Ascension 134

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

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The camera pans, showing a packed house of fans at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. A loud cheer fills the air, as fire works explode, and the commentators welcome the world to WZCW.

Connor: Welcome WZCW fans to another episode of Ascension! Cat Connor here, as always, to host tonight’s card. The countdown to Gold Rush ticks forward, but tonight we’ll see Keith Kole battle Mikey Stormrage for the Mayhem title.

Cohen: That kids got a great opportunity, Cat. If he manages to knock Stormrage from his massive perch, it’ll sure to the boost that FlexAmerica is looking for.

Connor: Looks like we’re opening the show with the number one contender, Jack.

Cohen: That Titus; he’s always got some kind of wisecrack thing to say. Let’s see how he plans on running down King Mussel this time. Doesn’t he know that his highness is a great world champion?

Titus marches down the ramp, waving at all the smiling faces of the fans that cheer and chant his name. He rolls into the ring, and grabs a microphone from the official on the other side of the floor. He smiles, staring up at the sea of people in front of him.

Titus: How are we doing tonight, Rhode Island?

The crowds cheers, as the former world champions shoots them an energetic grin.

Titus: I’m excited for the conclusion of the Gold Rush tournament, do you want to know why? Because it’ll mark the beginning of a new chapter of a new era in WZCW. On one hand we have Xander. He’s been plagued by the demons of his past, and is driven solely by his desire to conquer. On the other hand we have Kagura. I think her desires are more natural. She’s been to the top before, and she wants to prove that she can do it again. The tournament is important, because one of these two competitors will be the future number one contender to my world championship after I defeat Flex at Gold Rush.

The fans continue to cheer, as Titus grins.

Titus: That’s right; he’s King Mussel now, and I’m supposed to call him ‘His Highness.’ He doesn’t like being called a commoner, but you see, that’s the problem. Titus Avison doesn’t bow to anyone. Doesn’t matter if he’s a King… Or a Queen…. Or a Jack, Ace, or numbered card. Flex to me is just like anyone else, and I’ll call him anything I damn well please.

The hall of famer paces around the ring, as he moves the microphone around in his hands.

Titus: Right now, he’s got something that I what. For far too long, I’ve been waiting to get back to this level. Of course, I was too busy making history as the longest reigning Eurasian champion ever, but I knew eventually in the back of my mind that my reign would end. When it finally did, I found myself thinking about the future. Could I make it back to the top? Could I climb back up, and win the world title one more time? I look at both Xander and Kagura, and I can respect both of them for what they’re trying to accomplish. Really, us three are in the same boat, trying to prove to the world that we belong.

He reaches up to scratch his nose, as the fans continue to hang onto his every word.

Titus: I don’t know If I can respect King Mussel, though. Flex, what are you doing? You’ve finally realized your dream after years of trying to make it to the top, and yet you’ve chosen to hide yourself behind a bunch of cronies. Why? You’re better than that. Or are you scared of someone like me? Someone that understands your strengths, as well as your weaknesses, and knows how to use them against you. Though I will admit that you do have something going for you that I don’t have, and that’s numbers. Against Flex on his own, as he is right now, taking that title for me would be easy, and he knows that, but with numbers on his side, I just don’t know anymore. He’s the massive Toyota, and the wily Kole, both of whom are going to be breathing down my back at Gold Rush. I’m basically walking into a three on one handicap match, and I like those odds less than a one on one. I’m a worried? A little. Am I scared? No way. Am I determined to win? Absolutely. Make no mistake Flex, the clock is ticking. Soon your ivory tower, and everything that you have built since R-Awakening, will come crumbling down around you. Once I win the world title, I will prove once again why all of you sitting in attendance have heard legends about me.

Connor: What’s this? Annie Halloway has come out here to interrupt Titus. What’s the meaning of this?

Cohen: She sure has some balls, for a chick that is.

Titus turns, and stares at the rookie with a perplexed look on his face. Annie stands on the stage with a small smile on her face. She reaches behind her back to reveal a microphone of her own. He tries to be as polite as possible in this particular short of situation.

Titus: Did you take a wrong turn and get lost, sweetheart? I don’t remember you being scheduled for the opening. This is my time you’re interrupting, you know? Do rookies not have respect for their elders anymore?

