Ascension 130

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

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Cohen: Welcome to the Target center in Minneapolis where we're promised another great Ascension. I'm Jack Cohen and with me is Cat Connor.

Connor: I'm looking forward to a fun night Jack, as we approach R-Awakening there's a lot going on.

Cohen: Yes! The boss is here!

Connor: I wonder what Chuck Myles has to say.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the General Manager of Ascension. Chuck Myles!

It is quite the ovation for Myles as the crowd cheer with many declaring “They're not worthy” as he saunters to the ring with a huge smile on his face.

Myles: Well isn't it good to be in Minneapolis? I knew you'd enjoy that but I've got more to add for you.

The crowd obviously cheer to this.

Myles: With R-Awakening fastly approaching I thought it was time to give you some more matches. Firstly, as confirmed midweek, Garth Black will be taking on Titus Avison. I'm sure the two ego's will enjoy each other!

To add to it a HUGE matchup is added. Former world champion Kagura will take on the man who has made a big change in the former Triple X...Xander! Both will be looking to get their names back on the up and what a perfect time to do it before Gold Rush?

The crowd starts chanting for more!

Myles: You want more? Well I've given a Mayhem title match to someone but that's a surprise for now. That's it really, no one else to mention.

Cohen: Here's the Elite Openweight Champion.

Connor: She does not look impressed.

Callie makes her way into the ring, belt around her waist.

Callie: Once again, Chuck, you neglect your Champion.

The crowd boo at this.

Callie: Your three time Elite champion. Yet here you are giving matches left, right and center and you neglect me? Yes you announced me against that horrible fat Stormrage but you did it on I am your champion, I demand respect. A one on one match? I'll pin him tonight to show you how easy it is. Give me some pizazz deserving of a title match.

Myles: You want it a bit more glitzy? FINE! You will take on Mikey Stormrage at R-Awakening...inside a steel cage match!

The crowd go nuts at this as Myles walks off leaving Clark frustrated in the ring as we head to commercial.
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Backstage we see Mikey Stormage talking to Titus Avison.

Mikey: I must say it was nice of you to sort out Tastics bill. He should be ready for Vega at R-Awakening.

Titus: Are you ready?

Mikey: For?

Titus: Let's be honest, a cage match won't suit you due to your erm...

Mikey: Fear of heights? Although you have Black.

Titus: Everywhere I've been the last week he's been there.

Right on cue Garth Black appears out of nowhere.

Black: Ah the great Titus Avison, the man who changes his mind more than Mikey goes to Taco Bell. I know your game, you'll be nicey nicey to people. Maybe get a World Title Match whilst I get neglected, again! I defeated Kagura and it's just gone into a so what by the brass. Now they give me you? I'll show you for what you are.

Black gets in the face of Titus as their foreheads touch.

Black: I will end your legend just you wait.

Black walks off and the camera shows Titus who is seething. Mikey is obviously just about to make a joke but Avison storms off.
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Harrys: This contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Palm Springs, CA, weighing 175 pounds, Alice “Baby Doll” Adams!!!

Alice walks slowly forward in a burlesque robe. She makes an innocent, pouty face and stands still at the ramp. Finding her rhythm, Baby Doll rotates her hips and slowly unties the front of her wardrobe – exposing her shoulders. As soon as the robe plummeted to the floor, her expression became one of cold arrogance. She glided down the ring in beat to her theme music. Once inside the ring she caresses the front of her hips, legs, until finally bending forward to reach her clean boots. She rises up, gives the fans a wink, and blows a kiss to the front row.

Connor: Well now, this new blood likes giving us a show.

Cohen: Eccentrics come and go in WZCW. Too often they’re just cocky, but sometimes there’s a diamond in the rough. Maybe there’s something here with Alice Adams, but we're gonna have to wait and see.

The performer leans against a turnbuckle, smiling for the cameras.

Harrys: And her opponent-

The lights shut off. A female voice speaks up.

From Manchester, England

Weighing 125 pounds

The Eye of Annie Is Always Watching


As soon as the lights come back on, Annie Halloway is seen with her back turned. She raises her arms outright, posing silently. She twirls around and struts down the runway, not bothered by the fans who try to high-five her. She gives them quick glances before focusing on Alice Adams, who beckons to her from a corner of the ring. Annie shouts inaudibly at her, slapping her own chest and pointing at the floor. Alice Adams mocks Annie by raising her own arms into the air. Halloway slides in and begins pummeling Baby Doll.

