique is in the deadly hands of Titus! The crowd perks up and start cheering as Mystique reaches out towards the center of the ring! Titus wrenches the ankle while the referee checks to see if Mystique wants to tap. Mystique reaches up and grabs the front of the referee's shirt. The referee begins flailing his arm, and Titus looks confused as he keeps a lock on the ankle. In a motion of swinging force, Mystique pulls the referee to the side and then launches him at Titus behind him. The impact causes Titus to release the hold as the referee and him fall down with minimal damage. Mystique crawls away and quickly climbs to his feet. Titus hops back up and goes after Mystique, but he is met with a ready opponent. Mystique lifts Titus up and drops him back down on his back for a spinebuster. The slam is heard throughout the arena! Mystique flips Titus over onto his stomach and grabs around his waist. He picks Titus up in an impressive display of strength. Titus’ feet leave the floor as he feels himself being slammed over Mystique’s head for a wheelbarrow suplex! We hear and see Titus’ back being slammed against the mat. Mystique bridges the maneuver!


Shoulder Up!

Titus is able to get one shoulder up, but Mystique doesn’t mind this at all. He somehow maintains the grip on Titus’s waist and rolls them over. Then, once again, he pulls Titus up with an impressive display of strength. He locks in a belly-to-back bearhug!

Connor: Not good! Not good!

Titus begins flailing his arms as Mystique drains the life out of him. Mystique tries to keep control, but Titus is not going down without a fight! In a wild display, Titus is able to twist and turn himself enough that Mystique drops the hold and releases him.

Connor: Yes!

Cohen: It doesn’t matter! The damage is done.

Titus is now on all fours as he holds his abdomen in pain. Mystique stands idly nearby. Titus looks up at Mystique and grits his teeth as he gingerly gets to his feet. The crowd cheer him on as he does so. They share an intense stare for a small moment, but Titus quickly introduces an unusual action.


Titus slams his hands together, and the crowd finally catches on. The clapping slowly gets louder and louder as Mystique looks out towards the audience. Titus is feeding off of the energy as he pumps himself up. It is go time! Titus lunges at Mystique! Mystique goes for a clothesline, but Titus ducks it and drops down into a crouching position. He presses his hands down on the mat as he twirls himself around and executes a spinning kick to the heels of Mystique! The big man crashes down as his feet get kicked out underneath him. Titus gets back to his feet and steps away from Mystique. He turns back around to see that Mystique is getting back up to his feet, but is now in a kneeling position. It is a prime setup for the Tit Drop! Titus knows it, the crowd knows it, maybe even Mystique knows it! Here we go!


A chorus of boos quickly fill up the arena as Titus turns around to look up at the entrance stage with a half-annoyed and half-confused look.

Cohen: The savior of WZCW! The guy we all owe our jobs to is here to help Titus take down the evil Grand Mystique. He is here!

Actually, he is not here. No one comes out from the back. The music cuts off after a few seconds, but that is long enough. Titus turns back around and he is met by Mystique! Mystique pulls him and picks him up! Titus is dealt with The Hand of Prophecy! Mystique makes the pin,


Anderson: Here is your winner by pinfall, The Grand Mystique!

Connor: Hogwash! Titus got screwed.

Cohen: Are you joking? Mystique had Titus nearly crippled. You don’t even know that Titus could've pulled it off regardless. Besides, I am sure that it was just a technical problem in the back. Chris' hands are clean.

Mystique is already leaving the ring, but we look back and see Titus stirring inside of it.

Connor: Whatever it was, I want answers. Chris K.O. left Titus without saying a single word whenever Titus offered a challenge for All or Nothing. Now we hear his music and it cost Titus the match! Hogwash!

We see Titus once more before the camera goes black and we go to commercial.


Becky Serra is running backstage to try and catch up with Ricky Runn.

Serra: "Ricky!"

The Second City Daredevil is in no mood to chat but Becky won't be denied her interview.

Serra: "Ricky, I want to talk to you about Isabel."

Ricky: "I don't want to Becky"

Serra: "But it wasn't your fault."

Ricky: "Of course it was."

Serra: "But it was an accident."

Ricky: "Yeah. Yeah it was. Seriously Becky I am not in the mood."
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 178 pounds, from his hidden underground laboratory...Mister Alhazred!

The lights go black before the music starts. At the toll of the first bell a pyro in the shape of the Triforce goes off on the stage and the lights switch between red, blue and green. Alhazred walks on stage to mostly cheers with a few boo's sprinkled in and holds up his Power Glove and heads down the ramp, talking to himself under his breath as he does. He rolls under the bottom rope and walks around the ring. He stops in the center and punches his fist in the air as pyro goes off on the turnbuckles. He goes in the corner and checks his glove.