Annie: On the contrary, I do have respect for you, but I am of the opinion that opportunity should be taken when it comes knocking. I’m a rookie, I admit that, and like all rookies I lack a reputation. Tell me Titus, do you even remember my name?

The decorated champion chuckles, as he gives the girl a glance over.

Titus: You’re Alice Adams, right?

The crowd laughs, as Annie doesn’t respond. Instead, she holds the microphone back up to her face.

Annie: Somehow, I knew you were going to respond with something snarky, so I made up my mind to come out here and challenge you to a match, right here; right now.

Titus raises an eyebrow, and chuckles.

Titus: You’re challenging me? I have to say, you’ve got a lot of nerve! Nerve, but plenty of guts. I like that, but I’m sorry Girl-Whose-Name-I-Can’t-Recall, but I don’t just hand out matches to anyone that asks.

Annie: I know, which is why I asked to have this match sanctioned by Chuck Myles earlier. He thought I was crazy, asking to have a march with you, but when I see an opportunity like this one then I’ll take it. Even if I lose, I’ve give you everything that you can handle, but just don’t take me likely.

Connor: Annie just challenged Titus to an impromptu match, right here, right now!

Cohen: Wait, can she even do that?

Connor: Apparently, she got Chuck Myles' permission.

An official walks out from the back, and quickly makes his way down the ring. He slides inside, and starts conversing with Titus. His mouth drops opens a bit, but he turns towards the rookie, and smiles.

Titus: According to the official, it would seem that you aren’t bluffing. This is indeed a sanctioned match. Challenging accepted, kid. Get down to this ring, right now.

The girl nods, and proceeds to walk down the ramp. She rolls into the ring, and walks right up to the number one contender. She lifts her microphone one last time.

Annie: Afterwards, regardless if I win or lose, you won’t ever forget the name of Annie Halloway, Titus. I can promise you that.

She hands the microphone to the official, as Selena Anderson enters the ring. The match was under way.


From the jump Annie hammers away at Titus, who didn't expect such a bum rush. He is backed into the ropes and referee Keith Morse tells them to break. Titus shakes his head out and gets off the ropes and they tie up. Titus gets the upper hand, capitalizing on Annie over committing on her move, and works a side headlock. He takes her down with a slick move, getting behind her and forcing her to the mat. He tries to grab his ankle lock but Annie kicks him away and scrambles to her feet. Titus tries a dropkick but misses after a swift dodge from Annie. She then tries a dropkick of her own, but Titus rolls away. They both then try to throw super kicks, but neither connects and the crowd cheers at the quick display.

Cohen: Why are they cheering? That was like three missed moves in a row.

Connor: They appreciate the athleticism Jack.

Titus nods approval at Annie as she readies to fight again. Not at all intimidated by the status of the Hall of Famer she closes the gap and slips behind Titus after a wild punch. She grabs a neckbreaker and pops to her feet and waits for Titus to stand and grabs him and hits a European uppercut. He staggers a bit and Annie spring boards off the ropes and connects with a knee to the side of Titus' head. She quickly makes the cover...One!...Two!...Titus kicks out. Annie stands and tries to get TItus to his feet, but he grabs her ankle and rolls her to the mat and tries again for the ankle lock. Annie gets to the ropes before much damage can be done. Titus releases the hold and backs off. Annie holds the ropes while she stands and moves her ankle around. She tells Titus to bring it, but he doesn't fall for the ploy. Instead she charges him. He takes her down with an arm drag and hangs onto the arm and slaps an arm bar on. Annie fights it and manages to work and wiggle and manages to eventually lock in Hallowed Road, her Cattle Mutilation finish! Titus has almost no control over his arms but manages to scoot and barely get his foot on the ropes to force the break. Annie doesn't break the hold, instead she switches the hold into a pinning combination and the referee gets in position...One!...Two!...Three! She releases the pin and both she and Titus pop to their feet as the bell rings. Titus is confused and asking the ref what happened.

Connor: Wait, its over? What happened?

Cohen: The ref ordered Annie to release her submission hold, which she did. The ref never said she couldn't transition into a pin. Titus didn't have his foot on the rope anymore.