Katie Shepard signals for the bell to ring and stands by as Annie lifts Alice her to her feet before executing a vicious Sitout Jawbreaker. Adams cradles the side of her face, dumbfounded at Annie’s agility. Annie continues to mount her offense by grabbing one of Alice’s shapely legs and applying a Single-Legged Boston Crab. The burlesque dancer squirms and winces at the jolt of pain. Annie begins mouthing off to her, telling her that her line of work is obscene. Adams tries to rock back and forth on her sides, but Annie sits down on the limb. Clearly agitated, Baby Doll’s face goes red. She clutches her own hair in frustration.

Connor: She’s showing her inexperience here. No matter how expertly crafted a submission hold is, you must keep going – battle out, grab at the ropes, something. Baby Doll’s debut can come to a screeching halt here.

Cohen: It’s too early to say all that. Far as you know, this is just making Alice angry.

Baby Doll pushes herself up and crawls on her hands to reach the bottom rope. Annie releases her grip and stomps her back until Katie reached “4” in her Five Count. Annie backs away with a smirk on her face. Alice Adams struggles to get to her feet, using the ropes to pull herself off the ground. She grits her teeth, and stares daggers at her opponent. The hacker motions for the performer to come at her.

Alice sprints across the ring and catches Annie with a flying Back Elbow! Annie tumbles out of the ring but holds on to the middle rope. Baby Doll runs the ropes and dropkicks Annie off the apron, making her opponent land hard onto the outside. Expressing her confidence, Baby Doll struts around the squared circle, waving to the WZCW Universe. Annie quickly gets back up, and slides inside. Alice wraps her arm around Annie’s head, and executes a DDT. Pinfall attempt is not good for three.

Halloway slaps her hand against the canvas. Baby Doll shouts "This is fun!" before giving the hacker a Swinging Neck Breaker. Another pin attempt is reversed into a Hallowed Road! As Annie was about to apply the Cattle Mutilation submission hold, Doll latches on to the ropes, breaking the lock. Annie jumps to her feet, and sends Alice Adams flying with a Spinning Heel Kick! The burlesque dancer crashes against the ropes, and she rebounds back into Annie, who holds her head under her arm. She steps onto the ropes and delivers a near-perfect Springboard Bulldog. Annie tries for a pin attempt as well, but only gets to two before Baby Doll kicks out.

Cohen: The new girl is resilient.

Connor: They are.

Both stand and exchange blows. Halloway gets the upperhand, backing Adams into the ropes. Halloway whips her across the ring, and kicks Alice in the gut. Root of All Evil aka Snapmare Piledriver plants Baby Doll in the ground. Not finished, Halloway spits at the fallen adversary and starts climbing the top rope.

When Halloway reaches the top, Baby Doll starts pulling herself up using Katie Shepard! The referee waves it off, telling her she can’t use an official as support. Seeing her opponent flail, Halloway climbs back down and reaches out for Alice. Alice grabs her arm, and pulls her in for a kiss! The arena erupts, and Adams brings her leg down onto Halloway, finishing up on The Million Dollar Dream. A third pinfall by Adams is cut short by Annie lifting her shoulders up. Annie stares wide-eyed at the burlesque dancer. Alice licks her lips.

Halloway loses her cool, landing strike after strike to the burlesque dancer. She gets her into a corner, and Irish Whips her to another with enough force it knocks Alice down on her stomach. Adams holds her back and cries in pain.

Cohen: Adams is getting to Annie, you can see it clear as day.

Connor: Enough to break the performance artists's back. Look at Baby Doll right now. This isn't Annie vs. Keith Kole. This is Annie vs. Alice, a talent that isn't above using her feminine wiles...but that psychology is costing Alice various body parts now.

Annie stalks her prey, slowly navigating towards the wounded woman. She lifts her up by the hair, staring at her maddeningly. Alice gives her another kiss, then headbutts her. Halloway staggers, and is rocked with a Discus Clothesline - Encore! Halloway falls but is rolled up into a cradled pin. As Katie Shepard goes to the ground and starts up the three count, Alice clutches a nearby rope for leverage. The bell rings and Alice flips herself out of the ring and rushes for the runway. Annie looks dumbfounded. The crowd boos Alice's means of victory.