Connor: Alhazred is now making his way to the ring, fresh off a victory over Jacoby Capone last time on Aftershock.

Cohen: The same Jacoby Capone who just lost to Krypto. I'm not saying the kid doesn't have a lot of talent, but at the same time...the little alien freak. That's about the same way I'd describe Alhazred, only less alien.


Anderson: And introducing his opponent his opponent, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Washington, D.C., he is the Elite X Champion...Sam Smith!

Sam Smith walks out in his ring gear, but he stays at the top of the ramp. He has a microphone in his hand and the WZCW Elite X Title draped around his waist.

Smith: Just a moment Alhazred. Before I come down there and beat you, there is a couple things I need to get off of my chest.

Smith pauses as the crowd boos.

Smith: Make no mistake about it. I am apart of the most dominant duo that WZCW has ever seen. There has never been such a powerful team holding two separate titles. I have grown leaps and years beyond what you ever seen me before. I am at a pinnacle that is ever expanding and never ending. And for some reason, you people just don't get it. You don't get it, and I know that because you are not giving me my proper dues.

The crowd boos.

Smith: Let me give you a bit of a track record. At Unscripted I beat your beloved hero, Triple X. Triple X, the same man who beat Steven Holmes for the Elite X Title. Steven Holmes, the same man who decimated Big Dave at Kingdom Come. Big Dave, the same man who ended Ty Burna's year long WZCW World Heavyweight Championship reign! Do you people get it now? Do you understand my lineage? If you do, then you need to respect the sight before you. Since my return, there has been no challenge that I have not met and accomplished with ease. You people need to wake up and realize that the era of Sam Smith has already begun.

Smith drops the microphone and heads down to the ring.

Connor: Well, that was certainly something. Sam Smith is out now for this non title contest, coming off a victory in a six person tag team match last week. While the Elite X title is safe for now, you have to believe that with the scene wide open, a win for Alhazred here could make him the number one contender.

Cohen: Smith is one of the best Elite X champions ever. If you think he's going down to Alhazred tonight, keep dreaming.

Smith is now in ring and seems to have handed over his belt to the referee. The ref hands the title off for safe keeping before checking both competitors for anything illegal. Once satisfied, he separates them to opposite corners and we are underway. Smith and Alhazred lock up in the center of the ring, each jockeying for position. Smith gets the better of it and forces Alhazred into the corner, where the ref calls for a break. Smith doesn't give it right away, separating enough to throw a hard right - but Alhazred slips under it and gets behind him, and with Smith off balance Alhazred is able to take him down headfirst and get a headlock on on the ground. Alhazred holds onto the headlock until Smith is able to get a leg up around his neck and reverse it into a headscissors. Alhazred gets his legs up and kicks up hard, breaking the hold and getting to a vertical base. Smith follows him up but Alhazred is quicker, taking Smith back down with an armdrag and going right back to the headlock, keeping it in tight. The ref checks for a choke, but it's clean. Smith is able to power his way to a vertical base and back Alhazred up to the ropes, where the ref calls for a break. Alhazred lets up, but Smith gets a knee up into his gut before separating. Alhazred doubles over in pain as Smith gets his bearings. After a moment, Smith grabs Alhazred by the head and nails a hard strike right to the side of his head, staggering Alhazred. Smith grabs hold of Alhazred near the middle of the ropes and whips him across, but Alhazred reverses it, sending Smith flying into the ropes. On the rebound, Alhazred ducks down and Smith leaps over him, they turn to face each once more and Smith hits a dropkick! Smith goes for a cover and gets one, but only one as Alhazred kicks out.

Connor: A slight advantage for the champion so far in the early going, and controlling the tempo of this match is definitely in his best interests.

Cohen: Sam Smith is a true ring general. It's one of his most under appreciated qualities - his ability to dictate exactly how a match is going to play out.

Smith continues the attack, pulling Alhazred to his feet and grabbing hold of his head. He ducks down and throws Alhazred over his back in a takedown, completing it with a headlock on the mat. Alhazred struggles to get out of the hold and works his way to a vertical base, backing Smith up to the ropes and using them to force Smith off of him. Smith takes full advantage, though, and rebounds off the ropes to land a huge clothesline on Alhazred. Alhazred is laid out and Smith hits the ropes again, but Alhazred rolls over and Smith jumps over him, rebounding again as Alhazred gets to his feet, Smith comes back at him and Alhazred leaps all the way over, Smith rebounds again and Alhazred leaps over AGAIN, Smith comes back and this time Alhazred hits him with a leaping forearm smash! Alhazred goes for the quick cover and gets one, but only one as Smith kicks out. Alhazred pulls Smith up to his feet slowly, struggling with the weight, and Smith pushes him away once they're both up. Alhazred uses the ropes to gain momentum and pounces on Smith, forcing him down and then letting him elevate, hitting a monkey flip! Smith goes down hard on his hip and staggers up holding it, leaning on the ropes for support; Alhazred sees it, charges, and hits a clothesline that forces Smith over the ropes and to the floor! Alhazred takes his time to recover in the ring as the ref counts Smith, counting 1...2...3...4...5...6...and Smith drags himself back into the ring at six.