After a brief explanation, Titus throws his hands in the air, clearly frustrated but leaves the ring to allow the ref to raise Annie's hand in victory.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Annie Halloway!

Annie makes the ref keep her arm raised and she pumps her fist and we go to commercial.
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Keith Kole is seen pacing in the locker room when Flex Mussel comes in.

Flex: Nervous?

Kole: Not at all. I know I can beat fatass. I've just been thinking of all the ways I can inflict pain. Mayhem rules, I can do anything I can think of.

Flex: Indeed. Once you defeat the glutton, we will be one step closer to making WZCW a respectable place again.

Kole: Believe it. FlexAmerica will have a gold surplus when I'm done tonight.

Flex: I only wish we could do it someplace other than Providence. I mean, what kind of place is Rhode Island? It isn't even an island.

Kole: Don't worry. Soon we can annex this place to FlexAmerica and give it a proper name.

Flex nods but places his hand on Kole's shoulder.

Flex: Don't lose site of our current goals. First we get gold and then we can annex this place, or better yet, wall it off. Yes. We will build a wall and make Massachusetts pay for it. If not I will shut down all of WZCW.

Kole nods as Flex pats him on the shoulder and the two forcibly remove the cameraman so they can talk strategy.
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Backstage, Stacey Madison is standing with a microphone at hand to start an interview.

Stacey: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I have Annie Halloway, who has just come off the biggest win of her career, defeating Titus Avison. Ms. Halloway, any words after your victory? What's next after this major victory?

Halloway pulls the microphone away from Madison to speak her piece.

Halloway: What's next? Anything! Much like my opponent last time, I learned from my mistake and I did whatever I could to win. I did not take a veteran lightly this time. I did not pull my punches. I went out there and I did everything I had to to win. And now, now that I've beaten the #1 Contender to the World title, I demand to be inserted into the main event of Gold Rush.

Madison pulls the mic back to retort. Feeling rather uncomfortable with what she has to say.

Stacey: Ms. Halloway, I'm sorry to say. Despite your victory here tonight, that can't be done. For one, all those contract details are already set in stone but more importantly, even though you did defeat Titus, this would be your first victory in a while. You'd more than likely need more victories to be considered a challenger still.

Halloway: Of course. There's always an excuse to not give me what I deserve. But that's fine. For now. I simply have to repeat what I did here tonight again and prove my superiority.

Stacey: Feeling proud about your victory?

Halloway: Oh, of course not. Why be proud about what's expected of me? And besides, like I've said before. Pride comes before the fall. And I plan to stay standing on top.
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Cohen: Quite the night already with a huge upset on the card. But we also have Zhanasi looking to continue his winning ways.

Connor: Don't underestimate Dirk Buchanan who is making his debut right now!

Lights through out the arena begin to dim as the music starts up. Dirk Buchanan steps out from behind the curtain, where smoke billows out from the ground on either side of him. He stands for a brief moment, runs his hand through his hair, before slowly making his way down the ramp as he acknowledges the fans along the way.

The fans aren't sure how to react but he steps in the ring and grabs the microphone.

Dirk: Providence, Rhode Island.

The crowd cheer at this.

Dirk: I have waited my time to debut in WZCW and I thought tonight would be the perfect location. What a beautiful city with a town of people who make me happy. I am blessed to be here, you make me better for who I am.

The crowd lap up his words, an obvious natural born leader is talking to them. Suddenly Zhanasi appears on the titantron. In true style his lips don't match his voice.


His over the top evil laugh is met with boos.


The lights cut out. The two red lights shine up from the ramp. Zhanasi is nowhere to be seen. As the music hits the choir the spotlight turns on to reveal he's in the ring behind Buchanan. The lights come on.

Buchanan knows what's happening as he picks up Zhanasi and hits the Wanderlust! The Muscle Breaker knocks Zhanasi down. Buchanan covers. 1...2...3!

Anderson: The winner of this match. Dirk Buchanan.

Cohen: So as I was saying Cat, this Buchanan fella looks good.