Harrys: Here is your winner...Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!!!

She gives Annie a wink from the entrance ramp before disappearing through the curtains. Annie Halloway gazes at the canvas, trying to piece everything together.

Connor: No honor amongst thieves. Annie is no angel herself, but you better believe she won't forget this transaction. If I were Alice, I'd watch my back in the locker room. She's making enemies a bit early in her career.

Cohen: The rookie rolled the dice and it paid off. She got in Annie's head and stayed there. Clean or not, this wasn't the genius's night. Unorthodoxy won it for the dancer.

Annie looks up and sneers at the crowd before the commercial break.

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Backstage Kagura is lacing up her boots when a knock comes at the door. A few moments later, Stacey Madison enters.

Stacey: Kagura, do you have any thoughts on your opponent later tonight, Tony Mancini?

Kagura doesn't respond, she simply stands and looks at Stacey. She reaches out to Stacey, who recoils, but Kagura was simply reaching for her belt.

Stacey: Can you even understand me?

Kagura just clips her belt in place and stares back at Stacey.

Stacey: I don't supposed you have any thoughts on the announcement you will be facing the newly christened Xander at R-Awakening?

Kagura stares into the camera but says nothing. Stacey begins to walk away, but Kagura grabs her shirt and pulls her back and pulls the mic to her face.

Kagura: Triple X kill Xander.....Kagura....kill....Xander!

The camera zooms in on Kagura's face, who slowly gives an evil grin.
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Cohen: Last week Kole made his debut losing to Holloway but his seeming alliance with Baby Doll will either help or hinder him.

Connor: It's a great opportunity for both men, one is the Mayhem champion and the other looking for a break.

Cohen: That and there's always some sort of unpredictability.

Anderson: The following match is a non-Mayhem, non-title match scheduled for one fall.

Anderson: Please welcome PC Stevie Broon!

Cohen: Not this guy!

Stevie Broon walks down to the ring and sits down at commentary.

Connor: Welcome Stevie, what brings you here?

Broon: Yah ken wit ah did? Ah chapped on Myles and he wus like see you Stevie aye you can have a bash ae the Mayhem title.

Cohen: What?

Broon: Me. That big daftie. R-Awakening. Mayhem title match. Yah ken?

Connor: Kenneth Banks?

As the music starts the arena lights dim slightly. At the fifteen second mark Keith comes out in a flashy robe and arrogantly walking out onto the stage. His manager Kassandra follows behind, hiding her face in her hands, embarrassed at Keith's confidence. Keith struts to the ring, singing along to the music as he walks up the steps, stepping into the ring and standing in the middle of the ring arms outstretched head up in arrogance as Kassandra watches on from the floor.

Anderson: Introducing first from San Diego, CA, weighing 235 pounds, Keith Kole!

Broon: Pure Whopper dis bloke!

Cohen: I think he works for McDonald’s not Burger King.

Connor: Quite the air of arrogance for him though.

Cohen: Not sure where it's come from really, can't have got it from Logan McAllister.

As Harald's music hits, the gorilla position begins to flash blue and gold, as the screen backdrop displays a lion emerging from flames. Harald, wearing a navy hoodie, with a pair of small Swedish flags attached to the back, emerges, and strolls hastily to the ring, a stern, determined expression on his face. He slides under the bottom rope, and removes his hoodie, throwing it into the crowd. He then roars at the audience, raising both of his arms in the air, much to their delight.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Gothenburg, Sweden, standing at 6'7 and weighing in tonight at 303 pounds, the reigning Mayhem Champion, Harald Var Krigare!

Connor: You can't deny how impressive he is.

Broon: Yah cannae say tha. Big Ronnie Mac fae Darvel towers owa him and ah always had am doon tha polis station.

Cohen: I know cannae. I learnt that when we were in Newcastle, it means it was really good.

Broon: Naw it dusnae.

Katie Shepard calls for the bell as Var Krigare immediately hits The Kraken. The Brogue kick knocks Kole straight to the mat. HVK covers him. 1...2...3!