Connor: Alhazred decides to take a break and force his opponent to expend his own energy to get back into the ring here.

Cohen: A poor decision, if you ask me - Alhazred wants this match to be as fast paced as possible to take Smith out of his element.

Alhazred gets on Smith immediately, going for elbows to the head before pulling his opponent up and hitting a DDT. Smith rolls out of the ring rather than face a pinfall, leaving Alhazred looking frustrated. Alhazred pursues to the outside this time, chasing after Smith. Smith retreats, sliding into the ring just a step ahead of Alhazred, and Alhazred catches a leg to keep him where he is. While Alhazred struggles to do something, Smith kicks off hard and sends him flying into the barricade, staggering him. Smith quickly gets onto the apron and waits for Alhazred to turn and face him; once they're square, Smith leaps off the apron and NAILS a massive clothesline that sends Alhazred to the ground hard. Smith catches his breath and considers his next move, sliding into the ring to wait. Alhazred is barely stirring as the ref counts...1...2...3...Alhazred is shaking his head to clear it...4...5...Alhazred is trying to stand up....6....7...Alhazred has forced himself to one knee....8....Alhazred is standing....9....Alhazred slides into the ring at the last moment! Smith is on him immediately, locking in a headlock that he wrenches hard for several moments. Alhazred is able to force himself to a vertical base, though it takes him a while, and tries to fight out with axe handles to the gut. Some more axe handles and elbow strikes break him out of the hold and send Smith staggering back a few steps, giving Alhazred time to hit the ropes and rebounds. Smith aims a kick at Alhazred's gut but Alhazred ducks underneath at the last moment. Alhazred pops up behind Smith, but Smith levels a huge haymaker at Alhazred's head that connects hard. The ref complains about the closed fist but Smith is barely listening as the ref checks on Alhazred, who appears willing to continue. The ref lets the match proceed and Smith immediately follows up with a kick to Alhazred's gut. Alhazred struggles to get into a corner and Smith does not relent with his kicks, just laying into Alhazred until the ref is forced to break it up in the corner.

Connor: Smith is playing pretty fast and loose with the rules tonight, and he'll want to be careful to avoid a disqualification.

Cohen: It's legal until the ref tells you to stop, and then you've got five. He's not doing a thing wrong tonight - on the contrary, he's doing what every smart athlete would do in that ring.

Alhazred struggles to get his bearings in the corner as Smith comes at him again; Alhazred desperately throws a right at Smith, catching him in the chest. He keeps a series of elbow strikes coming, backing Smith up across the ring. Alhazred tries to whip Smith into the corner, perhaps an unwise decision as Smith reverses it, sending Alhazred into the corner hard. He crashes into the turnbuckle and collapses. Smith drags him to the center of the ring and covers him, getting one, two, but only two as Alhazred is able to kick out. Smith pulls Alhazred to his feet, grips him and elevates him, sending him crashing to the mat with a spinebuster! Smith leaves him laid out and goes to the top rope, spending a moment gloating before he flies off - and NAILS A MOONSAULT! He covers Alhazred and gets one, two, but only two as Alhazred's shoulder is up at two and a half! Smith is incensed and he argues with the ref, but the ref is adamant that it was only two. Smith looks frustrated as he kicks Alhazred around the ring, damaging his pride more than anything. He eventually lifts Alhazred up and hits a powerslam on him. Smith goes back to the top, taking his time, gloating to the crowd as he's up there, flies off with the moonsault - but Alhazred rolls out of the way! Smith crashes and burns! Both men are down and struggling to get up!

Connor: The high risk offense may have cost Smith big time, as things are rapidly evened up here!

Cohen: I never liked Smith having that move in his arsenal - when you're as talented as he is, you don't need that kind of offense in your skillset.