Cut to commercial break.
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Anderson: The following contest is a Mayhem Rules Match, is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Mayhem Championship! Introducing first, the challenger. weighing in at 235 pounds, from San Diego, California, accompanied to the ring by Kassandra Kross and Wasabi Toyota, Keith Kole!

Kole walks out onto the stage after a few moments of his music playing, his two managers for the evening walking out behind him. Kole has some swagger in his step as he walks down the ramp, and stops along the way to taunt some fans, before heading further down the ramp and entering the ring. Toyota and Kross go to his corner on the ring as Kole slips off his vest and tosses it out of the ring, as he awaits his opponent.

Cohen: Well it looks like Kole is ready for his big opportunity tonight as he has a shot to bring more gold home to Flex America.

Connor: That he is, but I think even if he wasn't ready for this match he wouldn't let it show, Kole is a very arrogant person after all. How do you like his odds of pulling off what some would call an upset and becoming the new Mayhem Champ?

Cohen: I'd say if he stays focused on the match, he has at least a fairly good shot. It's not gonna hurt anything to have the big man Toyota in his corner either, that has to raise his odds of winning.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 361 pounds, from Southwest, Puerto Rico, he is the Elite Overweight and Mayhem Champion, Mikey Stormrage!

The lights turn green in the arena as Mikey walks out onto the stage, one belt over each shoulder as he looks down to the ring, and sees Kole already making a motion around his waist and pointing to the Mayhem Championship. Stormrage doesn't react to him however, and makes his way down the ramp, taking time to high five some fans as he goes. He reaches ringside and unloads the gold from his shoulders before walking up the steps and entering the ring, holding them up proudly as Kole tries to make a run at him before the bell, but he gets yelled at by referee Keith Morse, causing Kole to hold his hands up innocently and back up. Mikey hands over the belts to Morse now as the music cuts out.

Connor: It looks like Kole tried to jump him before the bell, thankfully he got stopped.

Cohen: I guess he's a little anxious to get things going tonight. Hopefully it doesn't lead to him making a mistake, we both know Mikey knows exactly what he's doing in that ring and if you make mistakes, he's going to catch you.

**Ding Ding Ding**

As soon as the bell rings, Kole wastes no time charging across the ring, looking for the early advantage...but Mikey easily sidesteps, letting Kole run into the turnbuckles, before getting a school boy pin! 1...2, but Kole escapes, and Mikey has a big grin on his face, knowing he almost caught the rookie so early.

Cohen: See what I mean? That was almost a very costly mistake for Kole.

Connor: I think Mikey got some pleasure out of tricking Kole there, but it seems to have only made Kole mad.

Kole tries to charge back at Mikey, looking for a clothesline, but Mikey ducks it, and grabs Kole, dropping him with a quick exploder suplex! Kole rolls out of the ring in anger, kicking the barrier at ringside, as Mikey stands ready to fight in the middle of the ring. Kole looks in the ring, debating going right back in, but instead he calls Toyota over, and the two huddle at ringside. Mikey sees what's going on, and shrugs to the crowd before going out onto the ring apron just as the huddle breaks, and they see Mikey barreling towards them looking for an apron cannonball...but Kole runs away, letting Toyota take the full force of the blow! Mikey gets to his feet, but as soon as he does, Kole comes from around the corner and wipes him out with a running neckbreaker!

Cohen: Genius move by Kole! Not only did he let Toyota get hit with the cannonball, but then he jumps Mikey as soon as he gets up to take control of the match!

Connor: It was very smart, and it makes me wonder if the huddle was just a decoy plan that was set up backstage.

Kole drags Mikey to his feet and rolls him into the ring, his head hanging off the ring apron, but not for long as Kole drops an elbow on his face, causing Mikey to roll further into the ring as Kole looks under the ring for toys, and pulls out a steel chair! Kole grins as he slides into the ring with the chair, and taps it on the mat as he waits for the champ to get to his feet, preparing to swing for the fences. Mikey does get to his feet a moment later, and as soon as he does he feels the cold hard steel crack across his back! Mikey however only goes to one knee, but Kole smacks him across the back a second time, and the second shot is enough to knock the champ fully down to the mat, as he lays there face down in pain.