Cohen: Welp!

Broon: That dusnae look good!

Kole rolls out the ring shouting at Shepard that he wasn't ready, it doesn't matter as the bell has been rung.

Anderson: The winner of this match by pinfall...Harald Var Krigare!

Kole storms up the ramp looking a bit annoyed hoping to get his chance at the Mayhem champion again in the future. HVK holds the Mayhem title above his head as PC Stevie Broon enters the ring. He points at Var Krigare and then the belt. The crowd go crazy for this.

Connor: It looks like PC Stevie Broon is going for the Mayhem title.

Cohen: If only he told us that when he was sat with us.
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A few backstage workers walk past as the camera pans to see Keith Kole walking back through the curtain after his loss. Alice "Baby Doll" Adams walks up to him, still in her ring gear. She gives him a hug.

Kole: Tonight, you put us on the map girl. No more cheap clubs, no more grease burns. Just limos and VIP clubs. Tonight was a fluke.

Adams: Computer nerd was the first step. Next we are gonna set you on a path straight to gold. That Mayhem Title would look pretty good around your waist. Before that, we need to make sure you are still okay after that match.

Adams leans in seductively to Kole.

Adams: I'll look pretty good wearing nothing in our hotel room after I win.

Kole gets an excited look on his face. He begins to wave his arms.

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Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first....

Anderson: Making her way to the ring from Ise, Mie, Japan weighing 145 pounds Kagura!

As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, representing the petals of many cherry blossoms falling through the air. A fine mist appears on the stage. She walks down the ramp through the mist, and ascends the stairs, entering between the middle ropes. Afterwards she bows to the side of the hard camera, and awaits her opponent.

Connor: Oh no! No, what is that no good Mancini doing?!

Tony Mancini has slipped in the ring silently behind Kagura and attacks her with a double axe handle, dropping her to the canvas! The crowds boo as Mancini stomps away at her while referee Morse tries to haul him away, Gino is egging on the crowd on the outside of the ring, rubbing his fingers under his chin and flicking them at the crowd in a rude Italian gesture.

Cohen: I call that, getting an early advantage Cat, ha ha! Tony is no dummy, he knows Kagura will want this match to go on, even if she's hurt. Too much foolish pride.

Connor: Yes! That's it girl! She's on her feet and boy does she look mad! She's pointing at Tony now, fury in her eyes. I don't think that was a good plan by Mancini here after all.

Referee double checks Tony for illegal objects, he then turns to Kagura and looks closely at her eyes to see if she's O.K to continue, Gino quickly reaches in the ring and slips something inside Tony's pant line. Morse turns and signals for the bell.

Tony stretches his neck, then pulls on the top ropes to stretch his arms, but Kagura is on the attack early! She wails at his shoulder and back with furious palm strikes and a chop to the back of his neck. Tony falls then rolls out of the ring, he's pissed and yells at the ref to keep her back. He rubs his neck and says something to Gino, Tony climbs the steel steps, then tells the ref to keep Kagura back as he climbs back in the ring. They circle each other and get into a collar and elbow tie up. Tony throws her down quickly then drops an elbow but she rolls out of the way, Kagura grabs his arm and falls into a quick arm bar submission lock! Tony lets out a roar then hooks his legs around the bottom rope to break the hold. Gino grabs Tony and rolls him out of the ring, he curses at the ref and says something about Kagura cheating so much.

Connor: Come on, get him out of here ref. He's already hid an object in Tony's pants, he's rolling him out of the ring to get away from her, he should be tossed from the arena in my opinion!

Cohen: That is Tony Mancini's manager Cat! Why should he be tossed when he's getting paid to be out here and manage? I'd give Gino a raise for his efforts!