Both men are up at the same time and stagger toward each other - Alhazred hits a shot with his power glove that staggers Smith and sends him to the mat. Smith pops up and gets another shot! He stumbles up once more and gets met with a dropkick from Alhazred! Alhazred hits the ropes as Smith once more gets to this feet and Alhazred flies, nailing a leaping clothesline! Alhazred leaps to the middle rope and dives off with a fist drop! Alhazred doesn't go for the cover, instead signalling for the end as he waits for Smith to get to his feet. Alhazred whirls around, looking for Level 5, but Smith backs away from it, gets into the corner and Alhazred charges him. Smith ducks out of the corner and Alahzrhed hits the corner instead. Smith goes after him but Alhazred slips out and over the ropes, then bends backwards and nails a kick to Smith's face! Alhazred climbs to the top rope and follows up with a HURRICANRANA! Alhazred turns it into a takedown and goes for the pin, getting one, two, but only two as Smith kicks out! Smith staggers to his feet and Alhazred waits for him, charging him when he's up, but Smith elevates him over the ropes. Alhazred hangs on and stays on the apron. Smith throws a left hook and Alhazred counters with a hard right. Alhazred tries to springboard in but Smith meets him with a dropkick! Both men are down! Smith crawls over for a cover and gets one, two, but only two! Alhazred kicks out!

Connor: No one can sustain an advantage here in this one!

Cohen: Who just went for a cover, huh? Smith has this in the bag!

Smith gets up and pulls Alhazred to his feet, putting him on his shoulders, looking for Nightfall, but Alhazred slips off and clips Smith in the knee. He backs off and aims for the Level 5 again! He whirls just as Smith gets up - but Smith ducks under it! He stays down and lifts Alhazred up onto his shoulder and NAILS NIGHTFALL! ALHAZRED IS UNCONSCIOUS AS SMITH GOES FOR THE COVER! He gets 1, 2, and 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Sam Smith!

Smith rolls out of the ring to collect his title belt and gloat while the the ref checks on Alhazred. Smith gloats on his way to the back as Alhazred is barely able to stir after having his lights knocked out by Smith's knee.

Connor: An impressive victory for the Elite X Champion as he rolls on with yet another victory. But Alhazred deserves a lot of credit for a very game effort.

Cohen: You know what - I'll give you that! Alhazred was on point, and that just proves exactly how impressive Sam Smith is, as he continues to beat the best that WZCW can throw at him.

Smith: "CUT MY MUSIC!"

Confusion reigns as Smith stands in the ring. He lays the Elite X title in front of him. The music eventually stops.

Smith: "I am the best Elite X Champion of all time."

The crowd boo but Smith doesn't stop.

Smith: "That wasn't an opinion, that is me telling you idiots a fact. I guess at All or Nothing I'll be forced to defend my championship against a bunch of no-names who aren't fit to lace my boots. Rush and I are unstoppable and the fact that WZCW are incapable of finding challengers for us speaks volumes. So when Rush wins his next match against Matt Tastic and dismisses him as a challenger for good, then we will refuse to show up at All or Nothing because management has nothing for us."

Smith: "And you wonder why we want to see this company burn. You maggots are dismissed."

Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff of The New Church are walking backstage alongside The Grand Mystique.

Jacobs: "That’s a fine evenings’ work sir."

GM: It is greatly satisfying to accomplish ones’ destiny.

Westhoff: There was never any doubt when a higher power guides y-

Westhoff is interrupted as the trio cross paths with Chris KO. The four men share suspicious looks before the White Knight speaks up.

Chris: Just admit you were the ones who played the music. I had Dave and Bateman instantly down my throat because of it.

Westhoff: We have nothing to hide.

Chris: I don’t need idiots like you trying to sabotage my good name.

GM: Chris, you need to accept that soon enough your name is going to be anything but good.

Chris lifts his nose at them as Jacobs and Westhoff smirk. Chris begins walking away.

GM: Hey!

Chris stops.

GM: I just did what I knew that you wanted to do all along. Accept your destiny Chris. Embrace it

The New Church walk off leaving a pissed off Chris KO in their wake.
Inside the ring we see Vance Bateman alongside Big Dave and Chuck Myles. The ring is set up for the contract signing, with a large table with a long black cover set up with two chairs placed on both sides. Vance Bateman has a mic and speaks.

Bateman: Good evening WZCW fans, my name is Vance Bateman. I am the General Manager of Ascension and with my follow colleagues here we are about to begin the contract signing for the WZCW Title match at All Or Nothing between the challenger John Constantine and the champion, Showtime David Cougar.

The crowd’s cheers instantly turn to boos as Constantine’s music plays. Two unknown workers come out first with a long carpet and begin to unroll it slowly down the stage ramp. Constantine at last walks out onto the stage, wearing his crown and holding his KFAD briefcase. He waves in a dignified manner at the audience as Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen walk up beside him. The three men slowly walk down to the ring.