Kole grins as throws the chair down, but instead of going for a pin, he exits the ring, and quickly pulls out a kendo stick from under the ring, it appears he has more ideas for ways to hurt the duel champ. Kole slides into the ring with it as Mikey stumbles to his feet, and Kole waits for him to turn around before swinging with the stick, and cracking it across the head of Mikey, knocking him down to the mat! Kole appears satisfied now, as he tosses the stick down and covers Mikey for a pin attempt, has he done enough damage?! Mikey kicks out!

Cohen: A good start so far here by Kole, but it's gonna take more than that to pin the hall of famer.

Connor: Agreed Jack. I'm sure he knows that though, and he has the weapons introduced so he has the means to do it too.

Kole picks up the steel chair he used earlier, and places it in a sitting position in the middle of the ring, it appears he's setting something up. Kole grabs a handful of Mikey's hair as he starts getting up, and uses the leverage to drag him to the chair, placing him in it and firing off multiple punches to the face to keep him there. Kole picks up the kendo stick now, but instead of attacking right away he stops to taunt the fans, warning them that this is about to be glorious. Kole turns around, and aims the kendo stick at Mikey, before rearing back, but Mikey suddenly jumps up pushes Kole through the middle rope and to the floor!

Connor: Interesting move by Mikey there, but it looks like he just needed a way to avoid being hit by the kendo stick and buy himself a minute or two.

Kole hits the floor hard, the kendo stick landing next to him as Kross runs over to check on him. Mikey looks to be waiting for her to move, but suddenly he gets smacked over the back by a steel chair from Toyota! Mikey goes down as Toyota laughs, and smacks him a second time with the chair as Kole pulls out a table from under the ring! Referee Keith Morse now grabs the chair out of the hands of Toyota, tossing it out of the ring and yelling at him about getting involved. Toyota shrugs and stomps on Mikey, but only once before Morse pulls him away, and ejects him from ringside! Toyota is angry but doesn't protest, instead simply leaves the ring as Kole sets up the table at ringside.

Connor: Good! Toyota needed to be ejected before he turned this into a full on handicap match!

Cohen: For once I agree with you, if Kole wants to become champion he needs to do things fairly. But I think Toyota may have already set him up for the win, Mikey is down after two hard chair shots and Kole used that time to set up a table at ringside, this could be a lot of trouble for Mikey.

Indeed it looks like trouble as Kole has dragged Mikey to his feet while standing on the ring apron, and now he looks to suplex Stormrage through the table! Kole attempts to lift Mikey....but Mikey blocks it, potentially only by the sheer amount of dead weight Kole is attempting to lift right now! Kole tries again, this time lifting Mikey off his feet...but only a little bit before Mikey lands back on his feet in the ring, and hits a couple punches to the ribs to make Kole let go of him. Mikey stumbles to the middle of the ring as Kole follows him into the ring...but Mikey charges him, taking him down with a running crossbody block! Kole goes down and for the first time since the very beginning, it looks like Mikey has taken control of the match!

Mikey gets back to his feet, and asses the situation in and around the ring, with various weapons scattered around, before getting an idea, and throwing the chair still in the ring to the center, before dropping Kole as he gets up with a uranage onto it! Kole yells in pain as his spine connects square on the chair but Mikey isn't done yet, as he bounces off the ropes and hits a running senton onto the chest of Kole! Mikey now chooses to pin as he covers Kole for a pin attempt.! Kole kicks out!

Mikey gets to his feet and debates grabbing the kendo stick, but shakes his head instead and kicks it out of the ring, waiting for Kole to get up, before connecting with a Falcon Punch! Kole drops again and Mikey covers for another pin attempt, could he have it won now? Referee Morse counts 1...2...No! Kole kicks out again!

Cohen: Mikey has the momentum going his way, but Kole isn't done yet!

Connor: He is surviving the onslaught right now, but if he wants to win he's going to need to stop the onslaught.

Mikey now gets to his feet, and yells out "GAME OVER!" as he stalks Kole, waiting for him to get up. Kole slowly stumbles to his feet, and Mikey grabs him, looking to connect with the Game Over...but Kole counters into a small package pin! Is he going to steal the Mayhem Championship!? 1....2....No! Mikey escapes!