Tony climbs through the ropes, he runs and swings at Kagura but the shrine maiden dodges and gives him a shuffle side kick to the hip, then spins around with a foot sweep taking Tony off of his feet. Kagura grabs Tony's wrist and applies a painful finger lock on all his fingers. The mobster's eyes go wide, he desperately tries to reach for the ropes with his other hand but she moves her knee to block his path, he bites down hard on her thigh, Kagura releases the hold and rubs her leg. Tony nails her with a hard forearm to the face, then scoops her up for a bodyslam, he adjusts her in mid air then throws her straight up while grabbing her in a headlock, he falls fast to the mat for a hard bulldog! He hooks her leg....1....2..... Kagura kicks out! Tony smashes her with an elbow to the face, he then picks her up by the hair, he throws her off of the ropes then clobbers her with a Tilt-a-whirl Slam. He covers her again, but she kicks out before 1. Tony lifts her up by the hair, he quickly plants her down with a vicious DDT that draws a cheer from Gino. Tony hops to his feet, he's confident and gloating about his toughness. He climbs the turnbuckle and does the same rude Italian gesture Gino did earlier.

Connor: Tony is really rubbing these people the wrong way. I don't blame them either.

Tony walks over and punts Kagura in the stomach, causing her to roll over and groan. He grabs her hair and hauls her to her feet again. He yells in her face then swings her for a neckbreaker, but Kagura spins out of it and jumps on his back, she applies a deep sleeper lock! Tony's face turns red immediately as he walks around the ring, clawing at the air. After a moment, he drops down to his rear, Kagura bobs her head as she applies the hold as hard as she can, she wraps her legs around Tony's hips to try and squeeze more air out of him. Gino yells out something in Italian, Tony's half closed eyes seem to brighten at the words, he reaches in his pants out of the view of referee Morse, he puts on the brass knuckles, he flattens one of Kagura's feet then slams his fist right on her toes! Kagura screams and releases the hold, she rolls around the ring holding her foot, Morse comes over to ask what happened while Tony quickly throws the brass knuckles out of the ring. He gets to his feet, Kagura limps towards him but he stomps her on the bad foot with no mercy, she falls and grabs it again. He swats her hand off of her foot then drops a knee right on it. Tony walks to a corner across the ring and waits for Kagura, she's in a lot of discomfort but manages to make it to her feet. Tony charges across the ring for his Il Siluro Italiano gore but she rolls out of the way and Tony crashes hard into the ring post through the turnbuckles! Kagura grabs him and hits Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto wrist clutch exploder suplex! The crowds pop for that one, Gino senses the end coming so he jumps up on the apron, Kagura spits red mist right in his eyes causing him to fall to the mats!

Connor: Yes! That'll teach him !

Cohen: That wasn't called for Cat! Gino was just trying to show the ref something on his phone!

Tony staggers to his feet, Kagura immediately hits him with the two fisted heart punch! The Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami drops him quickly and she falls on him for the cover...1....2....3!

Anderson: The winner of this match, by pinfall, Kagura!

The crowds cheer as Kagura celebrates in the ring, Tony rolls to the outside to regroup with Gino. Kagura continues to rub her sore foot and smiles for her fans.

Kagura ended that one in precise fashion after hitting Tony with a second dance Jack.

Cohen: Tony Mancini and Gino had a clear battle plan coming into this match, it nearly worked. Mark Keaton better be careful of these two going forward. This match could have turned out differently if Tony hadn't nearly knocked himself out hitting the ringpost.

Connor: Well don't go anywhere folks, there's more WZCW action coming up next!
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Leon Kensworth is standing by for an interview, but he looks puzzled.

Leon: Well ladies and gentlemen, we were supposed to have an interview with Annie Halloway but it appears.....

Suddenly a nearby monitor begins to flicker and Halloway's face appears.

Halloway: Sorry Leon, but I had pressing matters to attend to that required my presence elsewhere. So for now, this will have to do.

Leon: Last week you scored a win in your WZCW debut, but this week you fell victim to some underhanded tactics. Do you have any thoughts?

Halloway: I was very happy to pick up the win over Kole last week. I think I had the match tonight won, but that cheap stripper had to resort to cheating. I know I'm the better girl. Some McDonald's reject and his second shift stripper aren't going to keep me down. I have a few tricks up my sleeve next time they pop up. Maybe I tell Kole there is a crate of szechuan sauce out back. Maybe I hack Annie's phone and text her that the ninety nine cent panty bin at Rue Twenty One has been restocked. I'll make sure I get my revenge.
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The following contest is a special Triple Threat contest set for one fall!!

Introducing first, from Southwestern Puerto Rico, Mikey Stormrage!!

Connor: Following the #1 Contenders match and Matt Tastic’s injury, Mikey Stormrage decided to go after the Elite Openweight title. Or after Callie Clark’s bathroom. One or the other.