Connor: On Meltdown it was revealed that Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen are working alongside John Constantine. Showtime was clearly the favourite before, but now I’m not sure how he will stack against these three men.

Cohen: King Constantine is a brilliant leader. These two have made the biggest impacts ever in resent months and it’s all under the guidance of King Constantine.

Constantine walks up the stares and into the ring. Cooper and Bowen circle the ring making sure all is safe before entering the ring. Bateman is applauding inside the ring as The Empire hand Constantine a mic and he speaks.

Constantine: My fellow subjects, tonight is the beginning of glory for my Kingdom and I will reshape WZCW in my image. I have told you all that I am WZCW’s King and now that I have my loyal subjects beside me, we are ready to tear down the society you are all so comfortable living in and a new WZCW will be born. No more will you see deranged, repulsive, uncouth, and dishonourable men like Barbosa and S.H.I.T. run wild in this company. No more will an egotistical superstar driven by ratings represent your champion. I am the purest, I am the most honourable and dignified. I am King Constantine and I will be the greatest champion this company has ever had. You will all bow to me with respect and if Showtime refuses to do just that than my men, The Empire, Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen, will make him bow down and kiss the tops of my feet. Showtime... I’m calling you out here now to sign this thing and get it over with. Please, don’t make us have to do this to you kicking and screaming. Show some class, show some hon-


The audience explodes with cheers as WZCW Champion Showtime David Cougar walks out onto the stage. The title belt isn’t the only thing he is carrying as he also has in his hands a bunch of cardboard Burger King crowns. Showtime high fives a number of fans along ringside and give the crowns out to little kids along the way. Constantine appears displeased with Showtime’s jester as he takes his time getting to the ring.

Cohen: What a dishonourable clown Showtime is. He is practically in the presence of royalty and he is out making a clown of himself.

Connor: Or poking fun at Constantine, who isn’t really a king.

Showtime climbs into the ring and shakes Big Dave and Chuck Myles hands he. He goes to shake Bateman’s hand, but does the old pull back at last second when Bateman goes to shake it. He extends his hand out to Constantine, who gives it the most disgusted look imaginable. Showtime shrugs his shoulders and takes a seat at the desk.

Constantine: You disrespectfully little vermin. All you are doing is guaranteeing a world of more hurt from the wrath you are about to unleash from within my Kingdom. Showtime, your jokes only amuse these simpleminded peasants here watching tonight.

The crowd boos loudly at Constantine, who waves his hand at them to be silenced.

Constantine: Perhaps then, once my Kingdom has taken over and WZCW is reinvented in my image, I will take you in and use you for what you are really good at. Making jokes and acting like a fool. A Kingdom always needs a good court jester.

Bowen holds up the KFAD briefcase and Cooper opens it and takes the contract out and hands it to Constantine.

Constantine: Now like I said, I had a new title match contract written up that included a specific match that I wanted to face you in Showtime. This is just a small display of the power I hold in WZCW and what will be to come once I hold in my possession that title. Showtime the match that you will face me in to defend the WZCW Title will be a Four Corners match.

The crowd reacts and Constantine places the contract down on the table and points for Showtime to sign it. Showtime picks up the contract and glances at it before dropping it back down.

Showtime: No.

The crowd pops and Constantine looks enraged.

Constantine: No?!?

Showtime: Yes, no! First, you’re only guaranteed a title match against me, you don’t have any power to pick the match and demand that I sign it, despite what you think. Heck, my contract probably gives me more perks and control over my career than yours. Hey Justin, Alex, you know that private jet you took to get here tonight, I can tell you that it wouldn’t have come out of my check book to get it. Second what the heck is a Four Corners match? Certainly not a wrestling match that’s for sure. Sounds like a triathlon with a bunch of running around and touching markers. Perhaps who ever invented the relay match should’ve called this match it instead. Not only that, but what’s to stop Captain Australia and the Hardcore Biker over there from holding me down and letting you walk to victory. I’m sorry, ‘King’, but I’m afraid I’m not agreeing to this royal proclamation.

Showtime knocks the contract off the table and it lands at Constantine’s feet. He looks enraged and slowly goes to retrieve it when Showtime speaks.

Showtime: No, no. Don’t worry about that contract. Look, I know you don’t want a plain one on one match. You’ve talked about diabolical plans and obsessing and blah, blah, blah. You want to embarrass me and soundly defeat me. Dave, show him the new contract.

Dave picks up a folder lying on the mat and takes out some papers and hands them to Showtime. Bateman looks at this in wide eyed disbelief.