Kole gets to his feet first, but only by a few seconds and he quickly attempts to hit May I Take Your Order?, but Mikey ducks it, and wraps his arms around Kole, looking for the Live Mas Slam...but Kole blocks it with a knee to the groin! Mikey slowly drops to his knees, and Kole smirks as he pushes him over. Instead of going for a pin however, Kole rolls Mikey out onto the ring apron right near the table, it seems he's looking for the kill shot right here! Kole takes a couple steps back and waits for Stormrage to get up, as he slowly pulls himself up after recovering from the low blow, but as he gets up, Kole connects with May I Take Your Order?, which drops Mikey to the floor and through the table! Mikey lands hard on the floor, laying in broken pieces of table as Kole yells at the fans, saying how he's about to beat their favorite champion!

Cohen: Well stop taunting the fans and finish the job!

Connor: I agree he's wasting time, he needs to get Mikey back in the ring and pin him, I do think if he can do that fast enough he is going to become the Mayhem Champion though, Mikey hasn't moved since falling through the table.

Indeed Mikey is still laying in the same position he landed in after the fall, as Kross yells at Kole to end it, and finally he exits the ring, slowly dragging Mikey to his feet, and after dragging over 360 pounds up, he pushes it into the ring. Kole slides into the ring now and covers Mikey for a pin, hooking the leg and we might just have a new Mayhem Champion right here! 1.....2......NO! Mikey grabs the bottom rope!

Cohen: Unbelievable! How is he still able to have the sense to grab the rope!?

Connor: It might be the delay Kole had in getting him back in the ring, but he needs to come up with something else to end this match if he wants to win.

Kole looks surprised and angry as he sees Mikey holding the ropes, and quickly stomps on his hand multiple times, forcing him to release his grip on the ropes. Kole now exits the ring, grabbing the chair Toyota used earlier, and slides back into the ring with it and places it on the chest of Mikey, he seems to have another wicked idea! Kole goes out onto the ring apron, and climbs up to the top rope, and dives off, looking for Airbourne Arrogance....NO! Mikey gets out of the way, and Kole slams elbow first into the chair with no reward! Kole rolls around in pain on the mat holding his elbow as Mikey gets back to his feet, shaking out the cobwebs from his head, and as Kole slowly gets up, Mikey quickly grabs him in a Coquina Clutch, and drops to the mat wrapping his legs in the process and even trapping the injured arm in the hold, Mikey Stormrage has locked in Random Access Mutilation! Kole tries to fight it, but the hold is cinched in, there's no escaping! Kole makes a last ditch effort to reach out to the ropes with his free arm, but he can't quite reach them! Mikey continues to deepen the hold as Kole realizes he has no choice but to tap out!

Anderson: Here's your winner, and STILL Mayhem Champion, Mikey Stormrage!
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Back from commercial break and Mikey Stormrage is still in the ring. He is still a little winded from a tough Mayhem battle, but has both of his title belts and a mic in hand.

Mikey: I want to thank everyone who has supported me through the ups and downs of my WZCW career. There was a time where I never thought I would be back in this ring, let alone competing at a high enough level to be the first dual champion in WZCW history. For the first time in a long time, I've found happiness in life, and part of that is thanks to you guys.

The crowd cheers at Stormrage's words, as cheap as they may be.

I knew when I made the decision to take on the Mayhem challenge, it would be tough but I am a fighting champion. I had a talk with Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman a few days ago and we came up with a plan for the Elite Overweight Title at Gold Rush.

Cohen: Pffft. Why are we making Elite Overweight a thing?

Connor: Let the man speak.

Mikey: I will be holding an open challenge for the title. Anyone who isn't booked in a match that night will be eligible. Who knows? Maybe some vaunted superstar from the past will show up. Maybe a hot shot rookie will try to take the title and make an instant impact. It won't be easy but I know with the support of the great WZCW fans, I will be able to prevail.

The fans cheer wildly as Stormrage poses for them.

As Matt Tastic's music hits, the crowd is confused, even Mikey himself looks a little surprised. He makes his way to the ring and rolls in. Once inside he fist bumps his friend and gets a mic.

Tastic: Look at you man, out here being a big dog. I'm impressed and happy for you. You have come a long way man, and its been great to see you come back from injury and make it to this point.