Cohen: Hang on. What?! I’m gonna assume its the title he’s after. But tonight he has a real challenge. Not only does he have to face the Champion, but also Titus Avison.

Mikey Stormrage makes his way down the aisle with his fist stretched out towards the fans before entering the ring.

From Keystone City, Kansas, he is Titus Avison!!

Cohen: The fact that this is not Titus vs Callie Clark bothers me. It makes me mad towards Stormrage for being in this.

Connor: Titus looks to warm up here tonight as he has Garth Black at the R-Awakening Pay-Per-View and he has two very game opponents to warm up with.

Titus walks down the aisle. The crowd seems very positive to see him but he’s not very receptive.

And finally, from New York City, she is the WZCW Elite Openweight Champion, Callie Clark!!

Callie Clark stands on the top of the ramp and proudly raises her Championship belt high above before placing it around her waist and making her way down the aisle.

Connor: This may be Callie Clark’s biggest test even though the title is not on the line as she must face two former World Champion Hall Of Famers at once.

Cohen: And she will prevail because for all their accomplishments, she’s the one who is currently a Champion. They need to beat her. She does not need to beat them. But she will.

With all the participants set, senior oficial Jurou Akiyama orders the match to start.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Titus and Mikey are on guard, knees bent and ready for action but Callie instead chooses to show off her Championship. Titus and Mikey stop and look at her as she doesn’t back down. Instead sticking the title in their faces. Mikey grabs the title and looks at it, agitating Callie who tries to take it back. Titus just stands there as Callie tries to reach for her title but can’t. She turns to Titus and starts to yell at him to attack Mikey. Titus just looks at her crossarmed but something she says catches his ear as she motions for a kick. Loudly yelling “Kick him low! It’s legal!”. Mikey drops the title, seemingly horrified by her words and she slaps Mikey across the face. Using the ropes, she elevates herself and with a Headscissor Takedown sends him outside. Titus looks on impressed and clapping as the smaller Champion was able to send the larger opponent outside. She mouths off to Titus and grabs his arm before Judo Throwing him over herself. The impact causes Titus to roll outside.

Cohen: Look at Callie standing up to these two big men like that. How powerful she is on the inside.

Connor: It looks more like she’s just antagonizing them. Nobody doubts her ability to wrestle. But her attitude is another story.

With both men outside and close to each other, Clark looks for some momentum, bouncing off the ropes and dashes across the ropes to the outside for a Tope Suicida. She does make contact with the move but ends up caught by the two men rather effortlessly. She finds herself held by them as they seem rather perplexed with their next move. So they just drop her. She falls flat facedown and thuds on the ground while Titus and Mikey return to the ring, staring each other down. They begin to exchange words and measure with a good old traditional collar and elbow tie up. They bend, push and pull, looking for that opening that will let them take control. Titus is the first to act, executing a set of Arm Drags before stopping with a short Armbar. Holding Mikey down. But the big man refuses to stay down and little by little manages to get back to his feet. He inverts the Armbar into a Hammerlock, standing behind Titus as he holds his arm behind his back before grabbing the neck with a Cravate and executing a Snapmare. He holds Titus down with said Cravate, applying pressure to the neck as he twists it awkwardly but Titus also refuses to stay down. He gets up and suddenly Callie re-appears, springboarding off the top rope for a Missile Dropkick that knocks both men down.

Connor: Titus and Stormrage made a big mistake by forgetting about Clark there. Now she’s in control.

Titus rolls out of the ring as Callie begins to kick away at Stormrage’s leg. Each kick having more hatred to it than the last. Mikey tries to get away but Callie keeps kicking away. He catches one and retaliates with a Backbreaker, driving Callie back first onto his knee and goes for a cover but almost right away, Titus returns pulling Mikey out of the ring and drives him against the barricade. He thrusts his shoulder against Mikey over and over with Mikey’s back bouncing off the barricade but Mikey powers through surprises Titus with a Hip Toss, dropping him flatly on the ringside floor. Titus’ back thuds off the ground as Mikey collapses next to him. As that happens, Garth Black appears on the stage. The crowd boo’s as he marches down the aisle holding a steel chair.