Bateman: Now what just a minute. This is my show and I have not looked over those documents. Mr... I’m sorry you highness, King Constantine presented me his contract, which was fair and impartial, and-

Showtime: Bateman, I can’t believe you're still up at this hour. I figured you recorded Ascension and then edited yourself in during the rebroadcast. Now pipe down and let the big boys talk, yes I am talking to you Constantine. It was at All Or Nothing 2010 when our paths first crossed. It was during the main event, and we made a little agreement to embarrass Austin Reynolds and take the Elite X Title off him. It was the first time that this type of match ever took place in WZCW. Constantine, if you want to prove yourself to me and WZCW that you truly are the King of the WZCW ring, then I challenge you to an Iron Man match.

The crowd pops loudly at the announcement. Constantine and The Empire look around angrily at the audience.

Constantine: You know what, my plan is already ruined by your insubordination. I am going to make you regret you ever tried to make a fool out of me in my Kingdom again. I accept your challenge.

Constantine quickly signs his name down on the contract. Showtime quickly does after and hands the contract back to Dave. He puts it in his folder and goes to leave, with Bateman and Myles following close behind. Showtime stands up and Constantine glares at him as Cooper and Bowen slowly begin to circle him.

Constantine: Now, it is time for you to pay once again for your disrespectful behaviour towards WZCW’s King.

Showtime looks back and forth to Bowen and Cooper and then looks back at Constantine.

Showtime: Do you think that when I walk into the King’s Court and convince him to agree to my demands instead of his, that I am going to do this alone?

Constantine stares at Showtime, unsure by what he means. Suddenly the table flips over and Barbosa appears from beneath it. The crowd pops loudly at the surprise appearance as Barbosa charges at Bowen and flips him onto the mat, punching his wildly in the face. Constantine stares down at the both of them and the distraction allows Showtime to hit a flying elbow on Constantine. The two fall to the mat and Showtime begins to punch Constantine, but not for long as Cooper runs in to help Constantine. He escapes outside the ring and Showtime and Cooper are standing in the ring, trading punches and knife edge chops. Constantine walks to the ramp side of the ring and looks at the madness inside the ring. Bowen is up against the ropes, having slipped away from Barbosa. Barbosa stands up and runs at him, clotheslining Bowen over the ropes. Showtime has Cooper against the ropes and Irish Whips him towards Barbosa. He bends down and flips Cooper over the top ropes and he falls onto a standing Bowen right in front of Constantine. The crowd pops loudly as Showtime’s music plays. Barbosa glares at Bowen and Cooper and Showtime retrieves his title belt. Showtime looks over at Constantine and holds his title up in the air.

Connor: Chaos irrupted at the end of the contract signing. It looked like Showtime would get beaten down again by these three men, but Barbosa was hiding under the table and managed to extract a small amount of revenge on The Empire.

Cohen: Showtime got what he wanted, but he angered an entire Kingdom to do it. Showtime may regret goading Constantine into an Iron Man match. What happens if Constantine plays a similar trick on Showtime?

Connor: Better than Showtime’s odds in that Four Corners match. Showtime was the best wrestler of the year in 2012 and Constantine will need to bring his A-game regardless to defeat him. This should be an amazing match.


From earlier in the night, we see Mikey Stormrage arrive in the building. The crowd pop to see the popular superstar. Without a smile or even a flicker of happiness on his face, he disappears straight into his locker room.


We then see Drake Callahan come into the building using the same entrance. He is sharply dressed in a suit and wears sunglasses. He too heads straight for his personal dressing room.

Connor: Tonight, our main event could be a barn-buster. Mikey Stormrage, who is desperately chasing revenge against The New Church will face Drake Callahan, the conspiracy spewing former World Champion in a one on one match! That is up next!
The arena is filled with the rumbling of many fans discussing what they’ve seen so far and what is still to come. Then, the bell rings to signal our next contest is soon to be underway, but first, we throw to Selena Anderson.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall.

A pause strikes the arena, before pure, unbridled hatred strikes the arena:


As the audience unleashes its hatred, the former World Heavyweight Champion enters the arena:

Anderson: From Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds; DRAKE CALLAHAN!

Drake smirks as he saunters down the ramp. He glares at a number of the fans who reach out for high fives and nearly gets into, shall we say, verbal debate with another fan.

Connor: Last week Drake Callahan defeated Titus. Tonight he faces a much different athlete.

Cohen: If you want to call him that, sure. But Drake is always ready for the challenge CC.

Drake pauses before entering, shaking his head at the audience’s overwhelming loathing of him. He poses in the ring to illicit further booing. Then, suddenly it all changes as a new theme hits:


Selena: And his opponent, weighing 315 pounds, from Indianapolis, Indiana; MIKEY STORMRAGE!