Mikey: Thanks man. I couldn't think of a better guy to go along this ride with. It gives me an idea. We did it once at Kingdom Come, let's say we do Live Mas Battle Part Two: Electric Boogaloo? This time though, we put some gold on the line.

The fans seem excited at the prospect.

Tastic: That seems like a fine idea. I talked to Becky Serra though, and we had another idea in mind. See you have two belts on your shoulders, and the titles have to be defended at each pay per view, so we decided......

The sound of mic static is heard as Tastic spikes the mic into Mikey's face and then begins to hammer away with vicious punches. He rolls away and out of the ring and get a chair from the timekeeper's area and brings it back in and continues his assault. He brings thunderous blows down on his Live Mas comrade, hitting Mikey in the back repeatedly, leaving him in a heap on the mat. He throws the chair down and grabs a mic.

Tastic: Don't get me wrong. It really sucks that I have to do this, but for too long I have been overlooked! I am a former World Champion, a Hall of Famer, and I've been regulated to curtain jerking, while you're literally breaking rules to hold two titles! And of course, no one bats an eye! While you were gone off on some bullshit journey to find yourself, I was here busting my ass trying to avenge you. Not once did you ever thank me. You just came back and stepped back into the spotlight. But that's fine. Believe it or not, I am genuinely happy for you. After all, I still see you as my best friend. But I am a pro wrestler first. And you have one title too many. So at Gold Rush, I'm going to take that spotlight back, and I'll be doing it in a Mayhem Rules match for your title!

Tastic throws the mic down and pulls out of all things, a pack of aspirin and lays them by Mikey before he exits the ring.

Cohen: Haha, yes! Finally, someone shut the fatty up! This has been a long time coming!

Connor: How are you happy over this? One of the most endearing friendships in company history just imploded before our eyes!

Cohen: Are you sure? That's not what Matt said.
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Harrys: Please welcome at this time General Manager of Meltdown, Becky Serra, General Manager of Ascension, Chuck Myles, and the Special Guest Referee for the World Title at Gold Rush, WZCW Hall of Famer, Everest!

The ring is full of journalists as well as the three suited personnel. Everest gives a polite wave to the crowd and points at the center of the ring. There, sitting on an ebony-clothed table, sits a clipboard and a golden pen. Becky smiles toothily. Chuck nods.

Myles: Thank you Harrys. For over ten years, the WZCW World Championship has been the backbone on which we have layed our foundation-

Titus comes out wearing a vintage Scooby Doo shirt and a grin across his face. He slowly makes his way down the aisle, slapping hands with a few of the front row faithful. The Hall of Famer slides into the ring where he is met with cheers. Serra sucks her teeth. Chuck Myles raises the mic to his face.

Myles: Well then, I guess we won't stand on ceremony here and just get down to busine-

King "Flex" Mussel struts out with the World Championship hanging loosely on his shoulder. He frowns at the group inside the ring while Santa Wasabi appears behind Flex with Keith Kole bringing up the rear. All three men stare dismissively at the ceremonious display before walking down the ramp. Cameras pan to the ring where Titus is pacing back and forth, preparing himself for a fight.

Flex: Cut my music. Cut it!

His music abruptly stops. Boos flood the arena. He scratches his chin, thinking it over before bringing the mic to his lips. As he talks, he acts like a man in pain.

Flex: I refuse you. I refuse you, Titus! It's my gold-given right to deny this signing. I don't care how close we are to the pay per view. It would belittle my station to main event Gold Rush against the likes of you after earlier this evening. Simply put, you don't have what it takes to face me!

He climbs the steel steps sluggishly. Titus grinds his teeth and attempt to compose himself as Flex gets inside the ring. The world champion eyes several audience members sadly. Cameras cut to a little girl crying. Flex raises a hand up, as if telling everyone to stop what they are doing.The musclebound freak glares at the contender. His gaze softens. The fans grow impatient. He places the mic close to his heart and bows his head.

Flex: ...alas, I am a generous king...and your silent shame touches me. It is Flexxxmas after all, isn't it? I suppose we could overlook this misstep. For the children.

Titus immediately gets in his face. The two exchange harsh words before Everest slips his arm between them. He takes Chuck's mic.