Connor: Oh no. What is he doing here? He cannot have good intentions with that chair in hand.

Garth makes it to ringside and places the chair. He peeks to look at Titus before sitting down and crossing his arms.

Cohen: He’s doing nothing but watching, Cat. That’s all.

The two try to get back to their feet, holding on to each other, but in the background, Callie steps onto the ring apron. She stands looking away from her opponents waiting for the right moment and once she finds it, she leaps off the ropes with an Asaii Moonsault, landing on top of Mikey and Titus and knocking them down. The crowd right in front cheers on loudly as she yells at them as if to say that’s how it’s done.

Connor: She tried it again and this time it worked. Both men taken out in one fell swoop at ringside.

Cohen: You doubted her. There you go.

Callie grabs Titus and tosses him in the ring. He gets back to his feet, spotting Garth and gets distracted watching him. Back to Callie, she shoves Mikey away mockingly before rolling back into the ring. She kicks Titus in the ribs, snapping him away from his distraction but he gets back up and shoots back with a forearm that sends her staggering before turning back to Garth and mouthing off to him.

Connor: Titus is getting way too distracted with Garth at ringside.

Cohen: That’s his own fault. He doesn’t have to pay attention to Garth.

Callie turns back and hits a Spinning Back Fist which sends Titus staggering towards the ropes and as he comes back, he hits a Kesagiri Chop as we cut to see Garth clapping sarcastically at ringside. Callie again staggers back and bounces off the ropes. She tries a Pele Kick but Titus manages to catch it as Callie flips backward. Titus attempts the Ankle Lock but Callie tries to get to the ropes. She reaches them as referee Akiyama counts for the rope break. Garth from ringside yells at Titus to let go but he mouths back at Garth, still holding on to Callie’s leg. He places her back on her feet with a reverse bearhug and hits a Reverse DDT. He quickly makes the cover without even hooking the leg. 1……….. 2………. 3-But Mikey jumps in and breaks it up. The three stand now facing each other with Callie once again mouthing off. Mikey suddenly storms out of the ring as the other two look on confused. Mikey stops right next to Garth and asks.

Mikey: The hell are you doing here?

Garth shrugs and Mikey just goes by and grabs a microphone and taps on it to see if it’s on.

Mikey: OK. I have to ask. What is your deal with telling Titus to grab my junk?! Does that turn you on or something?!

Cohen: How can this clown be allowed to act this way in front of a live crowd?

Connor: I’m kinda curious myself as to why she’s so obsessed with that idea.

Cohen: Don’t enable him!

Mikey gets on the apron and Callie herself tries to kick him but Mikey steps down. Titus from behind grabs Callie and throws her over the ropes and she falls on top of Mikey who catches her. The two stumble and end up falling over the announce table with Connor and Cohen getting out of the way. Garth stares at Titus who returns the favor. The two trade words.

Cohen: This match is actually trying to hurt me!

Connor: You’ll be fine. Titus on the other hand continues to be distracted by Garth’s presence.

Callie kicks Mikey away and drags herself out of the heap. She grabs her Championship and takes it to the ring and takes a wild swing a Titus but misses and the title falls out. Titus hits a pair of chops but Callie shoots back with a kick to the shin but Titus replies with a Swinging Neckbreaker. He takes the chance and goes for the cover. 1……. 2……. 3-But Callie kicks out. Titus sees Mikey getting back to the ring but he dashes towards him to knock him out but Mikey intecepts with a forearm to stop him. Mikey then snaps Titus’ neck off the ropes and gets back into the ring. He grabs Titus and hits a Uranage, planting Titus in the center of the ring. Right away, Mikey leaps into the air and hits a big Senton on top of Titus and stays there for a cover. 1………… 2………. 3-But Callie breaks it up. She runs the ropes but Mikey grabs her and Military Presses her. He drops Callie face down on top of the prone Titus. Mikey steps away, not realizing his mistake as the referee Jurou Akiyama drops to the canvas and starts to count. 1……….. 2………….. 3-But Mikey realizes what she did and pulls her off Titus and drops her aside. Callie’s face reads of pure annoyance as Mikey throws her off as if she was a cat on the couch. She falls face down but off the impact she rolls face up. Titus gets back up and surprises Mikey with a Springboard Bulldog which drives Mikey facedown to the canvas, but also falling on top of Callie. Before Titus can get up, Jurou Akiyama is right there on the canvas. 1………….. 2………… 3-But Titus pushes Mikey off Callie. Garth facepalms at how Titus almost cost himself the match. Titus and Mikey stagger and fall on their knees where they start exchanging blows. As they do that, Callie gets back up, looking furious and hits both at once with a Double Clothesline.