Bursting out, Stormrage is deadly serious despite his fun loving reputation. He points at the ring before charging down the ramp and sliding into the ring.

Cohen: Look out Drake!

Drake has to dive through the ropes to avoid the momentum of Stormrage. He is livid with this, though Mikey pops up and raises his arm to give the fans something to cheer.

Cohen: What does this fool think he’s doing, he could’ve seriously injured Drake out there.

Connor: I think Mikey is channelling his rage and that could work for him tonight.

Cohen: An angry fighter is a sloppy fighter CC.

As Drake slides back into the ring, he has a few words with the referee who rolls his eyes before checking both men are ready for the start of this contest. He rings the bell and we’re underway. Drake backs away from the clearly volatile Stormrage who scowls at Callahan. Taking a few moments to compose himself, Drake’s eyes dart around Mikey, seeking a weak spot to target. Stormrage motions for Drake to bring it, but Callahan refuses, still seeking an opening for his attack.

Cohen: Look at the game plan of Drake Callahan. The man isn’t rushing in and attacking like some mad thing. Instead he sees the target and analyses it. Clever.

Growing in frustration from a lack of action, Mikey decides he’ll be the one to make the first move and steps forward to pursue Drake. Then, a light bulb goes off in Drake’s head. He charges at Mikey who takes a swing at him, but Drake ducks it. Wrapping his arms around the waist of Stormrage, Callahan grabs a waistlock. Mikey uses his massive backside to lash out at Drake, but Callahan expects it, and moves back in time. He also moves his arms upwards to hook into Mikey’s arms before shoving all his weight downwards, onto Stormrage and forcing a forward Russian legsweep. He goes for a swift cover: 1…KICK-OUT! Mikey uses his size advantage to force Drake off the cover. Callahan immediately back off. As Mikey begins to rise, Drake sees yet another opening and prepares to seize it. He charges at Mikey again, this time preparing for a massive big boot. Stormrage though anticipates it and pops up quickly, allowing him to grab Drake and fling him backwards with a belly-to-belly suplex. Drake bounces off the mat. Using the corner of the ring to his advantage, Drake tries to get up to a standing position. He then realises what a mistake this is, but too late. Mikey uses all his weight to smoosh Drake into the corner. As Mikey steps aside, the former Heavyweight Champion slowly collapses backwards in comedic fashion.

With the audience laughing at Callahan’s misfortune, Mikey cracks a slight smile for the first time, finding humour in the move. It quickly disappears though as he thinks of his next move. Picking Drake’s carcass up, Mikey whips him into the opposite corner. He repeats the charge and again smashes into Drake. Callahan again falls forward, but this time, the massive body of Stormrage is there to catch him. Forcing Drake back into the corner, Mikey unleashes a vile knife edge chop. Drake grabs his chest in sheer agony. Mikey though is unrelenting and hits another. Drake cries out in agony, but Mikey is still having none of it and shoves Callahan back in for a third to complete a hat-trick. Only now does Stormrage back off, allowing Drake to fall to his knees, clutching his chest. Mikey backs off even further in order to get a running start as he uses his knee to smash drake’s face in some more with a knee lift. The already sensitive face of Callahan is wracked in even more pain as the Cleveland native falls back, grabbing his face and rolling around, his body wracked with pain.

Connor: Mikey Stormrage has been totally unrelenting here to start things off. I’m not sure Drake can take much more of this assault.

Cohen: I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Stormrage has done a magnificent job thus far.

Rather than go for a cover, Mikey decides he wants to vent his frustrations further and picks Drake up from the mat. Using his vast strength, Mikey again throws Drake into the corner and prepares to unleash another knife-edge chop, but the veteran Callahan sticks a quick thumb in Mikey’s eye to blind him. Seeing this as a potential breather, Drake slips downwards and roles out of the ring. He takes some deep breaths to recompose himself as Mikey’s vision returns. Stormrage leans outwards and grabs Callahan by the head, but drake gives him an open hand slap. Mikey releases Drake who slides back into the ring and kicks Stormrage right in the midsection. He attempts to execute a snap DDT, but Mikey holds the middle rope to stay standing as Callahan falls backwards. The crowd once more laughs at Callahan’s misfortunes. Growing agitated by the arena’s laughter, Drake becomes rash and careless, seeing to shoot off a quick running big boot. Mikey though is deceptively quick and sidesteps this, forcing Callahan’s groin down on the middle rope. He falls backwards, clutching at his nether regions.