Everest: Let's be cordial here, gentlemen. We don't want to lose our heads before the big fight, do we?

The WZCW Universe antagonize the combatants with an uproarious cheer. Mussel makes a move as if to rush Titus, but turns right back around and mocks the audience. Titus remains unflinching, his eyes lock onto the King's every movement. Kole and Wasabi circle the outside of the ring like sharks.

Everest picks up the pen and hands it to Flex. Titus instinctively stalks the opposite side of the table, keeping tabs on the King's posse while the his opponent places their belt and mic on the table. Flex grabs the board and flips through the papers delicately. He shakes his head and picks the microphone back up.

Flex: I should really have my attorney present for this, but as a generous king I am going to trust WZCW on the legality of this contract.

He signs his name and flicks the pen at Titus's chest. It bounces back onto the table. The acclaimed actor only stares deadpan at the champion.

Everest: Titus Avison, you may now sign along the dotted line confirming that this company is not responsible for any injury you may sustain at the pay per view. Do you comply?

Titus takes the pen and quietly writes his name, crossing the t's and dotting the i with emphasis. He places the pen back on the table and turns to leave. Keith Kole and Santa Wasabi jump up onto the apron, blocking his exit.

Serra: Can we have some decorum, please? Mr. Kole, Mr. Toyota, stand aside so that he may vacate the premises.

King Mussel gets Titus's attention by tugging at his shoulder. The veteran feels his touch and belts him in the mouth! Mussel staggers as his cronies make their way inside. Both General Managers and the journalists scurry to escape, knocking the table over and with it, the contracts. It's trampled over as Security wastes no time separating the four; Everest keeps Titus at bay.

Titus shoves Everest, and Everest shoves back. The two HoFers stare daggers before King Mussel tears away and clubs Titus across the neck with the title - Titus unwillingly launches Everest out of the ring! Kole bowls over staff and assists Mussel a Double Powerbomb! The collision with the canvas knocks the air out of his lungs. Wasabi uses his body as a battering ram, clearing a path. Kole grabs hold of Titus's leg and drags him towards the ropes. Flex picks a mic up from the mat, only to throw it back down seconds later.

Flex: Your King demands a sacrifice! To their gluttonous altar!

His men raise a reluctant Titus above their shoulders. They carry the icon up the runway towards the curtains. Cameramen hurry to catch up to the spectacle as the live audience chant for Avison to battle out. King Mussel hears this, and turns towards the crowd. He gives them a deep bow before entering the gorilla position.

Down the hallways of the building, passing several doors, is a large room being prepped for a post-show holiday banquet. "O Come All Ye Faithful" plays from a laptop's playlist in a corner. Catering finishes up getting various cakes and sandwiches to the dining tables when King Mussel enters. He snaps his fingers and they dart off, knowing something is about to go down. Right as his men pass the doorway, Titus bellows and tries wriggling free. He does and brawls with Keith Kole and Wasabi. Flex barks orders at his posse...Titus pushes Wasabi Toyota into a banquet table, and it collapses immediately under his weight! Santa Wasabi is covered in confections, and cannot bring himself back to his feet. Kole and Titus go blow-for-blow while Flex lifts a Christmas Tree and throws it across the room, smacking them both off of their feet. Titus stays relentless, pulling an ornament off of the fake spruce, crawling out from under the tinsel, and making a wild dash for Flex.

The bulk of WZCW's security grabs hold of Titus - he uses the ornament hook to cut King Mussel's face open! Mussel clutches his forehead, throwing blind right-hand punches all around him. Security busily restrain the champion and Everest tackles Titus to the floor. The two struggle before more officers arrive to aid Everest. Titus laughs hysterically. From the pandemonium nobody could hear Titus shout to Flex from the ruined carpet.

Titus: A Merry Christmas to all; God bless us, every one!

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Ech: Opening, segments
Spidey: Segments
Lee: Dirk vs Zhanshi
Matrix: Mayhem Title
Yaz: Titus vs Annie, segments

Hope you guys enjoy the show. The boards will be up before the holiday, but keep in mind the extended deadline due to the upcoming holidays. Good luck to all at Gold Rush!
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