Connor: Things seem to be getting back in order, thankfully.

Cohen: Oh, really now?! How so? Because now they’re actually trying to wrestle?

Callie mounts the offense with a series of Slingblades. One to Mikey. One to Titus. Both are slammed down against the canvas over and over as Callie builds up the momentum. Titus tries a Heel Kick but Callie manages to duck it but as soon as she does that, Mikey catches her and hits a Fallaway Slam. Titus is on his feet and Mikey grabs him, throwing Titus with an Exploder Suplex. The design of the maneuver leads to Titus landing back first on top of Callie. Titus rolls over and ends up draped on the ropes. Garth stands up from his chair and just smugly stares at Titus, taunting him. Garth piefaces Titus who comes to and looks at Garth furiously.

Connor: Oh, that is not a good idea.

Cohen: Why not? It’s legal.

Mikey doesn’t waste time though and grabs Titus before he can follow up on Garth’s actions. MikeyHe tosses into the air for the Falcon Punch but Titus manages to avoid it, pushing himself away and hits the Spinning Heel Kick he was looking for earlier. Titus goes up to the top rope and quickly leaps with a Clothesline to Mikey but as he lands, Callie also is on the ropes and leaps, hitting him with a Flying DDT as the crowd is surprised by the quick succession of moves. She gets on top of Titus and hooks the leg. 1……. 2……...-but Titus kicks out. Right away she crawls towards Mikey and tries to hook his leg. She can’t. So she just does a Lateral Press. 1……… 2……….But Mikey kicks out. So Callie pokes him in the eye. She gets up and goes to the top rope, looking for the Calliesault but when she looks for a target, but Titus and Mikey are out of the way. Titus goes towards her and seeing her facing towards, them, throws her with a Huracanrana. Mikey, who was covering his eye, see’s her coming and catches her before she can impact the canvas. He tries the Live Mas Slam but once again, Callie pokes the eye and he drops her. Titus surprises Mikey with a Tit Drop and quickly goes to the top rope for the Red Comet but he see’s Garth Black standing right by. Instead, he opts to leap onto Garth on the outside, taking Garth out along with himself with the Red Comet as the crowd buzzes in awe. Callie sees Titus out of the ring and runs up the ropes, flies with the Calliesault and hits Mikey, making the cover. 1………. 2………...3!!

Here is your winner, the WZCW Elite Openweight Champion, Callie Clark!!

Cohen: Wow!! What an ending! Callie Clark perseveres!!

Connor: I’m not gonna lie. That was impressive. She may have stolen that victory from Titus but she managed to win it. She won the match.

Cohen: Stolen? He gave it up to go after Garth!

Mikey rolls out of the ring, frustrated by the result as Titus lies by ringside with Garth, both men down. Referee Jurou Akiyama raises Callie Clarks arm who is excited. She exclaims to have her title returned as a stagehand brings it in and she swipes it off his hand. Other stagehands and EMT’s go to check on Titus and Garth on the outside. The two get back to their feet and start brawling as the ringside crew tries to break them up and take them away.

Connor: Garth Black may have distracted Titus but at the same time, Callie Clark was able to defeat two Hall Of Fame wrestlers at the same time. A very impressive outing for her here tonight. I gotta imagine Mikey Stormrage is feeling very frustrated right now. As for Garth and Titus, this is getting out of control with these two.

Cohen: Well, of course Mikey lost. He failed to take this match seriously enough. Meanwhile, Titus let himself get distracted easily. I did not think he was so undisciplined.

Connor: Are you sure about that? But either way, that does it for us here tonight. Goodnight fans and see you next time.
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Lee: Intro, Mikey/Titus segment, HVK v Kole
Spidey: Baby Doll v Halloway
KJ: Titus v Callie v Stormrage
Yaz: Pretty much every other segment
Jeff: Kagura v Mancini
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