Noting his opponent is down. Stormrage looks upwards at the top rope and begins to climb. The crowd slowly begins to get louder. It knows what’s coming as Stormrage reaches the summit. He steadies himself as Drake continues to weep, holding his groin in agony. Stormrage throws himself from the top rope, seeking to hit the Stormrage Splash. The crowd hold their breath as Drake rolls out of harm’s way and Stormrage crashes and burns. Drake drags himself across Mikey’s body. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Drake clearly swears as he thought he had the win there. He starts to get to his feet, stomping on Mikey as he does so. He looks left and right before pulling off an incredibly athletic move; a standing shooting star press. He hooks Stormrage’s leg: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Mikey forces Drake off with pure power. Despite the freaky show of strength, Drake isn’t discouraged. He marches around Stormrage trying to figure out what his next move should be. He leans down and grabs a front facelock, bringing Stormrage to his feet. He pulls Mikey’s arm over and tries to hoist him up, but the weight is too great. He struggles and strains, but Mikey won’t budge. Then, circumstances change as Mikey openly blocks any attempt of a manoeuvre and instead delivers a snap suplex of his own.

Connor: It would seem Mikey is simply too heavy for Drake to hit the Faded Memory on.

Cohen: Oh what a surprise that is.

With that dry comment, Mikey lifts Drake up. He whips Drake into a corner and goes to execute another splash into the corner. Drake though sees it coming and ducks out of the way. Mikey’s head bounces off the turnbuckle and instinctively Drake grabs a roll-up: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Drake is quick to put distance between himself and Stormrage. He rubs his chin, thinking about what just happened and an idea pops into his head. He heads to the opposite corner and starts removing the padding of the turnbuckle.

Connor: What is Drake doing?

Cohen: Trying to get the win anyway he can...genius.

Callahan pulls and rips at the turnbuckle, bursting it open as the referee steps in to try and prevent him from doing further damage. Drake starts yelling at the ref and actually shoves him into Stormrage. Mikey shoves the ref out of the way in order to attack Drake. Callahan though is faster than Mikey and ducks him, before firing off a dropkick into the corner. Mikey’s head cracks off the exposed turnbuckle and Callahan rolls him up with a schoolboy, imitating his earlier pin attempt: 1...2...3! Immediately, Drake bails out of the ring as Mikey’s head pops up, a rage across his face.

Anderson: Here is your winner; DRAKE CALLAHAN!

No his knees on the outside, Drake raises his hands in victory. He pants and soon after holds his chest in pain from the earlier chops. He smirks, knowing he escaped tonight. Mikey is a colourful portrait of pure rage. He rises to his feet and starts to move towards the edge of the ring where Callahan is. Drake rises to his feet and backs off swiftly.

Connor: Well it looks like Drake escaped by the skin of his teeth tonight.

Cohen: True, but that’s all he needed to do and it got him the win, so you can’t take anything away from him CC.

Connor: I suppose not, though Mikey Stormrage certainly dominated this match tonight. His frustrations continue to boil as he fails to defeat Drake Callahan tonight here on Ascension. From myself Cat Connor and Jack Cohen, we wish you a good night!

Our final shots are of Drake heading back up the ramp, staring into the ring as a highly angered Mikey Stormrage breaths heavily through gritted teeth.


Backstage we here someone calling for help. The camera runs towards the sound and enters a backstage locker room. A group of wrestlers, Big Dave, Vance Bateman, and personnel stand in a circle and the camera pushes its way through to find EMT’s checking on Titus. Titus holds his side in pain as the EMT’s try to keep him still. Everyone can be heard talking about what happened or who could have done this when the room goes fairly quiet. The chatter stops and the circle opens up and we Chris K.O. has entered the room. Everyone has their eyes fixed on K.O. who enters the room slowly. K.O. bends over the injured Titus and looks at him without saying anything. Dave looks up at Titus.

Dave: Chris you didn't, did you?

K.O.: No, I.... I came to tell him that it was Mystique that played my music.

Chris addresses the room.

K.O.: I will find out whoever did this to Titus and make him pay for his crimes. Justice will be served because that is what a hero would do. That is what Titus would do...

K.O. nods his head and leaves the locker room. Titus can be heard groaning in pain as EMT’s try to lie him on the gurney. We see the WZCW logo appear at the bottom of the screen as the camera fades to black.
Who Wrote What:

Barbosa - Stone vs. Runn
Harthan - Smith vs. Alhazred
FunKay - Bounty Segment, Stormrage vs. Callahan
Kermit - Titus vs. GM, Smith's First Speech & General Tidying
Numbers - FGA vs. STA & Segments
Showtime - Contract Signing & Segments

I did absolutely nothing for Ascension except telling you who did what... so don't rep me. Rep these guys for doing an awesome job and we do apologise for having this show slightly tardy. That's what that other company does to us, I guess.

Aftershock should be on-time. See you then.
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